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10 months ago

Z Broly appreciation post

Z Broly Appreciation Post
Z Broly Appreciation Post

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10 months ago

Always always love hearing the VAs give it their all

Always Always Love Hearing The VAs Give It Their All
Always Always Love Hearing The VAs Give It Their All
Always Always Love Hearing The VAs Give It Their All
Always Always Love Hearing The VAs Give It Their All

I can just hear these

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11 months ago

Rest in peace toriyama, your manga, anime and everything you've built along the journey of your life was a wonderful adventure.

We'll miss you.

robin-winterly - Just Lil' chilly me!

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11 months ago
doctorestheim - Cammy✨️

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7 months ago

Entitled Bitch (PT4 Of Goku x V Daughter)

    =Warning of Violence, Child Abuse, cursing, and mention of sex, NonCon but not actrally, mention of slave= Goku x Vegetas daughter Pt3

"MANA HELPP" Y/n and Goku where both snapped from there lovers look at the call that came from Goten, "LET GO OF ME!!" They where both making there way where to Goten was calling from, There in the arms of a furies Bulma was Trunks, she was holding him by his shirt collar. "How dare to speak of matters you have not business in" Bulma hissed. Trunks could escape but not without hurting the woman, so he continued to struggle and held nothing but hatred in his eyes. "I can talk about my mama as I please" He resorted back. The two accessed the situation, Goten was standing near the two, as Vegeta was in a corner simply observing, and Chi-Chi had found her way in a little after Goku and Y/N due to Goten calls. "She isn't your MOTHER" Bulma screamed shaking the boy, "WHY CAN'T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD??" She was red in the face, "SHE IS MY MOTHER!!! SHE MAY BE MY BLOOD SISTER BUT SHE'S MORE OF A MOTHER THAN YOU EVER WHERE" Trunks had tears, he hated when they talked bad about Y/N, he hated that, he hated they had any right to talk badly about this family, HIS family. Before Bulma could continue, there was a dark aura and sudden warm arm that wrapped around Trunks mid section. Both tensed with fear, "Lets have you put my son down now yea?"  she had a sick smile on and using her other hand she took a tight hold on Bulmas wrist, "Now" She squeezed causing Bulma to wince before letting go of Trunks, who was now safely in Y/N arms. The two women continued to glare at one an other, "I will not allow you to destroy what we have created" Y/N hissed, setting Trunks down and allowing him to run over to where Gohan and Goten stood. "What you created?! I created him! me and MY husband DID!" She screamed taking a shallow swing at Y/N which she easily dodged. "YOU RUINED IT ALL, STOLE MY SON FROM ME" She had tears streaming down her face, she hated Y/N but yet, she had no clue as to why. "I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU WITH MY ENTIRE BEING" She took Y/N by her collar and screamed at her face. "JUST LEAVE OR DIE!" as if there was an echo in her mind, Y/N heard those words over and over,  She never had flashbacks, she had killed the girl she was, but it wasn't Bulma screaming them... no it was her creator, her Father.

~Flash Back~

"Lord Friza, what should we do with her?" Radiz asked, holding a little Y/N in his arms, as she happily played with his hair. "Whatever you please, as long as she's fit to breed in years to come" He dismissively waved his hand. "But Sir, she'll be only 6, She's far to young" Radiz stood, protectively holding the girl close. "I don't care" Friza tail swished violently, "I want an army of Sayian hybrids, she'll have to mate with your so called prince" Radiz looked horrified, she was so young, surely he was simply joking, not really expecting Vegeta to have sex with her. "Leave my presence you filthy monkey, and insure that the prince under strands his role" Friza smack Radiz with his tail, which caused Y/N to scream. "AH" She held onto to Radiz more tightly. Friza glared at the two at screamed "JUST LEAVE OR DIE" before He began to move out of the room. She was shaking in his hold, she was smart, she understood what Friza wanted from her but she still played the innocent role. Radiz marched into the Sayians shared room, slamming the door open and startling the other two. "Radiz what the hell?" Vegeta was sitting on a chair, fighting with his scanner. "D-Did you guys know?" Radiz set Y/N down on his bed and watched with sad eyes as she crawled to the corner to keep distance from the three large men. "Know what?" Nappa asked, waking up from his nap, thinking they where under some kind of attack. "What Vegeta is expected to do with the poor girl?" Radiz saw Y/n began to shake, curled up into herself as a way of protection, she was strong, horrifically so, but she was timid, because she was fearful of the punishment that Friza would force on her. "What the hell are you talking about Radiz, and why is the brat in here?" Vegeta asked, his temper only rising. "You.. You're gonna have to mate with her" Radiz spoke in a whisper toned, being the most sympathetic of the others, he was preparing himself to protect this little girl, he would blame his mother for this weakness but he could never bring himself to hate her. "The hell did you say?" Vegeta stood glaring him. "Who the fuck said that?" Vegeta demanded, "LORD FRIZA" Radiz power lever spiked with his temper rising, Y/N let let out a squeel, running under the covers for just a little more protection. "THE HELL TO THAT, I MAY TAKE OVER PLANETS AND WORK FOR A DAMN MONSTER BUT I WILL NOT SNOOP TO THAT" Vegeta yelled, taring the blankets from Y/N as he snatched her, while she kicked and screamed, he held her firmly by her shoulders "YOU HEAR ME BRAT, HE WILL NOT CONTROL US FOR MUCH LONGER" Vegeta proclaimed, making the other Sayians nod, and Y/N looked at the man, processing his words, and held stars in her eyes, he was her savory. Was he the best to follow, no, could he betray her absolutely, but Y/N trusted Radiz and so she trusted Vegeta. However, she wasn't expecting to only have Vegeta in the end.

~ forward in time to after Vegeta and Bulma getting together ~ (I know long time skip, but hey... the other portion of this flash back is sad but if you want to know it all Comment about it and ill write it!)

"Dad, are you really... are you really dating her?" Bulma had never liked Y/N ever since she arrived and had assisted in the attempt to take over the world, but that wasn't the real reason, she was jealous of what Vegeta and Y/N where, what if they suddenly decided it was time for them to mate? what is Friza had genetically changed Y/N to crave Vegeta?? She insured her dislike for Y/N was known, and continued when Vegeta encouraged it. "I know little, but this is our safety, and she's  a very strong woman, very attractive" He was ashamed of himself, he wanted to protect his daughter, and this was the best place... but for him to actually fall for the woman was beyond either of their wildest dreams. "Listen little, to keep the woman happy, I'm gonna have to pretend to hate you," Her eyes went wide, "D-daddy what are you talking about?" She grabbed onto his arm, confused and hurt, "I love you Y/N but please understand" as he tried to explain again but Bulma walked in, "YOU WORTHLESS BRAT JUST LEAVE OR DIE" Vegeta screamed, causing Y/N to Jump and scream before running out the room in tears.

~Back to present time~

Y/N was shocked, she stood their trying to hold back tears as the memories came flooding back, "YOU CANT TALK TO HER LIKE THAT" Goten and Trunks now both stood defending Y/N... Y/N was surprised, her heart ached and her cheeks where warmed by there love. No one had ever truly stepped up to protector her, Vegeta stole her for her safety but never stood toe to toe with Friza for her. Face to face with Bulma the two kids stood, her two kids.... "That is our mother, watch you words" Goten growled. It surprised all of them, usually with an attitude so close to Goku with his carefree spirit, it surprised the others to watch his energy spike and his face to into a look of pure rage. Bulma was taken back, she was so used to having everything go her way, everyone listened to her, everyone like her, everyone feared her, but yet here she is standing in-front of a group who was doing just that. "I AM BULMA BRIEFS, YOU WILL RESPECT ME" She screamed, tears running down her face, her footsteps where heavy and practical stomp her way between the two boys and went straight to Y/N. "YOU'RE A BITCH" She screamed back in Y/N face "YOU STEAL MY BEST FRIENDS HUSBAND" She took a step closer, causing Y/N to take a calm step back "YOU WHERE CREATED TO FUCK MY HUSBAND.... YOUR ADOPTED FATHER!" That got everyone's attention, "BULMA YOU MADE A PROMISE" It was Vegeta who called, "We had an agreement to never out that!" Y/N face had turned a mix of aw struck and rage. 'She had made a promise to keep that a secret' "Bulma what the hell are you talking about?" It was Goku who stepped in now, standing protectively in front of Y/N. His sudden appearance had knocked Bulma on her ass, she was now raging on the floor. "SHE WAS MADE BY FRIZA, HER ONLY PURPOSE WAS TO PRODUCE OFF SPRING OF SAYIAN KIND" She roared, letting everyone in the area know. Gasps where heard from around the room, others mumbling to each other, sum just staring. Every action but Y/N right back into that shy and timid little girl, the one that she thought she had destroyed long ago, but no she was right back, as if she was once again face to face with Friza at the rightful age of 6. "Oh? thats good" Goku said smiling, he seemed to have wiped the sweat from his forehead. He looked back to Y/N with a bright smile, waiting for her to return it. Y/N was confused for a moment, but she knew Goku so she also knew that her words didn't exactly mean the same to him as they where to others. "i-uh what?" Bulma was aw struck, Chi Chi had made her way into the room at some point and was assisting the woman up onto her feet. "Goku, didn't you hear?" Chi Chi asked, her face pissed but a hopeful gleam in her eyes, as if the news would disgust him. "yeah! and man am I relieved, when she said Vegeta" He huffed shaking his head, hand holding Y/Ns tightly, "I thought that meant we couldn't have kids,but then she said Sayian so now I know" Everyone was flabbergasted, and a bright blush covered Y/N face, "Goku?! KIDS?! WITH HER?" Chi Chi screamed before fainting. "I mean yeah, we already have 2 kids, why not a couple more?"

~Time skip~

The tension, the fighting, the hatred, it all dispersed. With a long and tearful explanation from Y/N and Vegeta, the group seemed to have grown an understanding in a way, the bridge had be burned but some people where making efforts to rebuild it. They knew it would never be the same, not as strong, not as close, it never was with Y/N in the first place, but for Goku that fact stayed true. He loved Y/N more than he could ever express. It was the way she walked, fought, treated the boys, treated him!. She let him live how he wanted while simultaneously keeping him in line, unlike Chi Chi, who forced him into things. Sure they had arguments but they both refused to go to bed fighting, so sometimes they'd simply settle it with a spar. Their wedding was grand, they invited very few people, Vegeta was there to walk Y/N down the aisle and played Gokus best man, and Krillen, Piccolo and Gohan acted as his Groomsmen. As for Y/N she didn't have many bridesmaids, Videl stood as one, as well as her and Gohans new little baby but other than them, that was all she had. She was happy at least, She never thought she would get married in the first place but now she is, a ring on her finger, 2 young boys that call her Ma, and "Y/N YOU SHOULDN'T BE SPARING IN YOUR CONDITION" Gohan and Videl had stopped by for a visit, and where horrified to see Y/N 5 months pregnant sparing with Goku.... Come on now you know the Sons, they work fast, but who said a little baby bump would stop them from doing what they love? Nobody, exactly!!

-Man that took a while, I'm so sorry, have had a lot going on but I feel so good getting this done.  I Hope you'll enjoyed, i was departing on making this idea, like its own kinda thing! If you want more of this let me know and send me some ideas, but for now thats the end of this story! HAVE A GREAT DAY AND REMEMBER TO EAT,DRINK, AND LOVE YOURSELF BYEEEEEE LOVE YOU ALL

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5 years ago

🤔🤔🤔🤔 Not Bad

I want to draw whis x zarbon being cute boyfriends but I'm like.... Lazy.

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5 years ago

Oh My 😍😍😍

I Loved!!!!

//I'm really bored jsjsj

//I'm Really Bored Jsjsj

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5 years ago

Hey 😚😚😚

0nighthawk0 replied to your post “Hit me with your rare-pairs”


0nighthawk0 Replied To Your Post Hit Me With Your Rare-pairs

Thought this one was pretty interesting

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5 years ago

Oh lalalalala 😍😍😍

Freaky Alien GenotypeS

Freaky Alien GenotypeS

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4 years ago
A Nice Zarbon For Youpro-shippers :)))im The Big Mean Tranny Who Is Gonna Censor You! Ooga Booga Ugly

a nice zarbon for you “pro-shippers” :))) im the big mean tranny who is gonna censor you! Ooga Booga ugly bitch!

watch out for the big scary anti that is me!

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