aceandthebees - Ace and the Bees
Ace and the Bees

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Aceandthebees - Ace And The Bees

aceandthebees - Ace and the Bees
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More Posts from Aceandthebees

2 years ago

jesse “i’m not gay dude” pinkman and ignacio “you will be after im through with you” varga

2 years ago

"a real fuckin' starfire"

bottom jesse, transmasc reader, slight d/s undertones with gentle domming, pegging, rimming, sweet and happy couch sex

summary: "he could only lay there, still sprawled across the arm of the same couch he met you on. jesse's whole body felt like warm jell-o, wobbly and emanating a fiery heat that could destroy any life that came near it. the heat consumed him from the inside-out, ate away at his guts and bones until he was nothing but warm goo for you to shape and mold into something amazing."

ao3 link:

part 1

it wasn't long before you and jesse started getting a lot closer. it got to the point where you were steadily moving your things to his house; something he encouraged and even asked you to do, little by little. it started with 'hey, we should run by and pick you up some more clothes today.', which led all the way up to things like, 'hey, i checked out some dressers at the furniture store so we could get you one for here' and 'next time you go home, can you bring your xbox back with you?'.

he asked because he knew you would be back, because he wanted you to be back. he couldn't stand the thought of waking up alone anymore; looking over and seeing an empty pillow where your face should be irked him to the core and, quite honestly, ruined his day.

so, when he woke up alone for the first time in weeks, it made his heart sink. you were there last time he checked, but when jesse opened his eyes and blinked away the blurriness from his vision, you were nowhere to be found. only his slightly off-white sheets and a mismatched pillow case stared back at him, and he swore he could break down crying right then and there ... but he didn't. jesse had worse things to worry about, he reasoned -- he's watched people die, there's no use in crying over something like this. you always come back later in the day.

so, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, tossed the blankets and sheets away and crawled out of bed. jesse lazily pulled on the pajama pants that were on the floor, and stopped in his place when he approached your dressers, lined up next to each other across the room from his bed. they were almost the same, but you two couldn't find the exact same one no matter how hard you tried, so they were different.

he reached a hand out to yours, and pulled open the middle drawer to retrieve himself one of yourtshirts. the fit wasn't the same as he was used to, but he pulled it on nonetheless, stopping mid-way to stuff his face into the fabric, and just ... stand there. your smell felt like home, it was something he wanted to smell every single day. you wouldn't be mad at him for stealing a shirt, he knew that; you did the same thing. you think he hasn't noticed, but he has.

needless to say, he nearly jumped out of his skin when he made his way to the kitchen and spotted you at the breakfast bar, chowing down on a bowl of cereal like it was your first meal out of prison. he didn't know why it shocked him, or why he even assumed you had left in the first place; usually, though, you stayed in the bed with him until he woke up and vise versa. however, jesse looked at the clock on the stove -- it was late. he must have slept like a rock.

you looked like you had been caught red handed, mouth full of fruity pebbles and milk dripping from your lips as you looked up at him with big eyes. it was cute, it made him smile, although just being around you again was what made his heart beat in his chest like it was trying to get out. jesse often thought about how he could get used to this, about how he has gotten used to it, and about how that's the way he liked it. he wouldn't have it any other way.

"good morning, sleeping beauty." you greeted him, muffled by your mouthful, and jesse decided in that moment that you were the most beautiful person he had ever met in his life. it was only then that he noticed you were already fully dressed, but decided not to press; he knew you would tell him about your day so far. it was one of those things the two of you always did when you first laid eyes on each other for the first time in a day. even when waking up next to each other.

"mornin', prince what's-his-face. where's my true love's kiss at?" jesse retorted, placing an elbow on the counter and leaning down to rest his cheek in his palm as he looked at you like you were the moon and stars and all of the milky way galaxy. he couldn't help but smile when he looked at you, especially in candid moments like this.

he watched as you hurriedly swallowed the food in your mouth and wiped your face on your arm, before leaning in to cup his other cheek tenderly, and bringing him into a kiss that had the temperament of a worn-in couch from the 70s; comfortable, familiar, swallowing you whole and not letting you go without some applied effort. it was hard for him to pull away, and your lips tasted fruity and milky on top of the already-familiar salty taste of your tongue.

he had to, though, so he could look at you some more. great trade-off, in his book. after your little moment, you gave him another quick kiss on his free cheek and then went right back to eating your cereal. jesse didn't fault you, because he could tell it was getting soggy just by looking at it. really, he didn't fault you for anything you did.

he hadn't felt this way about another guy before; not this intensely. he hadn't felt this way about anyone since jane. looking at you, seeing something so disconnected from his profession, something stable and warm for him to come home to on weekends, something so beautiful and untainted by all of the blood on his hands that he knows he can never wash off. you're incredible to him every second of every day, even in moments like this, and even when--

even when ... even when jesse's eyes shift down to the loose-fitting jeans you're wearing and his eyes land directly on your crotch, and ... something isn't normal. there's something there now that wasn't there before.

jesse lifts his head up, eyebrows furrowed as he reaches out a gentle hand to brush the apex of your hip and lift the hem of your t-shirt slightly upwards, and he spots the waistband of your boxers with something peeking out from underneath them. he couldn't place what it could be, until he traced along the thick black nylon with his thumb, and you gave him a look, and that's when his eyes trailed back to the glaring bulge in your jeans and he put two and two together.

"oh yeah? you packin' heat today?" jesse almost stammers, a little taken aback by the sheer prominence of the tent in your pants. sure, some days you stuffed a pair of socks into the dick pouch of your boxers to help you walk funny, but it was always a subtle (yet effective) way to avoid misgendering when paired with your compression wrap. this, though; this was a full-on monster boner, and he felt like he could piece together what you had in mind already.

"yeah, well ... i planned on you finding out in a hotter way, but you were comatose for too long and i got hungry."

"no, this ... this is just as hot."

jesse tightened his grip on your hip and tugged you off the stool you were sitting on and onto your feet, leaning into you for an extremely receptive kiss, something incredibly shellshocking compared to the way he was admiring you so gently before. you kissed him back like you wanted to eat him, forceful yet welcomed, your strong teeth clashing against his like they were fit for tearing flesh from bone. it was a new side of you, something primal, and he loved it.

when you pulled away, you were both panting, clearly unprepared for the situation to happen like this, but jesse was already getting antsy at the thought of just what you were going to do with that thing. you wore a smile that was devilish, demonic, as you tugged at his hand and led him into the living room to stand in front of the couch.

"i'm gonna sit down, i want you on your knees." you explained, voice low and almost hushed as you dragged him along like a chain behind a truck. he was speechless, indulging in the bliss of the devious look on your face. this was something he had been begging you to do, and he didn't even know you had brought your strap-on to his place to begin with. it was a pleasant surprise, a welcomed one, and he could already feel his face heating up when you sat down on the couch with widespread knees and tapped your foot on the ground in command.

jesse obeyed, of course; nervously, hesitantly, but he obeyed, slowly getting on his knees in front of you and looking up at you with sparkly, dumb eyes. he was trying to look cute, something you were naturally good at when you got on your knees in front of him. he was just returning the favor, trying to give you as good of a show as you give him.

after all, jesse knew this would be just that for you; a show. something that would be partly imaginative on your end.

so, that's what he was going to do -- make this look as good as possible to make up for the lack of feeling you would be getting.

he took his time unbuttoning your jeans for you, slowly tugging them down just enough for your underwear to go with them and for the silicone that was strapped to you to spring free from the tight confines of your clothing. he admired it for a moment, anticipation bubbling up in his tummy as he thought of all the ways it would probably be destroying him later.

jesse made it a point to lift up your shirt, trail kisses from your navel to the fatty area of your crotch, before kitten-licking the tip of the dildo to prepare himself for what he was about to do. the taste was strange, kind of like licking a plastic water bottle, but he quickly overcame it by taking it into his mouth as deeply as he could without gagging. he heard you gasp above him at the sight, which made him giggle around it, before pulling off to look back up at you, a string of saliva connecting his tongue to the tip.

just the image alone made you moan, and that only egged him on even more, taking it back into his mouth and beginning to bob his head up and down, gazing up at you through his eyelashes to see the look on your face. his hands found your hips, squeezing the fatty areas of your flesh and letting them roam all over your torso and upper thighs to try and ground himself from all the thoughts running through his head.

when he felt it hit the back of his throat, he made a filthy, wet sound high in his vocal chords. he pressed his tongue hard and flat against the squishy underside of the dildo, hollowed out his cheeks and wrapped a fist around the base, trying his hardest to take it deeper every time. jesse had done this before, if only a couple times, but he always focused on it feeling good. for you, he had to make it look good, and that was a little hard, but he knew he was doing a great job by the gasps and huffs coming from above him.

then, you dug your fingers into his short locks, gasping out a 'good boy, jesse', and that fucking ruined him. it made his knees weak, he could barely hold himself up and his grip with his free hand tightened on your hip once again. when he pulled off to get some air, you moved your hand from his hair to his chin, lifting his head up to get a good look at him. he was sure he looked ruined, lips red and puffy and shiny from spit, drool running down his chin, but it made you whimper.

"oh, god, jess, you're amazing." you wisped out, caressing jesse's cheek lovingly as you looked into his eyes. he leaned into it, closing them and relishing in the touch.

jesse was beginning to love this side of you. this was the first time you had ever been dominant with him; usually it was him doing the guiding, if there was even a dom/sub dynamic between the two of you that day. your relationship together was fluid, ever-changing and evolving constantly. it was anything but sedentary, so it was important for each of you to be comfortable speaking up if your attitude towards something changes from one day to the next. he had confidence that you were comfortable telling him those things. he hoped you knew that he was just as comfortable as you were.

your dynamic was usually gentle, whether you were vanilla for the day or having a kinked out moment. jesse couldn't stand to hurt you. sometimes you begged him to be meaner to you in those situations, and he couldn't stand it. maybe, now that you were in his shoes, you could understand where he was coming from -- and, looking deep into your eyes as you caressed his cheek in this intimate moment, he could see into your soul, and feel the near-hesitation in your actions.

"you should boss me around more." jesse spoke up, voice only slightly hoarse from below you. it made you chuckle, which made him smile up at you like a kid on christmas.

"okay, then get up." you returned, standing up before he could and carding your fingers through his hair once again for good measure, only giving it the gentlest of tugs to get the point across but not to hurt him. he quickly did as told, and stood up in front of you, awaiting more instructions.

"i'm gonna go grab the lube, i want you undressed and bent over, okay?"

jesse was ecstatic. everything was turning out like he had imagined it so many times. he watched as you walked to the other side of the room to root around on some messy shelves to find it, giggling at the way your strap swung around with no regard for its surroundings, as he tugged off his (your) t-shirt and slipped off his pajama pants and underwear at the same time.

he had essentially been neglecting himself, only really thinking about his own situation when the cool air hit his groin, and letting out an embarrassing noise that he couldn't really stop from coming out as he bent over the arm of the couch and prepared himself for what was to come. when you turned back around, he was facing you, elbows on the couch cushion and hands supporting his head with a shit-eating grin on his face. you leaned in to give him another tender kiss, then made your way behind him.

you placed the bottle of lube on the couch next to him, then your hands on each of his asscheeks, and kneaded the fat for a few seconds before spreading them apart. that made him even colder, even worse so when he felt a string of saliva drip down onto his puckering hole. jesse let out a strangled whimper, and his hands quickly flew down from his face to grip the cushion of the couch.

he felt the air shift behind him, and then, a warm, wet tongue gliding experimentally up his hole. his dick twitched against the fabric of the couch, a real, bona-fide moan finally leaving his throat and a stifled giggle leaving yours.

"shut up, i've never had my butthole licked before, dude--" jesse called out into the space in front of him, but was cut off by another moan escaping him when you did it for a second time. this time, you dipped your tongue just a little bit past the tight ring of muscle, and moved one hand from his butt to place on jesse's warm, flat stomach to brace yourself a little better. it felt like it went on forever and for mere moments all at once, jesse's face getting hotter and hotter with each stroke of your tongue and each moan that came out of his mouth. you seemed unreasonably skilled at it; he couldn't help but get a little jealous that, possibly, you had done this to someone else before him.

jesse let out a soft whine when you pulled away, but quickly lost composure again when he felt a slick finger prodding at his hole. he involuntarily tensed, but tried to make it a point to relax. he was overthinking, really. like usual. he overthought about everything ... just like how he was overthinking about the two slick fingers that were now inside of him, curling and scissoring and getting a feel for his insides while they had a chance.

you curl your fingers a specific way, prod at a specific spot with your fingertips, and it makes him tremble. jesse heard you hum behind him, before poking at it again to see how he reacted. he moaned out, hips bucking and dick rubbing against the scratchy fabric of the old couch, and he heard you let out a satisfied chuckle at his response. when you retracted your fingers from his warm hole, he whined like a hurt puppy.

"you sure you can take it?"

a careful hand trailed up jesse's back, up past his collarbones and neck and into his hair, scratching his scalp gently as you spoke. he only nodded, was met with an 'i need to hear you say it, baby', so he spoke up, even though it felt like his stomach acid was going to burn through his chest.

"please." was all he could manage.

he felt the air shift behind him again, heard the click of a bottle cap, followed by some wet, obscenesquelching noises. then, finally, he felt the cold head of the strap-on pressed against his hole; jesse gasped, tensed for a moment, then let his body go slack. his skin pricked with nerves as he felt the blunt tip press into him.

jesse tried to focus on the feeling of squishy silicone pushing into him, stretching him just the right amount, impaling his insides and claiming him from his guts to his skin. there was only a dull pain, something like a light pressure being applied to the depths of his stomach. he liked the feeling.

when you had filled him up to the hilt, you stilled, fingers still in his hair, scratching his scalp for comfort like he was a sick dog.

"good boy, jesse." you rattled out, voice shaking as you took in the image in front of you; jesse, bent over in front of you, chest heaving and beads of sweat forming on the back of his neck already as he took every last inch of you. it made him even weaker this time around, his elbows giving out and his head hanging low as he let out a low groan. it was a precious, intimate moment, and if you focused hard enough on how he looked, jesse was willing to bet you could almost feel him obscenely stretched around you like he had been for all the others before you.

you leaned down to place a kiss against the tattoo between his shoulder blades, buried your face into the crook of his neck, and you both stayed there for a moment, sharing body heat and basking in each others presence.

jesse had done this before; in most situations where he was with guys, he was on the bottom. sure, those situations were usually for less-than-great purposes, out of what he considered necessity to get things he needed when he was broke and desperate, but this was different.

the slow rock of your hips sent sparks through his body, explosions of warmth in his stomach as he moaned wantonly over your soft grunts with each thrust. jesse knew this was about you -- he knew this was about making you feel secure in your body for a night -- but he couldn't help but indulge in it. he couldn't help but bury every stroke, every grunt, and every kiss you placed against his skin deep into his core, holding onto it for as long as he could. he couldn't help but buck his hips in tandem with yours, rutting his painfully hard member against the couch, trying to chase his orgasm just as fervently as you were chasing the feeling of being inside of him.

his frame got weaker, nearly unable to hold himself up and jolting forward firmly as your thrusts got more and more assertive. the dull pain was gone now, replaced by bright sparks of pleasure lighting up his eyelids every time he closed them. it crawled all over him, covered him from the hair of his head to the tips of his toes, and everywhere in between.

your hand removed itself from his hair and snaked around his waist, holding him up, and when he felt the other one wrap around his desperate, weeping cock, he let out a sob. he swore he felt tears roll down his cheek as you stroked him at an identical pace to your ravaging of his insides, and he knewhe wouldn't last long. it was then that he realized -- he needed this just as much as you did.

"babe, please, if--" jesse was interrupted by his own throat releasing a filthy moan that he tried to hold down but couldn't, "fuck, if you keep doin' that i'm gonna-- shit, i'm gonna fucking cum."

he knew you loved hearing him talk like that. to be fair, he loved hearing you talk like that. your mouth wasn't nearly as dirty as often as his was, but he knew that it still affected you every single time something like that came out of it. a moan close to his ear confirmed his suspicions, followed by 'it's okay, baby's and 'you're doin' so good's and 'cum for me's.

you lost your rhythm, had to reposition yourself and start from the beginning, and that's what threw jesse over the edge; with the new angle, the tip of your strap was poking at that sensitive spot inside of him that you had found with your fingers before.

he reached his climax with an elongated groan, hole clenching around the silicone and hot, white ropes hitting the couch and dribbling down your fist. you fucked him through it until he stopped cumming, then pulled out gently and slowly before wiping your hand on the couch. jesse heard the rattle of something heavy hitting the floor and then saw you in his peripheral vision, rushing bare-naked-assed towards the bathroom to get some wet wipes to clean him up.

he could only lay there, still sprawled across the arm of the same couch he met you on. jesse's whole body felt like warm jell-o, wobbly and emanating a fiery heat that could destroy any life that came near it. the heat consumed him from the inside-out, ate away at his guts and bones until he was nothing but warm goo for you to shape and mold into something amazing.

he blinked his eyes and you were back, surrounding him with all of your glory (and baby wipes), rubbing his back and telling him how good he did for you. jesse strived for this. he lived and breathed for a dynamic like this where there was nothing but unconditional love, adoration, and praise for each other. you were the only stable constant in his life. one of the only things keeping him breathing and functioning.

"come here, i'll help you." you cooed, helping jesse up by his shoulders and leading him to the actual cushions of the couch. you sat down, then tugged him towards you, coaxing him to lay down across the couch with his legs thrown over the arm and his head in your bare lap.

"i have some upholstery cleaner at my house, we'll deal with the jizz stains later."

jesse could do nothing but hum in response, sleep covering him like a blanket and luring him in. he was naked, he should have been cold, but his whole body thrummed and buzzed with warmth.

as he faded into sleep, your thumb stroking his cheek, he thought about how much he really, truly, deeply loved you, and how he never wanted to leave this moment.

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2 years ago
aceandthebees - Ace and the Bees
