This is my blog which is mainly about Overwatch. I go by Nova. You can use any pronouns for me, but I mainly use She/Her. My twitter is @demjion
247 posts
Overwatch 2 Maps: The Galpagos Islands
Overwatch 2 Maps: The Galápagos Islands
So, on my post about the Junker Queen, I mentioned that I was going to make another post about a cut map, so this is that post! Out of the cut maps I went over, I chose the Galápagos Islands. Similarly like my Berlin post, I am going to be going over what the real world Galápagos Islands are like and what the map would most likely be like in game.
Real World Galápagos Islands: The Galápagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands located in the Pacific Ocean. It is famous for being one of the best locations for wildlife-viewing with a diverse population of plant and animal species, some found nowhere else in the world. It is a province of Ecuador that lies about 1,000 kilometers off its coast. Charles Darwin’s, the father of evolution, visit to the islands in 1835 led to him developing his Theory of Evolution.
The Galápagos Islands in Overwatch: Like Berlin, we know very little about the cut map, but I’ll go over what we know, then do some speculating.
It was supposed to be a control point map that, unlike any map in the game, was going to be underwater. It has a color pallet of blues, greens, greys, and black. There are two large submarines and three or four smaller drone like things. Now for speculation.
Based off of the one image we have, the control pointing looking like an old-run down underwater military base with some details at the top that reminds me of a ship wreck. It looks like it is being searched by the larger submarines as well as the smaller drones. The larger submarines might be the spawn points which might mean that going from the spawn rooms(submarines?) to the control point(main base area) would be like the space area on Horizon Lunar Colony, but underwater. This would be a really cool concept because we have seen that the creative team for Overwatch makes amazing looking maps like Rome, Paris, and Castillo, and having an UNDERWATER map would be a huge flex. It would mean that we could see animals like fish, sea turtles, sharks, rays, or sea lions moving around in the map. As a marine biology nerd and an Overwatch player, I feel like people would LOVE this map!
Anyways, I’m probably going to go over a concept for a possible new character soon, and once the Archives Event drops, I will go over all of the skins.
TLDR: The Galápagos Islands are a volcanic archipelago found in the Pacific Ocean. It is known for its diverse wildlife and for being where Charles Darwin developed his Theory of Evolution. If it ended up being put into Overwatch 2 it would be an underwater control point map. The control point would probably be an old underwater base area. The spawn room would probably be two large submarines. I want this map because they could add a lot of animals in the background.

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Overwatch 2 Maps: Monte Carlo, Monaco
During Blizzcon 2019, we learned about a couple of maps including Toronto, Canada, Gothenburg, Sweden, Rio de Janeiro, and Monte Carlo, Monaco. I’ve made posts about all of these maps except Toronto and Monte Carlo. Currently, I can’t come up with any theories that involve Toronto, but I came up with one that has to do with characters that are linked with Monte Carlo. So, this post isn’t exactly a theory, it’s more of an overview about what the place is like in real life and what the map is going to be like. This will help me explain an theory I have planned for the near future.
The Real Life Place: Monte Carlo, Monaco is at the base of the Maritime Alps and along the French Riviera. This places it close to the borders of both France and Italy with the main language spoken being French. It is known for several things including: how rich it is, the Formula Grand Prix event, their casino’s, and the beaches.
In the Game, based on images: It is an escort map. The payload is designed to look like a blue race car that follows a road through a city that is close to a river. We know that there is one casino that you can get into which I think will be a spawn room and another spawn room will be a mechanics shop. In the area we know will be a spawn room, you can see a yellow race car that is being fixed or having its tires changed.
In the Game, based on other parts of the lore: Maximillian owns a casino called Casino Monaco. It is used as his base of operations, we learned this in the Masquerade comic book.
Anyways, I’m almost done with my masterlists, so those will be posted in like half an hour - 45 minutes. I’ll be posting about the Mystery Omnic from Storm Rising and eventually the MEKA Squad.
TLDR: Monte Carlo, Monaco will be an escort map with city/streets terrain. The payload will be blue race car. Two buildings we know that will be in the map are Maximillian’s casino and a race car mechanics’ shop that is a spawn room.

Overwatch Recalled: MEKA Squad
A couple weeks ago, I said that I was going to be doing a post about MEKA Squad, so that is this post. This is post is going to be about the known members of the MEKA Squad, I’m not going to be able to go super in depth about each character since we don’t know that much about them, other than D.Va. I am going to go over what we know and in another post I am going to be using some of this information to theorize.
Captain Myung is the commanding officer of MEKA. Her base of operation is in Busan and when you are on the MEKA Base map in Busan, you can hear her voice in the background sometimes.
Dae-Hyun Park(박대현) is a mechanic for MEKA, specifically assigned to helping D.Va. Him and Hana were childhood friends. We learn that he acted as a voice of reason to Hana’s reckless nature when they were kids. I would assume that he was able to get a mechanics position in MEKA thanks to Hana vouching for him.
Hana Song(송하나) / D.Va is the pilot for the pink Tokki(토끼) mech. She is a former professional Mecha Guardian V player who was the reigning world champion. She was drafted along with other professional gamers because of her elite skills, instincts, and necessary reflexes.
Yuna Lee(이유나) / D.Mon is the pilot for the red and white Beast mech and leader of the MEKA pilots. She was also a professional Mecha Guardian V player, having played on the same eSports team with D.Va which is why their aliases are similar. D.Mon’s name is also a play on the world demon.
Kyung-soo Han(한경수) / King is the pilot for the yellow and white Singijeon(신기전) mech. He is also a former professional Mecha Guardian V eSports player. While D.Va and D.Mon played on the same team, King played on a rival team.
Jae-eun Kwon(권재은) / Casino is the pilot for the black and green La Princesse Sereine mech. Before joining MEKA, unlike the other members, he was a Formula One racecar driver. This could have impacted the design of his mech. Casino’s aliases and mech’s name could be references to Monaco, but that’s a theory for another day...
Seung-hwa Shi(시승화) / Overlord is the pilot of the gray and blue Mastermind mech. He is the youngest member of the MEKA Squad and a former professional gamer. His mech slightly resembles a VTOL aircraft and his aliases might be a reference to StarCraft which might have been the game he professionally played.
Anyways, I’m going to make a post about a specific member of MEKA tomorrow, probably. Eventually, I’ll also make a post about Fio, a former Blackwatch pilot that was featured in Retribution.
TLDR: There are seven known members of MEKA Squad, Captain Myung, Dae-Hyun Park, D.Va, D.Mon, King, Casino, and Overlord. Read the post to learn about them.

Overwatch Recalled: Mauga
I mentioned that I was going to go over another possible future hero and I chose Mauga. This is going to be like my Junker Queen post. I’m going to go over what we know, then speculate a little bit.
What we know: Mauga is a member of Talon, specifically a Heavy Assault unit. We were really introduced to him in Baptiste’s short story What We Left Behind. He is a former friend of Baptiste, having worked together in Talon. He is described as being really tall and muscular. He seems to be extroverted, but we know that he is, most likely, a sociopath and, definitely, a sadist who flips from his lighter side and darker side quickly and is described as “a demon”. With all that said, he seems to have a soft spot for Baptiste, having allowed him to leave Talon in Monte Cristo.
We can assume that he is from Samoa since his name means “mountain” in Samoan. Based off the image from What We Left Behind, Mauga has long dark brown hair with a white/silver streak. He also has tattoos along his left arm and chest.
Speculation: He is the most likely character to be added to Overwatch 2, other than Sojourn, because the Overwatch Devs. planned to have him be Hero 31, but weren’t happy with how his kit fitted his character, so they created Sigma instead. Since Sigma is a tank and Sigma’s kit was based off Mauga’s, Mauga is going to be a tank. Also being a Heavy Assault unit, he would be like Orisa but he would have a machine gun on each arm. Since Sigma is an Offtank, Mauga will probably be a main tank to balance out the tank types. He will probably have some sort of shield that replaces one of his guns.
Unlike Junker Queen, Mauga has no listed voice actor so I think that Kevin Michael Richardson should be his VA. I know him from his work on Batman the Brave and the Bold TV series as a list of characters and as the Joker in the animated Batman series, but he was also in Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, the original Teen Titans, etc. If you want to look at the longer post about Kevin Michael Richardson follow this link.
Finally, I am interested in seeing his interactions with the members of Talon and Baptiste in game. I think that he will get along best with Sombra and clash the most with Baptiste or Reaper. Also, like I mentioned in my post about Fio, if we get Mauga as a character we might get the Talon story mode with six players instead of four since Mauga would be the second Talon tank, but we also need another Talon support, so get on that Blizzard.
Also if you want to look at videos about Mauga, check out Master Ian Gamer’s videos; Mauga New Hero Concept(Tank Abilities & Full Hero Kit) and Mauga New Hero Candidate Breakdown(HeroWatch).
Anyways, I’m going to work on a post about possible ex-Blackwatch members and some other people in the profiles shown in the Recalled animated short, but if the Archives Event drops earlier than I think it is going to, I’m going to review the new skins and items.
TLDR: Mauga is one the most likely characters to be added to the game. He is a Talon Heavy Assault unit which means he will be a tank. Even though he seems to be nice to people, he isn’t a great person, I mean... he works for Talon. He was close friends with Baptiste when they were in Talon together.
He is tall, muscular, has dark brown hair with a silver/white streak, and he has tattoos. He is probably Samoan. He will probably be a main tank with dual machine guns and a shield. I want his voice actor to be Kevin Michael Richardson. I think that he will get along well with Sombra and might not like Reaper or Baptiste that much. If we get a Talon story mode in OW2, we might get to play as Mauga.
Check out Master Ian Gamer’s videos; Mauga New Hero Concept(Tank Abilities & Full Hero Kit) and Mauga New Hero Candidate Breakdown(HeroWatch).

Overwatch Recalled: Ana
Sorry this is a lot like my Soldier 76 post, but they are traveling together so there is a lot of similarities. Still hope you like it! ~ Nova.
Ana Amari was a sharpshooter for the Egyptian Security Forces, the second in command of Overwatch, and is currently a bounty hunter that travels around with Soldier 76(Jack Morrison). A couple days ago, I made a post questioning if Soldier 76 was going to join the Recalled Overwatch and in the post I mentioned Ana a lot since they are traveling together. So, in this post, I’m going to go over what might cause Ana to join the Recalled Overwatch.
If she joins: She would probably join because Reinhardt, Pharah, or McCree asked her to. She would probably let Soldier 76 choose what he would want to do, not force him to do anything, but if she joins he will probably also join and vice versa.
If she doesn’t join: She will continue to travel with Soldier 76 and we will probably get more Ana and Soldier 76 vs. Reaper content. Like I said in my post about Soldier 76, I really want an animated short about Ana, Soldier 76, and Reaper.
If she works with them(inconsistently): Her and Soldier 76 were probably in an area when there was an attack that Overwatch went to help with an met them there. A lot of the Recalled Overwatch, probably Pharah and Reinhardt the most, begged Ana and Soldier 76 join. They won’t officially join because they still feel guilty about the originally Overwatch, but agree to act as back up. I think that this is the most likely thing that happens, but hey they might join and that would be great.
Anyways, I’ll post the masterlist I’ve made for my Overwatch Recalled series and Overwatch Maps series. After I finish that, I’ll either do a post on possible new characters or possible new maps, probably new maps, but I’m not sure yet.
TLDR: Like for Soldier 76, there are three possibilities when it comes to Ana joining the Recalled Overwatch. One, she joins, with or without Soldier 76, because Pharah, Reinhardt, and McCree beg her to join. Two, her and Soldier 76 keep traveling around and we get more content of the two of them verses Reaper. Three, her and Soldier 76 act as backup for the Recalled Overwatch.
Overwatch/OW2 Theories: Blackwatch Sniper
Sorry this has taken so long to get out, I’m celebrating spring break and I am watching my neighbors dogs so I’ve been pretty busy, but I hope you like it. ~Nova
About two weeks ago I was asked by @banwanyana about the idea of a ex-Blackwatch agent, other than Fio, responding to the Recalled message. She specifically mentioned the idea about Blackwatch having a sniper like Overwatch has Ana. I already had an idea about this in mind kind of, but it was about an ex-Blackwatch tank not sniper. So, today I’m going to theorize about a possible Blackwatch/ex-Blackwatch Sniper.
Blackwatch: The person is going to be a sniper, like a mix of Ana and Widowmaker. They probably wouldn’t have a biotic rifle, since Moira is Blackwatch’s healer, but I feel like the design of a Blackwatch sniper-rifle would have a similar design to Ana’s Horus/Captain Amari rifle with the color palette of Widowmaker’s Talon rifle.
This sniper might have been a sharpshooter for their country’s military, like Ana, or they were part of a gang and had to chose between jail or Blackwatch, like McCree. Going off of my answer for @banwanyana , this sniper would have also had some sort of intimate relationship with McCree which would give them both a good amount of interactions in game.
Post Disbanded Overwatch: If this character was a sharpshooter in their country’s military before joining Overwatch, then they would probably rejoined their country’s military. If they were part of a gang, kind of like McCree, they could have either gone back to the gang for a while before rejoining Overwatch or they became a vigilante like McCree. Also, if they stayed in contact with McCree, we could learn more about what McCree was doing(like how he really lost his arm).
Recalled Overwatch: They would be joining after everything in Paris and Toronto. They would probably join because McCree or Genji asked them. They would probably get along well with most of the Recalled Overwatch with maybe some tension between them and the original Overwatch members depending on how much of a role this sniper had in Blackwatch. If they killed a lot of people and don’t have too much of a problem with killing, they probably won’t get along well with Mercy and might scare some of the new Recalled Overwatch like Lucio, D.Va, or Baptiste, but they would probably get along decently with Zarya and would be close with Genji and McCree.
Anyways, I going to be doing my post about a ex-Blackwatch tank next. After that, if I don’t think of something else, I’m going to post about another cut map.
TLDR: This sniper would have a rifle that is a combination of Ana’s and Widowmaker’s rifles. They might have been a sharpshooter or gang member and would have had a relationship with McCree. After Blackwatch they might have rejoined their military, rejoined their gang, or become a vigilante. McCree or Genji would have asked them to join the Recalled Overwatch. They might not get along with the older Overwatch members depending on their previous status in Blackwatch. They might scare some of the new Overwatch members and get along with some of them.