226 posts
Empires Smp God Au Oli
Empires smp god au oli
Before there was anything there was nothing but silence the only word that could possibly describe what it was like
It was silent for a long time until suddenly there was a big bang it was the loudest sound that would ever be and the first in existence
chaos and inanity and sound sprang forth
And That is when The first god was born
He was rocketed too the furthest edge of the universe and it took him millions of years to reach earth and meet other gods
He is the voice at the back of your mind the unavoidable intrusive thoughts and the reason the quiet is so uncomfortable the reason we feel unsettled by the silence
Off course there is a thing called comfortable silence and the reason for it’s existence is that oli made it as a thank you gift for sausage who was the first god other than himself he met and the first to offer him a welcome upon his arrival
he made the comfortable silence that only happens when doing something you love or are in the presence of someone you love
He gave sausages domain the ability to shine through his in limited amounts
oli appears dressed as a medieval bard that has crazy neon colors the bards of the past didn’t have access to in there time
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More Posts from Adina123
You guys started reblogging original post with this silly au all of the sudden and made me think about it again youuuu
I can't get it out of my head
Went through some of the tags and comments

Since I've done Lizzie and Pearl requests in this au
Why stop there
Doc the ibex
It wouldn't make sense giving him his usual technology things
So I made it like aaa plant magic?
Kind of Rafiki of the au
omg i didn’t realize that it was Joel’s ship but it makes sense and is cute ☺️

Absolutely OBSESSED with @cydanite 's olm lizzie design.
10/10 would give a mackerel to the long girl
Lizzie wears a navy inspired outfit because it’s a combination of government and ocean
False i imagine her wearing very casual clothing to move around in so like hoodies and T-shirts not very interesting clothes but her domain is more shown through her aura of mystery and badassness she useily fades into the background but when she does something she leaves an impression
Fwhip likes to wear something from the Industrial Revolution because that is a time where his power went through a lot of growth
Scott’s eyes and hair can change color based on the season and wether it’s day or night
During winter it’s cyan (default) during autumn it’s pumpkin orange (pirates) during spring it’s raisin purple (origins) in summer it’s lime green (afterlife)
During the night his hair is very vibrant practically glowing like stars and during the day it looks very pale and pastel
/gasp/ a wip?? 😧

god au by @adina123
Empires smp god au jimmy
Death god jimmy wears a bolo tie and wears all black like a cowboy attending a funeral
and there are mysterious slime stains on him to
He functions like the death reaper in that he takes the dead to the afterlife
Where ever he goes he is followed by foggy mist like in a swamp but at the same time it gets scorching hot when he’s near like the desert
he’s why when your about to die your vision goes blurry and he’s the source of the light at the end of the tunnel
River by Bishop Briggs
Bottom of the River by Delta Rae
Born to die by Kelly Clarkson
Empires smp god au jimmy’s role
As the god of death jimmy can’t create or alter the world he can’t even destroy it
His job is to collect souls and guide them to their last destination
A final entrance that even Jimmy cant access
it’s something that not even the god of death can comprehend
Jimmy doesn’t know if it’s reincarnation or paradise or hell or just vanishing forever that awaits the souls on the other side
The only certainty is that it can’t be crossed by anyone other than expired lives
This rule applies to everything
perhaps for the dead passing through it’s a beginning it is impossible to know before our time comes
but it is as far as the gods and still living mortals can go
It’s were our world stops
For us it’s an ending