226 posts
Empires Smp God Au Oli
Empires smp god au oli
Before there was anything there was nothing but silence the only word that could possibly describe what it was like
It was silent for a long time until suddenly there was a big bang it was the loudest sound that would ever be and the first in existence
chaos and inanity and sound sprang forth
And That is when The first god was born
He was rocketed too the furthest edge of the universe and it took him millions of years to reach earth and meet other gods
He is the voice at the back of your mind the unavoidable intrusive thoughts and the reason the quiet is so uncomfortable the reason we feel unsettled by the silence
Off course there is a thing called comfortable silence and the reason for it’s existence is that oli made it as a thank you gift for sausage who was the first god other than himself he met and the first to offer him a welcome upon his arrival
he made the comfortable silence that only happens when doing something you love or are in the presence of someone you love
He gave sausages domain the ability to shine through his in limited amounts
oli appears dressed as a medieval bard that has crazy neon colors the bards of the past didn’t have access to in there time
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More Posts from Adina123
Mcyt pony au grian
Grians birth name is sun crisp apple(it’s real) but he ran away and joined a cult were he was required to give up his name and choose a new one
So Grian currently goes by blister dawn the reason he ran away was because he was treated like an outsider do to him not being an earth pony
potential colors schemes

Heavily influenced by @cheerioskid and @crowswithhorns
Empires smp god au Joey and pearl
Some very interesting things started happening Around the time civilizations started popping up
the first was Lizzie gaining government as new domain
and the second was the entrance of two new gods who came along in quick succession
Joey god of desire and wealth whos domain made it’s self known through greedy kings and the beginnings of economic systems
pearl the goddess of the harvest and farming who arrived as humans learned to tame shubbles wilderness
It is Joey who is the older of the two after all it was the wealth of the of the kings that attracted the civilians who were looking for protection
And in exchange for said protection they tended to the kings live stock and fields
Fun guy Jimmy is a mushroom clown doll

Empires smp god au grian
I was thinking about adding grian to the god au but I am unsure if I should I mean he did make a guest appearance on empires and I have an hilarious idea on how to fit him in so here it is
Grian is not a god but he isn’t mortal he is an anomaly a being with a soul that looks like it should be mortal but that jimmy is unable to retrieve for unknowable reasons
Grian isn’t a god but everyone with the exception of jimmy and oli believes him to be the god of chaos
Oli knows that grian isn’t the god of chaos because he is the actual god of chaos not that anyone believes him they all think he is some startup god with only the domain over music under his belt but he is so much more
Jimmy collects souls he knows the difference between immortality and mortality but whenever he tells someone they refute him by reminding him that grian is still alive after all this time meaning he is undeniably immortal and it drives jimmy crazy
Grian take great joy in messing with jimmy so when people call him the god of chaos he doesn’t correct them and he just keeps letting them believe it
He’s not even lying he’s just not denying it sometimes even feeding the rumors by making vague comments about how he’s just so gosh darn chaotic typical chaotic me am I right
when he and jimmy are in the same room every other sentence will have the word chaos in it
omg i didn’t realize that it was Joel’s ship but it makes sense and is cute ☺️

Absolutely OBSESSED with @cydanite 's olm lizzie design.
10/10 would give a mackerel to the long girl