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1 year ago

Empires SMP Incorrect Quotes

Sausage: If you spell skeletons backwards, it still spells skeletons.

Lizzie, deadpan: Wow, I can't wait for Halloween to see some snoteleks.

Pearl: I have a problem.

fWhip: If it's harder than 2+2, I can't help.

Shelby, about Joey: Katherine, they're an asshole! They have purposely stabbed you on more than one occasion!

Katherine: Some of those stabbings were accidental!


Joey: Okay, well, I know for a fact the third time was accidental.

Jimmy: Ha! Don't you know the trappers trap can trap the trapper?

Jimmy: I must be losing it, I'm quoting fWhip.

fWhip: How are we supposed to put a tracker the size of a penny on Oli without them noticing?

Gem: Hey, Oli, I bet you 5 bucks that you can't swallow this penny.

Oli: *takes and swallows tracker* Pay up, loser.

fWhip: …


False: And here we have a capitalist.

Shelby: Did you just-

Pix: Let us all take a moment to appreciate that all of human history, human language, and the universe itself aligned to make this joke possible.

Lizzie: *speaking Mermish*

Joel: I know, I know.

Pix: You speak Mermish?

Joel: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language Lizzie speaks.

Scott: We’re having a moment, aren’t we?

Joel: If by 'a moment' you mean me not wanting to strangle you for the first time since we met, then I guess we are.

Pearl: Yum, thanks!

Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it.

Joel: Do you think different paints have different tastes?

Jimmy: They do.

Katherine, visibly concerned: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?

Pix: What do you call a dictionary on drugs?

Joel: If you say "addict-ionary" I swear I will cut you.

Pix: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer is much better.

Joel: …

Katherine: Last night I found out Shelby is a sleep talker.

Oli: Oh, really?

Katherine: "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Right. In. My. Ear. At 3am.

Sausage: Do dragons fart fire?

Gem: I don't know.

Sausage: I thought you went to college.

Joel: I am strong! I beat Jimmy at arm wrestling!

Lizzie: Anyone can beat Jimmy at arm wrestling!

Jimmy: hEy-

Shelby: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can’t?

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1 year ago
Thing I Did For Cyan Coyotes Mcc :D Feat. Ranboo, Oli, Seapeekay, And (what I Promise Is) Tommy! (Aka

Thing I did for cyan coyotes mcc :D feat. Ranboo, Oli, Seapeekay, and (what I promise is) Tommy! (Aka dark dog… lmao)

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7 months ago

FANTASY SMP? HELLO, SAVE MY LIFE!! Jimmy, Oli, and Lizzie potentially being a group?! I need that! i'm now just BEGGING for it!! (not on my knees.) ((yet /j))

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7 months ago

someone.. anyone.. MCYT artists... please.. I need a fantasy SMP Jimmy, Oli, and Lizzie drawing.. I need it to live..

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7 months ago


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1 year ago

Empires smp god au

Pearl Goddess of the harvest and farming her title was literally the farmer pearl and in the past people kept track of harvest by looking at the phases of the moon and positioning of the constellations

Lizzie the trickster goddess of the ocean and government ocean because in season one she was a fish goddess and government because in season two she was a mayor and in both she is a scam artist trying to make a profit through morality ambiguous means

Joel god of thunder and art in canon he is the god of thunder and if anyone in empires was a art god it would be the guy that sculpted clones of himself and built stratos/mezalia

Katherine goddess order and balance and duality she fights evil by transforming from the pretty pink princess to the axe wielding warrior and as lady Katherine of the overgrown she is the one that is neutral the one that Try’s to keep order

Jimmy is The god of death for obvious reasons

Joey is the god of wealth and desire because he is a pirate and pirates like gold also he steals from false and really wants to get in xornoth s pants he also Katherine’s (understandable)

Shubble is the goddess of nature and the wild because her whole wolf thing she had going on in the first season of empires and the infected outlaw thing she had in season 2

Scott god of the passage of time and the four seasons (and rainbows) because he has connections to flowers (spring) in life series and stars in origin smp and winter in empires smp

Pix god of messengers and prophecies( he is in charge of the recaps that gives people information they might have missed also he is a prophet)

Fwhip god of fire and revenge because in both seasons of empires he has had a stubborn heated rivalry with jimmy and did not take the break up well also in art his hair is fire truck red

Gem goddess knowledge and magic because she as the wizard gem she is a powerful magician and because as the princess of dawn she teaches others about the sun god also the wizard gems empire is literally a school

Sausage love and family and lust because he is known for his platonic love (Hermes and Eddie and pearl) and let’s say his passionate spicy love( pole dancing and flirting)

Oli god of music and insanity he is a bard and who’s words make zero sense to everyone and watching him you get sensory overload ( he is the oldest but nobody believes him)

false goddess of mystery and adventure and new beginnings because she is lost her memory and is a very adventurous person also do to the lost memories she basically started from square one when she came to empires

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1 year ago

Empires smp pony au part 1 oli

Oli’s pony name is lutetium but everyone calls him lute for short he is a descendant of princess platinum but nobody believes him 

This is princess platinum

Empires Smp Pony Au Part 1 Oli

This is what Oli’s color scheme would be

Empires Smp Pony Au Part 1 Oli

Oli’s cutie mark is a music note being blown about by a gust of wind because he is a drifter and was tossed from his world to another one and he just went with it

also his genius/knowledge/music is under appreciated and fades into the background it’s just like air always there but you only notice it when it’s gone

and the music note is because he’s a bard

@crowswithhorns and @cheerioskid

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1 year ago

I like to think that the gods are living in modern day but they dress in clothes from their favorite time periods

they have all lived for a very long time and they have seen many fashion trends come and go but even as the time passes and fashion evolves they keep the bits they like while adding details that hint at their domains

Jimmy is a cowboy attending a funeral

oli is a medieval bard that has crazy neon colors the bards of the past didn’t have access to in there time

Joel is a Roman toga but a little modernized and artistic

the most up to date with clothes is probably scott he represents the passing of time so he changes his clothes more frequently but not to keep up with

False changes often as well but not to keep up with the trend but instead as the goddess of adventure she loves to try new things and takes inspiration from many different periods she never dresses the same twice but even then she is very practical and casual only choosing to wear clothes she can move around in

Most of them choose a style and stick to it for decades until something new catches their interest

Scott who’s is intertwined within the passing of time changes so his clothes more frequently but not as much as false

pix has the oldest style that doesn’t require him to show a lot of skin probably from Babylon or something really old

so they are very mismatched and look as if they were plucked out wildly different time periods


Empires smp god au

Pearl Goddess of the harvest and farming her title was literally the farmer pearl and in the past people kept track of harvest by looking at the phases of the moon and positioning of the constellations

Lizzie the trickster goddess of the ocean and government ocean because in season one she was a fish goddess and government because in season two she was a mayor and in both she is a scam artist trying to make a profit through morality ambiguous means

Joel god of thunder and art in canon he is the god of thunder and if anyone in empires was a art god it would be the guy that sculpted clones of himself and built stratos/mezalia

Katherine goddess order and balance and duality she fights evil by transforming from the pretty pink princess to the axe wielding warrior and as lady Katherine of the overgrown she is the one that is neutral the one that Try’s to keep order

Jimmy is The god of death for obvious reasons

Joey is the god of wealth and desire because he is a pirate and pirates like gold also he steals from false and really wants to get in xornoth s pants he also Katherine’s (understandable)

Shubble is the goddess of nature and the wild because her whole wolf thing she had going on in the first season of empires and the infected outlaw thing she had in season 2

Scott god of the passage of time and the four seasons (and rainbows) because he has connections to flowers (spring) in life series and stars in origin smp and winter in empires smp

Pix god of messengers and prophecies( he is in charge of the recaps that gives people information they might have missed also he is a prophet)

Fwhip god of fire and revenge because in both seasons of empires he has had a stubborn heated rivalry with jimmy and did not take the break up well also in art his hair is fire truck red

Gem goddess knowledge and magic because she as the wizard gem she is a powerful magician and because as the princess of dawn she teaches others about the sun god also the wizard gems empire is literally a school

Sausage love and family and lust because he is know for his platonic love (Hermes and Eddie and pearl) and let’s say his passionate spicy love( pole dancing and flirting)

Oli god of music and insanity he is a bard and who’s words make zero sense to everyone and watching him you get sensory overload ( he is the oldest but nobody believes him)

false goddess of mystery and adventure and new beginnings because she is lost her memory and is a very adventurous person also do to the lost memories she basically started from square one when she came to empires

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1 year ago

Empires smp god au

Pearl Goddess of the harvest and farming her title was literally the farmer pearl and in the past people kept track of harvest by looking at the phases of the moon and positioning of the constellations

Lizzie the trickster goddess of the ocean and government ocean because in season one she was a fish goddess and government because in season two she was a mayor and in both she is a scam artist trying to make a profit through morality ambiguous means

Joel god of thunder and art in canon he is the god of thunder and if anyone in empires was a art god it would be the guy that sculpted clones of himself and built stratos/mezalia

Katherine goddess order and balance and duality she fights evil by transforming from the pretty pink princess to the axe wielding warrior and as lady Katherine of the overgrown she is the one that is neutral the one that Try’s to keep order

Jimmy is The god of death for obvious reasons

Joey is the god of wealth and desire because he is a pirate and pirates like gold also he steals from false and really wants to get in xornoth s pants he also Katherine’s (understandable)

Shubble is the goddess of nature and the wild because her whole wolf thing she had going on in the first season of empires and the infected outlaw thing she had in season 2

Scott god of the passage of time and the four seasons (and rainbows) because he has connections to flowers (spring) in life series and stars in origin smp and winter in empires smp

Pix god of messengers and prophecies( he is in charge of the recaps that gives people information they might have missed also he is a prophet)

Fwhip god of fire and revenge because in both seasons of empires he has had a stubborn heated rivalry with jimmy and did not take the break up well also in art his hair is fire truck red

Gem goddess knowledge and magic because she as the wizard gem she is a powerful magician and because as the princess of dawn she teaches others about the sun god also the wizard gems empire is literally a school

Sausage love and family and lust because he is known for his platonic love (Hermes and Eddie and pearl) and let’s say his passionate spicy love( pole dancing and flirting)

Oli god of music and insanity he is a bard and who’s words make zero sense to everyone and watching him you get sensory overload ( he is the oldest but nobody believes him)

false goddess of mystery and adventure and new beginnings because she is lost her memory and is a very adventurous person also do to the lost memories she basically started from square one when she came to empires

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2 years ago
Homonymous Rats

homonymous rats

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2 years ago
Another Year, Another Rewatch Of These Two Videos
Another Year, Another Rewatch Of These Two Videos

Another year, another rewatch of these two videos

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1 year ago

Redid Scott and did Oli too! (He’s a little mimic man protecting his stash)

Redid Scott And Did Oli Too! (Hes A Little Mimic Man Protecting His Stash)
Redid Scott And Did Oli Too! (Hes A Little Mimic Man Protecting His Stash)

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10 months ago
 Pearl, Titled Aeolus, The Whimsical Ruler Of The Winds: As Friendly As She Is To Visitors, She Does
 Pearl, Titled Aeolus, The Whimsical Ruler Of The Winds: As Friendly As She Is To Visitors, She Does
 Pearl, Titled Aeolus, The Whimsical Ruler Of The Winds: As Friendly As She Is To Visitors, She Does

• Pearl, Titled Aeolus, the whimsical Ruler of the Winds: As friendly as she is to visitors, she does have a rather hard time resisting causing some trouble now and then.

• Fwhip, the unpredictable Messenger God of travel, luck, & speed: He's considered unpredictable at best and borderline maniacal at worst. He falls far past the line of a "trouble-maker" but can't help himself in becoming a close companion of Sausage's (at least, as "close" as the Gods can be considered).

• Gemini, the dangerous & protective Goddess & Sorceress: She's shrouded in warnings of her power & her silver-tongue. While stories will call her a "Witch" or "Temptress," she considers herself a guardian who who will do whatever it takes to protect the one's she loves.

•[Gods of "The God Games"]•

-> when they're properly & fully revealed in the musical, I'll be able to give proper descriptions/character to them all. These are more-or-less base concepts of them <-

 Pearl, Titled Aeolus, The Whimsical Ruler Of The Winds: As Friendly As She Is To Visitors, She Does
 Pearl, Titled Aeolus, The Whimsical Ruler Of The Winds: As Friendly As She Is To Visitors, She Does
 Pearl, Titled Aeolus, The Whimsical Ruler Of The Winds: As Friendly As She Is To Visitors, She Does
 Pearl, Titled Aeolus, The Whimsical Ruler Of The Winds: As Friendly As She Is To Visitors, She Does
 Pearl, Titled Aeolus, The Whimsical Ruler Of The Winds: As Friendly As She Is To Visitors, She Does

• Oli, the God of the Sun, music, & archery

• Pixl, the God of the Forge, fire, & craft

• Lady Katherine, the righteous Goddess of Love, beauty, & war

• Shrub, the combative God of War & bravery

• Joey, the spiteful God of marriage & family


Pt. 1 || Pt. 2 [Here] || Pt. 3 || Pt.4 || Pt. 5

Round 2 of the characters complied!

I look forward to fleshing out some of these characters more as they're revealed but, as of now, these are gonna be the concepts for The God.

While it doesn't fully effect how the characters are going to be portrayed, I'm more than open to getting information or stories on the Greek Gods equivalents of these characters.

I'm not fully versed in the stories & representations of the Gods aside from some Google searches now and then. I also love learning mythology and all that comes with it.

I do believe there will be One or two more character posts after this before i start working on penning & story-line art.

In the meantime, feel free to continue asking whatever your hearts desire.

Do enjoy your time here.

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