adina123 - Fandom ideas
Fandom ideas

226 posts

The Most Scene Hot Topic Pastel Color Kitty Hats Ever Made

The Most Scene Hot Topic Pastel Color Kitty Hats Ever Made
The Most Scene Hot Topic Pastel Color Kitty Hats Ever Made
The Most Scene Hot Topic Pastel Color Kitty Hats Ever Made
The Most Scene Hot Topic Pastel Color Kitty Hats Ever Made
The Most Scene Hot Topic Pastel Color Kitty Hats Ever Made
The Most Scene Hot Topic Pastel Color Kitty Hats Ever Made
The Most Scene Hot Topic Pastel Color Kitty Hats Ever Made

The most scene hot topic pastel color kitty hats ever made

Jimmy has this weird habit where he gets very attached to and obsessed his headgear so bad boy Jimmy could also have a hat specifically an edgy cat hat

This Is Also Fun To Visualize. Joel Gets Cool Sunglasses, Grian Gets A Steampunk Top Hat, And Jimmy's Over Here With A Helmet & Cat Ears. This Flavor Of BadBoys Is A Mess /aff

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More Posts from Adina123

1 year ago

so can we all agree that big dog Jimmy is a golden retriever

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1 year ago

It just kills me when writers create franchises where like 95% of the speaking roles are male, then get morally offended that all of the popular ships are gay. It’s like, what did they expect?

1 year ago

Rules and FAQs

Welcome to the MCYT Sibling Showdown, where sets of siblings in the MCYT Multiverse go up against each other to determine the best sibling dynamic!

What qualifies as a set of siblings?

For the sake of the poll, sibling set nominees are divided into three categories:

Canonical: These characters are canonically siblings, biological, adopted, in-laws, or otherwise.

Canonical Honorary: These characters are canonically honorary siblings and have a sibling-like dynamic in canon.

Fanon: These characters do not have a canonical sibling dynamic, but are frequently portrayed as such in fan depictions.

Are there any limits to what dynamics I can nominate?

In-law dynamics are allowed ONLY if they are between a canonically established relationship within the source media, i.e. Fanon submissions of in-law dynamics are NOT allowed. This is to prevent bringing the entire MCYT Family Forest into the mix, for the sake of everyone's sanity.

Characters in the sibling dynamic can be main characters (played by active content creators) or NPCs (as defined in the @mcytnpcshowdown), or a combination of the two.

Real-life sibling content creators (e.g. Stampy Cat and NettyPlays) can qualify for this tournament ONLY IF their characters are also portrayed as siblings in collaborative media – a note will be added that the content creators are siblings in real life in such cases.

The number of sibling sets in the tournament will be determined by the number of individual submissions.

If you have any questions about whether a certain dynamic CAN be submitted, please ask! If there are any grey areas in the categorization, they will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Rules for the Showdown

As per MCYTblr tradition, voter fraud, bribery, and propaganda is allowed. Just DON'T BE TOXIC.

The mod will not be playing fair. Please tag this blog if you want everyone to see your propaganda.

The mod also has the final right to decide which nominations go in the poll, but they will only interfere with the nominations if they have to.

If a dynamic is nominated under the Canonical Honorary category, please submit at least one piece of evidence from the source material to prove they are Canonical Honorary siblings.

The number of nominations for each dynamic will only be revealed once nominations are closed. If you want to check if a certain dynamic has been nominated (yet), you may ask that.

If you have any further questions about the poll, please ask!


Click HERE to nominate a sibling dynamic!

Nominations will be closed on August 25, 2023 at 10am EDT / 3pm BST / 10pm PHT.


#additional polls: any non-showdown polls

#ask and you shall receive: asks and replies

#character name: polls and propaganda of the character

#masterpost: summary posts of rules and polls

#mcyt sibling showdown: public poll tag

#media: source media of the characters, #mcyt is for real-life siblings

#original post: posts from this blog

#propaganda machine: submitted and tagged propaganda

#round X: for categorizing rounds of the poll

#self rb: reblogs of original posts

1 year ago
"Are you even listening?" I have heard this quesion so many times in an angry tone while misundersanding my facial gestures that it will be more upsetting than productive. If you are unsure whether I am listening or not, it's better to ask whether I can process what you are saying or wether I'm in a good head place to listen, rather than asking "are you listening?" Autism or/and ADHD?Problems maintaining eye contact aremore typically associated with Autism, but can be part of ADHD as well. The difference lies in the nuances of how and why you have trouble with it.  With ADHD, it's more of an issue with eye movement control and concentration. We tend to look at distractions more quickly and spend less time concentrating on one thing (e.g. looking you in the face). There is no fail-safe way of interpreting eye-contact.  Eye contact and nodding chances are high I'm actually daydreaming. I'm basically masking my inattention. Looking down When I actively listen, I tend to look down while concentrating on processing words. Looking up I look up while answering and trying to connect your experiences with mine. I fidget when I try to concentrate on listening until the end, so my facial expression might be tense. Doing something with my hands helps me concentrate, so sometimes I play around on my phone.When I know I need to listen carefully, I start doodling to help focus. Sometimes when I daydream, I acccidentally end up giving people the feeling that Ive been staring at them. My eyes jump more rapidly from point to point without really perceiving what I look at.This makes reading harder as well. How you can help me listen: Giving me time to mentally shift from what im doing to listening-mode messaging me when you want to talk to me a space with few distractions knowing what the end goal of what you are saying is knowing what you expect from me keeping my hands busy writings things down so i dont forget repeating keypoints of what was said to focus on listening

I was in a workshop the other day where someone was detailing how they, compared to others, show respect by not fidgeting and keeping eye-contact with people.

So yeah, I felt the need to make this comic.

Keep in mind: This isn't an ADHD specific problem and depending on the nuance, can stem from different areas like anxiety or autism. The eye-contact "issues" with ADHD stem more from impulsive eye-movements (the kind where you are not really looking at anything) and high distractability.

ADHD also has a significant overlap with eye-conditions and some studies suggest that ADHD medication can actually help with some eye-conditions. (Is that why my sight feels more blurry on days off medication?!)

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