| Gentle Nods, The Slight Recoil Was Expected - Though In Honestythe Intensity Was Predicted To Reach
◙ | gentle nods, the slight recoil was expected - though in honesty the intensity was predicted to reach a much higher level. this was more acceptable, more appreciated. holding alana was the first action of freddie’s year & touching, comforting. kissing. a bliss akin to no other combination, sensation. &brief, but so very memorable. soft tone. whispering for no one, for no apparent reasoning. quiet. “ okay --- ( there isn’t & will not be an apology ) i wasn’t followed. ----- ( simple hair brush ) can you get out? my car is at the back. “
Sudden touch at her wrist and her heart stops for the quickest second (it feels like having her ankle tugged and it feels like that tremulous trip up the stairs and bruised knees and–) but she finds herself instinctively turned, shifted moved– Kissed. She doesn’t ask for how her nails wander up into tresses and lightly rake through, find purchase there to a moment that’s accidental. There’s a sharp, threaded tremble. She shoulders Freddie at the chest sharp, feigns a duck in to press against. Feigns. Surely. Before a partially turned head exposes an eye, cheek rested, “I have to go. Chilton’s here. I didn’t know.” It’s not like Alana Bloom to flee from a fight. It is like her to run from what’s going to be a humiliating degradation of her career.
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◙ | “ satisfaction ----- “ this request is vague, & could go a number of ways, directions. “ ----- silk sheets. “ that request, however - very clear.

Watches Freddie, eyes intent. She sees the pause, and she’s pleased with herself. As desired, she’s triggered memory with– shall we say vulgar language. Not so much, she could’ve been far more uncouth. Still, pleased.
“That depends.”
A pause, thoughtful and heavy.
“What is it you want?”
i’ve had to listen to silence while writing violet since i started this blog& i FINALLY found an artist she likes. hallelfuckingujah.
@mosaiichearts | asked for angry max

📎| “ HEY ! ---- knockoff barbie ! “

✖ DSM ✖ | in one corner of the ring ; the singer’s head the other home of heart & both are quite skilled in the ways of battle. “ zhere is no need ----- my face is perfect. are you mocking my anger tovards you? “

the brunette chews on the inside of her lip to try and keep herself from smiling but the effort proves to be futile. the blonde before her is still claiming anger but her face definitely tells beca otherwise. she’s seen ‘the kommissar’ angry and this isn’t it.
❝ no? tell that to your face. ❞