📎|“ um ---------------- { N O } that would be XOLOVE by the fragrance artists of dollar tree. “

❝ do i– ❞ a pause, a finger held MIDAIR, it is not max’s turn to speak just yet and then a drawn out SNIFF.
❝ is that JEALOUSY i smell? i think it is. ❞

📎| “ you know ---------- for someone who has to watch nicholas sparks movies for a cheap thrill you are SUPER picky. “

❛ This is ———– No. We might need money but I’m not that desperate. I’m too pretty for HER, plus, she looks like she could eat me if I’m not careful. ❜

📎| “ FINE ---- but go get her moldy sandwich before oleg fills it with his special sauce. & then no bitch is getting her money. “

❛ ———— I’m still not doing HER. ❜

📎| “ aren’t you a little young to deprive yourself of simple pleasures? “

“How about straight vodka with a twist of lime.” ( she’s watching her calorie intake )

📎| “ i’m pretty hard to convince. ---- unless theres tequila involved then i wouldn’t ever bet on me. “

‘ you don’t sound convinced by them. ‘

📎| “ yeah ---- & oprah is a F R I G I D B I T C H. “

one count of silence. two now. she sighs & crosses her arms over her chest; she’ll firmly stand her ground. ‘ i don’t have an attitude problem. ‘
@adroitbedfellows liked for a thing

📎| oh god. bite it max. keep it in. nope ( fuck you binx ) i CANNOT. “ true ----- she pretty much throws out cash & cars to greedy little audience members like free t-shirts at sporting events so ... ( pause ) also, it means you have an attitude problem. “

‘ . . . i don’t know what that means, so i’m gonna CHOOSE not to get offended. & don’t talk about oprah that way, she’s helped, like, tons of people. ‘

📎| “ you’re BRANDED ace -------- just accept it. “

📎| “ —– you’ve been watching that lesbian vampire web show again haven’t you ——— ? “

“I ain’t acceptin’ anythin’, cupcake. How ‘bout you accept that, eh?”

📎| well fuck it all in the ass with a rusty rake, ruining all the fun. “ hey. CUT IT OUT. i’m trying to banter in a spiteful yet ( adorable ) manner --------- “

“I really don’t like you today. I hope you know that, babes. This conversation ain’t even happenin’ now.”

📎|“ w o w good COMEBACK ace -------------- what’s next ? ( shane voice ) your face could do better banter. “

“Your banter is stupid. Also I have no idea what fuckin’ show you’re even talkin’ ‘bout.
Your boobs would probably do a better banter.”

📎|‘ oh no - not butt face. please hold while i use this blender to dramatically off myself. “ chuckle chuckle. ~ #shane voice.

“Your face? Nah don’t think so. Has it occurred to you, butt face, that I ain’t in the mood for your banter?”
Rolling eyes now, growl leaving their lips.
“I do not talk like that.”
They do.

📎|“ i’m h i l a r i o u s --- wha-- what is that ? are you GROWLING at me ? fucking kujo come on, ( do something ) “

“You know that ain’t even funny? Think you’re losin’ your touch, babes.”
growls once more.
“You’re a dramatic fuck. Stop tryin’ to sound like me.”
📎|“ yeah because THAT makes sense in a dimension far far away. “ so grabby, temper temper. yet, streaked blue hues unwavering as they settle, they dip & RISE. “ sup ‘ tough guy. “

“Yeah I’m growlin’ at you. And you ain’t hilarious. You’re like an old shrivelled up tea bag, babes.
“You’re callin; me kujo now?”
Now they’re growling loudly, possibly holding Max by the shoulders, eyes boring into hers.
@moonsunandme | stabbed my heart

📎| “ okay so they’re my BOYFRIEND -- GIRLFRIEND FRIENDFRIEND ------- maybe. but who cares right? it’s not like it matters, labels are cliche and used to make ryan gosling films whatever --- who cares, i don’t ------- “ ranting in front of customers, again. really this girl needs a hobby of sorts. or maybe get out of the cage of mind. squints. “ ... eat your grilled cheese before the mold grows legs & finds a mold wife to wed ! “
📎| an echo. “ nice comeback a c e ------- keep it up & you might hurt my nonexistent feelings. “ this grip is a bit uncomfortable. not that it’s going to be voiced. “ that’s LITERALLY my goal in life ---- “
“You are in a dimension far far away.”
They grumble, brown hue looking all over her face.
“You make it so hard to like you, you know that?”
Now they’re really close to her lips.