ahanarhorse - Part time artist, full time freak
Part time artist, full time freak

I go by Erea/Ahanar | She/her | Christian | Non-judgemental, I'll always be a safe spot for anyone.

69 posts

If You Are Open To Very Small Edits In Stories I Noticed When You Said Cry After Cry Was Heart Im Sure

If you are open to very small edits in stories I noticed when you said “cry after cry was heart” I’m sure you meant to say heard. (If that was an autocorrect mistake I understand and you are free to ignore this.) The story itself was nice though. Is it your first time writing action scenes? Cause it worked out nicely (and I totally get it action scenes suck to write out, especially with 9 characters.)

I fixed it, thank you for pointing that out! I checked it over a couple times but guess I missed that.

This is indeed my first time writing action(and about everything), I really appreciate the support! It's hard writing fight scenes, especially trying to give each of the boys a little of the spotlight.

Thank you again!

  • silentsheikah
    silentsheikah liked this · 5 months ago
  • callmecreative
    callmecreative liked this · 5 months ago

More Posts from Ahanarhorse

6 months ago

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6 months ago

Guardian of the Winds

Guardian Of The Winds

Here it is, the second one in the series! I wasn't as happy with this one as I was with the first one, but decided to post it anyway.

Any ideas on who the next one should be? And what they should do? I have some ideas, but I'm completely open to new ones!

Other Guardians: Sky, Four

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5 months ago

Aww, I'm so glad! I'm honored you consider me a friend!!!!!

You're amazing, always keep being you @callmecreative!!!

reblog if you've made a good friend on tumblr.

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5 months ago

What am I if not your Guard? Chapter 2

Wild makes yet again another reckless decision, hurting him and making the rest of the group concerned

Previous chapter -- Next chapter

AO3 Link

Warnings: None really, just a little injury(bruising and dislocation)(Wild was being dumb again)

Chapter 2: Born to die, lived a Legend

It had been three days and one world since the last incident. The chain was now in Four's Hyrule, at least, they thought.

They had been dropped in the middle of a forest, only for Four to wander off and come back with directions. Where he went, no one could figure out. Twilight, however, shared a small smile as he saw the Smithy reappearing.

They were now traveling towards the town. Four wasn't too pleased at the idea, but they needed supplies and it was the closest place.

It took a few hours, but finally they could see the walls around the town, a beautiful sight to many sets of tired eyes.

The group had restocked their supplies without much trouble, and were now walking toward's Four's house.

The group walked along, talking excitedly. Wind was in the middle of telling an extravagent story when Twilight slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Twi- 'dats n't 'ice!" He tried to say through the barrier, and just ended up spitting on Twilight's hand.

"Wind, everyone, be quiet. Can you hear that?"

His question was answered with silence, then a few nods and murmurs as most of the group confirmed his hypothisis.

"Someone's calling for help?" Wild questioned, arguably having the second best hearing out of the group.

"Yeah, I hear it too," Hyrule confirmed.

The group didn't even have to say anything, as one they moved towards the distressed sound.

As they got closer it got louder, sounds of fighting and crying. The chain walked faster and faster and came out of the treeline at a sprint, several swords raised.

The sight that met their eyes was not a good one. A few knights were trying, and struggling, to fend off several bokoblins from Wind's world, moblins from Four's and octorocs, which couldn't be placed.

The group jumped into action immediately, Hyrule and Warriors running towards injured knights, Wild scaling a tree, bow in hand, and the rest of the group covering healers and warriors alike.

The battle was going smoothly, uninfected monsters were a piece of cake to nine experienced warriors.

The heroes with a wider fighting style swept the battle ground, while the smaller, more nimble ones ducked under and stabbed from below. Arrows reigned down from the sky, hitting any enemies that were missed in the fray.

The battle was coming to a close, Warriors returned to the fight while Hyrule watched over the injured. Wild swung down from his perch and drew a sword to help finish off the rest of the monsters.

Legend slashed through another bokoblin, felling one and injuring another. He was focusing too hard on the enemies in front of him, not hearing the 'pop' of an octorock until too late.

He spun around, only to get a face-full of dirt and debris. Legend coughed and spit, shielding his face with his hand as he tried to see his surroundings.

Someone rushed to his side, covering him as the not-yet-dead tried to take it's chance. He heard the tell-tale cry of an octorock, but couldn't see who had finished it off.

As he wiped a bit of dirt out of his eyes, he saw more of his surroundings. Sky was standing in front of him, a dead boko at his feet. Wild was behind him, fighting any monsters that dared come close.

Wild was acting odd though, he was holding his sword with only one hand, making his movements slower and less precise.

Legend muttered something under his breath, if that crazy kid had injured himself again he may just lecture Wild himself.

It was probably the champion who had deflected that octo blast, and if he knew the kid, didn't brace the shield correctly and injured his arm.

With thoughts spiraling through his head, Legend got back into the battle.

As swords swung and daggers darted, the battle finished quickly. Bodies lay around the field as several of the heroes checked up on the knights they had been fighting alongside(more like saving their sorry backsides if Legend had a say).

Legend looked over the group and started meandering over to where they were all gathering. Wild and Sky started walking the same direction alongside him.

"You really gotta learn how to brace your shield properly," Legend grumbled at Wild, who was holding his arm gingerly.

Wild looked confused, eyebrows pinching together before displaying a smile that looked both forced and panicked, "Oh, yeah. Teach me sometime, ey Vet?" He asked.

Something seemed wrong, but instead of bringing attention to a probably small issue, Legend made a short affirmation and continued walking.

As the group gathered around, Legend could see Four and some of the knights talking. He only caught bits of the conversation, but it seemed like he was gaining intel about black blooded monsters around the area.

Legend caught Hyrule's eye and the traveler started walking over.

"Anyone hurt?" He asked, not so secretly looking Legend over for injuries.

"I think Wild hurt his arm but I'm good," he said as Hyrule turned to Wild.

"No, I'm good Rulie," Wild said, trying to wave him away.

"No, you're hurt. Now let me see your arm," Hyrule said, narrowing his gaze at the champion and trying to win a battle of wills.

In the end, it wasn't won by either side. Instead Warriors came up behind Wild, putting a hand on his injured shoulder. Wild winced, and Wars pulled his hand back.

"Let me look at that," the captain said, with much more authority than even Wild could compete with.

Wild turned away, hiding his face with his hair as he tried to bring his arm up. Instead of holding it where Warriors could look at it properly, it shuttered and fell back down, hitting his side and making the champion wince and draw in a breath of pain.

"Sit down champ, you've really done it to yourself this time," Wars said, sighing but trying to put on a smile and be patient for the kid's sake. It was sometimes hard not to default back to being a captain around the young knight, but if it made Wild's anxiety less and help him be more comfortable, Wars would do anything.

Wild gingerly lowered himself to the ground and Warriors followed. Legend sat down on his opposite side and Hyrule next to him.

Warriors gently picked up Wild's arm, being careful not to jostle it too much. He untied the bracers and rolled the sleeve back. Underneath Wild's skin was a mess of blue and black, bruises rolling all the way up his arm and under his tunic.

"What did you do now kid?" Wars sighed.

Wild faltered for a moment, looking at the dirt beneath his hand as he struggled to find a response.

"He blocked an octo ball meant for me," Legend supplied, sighing, "it looks like you just used your arm, what kind of shield do you have?"

Wild hung his head even lower.

"Wild?" Hyrule asked, soft melodic voice gentle and patient, "did you use a shield?"

A soft nod was all the answer they needed. Wars sighed, Legend muttered something under his breath and Hyrule gently lay his hand on Wild's leg.

"It's alright, let me see it," he said. Warriors made room for their fairy healer to assess the damage, carefully holding the still very injured arm.

Legend thanked the stars for Hyrule's patience(and healing abilities). If he had to talk sense into the champion(and he really wanted to), their wild hero would be in the woods and up a tree by now.

"Is your shoulder dislocated?" Hyrule asked, looking to Wild's face for an answer. The young hero mumbled something but finally nodded again when Hyrule couldn't understand.

"It needs to be set before you heal it," Warriors said, turning to Hyrule, "otherwise it'll heal wrong."

Hyrule sighed, but nodded. It was going to be painful, but it had to be done.

Warriors held Wild's arm with one hand and put the other on his shoulder where he could feel that it wasn't quite in the right spot.

"Do you need to bite down on something?" Warriors asked, concern written as clearly on his face as in a book.

A shake of the head answered him and another sigh was heard. Popping a joint back in its socket was painful, but the champion had been through it before, several times too many.

"Okay, one... two... three!" And with that, a sickening crunch was heard and a whimper of pain struggled out of the champion.

Hyrule immediately started healing the still bruised arm as Warriors rubbed Wild's back, both as a comfort and making sure he wasn't hurt anywhere else.

Wild's arm was in a much better state as the rest of the group wandered over to the ones sitting in the dirt. Warriors stood up and talked with Time before moving towards the knights they had rescued.

Time closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before walking the rest of the distance and squatting down, now eye level with Wild. The one in question lowered his eyes to the floor and pulled his now almost-fully-healed arm out of Hyrule's grasp.

"Wild," Time started, kind but stern, he was in for it now, "You used your arm to block Legend, right?"

A nod was his only answer.

"Why didn't you use your shield?"

A shrug.

"Did you have it with you?"


"You just reacted and didn't think to use it?"


"Wild, I commend your bravery and care for your team members, but you also have to take care of yourself."

No answer.

"I understand the decision you made, so I won't lecture you, but please use your shield next time." There was no response, so Time just held his hand out, and Wild took it, both of them standing up.

"Proud of ya kid."


i love wars and wild's dynamic so much. warriors is a very good older brother and you can't change my mind

I'm also not a doctor, so I have no idea if I wrote anything here right. Good thing this is a fantasy world so I can call any inaccuracy magic!

Anyway, thank you for reading till the end! If you have any comments, corrections, suggestions or anything else, I would love to hear them!

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