aharlemlovestory - A Harlem Love Story
A Harlem Love Story

When vibes between two infinite souls collide… HVRLEM

829 posts

A New York Love Story Part 1

A New York Love Story Part 1

A New York Love Story Part 1

Summer time circa 2013 in the heart of the jungle New York City just a little after 10 o'clock pm the sky above me covered in the deepest midnight blue looked as smooth as satan with specs of stars giving it a look as if it was diamonds glistening under the full moon, thats when I spotted him. My heart instantly fell to the pit of my stomach in disbelief that my lost love was standing right in front of me. Thinking to myself i must be suffering from a bad case of dejavu but the look he held in his eyes spoke oh so clearly sorta like when something very sentimental has been lost or stolen and there will never be a replacement simply because the item at hand holds no value to anyone else just you and its irreplaceable. Tears filled my eyes as I stared into yours watching you in the middle of times square under all of the lights. It felt as if the world stopped spinning on its axes and at that very moment it had stopped in connection of two hearts beating as one. His hand grabbed mines with the lightest most delicate grip as my tears began to fall tainting the carefully applied clinique concealer and foundation the color of fresh golden almonds I'd applied earlier that day. Dressed in tie dye navy blue and white Born Fly clothing sweats with a navy blue and grey yankees snapback with blue and white jordan's number thirteen edition. Classic beats by dre studios sat perfectly along the top of your snapback covering your ears as if moments before we approached one another you were trying to block out the sounds of the infamous jungle to concentrate on the beat that flowed through your ipod system. His gripped got tighter as began pulling me off to the side out of the way of the anxious passer byers who were power walking some even running to get to their precious destinations. Standing now with my back against one of many pizza shops our bodies were perfectly in sync touching one another. So close that I could smell the only sent that has ever taken me to so many heights I thought was morbidly impossible Higher by Christian Dior. With every breath I inhaled my lungs found it hard to exhale not wanting to release the precious scent wanting to hold it in captivity forever. I could hear the sounds of Maxwell's 'whenever, wherever, whatever' flowing from my earbuds making the tears splash tremendously in his warm embrace. No words could be spoken as he carefully stroked my hair so delicately as if I was a newborn infant whom he loved and cherished. Soft whispers as he released the earbud from my right ear saying 'the moment our eyes connected he placed back together my shattered heart'. Thinking to myself why I lost our love in the first place, I wasn't emotionally prepared to give my all but that didn't stop me from falling. When I left for the jungle my heart had escaped my chest and ran into his soul into his hands leaving me to go on without it. No matter how much I suppressed the feelings every night when im alone they eventually comevspilling out like I hit a vein leaving teardrop stains on my red silk pillow cases. See I thought moving back to the heart of the jungle the place I'd loved and adored since day one would heal me from all that I thought I was missing but the longer im here the more a piece of me was released from my soul. Still in his warm embrace I drifted to the many nights he would cooked me the finest cuisines. We would head to Whole Foods supermarket where he would pick the fattest lobster tails, the freshest yellow corn which he had a way of distinguishing from the many shades of green husk, shrimps so big just for every pound it was five dollars and the bag would maybe only contain fifteen. We would sit in his loft with evisu his ever friendly pit bull as he would cook we would be under the high big mahogany kitchen table playing a game of fetch and a game of tug-a-war.

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