aharlemlovestory - A Harlem Love Story
A Harlem Love Story

When vibes between two infinite souls collide… HVRLEM

829 posts

A New York Love Story Part 2 Cont...

A New York Love Story Part 2 Cont...

A New York Love Story Part 2 cont...

He would create the nicest plate settings. Red ceramic apple plates with sterling silver Harchow flatware and Crystal Classic wine glasses with twenty four caret gold rims filled with the sweetest sangria by Madria . You lit the place with three red currant Prize candles simply enthralling. Sounds of Dizzy Gillespie’s ‘my heart belongs to daddy’ flowed through the speakers giving the moment pure bliss. Seated directly in front of me I couldn’t help but to stare into his pretty brown eyes and admire the ceaser cut he had received earlier in the day, his brush waves were deep like the ocean on a hot humid day. It was at that moment when he leaned in touching my face with a sweet soft caress speaking to my heart with his eyes. We ate the delightful meal holding intimate conversations about any and everything. With the table all cleared and the speakers spilling out my favorite song of all time Mint Condition’s 'You send me swingin’ we slow danced with our bodies so close my pelvis felt like it was molded into his grinding slowly. French kisses letting our tongues take control of the moment. Gently he began to remove my Crooks and Castle tunic exposing my red La Pearla bra which my size 34 C titties sat up perfectly in. Moving his kisses from my lips to my neck licking and kissing me so soft my heart melted. Removing my bra admiring the hardness of my nipples shaped like chocolate Hershey kisses. He went in. Sucking them uncontrollably my panties began to fill with the sweet necture of my pussy juices I yearned for more. Soft uncontrollable moans released from my lips as he lift my body onto the mahogany kitchen table removing my dark wash skinny Nudie jeans followed by taking off my matching red La Pearla panties. Diving right in kissing my precious pearl clit then licking the sweet nectar I moaned in pure extasy and began moving my pelvis up and down sexing his face. Sucking my clit harder and placed his tongue directly into the cave of my pussy moving it in and out. Enjoying the pleasures of his tongue the feeling began to increasingly get stronger and my legs began to shake forcing out a full eruption of cum into his mouth, I watched as he swallowed my love.

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Ambien Night’s part 2

6 years ago
A New York Love Story Part 3 Cont...

A New York Love Story Part 3 cont...

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6 years ago
Some People Talk About That Love At First Sight Shit

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6 years ago
I Can Tell There's A Deeper Connection That's Uniting Our Souls Besides Two Boroughs. You've Watched

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