Blues - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
rennesense - Rennesense

PERCY MAYFIELD ~ please send me someone to love ~ 1950.

* * * *

This is the guy who wrote the song.  A great song - for people for planet earth, but mankind.  Please!   I’ve heard it described as a “prayer” song.

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2 years ago

Let's Straighten It Out

Let's Straighten It Out

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1 year ago
Good Morning, Have A Nice Day

Good Morning, have a nice day☀️

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6 months ago

Μουσική στιγμή..

Λίγα χρειάζονται για να ακούσεις μουσική. Διαλέγεις το τραγούδι που αρμόζει με την ψυχολογική σου κατάσταση, ξαπλώνεις …και απλά ταξιδεύεις. Continue reading Μουσική στιγμή..


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6 years ago

 I have to say, @exploringplanetearth are knocking it out of the park atm with my preferred colour scheme...

thebuni - small ears, big listen

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8 years ago

دو اسطوره تکرار نشدنی در کنار هم لوئیس آرمسترانگ و جانی کش #لوئیس_آرمسترانگ #جانی_کش #louisearmstrong #johnnycash #music #legend #trumpet #countrymusic #blues

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1 year ago

Enclosed - Kitchen

Enclosed - Kitchen

Kitchen with a farmhouse sink, shaker cabinets, blue cabinets, quartz countertops, white backsplash, mosaic tile backsplash, stainless steel appliances, a peninsula, and a mid-sized transitional u-shaped light wood floor and brown floor enclosed kitchen photo.

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9 years ago
Inktober, Day Twenty-six

Inktober, day twenty-six

Billie “Lady Day” Holiday

Ink / pen / graphite / 2015

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Megaman dnd au

Bass- half ork rogue/barbarian

Roll- genasi cleric/artificer

Kalinka- half elf bard/druid

Tempo- half dwarf/Goliath monk

Rock- genasi paladin

Blues- Warforge rogue

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7 years ago
Encre De Chine Au Pinceau 21x29,7 ~ Baldo 2017

Encre de chine au pinceau 21x29,7 ~ Baldo 2017

“La musique que j'aime a été créée par les fils et les filles d'esclaves. Le travail de ma vie a toujours été de rendre hommage à ceux qui ont souffert et ainsi de créer un langage de paix et de salut par la musique.

Tout ce à quoi nous avons cru pendant les années 60, tout ce pour quoi les gens se sont battus et sont morts, est mis en péril aujourd'hui ".                                                                          [Eric Burdon]

The music I love was created by the sons and daughters of slaves. My life's work has always been about honoring those people who suffered and thus, created a language of peace and salvation through music.

Everything we believed in during the '60s, everything people fought and died for, is being jeopardized today".

                                                                     [Eric Burdon]

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7 years ago
Day 2.78930 Last Night... I Had The Pleasure Of Attending The Screening Of The Short Film/ Music Video

Day 2.78930 • • Last night... I had the pleasure of attending the screening of the short film/ music video for 'Bluebird' by @_keianawhatley_ This was my first time visiting the recently added Black Literature & Culture section of the downtown library. 'Bluebird' officially drops in 2 weeks! Be on the lookout; you just might see yboy make a cameo 😬😬😬 #blackishistorytoo #blackandwhitechallenge #blackandwhitephotography #bluebird #jazz #blues #artistry #blackliterature #blackexcellence (at Indianapolis Public Library)

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1 year ago


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2 years ago

Megaman characters who were asked to babysit tag

Blast man: 

not the best candidate.

 first he takes the kid to see the fireworks, then they go blow up firecrackers in the entryway.

 that video of the guy who put oil in boiling water

 they decided to repeat it

Galaxy man: 

 tells the child about black holes, stars and unexplored  planets 

He refuses all requests to fly together for a long time, but eventually agrees

  nothing particularly dangerous, they just flew to the roof of some not very tall building

now they are lying there and looking at the constellations 

he will not be able to resist anything if he begs for a very long time 

Ice man:

makes and shows little ice figures 

If, after sitting with him, the children begin to retell documentaries about disasters at Arctic stations, It's okay 

Buys an awful lot of ice cream. 

but it's okay, most of it is for him anyway

Fuse man: 

Has a VERY responsible approach to this assignment 

doesn't really have a clue what he's doing

his search history is littered with all sorts of parenting questions 

First time he googled literally everything

He once mentioned a rabbit, then spent the entire evening showing pictures of it.

 He'll eventually take the child to a pet store, along the way, telling him some random facts about animals.


 ”Wine aunt” 

- "Nescvice and kvass for breakfast today."

 coming to the mall just to ride an escalator, losing their shopping list the minute they get it.

 If you see weird kids on the street with cones on their heads, that's them

Elec man:

 apparently not the best candidate, but actually does a pretty good job as a guardian. 

at least better than the blues

they'll either microwave doom or they'll do the loudest karaoke the neighbors have ever heard.

Tundra man: 

is a very good cook, the kids love his food

 Teaches them how to skate 

And how show up at the doorway in a big, flashy way.

will braid a lot of little braids for everybody if you ask him nicely.

congratulations, your child is now a fashion disaster who found a bright, shiny jacket somewhere.


 tries really hard

 consults with Roll all the time.they sit on the call all day

 Buys a HUGE amount of candy. 

end up with the three of them, including the roll who came over, going to the amusement park


WORST candidate 

doesn't know how to handle kids at all. 

literally that meme with the baby taped to the wall

 google leash to walk kids

Shadow man:

 offered to play hide-and-seek and left 

He'll come back, turn on the baby's cartoons, and then he'll go off on h

his business 

 will come out of the wall every 30 minutes to check if everything's okay

will perform shadow puppets in the evening

Quick man: 

kids tried to play catch-up with him, but...

the kids at the playground hate him for it.

 He spins the merry-go-round with the kid SO MUCH. 

He has no sense of proportion.....

Splash woman:

 shows the kid how to twirl a trident between his fingers

 they asked her to teach them, but hit themselves over the head in the process

 Now they're just popping bubbles

 sings his favorite songs with him

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2 years ago

My headcanons on the Blues who plays guitar

I think that he first started playing while he was living with Light before the main conflict. Somehow it seems to me (really why) that one of Light's passions in his youth was music, so even after so many years, somewhere in the attic lies a dusty old guitar which he had to forget, having completely submerged and devoted his life to science Most likely the Blues discovered it when they were doing general cleaning and Light gave him a task to bring the attic in order. seized with memories he even tried to play him something from memory, which only interested him more And from that moment on they sat down on the big couch in the middle of the living room in their free time, and Light, to the best of his ability and his memories, gave special guitar lessons for the Blues After the conflict, the Blues had no energy, no time, no desire to remember the guitar, and no way to play it, so he forgot about it for a while. And so it went on until he was fully independent again, leaving Wily I have headcanons about his place of residence, and it's possible that while he was cleaning there, he might have stumbled across someone else's guitar and hesitated to take it because the instrument and playing it was closely associated with the person with whom the relationship ended... Doubtful. But I think that when the resentment subsided, and there was twice as much free, quiet time because of another Wily disappearance, he did pick up the guitar and start playing. He started very quietly and unhurriedly, for it was quite possible that the instability of the core might have affected his memory in some negative way, too, and it would have taken him time to remember all the lessons Light had given him, but he would have gained much more confidence afterward. I also had a headcanon that he likes to climb up on the roof of the lab and look at the stars, which he still does to this day (but in a different place), and it's kind of an outlet for him, and every time it gives him some indescribable sense of peace. So I think the guitar gave him about the same feeling, and the more time that passed, the more often he went back to it And so, while he was visiting his siblings somewhere in the far corner of the living room, the same old guitar that he had once learned to play with Light caught his eye He didn't say a word, but he looked at it very noticeably, without looking away for a while, completely lost in his thoughts, so the Rock and Roll obviously began to ask him about what happened, and having guessed it a little later began to entreat him to play something He agreed not at once, not even at this meeting, but he did agree, and now sometimes in the evenings the three of them, when Lite is late at scientific conferences, get together in the same living room, on the same sofa, and under the Light of the setting sun they listen to Blues trying (and sometimes very successfully) to play something from memory. So I'm thinking about the fact that one day when they decided to have another one of those get-togethers Lite came back a little earlier than usual (Blues was still only there when Light was leaving and generally tried to minimize contact with him) than he caught his first son unawares And he didn't expect to see him here himself, although his periodic appearances were no secret for him for a long time. And so I think about how, despite all the reticence between them, Light was still very pleased and happy to see that Blues is still an outlet in the business he once taught him.

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