MATCHING PFP WITH MY INCREDIBLE WIFE @zukoromantic, BRO I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!💕 She/Her 💕 23 💕 Respect Bentina Beakley or die by my sword. 💕Mostly fangirling about Ducktales2017 24/7 bc the show might be over but it still lives rent-free in my head. Also precure!! 💕 Inuyasha side blog -> @kagura-the-wind-tamer
1291 posts
You Here An Crabs And Go Outside To Find That Someone Has Hit Your Car! He Culprit Appears To Have Vanished
You here an crabs and go outside to find that someone has hit your car! He culprit appears to have vanished along with their own car, leaving a sticky note with childlike handwriting on the bumper, it reads: “Hey I’m Launchpad! I am very sorry about your car, it’s ok, Mr McD won’t mind fixing it! Anyway, until then maybe answering he questions 40, 48, 55, and 66 will make you feel better! I am very sorry, lots of love from Launchpad”
Ahdhsgdh LP, dear, I'm not sure that Mr McDuck will appreciate that XD
Also, if Launchpad's the one who hit my car I'm pretty sure there's not much of it left lmao.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
Nope, not usually.
Just when I'm talking to someone and it gets late (but I get the feeling that is more like a "goodbye" plus a way of sending me to sleep. I'm usually the one sending people to sleep so when the tables are turned it's kinda hilarious to me XD)
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
Technically, yes. But college is pretty far from home (by spanish standards!!! Don't judge me), so I've been staying at my grandma's house for a while now.
I must sound like a horrible daughter and even a worse person but I??? Don't really miss staying at home?? Honestly, it's So. Fucking. Noisy. There were kids running and arguing and fighting and storming into my room while I was studying literally all the time and I used to have something similar to anxiety attacks these past couple of years(idk if they actually were, never bothered to check) because I felt like if I couldn't even hear my own thoughts and now it's so quiet and peaceful and I can actually rest???!!! I still can't believe it.
Don't misunderstand me, I LOVE being home, I love my family, but sometimes it just feels too much?? Let's just hope I don't go crazy when I go back there on summer XD
(I... wasn't planning for this answer to be like that. Sorry. I promise I'm okay)
55: What is something I disliked about today?
I had to study plant biology (which is... Way more boring than I anticipated) and I discovered that THERE ISN'T A BUSHROOT FUNKO POP!!!!!??
I was all like "c'mon, do it for him :3" (yeah, I'm weird, but I needed the motivation and it kinda worked with Morgana and the fungus part) and one thing lead to the other and I ended up searching just to be utterly disappointed XD
But HE WOULD BE SO CUTE AS A FUNKO POP??? Not only he's the only one of the Fearsome Five who hasn't appeared yet, but now I have to live with the knowledge that I won't be able to get a tiny Bushroot to hug and ahdgahjdjs WHY QwQ
(Sorry. I swear deep inside I'm normal. Kinda. WAY deep inside. Somewhere. Maybe.)
66: What’s the weather like right now?
It's already really late, it's been raining the whole day and it's kinda cold?? It's JUNE goddamnit!!! We don't usually get this kind of weather in June!!!! It was so hot yesterday?? this planet has gone crazy.
blaithnne liked this · 5 years ago
More Posts from Ai-higurashi
It would have been so great!!!!
I will forever be salty at Duckworth for robbing us of a Scrooge vs Beakley dance battle

THIS IS??? SO CUTE QwQ💕💕💕???!!!
@am-i-not-alive-yet @missmystical12 @little-ampharos @toddykun
Idk, if you like this kind of games but it was worth the try.
(tagging also whoever might wanna join >:3)
It’s A Tag Game Ya’ll
I was scrolling through PicCrewMe and I found the cutest shit and imma start a tag game bitches

@ai-higurashi and @flutternoir
You asked what would Beakley do when she finds out Webby started dating someone (I'm going to leave the ship up to the reader too) Of course, these are just my headcanons. Probably VERY biased.
"If anything happens to my granddaughter, I'll END you"
Listen, she KNOWS Webby can take care of herself (after all, she's her granddaughter, she has trained her for YEARS and is so so proud of her little baby). She trusts Webby to make the right choice and, even though it's crushing her inside, she knows she needs to let her granddaughter grow up, make mistakes and learn for herself.
But she also knows Webby can be very innocent and gullible when talking about any kind of relationship so, unless she already knows the person Webby is dating, she's definitely doing some background research just in case. Letting Webby make her own mistakes doesn't equal at not being ready if it backfires.
And of course, there's no way on Earth she's letting Webby get hurt because of someone else (be it either because they are killed, they are being used as leverage against her in a fight or because Webby is too busy protecting them and puts herself in danger) so if anyone wants to date her granddaughter, they should really get ready, because she's definitely teaching them to fight bullets with their bare hands.
Also, I'd like to think that she becomes kinda protective of Webby's special partner(s)? She doesn't necessarily 'like' them at first, it's more of a "you make my granddaughter happy so I'm not risking it" until she ends up growing fond of them. But yeah, in life or death situations she MAY take a bullet for them.
More detailed reactions depend on who are they, I guess.

After reading this I'm both excited and utterly terrified about what will happen next... QwQ
New Chapter of “The Duel” is up!
I’ve changed the number of chapters to four, it’s gotten a little longer than I thought it would lol
A12 for wolf Beakley and B8 for blind Scrooge

Hope you like it 7w7