aidenjcarter - ain't it fun
ain't it fun

Aiden Joseph Carter part time teacher, full time friend 26

423 posts



“Oh─woah─ I am honestly so offended that you didn’t say one of the princess. Let’s not forget that Vanellope Von Schweetz is the cutest princess ever.” For anyone who knew Poppy, it was probably not surprising that she loved Disney. She hadn’t gotten around to have her life together with as many stream as there was lately, but she would probably subscribe to Disney Plus. Poppy always though her work was indeed cool. She got to be part of one of the most important days in someone’s life and made them look good. It was not just a superficial thing, but once they felt good in their own skin, they could enjoy their party much more. Not to mention that she didn’t have a boring desk job. However, nobody ever told her that. She would always be encountered by questions like how she made enough money. “The process is don’t freak out, meet the bride, then freak out a little.” She laughed. “But seriously, I wouldn’t know how to explain. It is a weird flow and inspiration comes from everywhere. What about you?”


“Honestly, I haven’t seen Wreck It Ralph since it came out. I’ve been meaning to watch the sequel, but I haven’t had the time to do it quite yet.” What Aiden wouldn’t admit was that he was going to watch Frozen 2 without being forced to. He knew that his mom would have loved to come with him to the movie. He laughed at her comment. “If I get married, will you make me a nice bridal gown too?” he joked around, not even knowing the blonde’s name. “I’m and English teacher. I guess I have a different type of inspiration. I love teaching. I think it’s my purpose in life. I’m Aiden, by the way,” introducing himself quickly.

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More Posts from Aidenjcarter

5 years ago

texting starters send a symbol for…

🌻 a worried text.

🐰 a goofy text.

🦋 a loving text.  

🧦 a half-asleep text.

🌳 a happy text.

🍎 an apologetic text.

⚠️ a text meant for someone else.

🕰️ an early morning text.

💫 a late night text.

🗑️ a text that wasn’t sent.

💡 a scared text.

💀 an urgent text.

🥇 a supportive text.

🔪 a hateful text. 

🌊 a sad text.

⚡ an angry text. 

🚀 a goodbye text.

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5 years ago


   “Wow,” Gray breathed out, fingers freezing over the keyboard as his eyes flickered up from the screen to meet Aiden’s. He knew what a big step that would have been for him, telling her about his family; hell, Grayson remembered the emotional experience Aiden had telling him. “Must be serious,” He added with a supportive smile, before returning his gaze downwards and quickly finishing up the second text with Aiden’s added sentiment to his mom. Hearing his friend talk so fondly about someone. It almost reminded Grayson of the way he’d felt for a girl who was a bit similar. 

   “Bro, what? All that and you haven’t kissed yet?” Grayson interjected, though he was hardly one to talk. “Sounds like you need to just go for it. I think girls like the whole intensity thing, or something. I dunno, I’ll probably never get it, but it seems like you like her. What’s the problem? And when do I meet her?”


Aiden wasn’t one to open about his life, outside of the fact that he had two dogs who he loved more than anything in this world. That was the crazy thing, to be able to open up to someone without feeling anxious. Grayson understood it and it was nice for Aiden to have his best friend back. He took a deep breath and continued, “I mean, I don’t want to jinx it and say it’s serious, but I do like her. She’s honestly so amazing. The patience she has, the kindness she embodies, it kind of reminds me of my own mom,” he simply stated. “I mean, that’s why Brie broke up with me in college. She always asked about my family and I’d find one way or another to avoid telling her what I was feeling or my past. I was ashamed of it and I just never felt close enough to tell her. It was a weird feeling, loving someone but not being emotionally close to them all at once. It’s different this time, I can feel it in my bones.”

“No, I don’t think she’s the type of girl that would be okay with me just springing a kiss on her. I want to take it slow. I want her to know that I’m not dating her for sex or whatever. I told her I wanted to get to know her and if I have to wait to kiss her, then so be it,” he declared. Aiden was never good with girls and his previous situation didn’t turn out so well for him. “I just feel nervous. You know how rare it is for me to want to commit to someone and now that I’ve reached this point, I’m scared to take a step forward. Umm...I don’t know when you’d meet her, to be honest. Isn’t that kind of quick? Introducing your crush to your best friend?”


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5 years ago


   “Alright, brother, I trust your judgement,” Gray chuckled. He knew not many would have a tolerance as high as his by now, and it’s not exactly something he took pride in… just a fact of life. Just there mere mention of his mom made him smile. Reyanne had always been such a special person to Gray, and he was definitely a full-blown momma’s boy. He wasn’t surprised she still sent Aiden gifts; she’d always treasured his friend, especially because he’d done so much to bring Gray out of his shell. “Yeah… she’s gonna be thrilled we hungout. Here, let’s send her a selfie.”

   Gray leaned in with his phone held out, getting close to Aiden’s face to snap the pic, listening as Aiden talked about his love life as he sent the text and a brief message to his mom. “Well, you’re already having better luck than most - so the new girl, then, is she… are you guys…?” Gray left it opened ended, smirking to his friend. He hoped to keep the subject focused on Aiden for this part; talking about Alana or Abby right now was not something he felt inclined to do. 


Aiden leaned in for the selfie and smiled. “Tell her I miss her good food and her nice hugs,” he mentioned. It was nice to feel like he was still a part of a family. “No, she’s not my girlfriend or anything like that. I’ve barely even had the courage to ask her on a date, to be honest. It’s kind of insane how everything worked out. I told her about my parents and she told me about her dad and it kind of clicked for me that we both went through similar tragedies. Although, we watched Harry Potter and I got triggered and ditched her in a theatre, but she forgave me and understood and honestly, she is an angel on Earth. Her smile pierces through your soul,” he continued on.

“I’m not good with this whole asking girls out or being smooth. She’s like the girl version of me and it’s kind of insane because we’re both messes but in a way it’s nice to have someone else who can understand the pain that I’ve been through. She’s smart, she has ambitions, and I can be vulnerable with her in a way that I haven’t been able to with another girl I’ve had feelings for. I’m trying so hard to be patient. I haven’t even kissed her yet because I want to build a good foundation before jumping into affection.”


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5 years ago

🐰 🥇🧦

🐰 a goofy text.

Aiden: Has anyone that’s liked you ever considered calling you Winnie the Boo?

Aiden: Honestly, I’m considering setting that as your contact name now.

🧦 a half-asleep text

Aiden: Why did you decide that it was a good idea to put the Santa in my room?

Aiden: Oh, sorry, that was just my nightmare. I’m not fully awake right now,

🥇 a supportive text.

Aiden: I hope you know that I think you’re one of the funniest people in the world.

Aiden: You make me laugh harder than most people can (please don’t tell Grayson this).

Aiden: I think you have an amazing craft at comedy and I can’t wait until you have a Netflix special, Winnie the Boo.

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5 years ago


WHERE: Tbh anywhere WHO: Open TAGGING: @wilmingtonstarters​


     “Alright, so…” How did she phrase this so it didn’t come off cheap and offensively? Normally, Halle wouldn’t care, but given the holiday season and for the sake of being in the spirit or whatever she tried. For a few short moments. “How do you go about… alright, what the hell do you gift someone that you don’t really give a shit about but you’re obligated to buy them a present?” The blonde had been doing a light amount of shopping and so far had really only picked up things mostly for herself. She needed to get something for one of the ladies in her office and also that dumbass prick in the copyright department. “Don’t worry… it’s not you,” she clarified, just in case. “I keep seeing this infomercial for this Miracle Spring Water... I know it’s full of shit but… Janet could really use it.”

“Oh, I have a fair share of those people at my school. To be honest, I would just buy them gift cards to Target. You can’t go wrong with Target and then they can pick whatever they want. It saves you time and energy about thinking what they would like or something.” He laughed, hearing about the informercial. “What exactly is this Miracle Spring Water? Are you suggesting that she only deserves bottled water?” He questioned. “I honestly don’t know what to get the other two English teachers at my school. They kind of have a stick up their butt half the time and they’re rude to me because I’m new. Some BS right there.


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