Welcome to my weird art/story blog, I hope you enjoy your stay~
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A gift for my boyfriend (Foxhood belongs to @akiratrebound) Love ya Hunbun!!! <3 <3 <3
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Good, I’ve got your attention. I’ve heard about this net neutrality bullshit returning. I fought it when it started popping up a few years ago, and I’m going to fight it again. Guys, it’s BACK AGAIN and even worse theres a big chance it will END UP PASSING!
This could literally mean a shit ton of you wont be able to see me anymore if your provider decides that they want to regulate/censor, sayyy overly sexual content. You’ll also have to pay extra money to even use Tumblr!

Please guys, we defeated this shit once, we can do it again. They’re trying to do it now while people are distracted by the holidays and fucking Justice League. As of today, it seems as though there have only been 266,810 calls made to Congress. This is NOT good enough!! MILLIONS of people use the net, and if each one of them took 60 seconds to call and protect it, holy balls do you KNOW how much of a difference that would make??? But noooo, you’re busy streaming an ecchi anime that wont be available to you soon!!!!!

Heres a direct link to make a difference (theres also links to other sites of the same nature on here), and yes, YOU can make a fucking difference because this is YOUR internet at stake here. If you’re not going to make the call, share this and maybe SOMEONE fucking will!! This is important as shit and we cant afford to lose. Dec 14th is the deadline.

I drew something I haven’t in a long time
A pony. *dramatic music*
Yeah once upon a time I was a brony and while now I’ve basically left the fandom and maybe once in a while catch an episode, but I decided on a whim to draw one of my pony ocs named Ember Shine. In this drawing he’s cutiemark-less because I’m not sure if the one I gave fits, like it fits his name and you could stretch it to fit his personality but like I have not a flipping clue what his special talent is aside from kind-hearted nature, devotion to his ideals and friends, and determination but those are more character traits than a special talent. The one I had was three glowing embers, which very well could symbolize these things but
Cutie marks are a pain to design man
Art and Character belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!

So if you haven't noticed, each set of five days have their own themes. From today until the 15th it will be stuff relating to a comic me and some friends are working on based off a game called Dungeon Defenders. It's a very fun game :0 Dungeon Defenders/Dungeon Defenders Eternity/Dungeon Defenders 2 all belong to Trendy Entertainment Jaykob and Jono belong to me!
You have really really good art! And I love your style~ keep up the awesome work. Also do you have an index of your characters?
Aaa! Thank you!
And unfortunately I don’t, It’s something I’ve been meaning to do but I’ve been unsure of where to put such a thing cause like I’m clueless when it comes to like HTML or what ever it’s called for tumblr and finding a good place to make a website -shrugs-
Are fedoras really that bad?