Fox-hood - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago
So My Progress From During My Stream Owo Enjoy. There'll Be More Info With The Final Drawing

So my progress from during my stream owo enjoy. There'll be more info with the final drawing

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9 years ago
Im Working On Starfall Pages. So Have Some Of The Best Expressions So Far. Well At Least The Best Drawn
Im Working On Starfall Pages. So Have Some Of The Best Expressions So Far. Well At Least The Best Drawn
Im Working On Starfall Pages. So Have Some Of The Best Expressions So Far. Well At Least The Best Drawn

I’m working on Starfall pages. So have some of the best expressions so far. Well at least the best drawn ones. Yeee~


ftr he’s drinking milk ovo; just kinda noticed it looks like Fox-Hood is drinking something not so innocent ovo;;;

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9 years ago
Heeey~ It's A Drawing From My Latest Stream~Anyway It's A Ref Sheet For Fox-Hood Aka Ginsei Shiiro From

Heeey~ It's a drawing from my latest stream~ Anyway it's a ref sheet for Fox-Hood aka Ginsei Shiiro from Starfall~

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9 years ago
NOTE: This Reads Like A Manga, So Right To Left!What It Says In Case You Can't Read My Handwriting :

NOTE: This reads like a Manga, so right to left! What it says in case you can't read my handwriting : If you had the chance to leave everything you knew behind...Would you take it? I decided to just go ahead and post the first page and I'm probably just going to post them as I finish them. I almost have the second one done and then the three after that just need to be inked and shaded. Also only the first page of each chapter will have shading this intricate. The others will have shading but not quite so much? It's a little hard to explain, I guess you'll see what I mean when I post the second page. Anyway yeah. I hope it looks good! Minecraft belongs to Mojang Fox-hood and the art belongs to me.

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9 years ago
I HAVE RETURNED FROM CAMPING! :DYeah, I'm Pretty Tired But I Had Fun. So I Get On And See That Someone

I HAVE RETURNED FROM CAMPING! :D Yeah, I'm pretty tired but I had fun. So I get on and see that someone I'm following had made a playlist of music and I listened to it and this and another picture ( ) are the result. I'll likely color these in my next stream. listen to the playlist yourself, it's really awesome: Minecraft belongs to Mojang Fox-Hood Gin and the art belong to me. Please do not use or repost without my permission.

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8 years ago
I Was Bored And I Found A Blog That Had Multiple Color Palate Thingies And I Took Two Monochrome Ones

I was bored and I found a blog that had multiple color palate thingies and I took two Monochrome ones and used them to make these two drawings. The one in green is Luci. She is only ever mentioned in the comic as she is already been dead for many years when it starts. She was a good friend of Herobrine's though before she passed. So while drawing this I played a little with her design. Originally she only had short fluffy hair but I decided I wanted something tied into her hair so I added the small braid in her hair and tied to said braid is a feather and a piece of Nether Quartz. And she wears a diamond necklace. The one in blue is Fox-Hood. Fun Fact: Those who associate with a certain god(like interact with them on a regular basis) usually end up with some sort of charm from them. For Herobrine it's a feather of some sort and a piece of Nether Quartz, as seen in Luci's braid and the feather and Nether Quartz tied to the end of Starboy's axe. The sword Fox-Hood ends up with in the comic has a diamond and emerald tied to the hilt that are from Steve. Enda would likely give you an Endstone shard and Obsidian. I haven't quite decided on Notch or Stellra though. Anyway, the link the blog I found is this: go check it out, maybe you'll find a palate you like! >w< This was my first time doing monochrome coloring so this was a challenge and I probably could have done better but it was fun nonetheless~ Luci and Fox-Hood belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!

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8 years ago
My List: 1: Http://

My list:… Day 1:

@jadenheart101's version of today's prompt:… Fox-Hood and Steve playing with fallen leaves because why not Fox-Hood and This version of Steve belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!

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7 years ago

I bet all of you forgot about this ewe but I have been working on this off and on for a month or two but it's fiNALLY FINISHED well, the prologue, but I'm happy to get this typed. so yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee onto chapter one owo Art and characters belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!

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7 years ago


A Gift For My Boyfriend (Foxhood Belongs To @akiratrebound) Love Ya Hunbun!!!

A gift for my boyfriend (Foxhood belongs to @akiratrebound) Love ya Hunbun!!! <3 <3 <3

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