How Do They Apologize To You When They Make You Upset/Mad - Vil Schoenheit
How Do They Apologize To You When They Make You Upset/Mad - Vil Schoenheit

Rook glanced at Vil, as he was sitting at his desk, fingers tapping against the table, with a scowl on his face, as he was remembering the events that happened a few hours ago.
*Four Hours Earlier*
"Potato!! I have told you a million times, that is not the correct way to apply eyeliner!", Vil screamed at you, as you were facing your vanity mirror, holding an eyeliner pencil in your hand shakily. You look at Vil, apologetically: "Gomenasai, Vil-senpai." Vil, however, was not satisfied with your response, as he crossed his arms: "Sorry will get you nowhere, Potato. I have taught you this a million times, and you still do not follow my instructions. Apparently, a potato like you is unable to perform certain beauty techniques perfectly, unlike myself." Your eyes were cast down, as you took in all of Vil's words, to the point where you couldn't take it anymore. "S…ut u..", you said quietly, hoping Vil-senpai didn't catch what you said, but apparently he did. "What was that potato?", Vil said, as he gazed at you with an stern look. "I SAID SHUT UP!!!!!", You screamed at Vil, as you got up from the chair you sat on, and got up closer to Vil's face which was shocked by your outburst. "STOP ACTING LIKE THIS DRILL SERGEANT, AND FORCING ME TO FOLLOW YOUR STRICT BEAUTY ROUTINE, JUST SO I CAN BE BEAUTIFUL OR BE LIKE YOU! I CAN'T DO THE ROUTINE EXACTLY LIKE YOU BECAUSE I AM NOT YOU! EVEN WHEN I TRY TO DO WHAT YOU TELL ME, INSTEAD OF ENCOURAGING ME, YOU TALKED DOWN TO ME LIKE I'M NOTHING, A PLAIN POTATO WHO CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT SIMILAR TO WHAT YOU DO TO EPEL-KUN!" Vil was trying to get a word in, but you refuse to give him any access to talk as you continued to scream at him. "I DON'T NEED SOME UPTIGHT JERK LIKE YOU, INSULTING ME LIKE THIS. I'M LEAVING!" After your outburst, you marched your way towards the door and slammed it, leaving a stunned Vil alone in the room.
*Present Time*
Vil was thinking heavily about what you said, not happy about you yelling at him, but also upset with himself that he was the cause for your outburst. "Roi du Poison, I understand you and Y/N have had an argument, but I would advise you both to come together and try to resolve this. I'm sure you don't want to get wrinkles on your beautiful face, stressing about the situation.", Rook said as he looked at Vil with a kind smile. Vil let out a huff, and got up from his chair, thanking Rook on the way out. Vil had arrived at your dorm room and knocked on your door, but he got no response. "Pot— Y/N are you there?", Vil asked as he knocked again, but got no response. Finally, Vil turned the handle and entered inside. He saw you sitting on your bed, with a blanket wrapped around your body like a cocoon. The lights were turned off and the windows were covered by the curtains. Vil felt an ache in his heart as he saw you like that, and walked closer to your bed, and sat next to you. No one said a word, as both you and Vil just sat quietly. "I'm sorry." "I apologize.", both of you apologized at the same time, and looked at each other with a shocked expression. A few minutes when by as you both started laughing from having apologized at the same time. After calming down, you turned your body towards Vil and looked him directly in the eye: "I apologize Vil-senpai. I shouldn't have insulted you like that. I didn't mean it." Vil shook his head, as he moved closer to you, and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you. "I apologize as well Y/N. I never wanted to stress you out about applying makeup correctly and degrade you when you made a mistake. I see potential in you, same with Epel and all the other students here in Pomefiore, but I understand my methods were causing more harm then good." Vil released you from the hug and placed his hands on both of your cheeks, lifting your face up to look at him. His eyes were filled with a warm softness that made your heart beat rapidly. Vil leaned closer to your face, peppering it with kisses and leaving you covered in lip-stick marks. "Hee-hee. Vil-Senpai, that tickles.", you giggled as Vil continued to place kisses all over your face, leaning closer as you both fell on top of the bed, continuing the fluffy kissing session.
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More Posts from Alastor-simp
Dorm leaders with a reader who sings like the Japanese singer, "Ado"

🌹 Riddle Rosehearts
-Riddle knew you were full of surprises, but he never expected you to have such an amazing voice. Cater was the one that revealed your talent by showing him one of your music videos at one of the Unbirthday parties. Riddle questions as to why you don't reveal your face, but he realized that if that's what makes you comfortable, then its fine. The ADeuce combo joked with the both of you saying that you should sing for Riddle for his birthday. Riddle flushed and collared the both of them for messing with him, but he secretly wouldn't mind if you sang for him. His favorite song of yours is "New Genesis" , he loves how upbeat it is and he sometimes hums the song to himself when he is doing his schoolwork
🦁Leona Kingscholar
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🐙Azul Ashengrotto
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☀️Kalim Al-Asim
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🍎Vil Schoenheit
Vil considered you to be a regular potato like all the other students until he discovered your talent when the Joint Culture Festival took place. During the auditions for VDC, it was your turn to demonstrate your singing, you surprised both him and Rook with your incredible voice. Vil is not an easy man to impress as he has been in the acting/music industry for a long time, so the fact that you were able to leave him wide eyed and mouth gaped like fish, welp, you had managed to capture the attention of the most beautiful person in NRC. Vil was slowly starting to become one of your biggest supporters/fans, as he often watched over you like a mother hen, making sure you were okay and not straining your voice too much. He wasn't use to your habit of not showing your face in your music videos, as you should be able to show your beauty to the whole world, but he slowly got over it, yet he was still interested in doing a duet with you on your video channel. His favorite song of yours is " Gira Gira" , he loved the message in the song and how it focused on beauty, but flaws and imperfections as well.
🔥Idia Shroud
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🐲Malleus Draconia
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Credit to the youtube singer, Ado
How Do They Apologize To You When They Make You Upset/Mad Part 3/3 - Azul Ashengrotto

Azul knew he had to save you, but he couldn't save you in this form since he still wasn't use to swimming with human legs. Azul was conflicted because in order for him to save you, he would have to turn into his Octopus form; which he absolutely detested, but if he didn't, you would drown. Azul pulled out a potion from his pocket, that would cancel out the effects of the human form, and turn him into his Merman form. Downing the potion, Azul jumped into the pool and began swimming towards you at lightning speed; as his body transformed. Azul found you and wrapped his tentacles around you. He then began swimming back up to the surface. Both of you reached the surface, with Azul still holding you with his tentacles, but you were still unconscious. Azul put his hand on your head, feeling a slight bump from where you fell, but luckily there was no blood. Placing his hand on your cheek, he called out your name: "Y/N please wake up."
Slowly you started to wake up and began to take in your surroundings: "Huh? What happened?" You realized that Azul was holding you, while floating in the pool: "Azul?". Azul gave you a soft smile and said that you accidentally hit your head when you tried to leave and ended up sinking down the pool, since you were knocked out from the fall. Listening to Azul, you felt something touching your legs, so you looked down only to realize that Azul was in his octopus form and some of his tentacles were wrapped around your legs and torso, holding you up. Azul realized you noticed his octopus form and turned his head away in embarrassment: "I-I apologize you have to see me in this form, but I had to save you from drowning and my human legs are useless in the water." You continued to look at Azul as he was still looking away from you, but you just smiled and ran your hand on one of the tentacles holding you: "I'm not disgusted with you Azul. In fact, I find you very beautiful in this form." Azul froze as he slowly turned his head back towards you, as you moved your hand from one of his tentacles, to his chest and then moving it up to his cheek. Blushing, Azul pulled you closer to him and laid his head on your shoulder. "You're the only one who has seen me in this form and not look away in disgust" Azul continued holding you tightly as you listened to Azul. "I wanted to apologize to you Y/N. I had gotten so use to making deals with students and taking their talents; that I never gave the idea of friendship a thought because I have a hard time trusting others. Every since I was a child, I was bullied for how I looked, and I wanted revenge against those who caused me pain. However, you came to this world and despite everything I did prior including my overblot, you still saw me as a friend." Azul slowly removed his head from your shoulder and looked you straight in the eyes with a bashful look. With a smile, you leaned closer and placed your forehead against Azul's. "I accept your apology Azul. No matter what you say or do or how you look, I will always be your friend and care about you; same with the Leech brothers as well." Azul let out a chuckle as he placed his hand upon your cheek: "You are one of a kind Angel-fish." Slowly, Azul leaned closer, lips coming to meet yours in a sweet kiss as he pulled you closer to him with his tentacles. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed back, as you both continued to float in the pool.
Even the game knows I’m sick, and it decided to give me Ace SSR card on the free 10 pull🤣😆


Don't forget to comment your zodiac and who you got below. Enjoy
Scenario #4 - Who Do You Have A Crush On?
♈ Aries:-Leona Kingscholar🦁
♉ Taurus: Jack Howl🦁
♊ Gemini: Deuce Spade🌹
♋ Cancer: Malleus Draconia🐲
♌ Leo: Rook Hunt🍎
♍ Virgo: Idia Shroud🔥
♎ Libra: Jamil Viper🐍
♏ Scorpio: Floyd Leech🐙
♐ Sagittarius: Azul Ashengrotto🐙
♑ Capricorn: Sebek Zigvolt🐲
♒ Aquarius: Riddle Rosehearts🌹
♓ Pisces: Silver🐲
TWST Would You Rather #2

𝘞𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘣𝘺𝘶𝘭 𝘋𝘰𝘳𝘮🌹
𝘞𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘖𝘤𝘵𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦 𝘋𝘰𝘳𝘮🐙
Comment your answer below (y'all already know my answer XD)