Vil Twisted Wonderland - Tumblr Posts
I request bath time with vil. (Nothing gross just wholesome<33)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Bath time

Aphrodite's note!: eeek! How cute!
Characters!: Vil Schoenheit · Gender Neutral reader

It was a long day for the two of you. And a very sweaty exhausting day.
You ended the school day with P.E, you did stretching, runed a mile, did jumping jacks, flied the broom, and did 100 pushups... Of course, anyone was going to be exhausted! But Mr. Vargas said that was so simple and only a little bit! He is insane!
But oh well, you are in peace now. Well almost, in peace.
If you're being honest, the situation you are in now is quite... Awkard. You have never taken a bath with someone. Vil insisted on you sharing a bath with him. He doesn't want you to remain sweaty any longer, and Vil knows very well how many hours he spends taking a bath, he likes taking his time in baths after all, not to mention the many products he uses to keep his hair healthy and shiny. Sharing a bath with him would give you the ability to wash yourself sooner.
And yet, although Vil is your boyfriend, it's still so awkward!
However, your red cheeks and hunched form did not remain unnoticed by your boyfriend.
"Potato? Please, straighten up! What is up with that face, hm?" He asked as he poured some hair shampoo on his hand.
You straightened your back, the bubbles covering your chest "Sorry it's just... I have never shared a bath with someone" you confessed. Vil hummed "I see... Well, there is no need to feel embarrassed by all means; I am your lover after all" he said.
It was silent for a moment, until Vil glanced at you.
"Do you need help washing your back?"
You stopped and nodded at him "Yeah, I hope you don't mind" you said. Vil shook his head "Of course don't. here, come closer" he said and grabbed your hand, pulling you softly to him.
You smiled and turned around, your back facing him.
Vil grabbed the loofah and started to wash your back softly. It was relaxing. You closed your eyes, enjoying the moment. That is until you felt a soft kiss on your left shoulder.
"... I won't lie, I was a bit angry at Vargas... I believe he went a bit to the extreme with all those pushups we had to do. However, I enjoyed the stretches" Vil said.
"Well, I hated every part of it" you commented.
Vil let out a chuckle and kissed your cheek "You must get used to it potato. Exercising is an important element in beauty. It keeps you healthy and strong"
With a giggle, you turned your head around to reach his soft lips. You both shared a soft, passionate kiss. His lips tasted like heaven, and they were warm and just oh so perfect like the rest of him. When you two pulled out, you stared at each other's eyes with adoration. You reached to caress his cheek "I love you, my beautiful Vil"
He smiled a bit, his cheeks turning into a light pink. He reached to grab your hand and kissed the back of it "I know. And I love you very much too, my silly potato"
You fully turned your body around, now fully facing him. You hugged him and laid your head on his shoulder "I want to stay like this forever, in your arms"
"If you wish, we can stay here a bit longer. Although we will eventually have to get up. But for now, just enjoy the peace" he said and hugged you back, enjoying the warmth of your love.
You surely don't regret sharing a bath with him.

Reblogs are appreciated <3
TWST as Zy0x quotes
part 2
Vil to Idia: "Touch some grass, maybe like- go outside, meet some new people. Do literally anything else, it's probably better."
Twisted Wonderland headcanons
Headcanons that I believe are canon because I said so.
Azul has abandonment and attachment issues
Jamil is very incapable of working on himself, prioritizes everyone else over himself even if it kills him (I swear this is canon. fight me)
Floyd probably thinks tea is gross (idk)
Idia tries genshin impact then throws up after
Grim steals MC's money to buy tuna- we all know it was him but he tries to gaslight MC.
Cater selfies with MC at least 10 times a day
also styles their hair
then Vil redoes it if it's not perfect (It's always imperfect)
Ace and Deuce have burp-offs
MC wins tho <3
Pomefiore finds it disgusting
Epel joins in because he's Epel.
Leona allows ear scritches and brushing his hair on certain occasions (Once a year- on MC's birthday, specifically)
When MC makes lunch for Jamil, he critiques it mentally while sobbing
Kalim showers MC with money and gifts on Eid. Even if they don't celebrate it
MC invites Malleus to their birthday party and he cries happy tears in his mind
Cater blows kisses to everyone everytime he walks by
do we see the vision. tell me we see the vision

~Dorks in Wonderland~
Episode 6 Vil Schoenheit x reader
Vil:Y/N get back!
Vil:You better listen to me young lady/man!
Y/N:*rise their middle finger*
Vil:How dare you!!
Y/N: I dare!*runs away*
Vil:I just wanna help you!
Y/N:Help me!? Does helping mean burn away my comfy clothes and all my beautiful shirts!?
Vil;*makes a disgusted face* Beautiful? Those t-shirts were a crime for anyone who has a sense of fashion!
Y/N:*dramatic gasp* How dare you insult my precious babies!!! If there's someone who has no sense of fashion then IT'S YOU !!
Vil:I will pretend to not hear what you've just said. Seems like I'll have to teach to have some manners!
Y/N:Manners,my ass!! Hypocrite! You are a brute! A dictator with too much make up who pretends to be a Queen!!
Vil:*clearly pissed and blocks Y/N on the wall*
Y/N:V-Vil?*blushes* better beg for my forgiveness...and maybe I'll go easy on you.
Y/N:*red as a tomato*S-stop...
Vil:Looks like you are not a potato anymore...maybe I'll shall call you Tomato from now on...*caresses Y/N's lips with his tumb*
Y/N:V-Vil.... *gasp* Is that wrinkle on your face!?
Vil:Where!? *grabs a mirror*
Vil:Oh now you've done it!!*tries to get them*
Y/N:You'll never take me alive!!*near the exit*
Rook:*catches Y/N* Gotcha ya!*chuckles* My Roi du poison I captured our fugitive !
Y/N:*pales* Rook...I thought we were friends...
Rook: We are but however I cannot disobey to my Roi du poison.
Y/N:*sees Epel* EPEL HELP ME!
Epel:...*mouths "You are on your own this time"*
Y/N:TRAITOR..'s time to give you a proper look. You'll look at least decent.
And then their screams were so loud that the whole NRC could hear them.

Dorks in Wonderland~
Episode 11
Y/N:Vil is this really necessary?
Vil:I'm not letting my little sister go out on a date without giving her tips. *brushes her hair*
Y/N:Okay okay, bring em then.
Vil: N.1 If a boy kisses your cheek, most of the times means he sees you as a friend.
Y/N:Well that applies to girls too.
Vil:N2. If he holds you, it means he's showing his loyalty to you.*puts make up*
Vil:N3.If he caresses your cheek, it's affection maybe adoration too. And of course N4. A kiss on the lips means he loves you.
Y/N:Ohhh I see*smiles*
Vil:N5. If he suddenly takes your hand in his especially jn front of other boys, he's definitely jealous *choosing a dress*
Vil:Usually men are not into PDA but when it comes to show other boys that you are his. And that brings us to tip N.6 If he blows on your ears....well he's saying that you are his.
Y/N:... That's hot.
Vil: I'm serious here, listen carefully. N.7 if he grips your hips, he's saying that he desires you.
Y/N:D-desires me? *wearing the dress*
Vil:*nods* this brings us to N8. If a boy kisses your it gently or means he wants you.*helps her with the shoes*
Vil:And last but not least.....*grips her shoulders *
Vil:N9...if a boy starts opening his are fucked rhetorically AND literally.
Y/N:Vil....that is obvious, only an idiot wouldn't know that.
Vil:If this boy wants to do something you don't remember that you have pepper spray in your purse.*gives her purse*
Y/N:Don't worry I trust him.
Vil:Mm...Oh, with who are you going out again?
Y/N:Oh! I'm going out with Floyd!
Vil:......I see....You're not going out of this house at all...

The entire collection

“Oh you kissed me just to kiss me
with Vil Schoenheit”
(Featuring male reader)

“Can I kiss you?” You couldn’t help but grin at his shocked face. “Your highness,” you brought your hand up to his cheek, but didn’t touch it. Not until he nodded wordlessly, with wide eyes.
You two were in his dorm room. Such a tranquil environment, you felt it was the perfect opportunity to make your harbored feelings known.
The kiss, he noticed in his fogged-up mind, was careful. Like although you weren’t scared of making a mistake, you were cautious of his own actions and feelings. And the way you conveyed it, from sitting to laying down on the bed.
He felt so vulnerable, and he should have been scared, but he trusted you so much.
You pulled away not long after his realization, and when you did, he wrapped his arms around your neck.
“Let’s stay like this, please. Just a while longer.”

Perhaps this was out of character, and too fluffy, but I don’t see enough soft Vil content. Also, first post!
"She doesn't give a damn about me
with Vil Schoenheit"

"He doesn't even know who I am," you sunk into Epel's shoulder. He would've shoved you off, but in front of the other students at lunch he was forced to maintain his soft demeanor. "I mean- I can see why, but still! I'm a catch I think!"
Ace snickered at your clear swooning and frustration for the housewarden of pomefire. He was deemed untouchable by most of the student body. Aside from you.
Unbeknownst to any of you, that's what tipped him off to you.
He watched out of the corner of his eye, the way you pouted towards your friends. It was as if you had no shame for your image. Don't say that's your intention. It was so clear that everyone in that cafeteria could hear you, yet you acted oblivious.
He winced a little at the startling volume of your shriek. Sevens, had he already made a mistake? All he's done so far was ask you to attend a simple ball with him.
Quick to recover his composure, he took your hand. "I believe you heard my inquiry. A simple yes or no would do." You stared in disbelief. He was perplexed how, even in his presence, you had little regard for your appearance.
Then again, maybe your lack of care around him was what drew him to you. Being treated like another person, rather than some untouchable force.

"Flufftober 2024 (Leaves)
with Vil Schoenheit"

He gently scolded you just minutes before about before careful not to trip in these woods. With all the leaves, it was easy to slip and lose your balance.
But you never listened, did you?
You grabbed the third year's hand and pulled him along in a small run, much to his protest. It must've been ingenuine with how quick he was to follow you. It was common nature for him to follow you where you went. It was an unspoken fact. He adored you much more than others. He didn't mind a small chase for your enjoyment.
He yelped a little as you pulled him down with you. Of course you tripped over a tree root. It appeared his warning fell on deaf ears yet again. He fell beside you into a surprisingly large pile of autumn leaves.
He was ready to lecture you, but he paused abruptly with his mouth agape. You looked shocked, still holding his hand a little tighter then before. You glanced at him, or stared. It felt like you were analyzing him for those 11 seconds he counted. Then you startled him again as you burst out in such a joyous display.
You were laughing. Not just that. You were laughing by his side. Like you were unafraid of him. This whole time, this little date you arranged for the two of you around the ramshackle woods, you never seemed to notice or even care about his face. There was no makeup on his face, and you didn't appear fazed.
So caught up in his own thoughts, he didn't notice the leaf you'd brought up to the side of his face. "It looks like you."
His gaze shifted to the dead piece of plant. If you were any other person, he'd be offended, but he couldn't bring himself to. Not with you. It was a yellow leaf with brown spots dotting it.
"It's my favorite that I've seen, you know." Looking each other in the eyes, he felt his breath get caught in his throat. This wasn't normal for him. "Most people enjoy reds and oranges, but I prefer the yellows and browns. Reds and oranges are what is shown to the public eye, due to the seemingly crisp and prefect nature of them," he didn't stop you when you reached a hand to cup his face. He watched with narrowed eyes as you continued, "but yellows and browns show more character behind them. All the markings are ugly to some, but so beautiful to me."
"Dear, don't tell me you view any aspect of me as ugly, or perceive it as ugly to an audience."
You smiled at his false annoyance. He really didn't do well with being shown such affections. "No, Vil, but I believe you perceived it as so." You pushed the leaf into his free hand that wasn't holding your own. "After all, this is the first time you've allowed me to see you in such a state, with all your internal and maybe even external markings."
So you did notice his lack of makeup.
"But I find all leaves beautiful, you know." You looked at your intertwined hands. "Though this little tangent of mine wasn't just about fall's blessings."


I am ever so casually going to be making Vil's new SSR my entire personality I'm so ill.

LIKE!?!?!? (Also ty to my friend toast for making this meme for me because I did not have energy to do so I was on the floor SOBBING OVER VIL)

URGSGAGSGDHD VIL SCHOENHEIT. Got me giggling and kicking my feet twirling my hair this is NOT good ☹️☹️
guys it’s. it’s not even funny. I’m gonna go feral and start foaming at the mouth and scratching at the walls I can’t wait this long for Vil’s birthday. KEKDHDIAIDJODOAALSJ VIL WITH NO MAKEUP? AJHFSISNDOCN VIL WITH HAIR UNSTYLED? ANDUEIFNFIVN VIL IN CASUAL CLOTHING? SWJHFIXSNNEKF
How Do They Apologize To You When They Make You Upset/Mad - Vil Schoenheit

Rook glanced at Vil, as he was sitting at his desk, fingers tapping against the table, with a scowl on his face, as he was remembering the events that happened a few hours ago.
*Four Hours Earlier*
"Potato!! I have told you a million times, that is not the correct way to apply eyeliner!", Vil screamed at you, as you were facing your vanity mirror, holding an eyeliner pencil in your hand shakily. You look at Vil, apologetically: "Gomenasai, Vil-senpai." Vil, however, was not satisfied with your response, as he crossed his arms: "Sorry will get you nowhere, Potato. I have taught you this a million times, and you still do not follow my instructions. Apparently, a potato like you is unable to perform certain beauty techniques perfectly, unlike myself." Your eyes were cast down, as you took in all of Vil's words, to the point where you couldn't take it anymore. "S…ut u..", you said quietly, hoping Vil-senpai didn't catch what you said, but apparently he did. "What was that potato?", Vil said, as he gazed at you with an stern look. "I SAID SHUT UP!!!!!", You screamed at Vil, as you got up from the chair you sat on, and got up closer to Vil's face which was shocked by your outburst. "STOP ACTING LIKE THIS DRILL SERGEANT, AND FORCING ME TO FOLLOW YOUR STRICT BEAUTY ROUTINE, JUST SO I CAN BE BEAUTIFUL OR BE LIKE YOU! I CAN'T DO THE ROUTINE EXACTLY LIKE YOU BECAUSE I AM NOT YOU! EVEN WHEN I TRY TO DO WHAT YOU TELL ME, INSTEAD OF ENCOURAGING ME, YOU TALKED DOWN TO ME LIKE I'M NOTHING, A PLAIN POTATO WHO CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT SIMILAR TO WHAT YOU DO TO EPEL-KUN!" Vil was trying to get a word in, but you refuse to give him any access to talk as you continued to scream at him. "I DON'T NEED SOME UPTIGHT JERK LIKE YOU, INSULTING ME LIKE THIS. I'M LEAVING!" After your outburst, you marched your way towards the door and slammed it, leaving a stunned Vil alone in the room.
*Present Time*
Vil was thinking heavily about what you said, not happy about you yelling at him, but also upset with himself that he was the cause for your outburst. "Roi du Poison, I understand you and Y/N have had an argument, but I would advise you both to come together and try to resolve this. I'm sure you don't want to get wrinkles on your beautiful face, stressing about the situation.", Rook said as he looked at Vil with a kind smile. Vil let out a huff, and got up from his chair, thanking Rook on the way out. Vil had arrived at your dorm room and knocked on your door, but he got no response. "Pot— Y/N are you there?", Vil asked as he knocked again, but got no response. Finally, Vil turned the handle and entered inside. He saw you sitting on your bed, with a blanket wrapped around your body like a cocoon. The lights were turned off and the windows were covered by the curtains. Vil felt an ache in his heart as he saw you like that, and walked closer to your bed, and sat next to you. No one said a word, as both you and Vil just sat quietly. "I'm sorry." "I apologize.", both of you apologized at the same time, and looked at each other with a shocked expression. A few minutes when by as you both started laughing from having apologized at the same time. After calming down, you turned your body towards Vil and looked him directly in the eye: "I apologize Vil-senpai. I shouldn't have insulted you like that. I didn't mean it." Vil shook his head, as he moved closer to you, and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you. "I apologize as well Y/N. I never wanted to stress you out about applying makeup correctly and degrade you when you made a mistake. I see potential in you, same with Epel and all the other students here in Pomefiore, but I understand my methods were causing more harm then good." Vil released you from the hug and placed his hands on both of your cheeks, lifting your face up to look at him. His eyes were filled with a warm softness that made your heart beat rapidly. Vil leaned closer to your face, peppering it with kisses and leaving you covered in lip-stick marks. "Hee-hee. Vil-Senpai, that tickles.", you giggled as Vil continued to place kisses all over your face, leaning closer as you both fell on top of the bed, continuing the fluffy kissing session.
Watching Horror Movies With Kalim and Vil

Here is part 2 of the dorm leaders watching horror movies with the reader. I could only get Kalim and Vils part done today. Been busy with studying and also having some writers block. Enjoy :)
Kalim Al-Asim☀️ + Stephen King It🤡

☀️This cutie was already saying "yes" before you could even finish your sentence. Kalim loved spending time with you, as he loved learning more about you and how different your world was from his, so the minute you wanted to do something with him, he would always say yes
☀️Asking Kalim over to your dorm was easy enough, but you know telling Jamil would be a struggle. Jamil was hostile towards anyone that gets near Kalim as he knows that many people are after his family for their wealth. He has gotten a bit better after his blot incident and his relationship with Kalim has improved, so maybe there might be a chance for Kalim to come. Surprisingly, Jamil allowed for you to invite Kalim over to your dorm, but to text him if Kalim decided to sleep over,
☀️After leaving Scarabia, you rushed over to your dorm to prepare for the movie night with Kalim. You draped comfortable blankets all over the couch, set up some candles, and prepared a table full of sweets and popcorn for you and him to enjoy. You knew how much Kalim loved coconut, so you made some coconut chocolate bars for him to enjoy.
☀️Kalim had arrived 10 minutes early on his magic carpet. He was too excited about today that he couldn't wait and rushed over. Tackling you in a hug, he thanked you for inviting him for a fun night. He then sat on the couch and asked what exactly were you both going to do. Heading over to the TV, you inserted the movie inside and went back to the couch and sat next to Kalim. You told him you wanted to have a horror movie night and watch a movie that was very popular from your world. Jumping in joy, Kalim hugged you again, letting you know how excited he was about the movie, as he turned towards the screen.
☀️A few minutes into the movie, you turned to see how Kalim was reacting to Georgie talking to It the Clown in the drain. His face was bright and smiling, not really afraid about the creepy clown. "Maybe he likes clowns?" You thought to yourself. The scene then switched to Georgie loosing his hand and being pulled down the drain, that's when you saw Kalim's smile drop, covering his eyes with his hands.
☀️Kalim was not expecting that at all, he thought it was going to be a simple horror movie with some ghosts since he was use to those types of movies, but not this. Kalim never thought a clown could be so terrifying after watching that scene.
☀️Kalim was cowering in fear, grasping the pillow so tightly as if he was choking it. Leaning in closer towards you, he bumped his shoulders next to yours, seeking some comfort. Draping your arm behind Kalim, you pulled him closer and had him lay his head on your lap. You felt very guilty for how scared Kalim was from the movie, so you decided the best you could do was comfort him as you both continued to watch the movie. Placing your hand on his white hair, you petted his head, silently telling him it was okay.
☀️Relaxing, Kalim adjusted on your lap, leaning his head more towards your hand, wanting more pets. All of his fear had vanished out of thin air, your kind actions making him relax. The movie continued to play, and there were some moments where you felt Kalim twitch on your lap, mostly like jumping in fear from the jump scares in the movie, but he was more calmer then he was before. Reaching towards the table, you handed Kalim one of the coconut bars and told him to enjoy them, as nothing beats eating sweet treats when watching a scary movie
☀️Flavors of chocolate and coconut filled his mouth, making Kalim hum in delight, he thanked you for the treat and reached his hand for a couple more, handing one to you as well. The movie continued to play, showing the losers club defeating It and overcoming their fears. The end credits started to play and you grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. Leaning up a bit from the couch, you asked Kalim if he enjoyed the movie, but silence was all you got as a response. Worryingly, you wondered if Kalim was upset at you for putting on a horror movie, You tapped his head, asking him if he was okay, but then you heard the sound of him snoring.
☀️He had gotten so comfortable, laying on your lap that he fallen asleep. Chuckling to yourself, you pet his head again, then grabbed one of the blankets from the couch and draped it over him. Not wanting to wake him up, you decided to stay in that position on the couch. You grabbed your phone and texted Jamil to let him know that Kalim was sleeping over, and that you would bring Kalim back in the morning. Turning off your phone, you placed your head back against the couch, getting ready to fall asleep, but not before placing your hand back on Kalim's head.
Vil Schoenheit🪞 + Child's Play🔪

🪞A hard "no" was what you were expecting when you asked Vil. You having "the Vil Schoenheit" at your dorm watching a horror movie with you, the chances of that having were a million to one. You knew Vil was a actor, a model, and a internet celebrity, and he has probably seen and acted in so many movies, that watching a horror movie was probably not going to affect him in any way, but you still wanted to spend time with him.
🪞Before, Vil would have downright reject you and walked away without a care in the world. After the events of his overblot, his impression of you had changed dramatically, he saw how courageous you were when dealt with certain situations, including the overblots yet you had a heart of gold and still forgave everyone including him after the events. You were the one that told him that there was more to him then just his beauty, letting him know that if he ever needed a time to just relax and get away from the spotlight for a minute, he could come to you.
🪞Vil was left stunned after you said that to him, and slowly but surely he started to admire you and consider you a good friend, but he really wish you would follow through on your beauty routines, cause he knew there was nothing worse then dealing with dry skin and your dorm did not help with that, despite having remodeled it. Vil noticed you fidgeting in front of him, twiddling your fingers in front of him, cheeks aflame. Chucking at your cute actions, Vil agreed to the movie night, but he reminded you that they both had to go to bed at a certain time since lack of sleep wasn't good for your health. Nodding your head at Vil, he smiled and patted your head, before strutting away.
🪞After classes ended, you ran towards Ramshackle and started to get ready for your movie night with Vil. You wanted it to be perfect so you had gotten the softest blankets and draped them over the couch. You had set up some scented candles, to add a little effect during the movie, but also give off a refreshing scent for you and Vil to relax with. Knowing how strict Vil is with what he eats, you banned using sweets and decided to make some fruit and veggie trays with dip along with some freshly made smoothies, as they were Vil's favorite.
🪞Hearing a knock from the door, you rushed towards the door, opening it to see Vil standing outside, dressed in fancy lounge wear, and holding a bag that looked to contain beauty products and face masks. Vil came aside, thanking you for opening the door, along with saying if they were going to have a movie night, might as well include some self care activities as well. Both of you headed towards the living room, and got comfortable. Vil gave you a look of approval at the food on the table as he was satisfied that you didn't include any junk food, even giving you a kiss on the cheek as a thank you when you handed him his smoothie.
🪞After painting your nails and putting on some face masks, you and Vil laid back on the couch, as you pressed play on the remote, starting the movie. Vil seemed a little surprised as he didn't recognize this movie before, but when you told him that it was a horror classic from your world, he just nodded and turned back to the screen.
🪞Few minutes into the movie, Vil wasn't very satisfied with the movie, he did like the atmosphere of the movie, but he didn't it all that scary, and already knew that the killer was the child, Andy. The movie proved Vil wrong, as the doll was the killer and had come to life when the mother of the movie confronted the living doll, and reacted by attempting to kill her. This shook Vil a bit as he couldn't imagine a inanimate object, coming to life and killing everyone.
🪞He was starting to enjoy the movie bit by bit and started to apperciate the little things in the movie, including the actor who voiced the doll, "Chucky." He turned towards you and saw you clutching on to the pillow, shaking in fear. Smiling softly, he pulled you closer towards him, having you lean against his chest, but not to close as you still on the face mask on. You thanked Vil and proceeded to watch the movie as it was nearing towards the ending.
🪞Chucky was finally shot and killed by the detective in the movie, but not before saying "Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna play?" line. The credits started to roll and you relaxed, happy the movie was over. "You have seen this movie before, correct? Surely you knew what to expect when you watched it again?" Vil said, as he was watching you take the face mask on your face. You told Vil that even despite having seen the movire before, the main villain still scared you as it had frightened you so much when you were younger .
🪞Vil laughed, shaking his head at you, finding your reasoning adorable. After he had removed his face mask, he headed back to the living room, seeing you lay down and place a blanket over yourself. Questioning what you were doing, you told Vil that he probably wouldn't like sleeping on the couch, so you offered him your bed.
🪞Not satisfied with your reasoning, Vil arched a finger at you, telling you to come towards him. Getting up from the couch, you walked towards Vil, as he grabbed your hand and walked with you towards the bedroom. Entering your room, Vil had you sit on the bed, but not before turning you face up towards him, by lifting your chin with his hand. "I will not have you sleep on the couch. We can share the bed." Vil said, as he removed his hand from your chin, turning off the bedroom lights and making his way to the other side of the bed.
🪞Realizing that you had no choice in the matter, you got under the covers, turning to the side, with your back facing Vil. Shuffling sounds could be heard, as you felt Vil move around on the bed. Arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer to Vil. as his chest was against your back. Flushing, you realized he was spooning you but you said nothing and continued to lay in your position.
🪞Breathing sounds could be heard next to you, as Vil positioned his head against yours. Vil leaned closer, whispering into your ear "Thank you for tonight, Y/N. I really enjoyed it." Blushing, you told Vil you were happy he had fun, as you relaxed your body, getting cozy in his embrace. Couple of minutes went by and the both of you fell asleep on the bed.
More lazy drawings

This time Vil

My brain juices are letting me draw!

Vil as Sabrina Carpenter <3