Twst Azul - Tumblr Posts
Twst incorrect quotes #08
Epel: I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows.
Deuce: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Kalim: I can't believe you've done this.....
Yuu: I'm sorry I didn't know-!
*First years talking about past crushes*
Deuce: What the fuck? People actually tell their crushes they like them??
Ace: What the hell do you do?
Deuce: I die? What kinda question…
Yuu: Quitting! It's like trying, but easier.
Cater: °sapnu puaS
Azul: What??
Lilia: What language is that.
Cater: Turn your phone 180 degrees.
*Cater was removed from the group chat*
Twst incorrect quotes #09
Yuu: You have gone to far. You have captured me. Enslaved your whole dorm. Lied and manipulated me since the very beginning. All that I could forgive. But Jamil…
Jamil: What?
Yuu: A hoodie in this heat?
Azul: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Yuu to Crowley: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Rook: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Vil*
Vil: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I have a MUCH elegant posture, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
Yuu: Social distancing says you shouldn't be within an elbow's distance of each other.
*later, in a fistfight with a student tryna start some shit*
Yuu: Social distancing doesn't say nothing about feet! *kicks opponent in the face*
Twst incorrect quotes #11
Cater: Oh and for your information, I don't have an ego.
Cater: My Magicam banner photo is a landscape.
Yuu: Yeah, I don’t like people.
Crowley: Oh, well now that’s not fair Yuu. Have you met all of them?
Yuu: I’ve met enough of them. People. What a bunch of bastards! You're a perfect example.
*Yuu talking about their world*
Yuu: I’ve made a spread sheet of all the crime in Brooklyn.
Yuu: There’s so much crime in New York, no one should live there.
Azul, having recently lost his glasses: KILL THE BUG!!!
Idia: ....That’s a gecko—
*Yuu walking into the dorm leaders meeting*
Yuu: Sorry I'm late.
Yuu: I was doing…
Yuu: Stuff.
Yuu: Yo, Azul!
Yuu: What kind of octopus are you?
Azul: Why..?
Yuu: I wish to know how edible you are.

Okay, so octopuses (octopi?) can change color, right? And Azul had problems fitting in when he was younger because of his weight and general appearance, right? Well, personally, I assume most of the merfolk that Azul and the Tweels went to school with more resemble the mermen guards npc. This would make Azul stick out like a sore them even more. So finally, to the headcanon, I believe that when Azul was younger that he would change the top color of his body to more resemble the other mer-children to fit in.

The cause of Jamil's sleep issues.

Yes I can

This is the tiktok I got this from
Dad: Leona
Mom: Vil
Oldest Kid: Azul
Middle Kid: Riddle
Youngest Kid: Kalim
From this post (idk how or if you can reblog with a video)
Azul is pretty😊


Can I use this as shipping material?
I finished in time for Mermay, hooray!

Giant Azul! :)
Do you ever think that Azul would just stare at Idia's hair. I mean, fire can't be common under the sea, so that would mean that Azul would go from little to no view of fire to seeing to almost daily. Every time he goes to a club meeting or a housewarden(granted, that idia physically showed up) he would see something that was a rarity under the sea flowing out of someone's head. That has to spark some natural fascination.
Gorgan Jamil and Gaint Octo Azul!

Don't worry, though


I think that both Floyd and Azul are very touchy. For example, if you sleep next to either of them, you will be pulled into a hug. Azul, of course, would deny this.
I feel like sometimes certain TWST fans categorize Azul's trauma as less than because they boil it down to "He was bullied." And that is where they stop, but I feel like they don't see the layers as to why he was bullied.
Facts from the game are that Azul was bullied for being slow, his appearance, and being a crybaby. We also know his peers did not respect him until he held power over them(this, of course, transfered to how he behaves at NRC). Azul grew up around kids who hated him for his natural appearance, something he couldn't control, making him think he didn't look pretty and to have a negative self-image. They also accidentally taught him that if he doesn't have anything over people, he can not be their equal.
I think everyone is aware that Azul's bullies were racist. That is quite clear in the story. Azul's species is considered to not be common in the Coral Sea, implying that they are either not native to there or have a low birth rate. Maybe even a combination of both. This can also lead to the idea that Azul was possibly the only octomer at their school, making his alienation from his peers more evident. Another thing you have to remember is that children are not born racist. They have to learn that behavior from someone, so Azul's bullies had to have a source. Whether it be an educator or their parents, this racist prejudice against Azul came from someone else. This was also high society. The Coral Sea prince went to their school, high class mers were here, meaning this wasn't just a small opinion in a little town, but an opinion high class society has against octomers that could possibly trickle down to lower spaces in mer society.

No one chooses to be an Azul fan. We instead get INFECTED BY THIS LITTLE MF!

All of the octotrio can not type to save their lives. It wasn't a skill any of them needed. Ink and paper don't do well underwater, and a computer would fair even worse. So, anytime the three have to type, it takes forever! Their slouched over, looking between the keyboard and the screen, only using two fingers.
Random headcannoms I have about Twisted wonderland characters part 2.
Rook Hunt
The most toxic boyfriend ever, look of how he treats Vil, man sometimes points out Vil's flaws or tells him he's gaining weight. I know he doesn't understand social cues.
Divus Crewel
When students look him up on MagiCam, he pops up as a 5 year award winning dog show championship. This man treats his dogs like they are royalty; most students try to get on his good side by bring dog goodies to him, but that ends being a lecture of how bad that dog food brand is.
Cater Diamond
If you've seen 'Super High' there is one scene where a girl is her own cheerleading squad because she can make clones. Cater is his own cheerleading team, he begged Crowley for a cheerleading team because RSA had one (I feel like Cater tried to apply to RSA but didn't get in ), lucky he brided Crowley with saying it will only be him so Crowley didn't have to be responsible for injuries of others.
Azul Ashengrotto
He ruins the curve of every test, it would be a very hard exam and most would get below a 70 but he always gets 100 (Jamil seconds by getting an 85 and Sebek getting an 95), so students end up with the bad scores. This makes others want to transfer to different periods of the class. Azul knows about this and acts like it's fine, but he cries and Jade and Floyd about, "why does no one want to be around me! No one even wants to be in the same class as me!". Floyd straights up tells him it's the fact he ruins the curve on a test. Then Azul doesn't care anymore because he can now benefit from it, (like how he was selling study guide in chapter three).
Mozus Trien
Dress codes the students all the time; your uniform is fading? Dress code. You're not wearing the right color gloves or socks? Dress code. I feel like he dress codes Yuu on purpose, (I feel like there isn't detention but you get punished by doing yardwork so this benefits Crowley and makes the school look better), Yuu's clothing isn't the latest model of the school uniform? Well they are going to be dress coded untill they get a new uniform.
Ashton Vargas
You know how in middle school in P.E you had to ruin a mile so some people walked it? I feel like if he sees you walking or sitting on the side when there is an activity (like dodge-ball or rope climbing) he is going to write you up and make you come in after school or during lunch to make up the activities you weren't involved in, but he will make you do double the amount of work. Sorry my non-athetic and introverted friends.
Lilia Vanrouge
This man has been through every part of history, he knows everything. (In the lesson you can see him saying, "oh is that how they are telling it now?". I feel like he couldn't be religious, because he would just say "oh I was there, that didn't happen instead this did" and go for hours telling how the story went. Also I bet this fucker does know how to cook but he is really lazy, so he pretends not being able to cook, just so people don't ask.
That's all I can think of for now, but send in request!