Narwhal: MY QUEEN!
Narwhal: MY QUEEN!
Glacier: WHAT.
Hailstorm: *Bursting in* SOMETHING TERRIABLE HAS - oh,
Narwhal: *About to kill something* Hailstorm.
Hailstorm: Right. Yes. I'm sure my father will fill you in. *Bows deeply and exits room*
Narwhal: I will deal with him later do not worry.
Glacier: I sure hope so
Narwhal: Anyhow, I'm afirad I have terraible news
Glacier: You alwasy have terriable news
Narwhal: It has to do with that game
Glacier: oh NO, WHAT IS IT?
Narwhal: *Sighs* Queen Ruby has beaten Queen Thorn's high score.
Glacier: *Gasps* How? Her score was so high!
Narwhal: Not only that but. . .
Narwhal: Your Madjesty, I'm afaird. . .
Narwhal: I'm afarid Queen Thorn has beaten the entire game
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Winter: You're making me feel claustphopbic,
KInkajou: What's that?
Qibil: Oh, it means he's scared of Santa Clause
Winter: What? No Qibil! No it doesn't!
Kinkajou: HO! HO! HO!
Qibil: Stop it Kinkajou! You're scaring him!
Kestrel: Where's Tusamai?
Clay: Doing stuff
Kestrel: I don't like the sound of that, wheres Starflight?
Clay: Trying to stop Tusamai from doing the stuff. . .
Kestrel: Sunny and Glory?
Clay: Trying to stop Starflight from stopping Tusamai from doing the stuff.
Kestrel: And what are you doing here?
Clay: From stopping you from stopping Sunny and Glory from stopping Starflight from stopping Tusamai from doing the stuff.
(Qibil: Right Winter: Left)
Qibil: I haven't seen much of Winter latly, but I took a box of his statinoney, so, from time to time, I send him letters. From himself. To the future.
Qibil: (Reading letter) "Winter, at 8:00 a.m today. Someone posions his coffee. Do not drink the coffee. More insturtions will follow. From future Winter"
Winter: No! *Slaps coffee away from Moon* You'll thank me latter
Jambu: Hey sis
Glory: What do you want?
Jambu: Is that creepy NightWing still following you?
Glory: Nope, I lost him and I'm proud about it .
Deathbringer: *Pant* I've finaly gotten back to you
Jambu: :L I'ma just leave