amelia-acero - Amelia Acero
Amelia Acero

Hi I’m Amelia, Amy for short26 years oldI write sometimesHere to have funScreaming into the occasional void.

693 posts

Wanna See Me Make Something Else Disappear ?

Wanna See Me Make Something Else Disappear ?
Wanna See Me Make Something Else Disappear ?

wanna see me make something else disappear ?

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More Posts from Amelia-acero

8 months ago

Thank you everyone for your kinds words yesterday, I’m sorry if I couldn’t reply to some of you, but I posted that statement and immediately went to work afterwards. Without any further questions, please enjoy this new prequel of how Noah and Anya met. Enjoy 😊

Thank You Everyone For Your Kinds Words Yesterday, Im Sorry If I Couldnt Reply To Some Of You, But I

“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”

Anya said those silly words in the presence of her younger brother in 2016, someone who didn’t take it seriously, not out of cruelty, but as someone who saw how she reacted every time she had a new celebrity crush and assumed this one will be like the rest. If only she knew then that it wasn’t going to be like the rest. It was only meant to be a simple meet and greet at a concert. She looked at her son letting his tiny hand grip her index finger while Noah and Nick sat in the front seats, while she sat in the back with her son Keaton in his car seat. She looked out the window and remembered how she met Noah, it really was meant to be just a meet and greet.

~ October 1st, 2019 ~ Los Angeles, CA ~

The day was an exciting one, Anya woke up early and knew she needed to wake up early because she had a concert to go to at the Regent Theater. She had waited for so long and worked so hard for this event and had even bought VIP tickets to get in early and do the meet and greet. She was dressed in a beautiful black body con dress with sheer bishop sleeves and an opening that slightly exposed her ribs; and for her own comfort some shorts underneath and put on her fishnet tights, along with platform Docs. She looked to her dresser to put on contacts for the night, but once she picked up the box for her left eye contacts, it was hollow, so any chance she had of wearing contacts were gone and glasses were her only option. She wanted to be there early, one because she liked being first in line and two she hated being late no matter what.

She looked towards the clock in her room and saw the time was 12:55pm; the meet and greet started at 3:00pm. She grabbed her concert bag and left her apartment, and took an Uber from her home to the venue. She arrived at The Regent Theater; there was a small line, but not enough that there was going to be a long wait. She took out her phone and checked the time and saw that it was barely 1:30pm. She walked to the two lines formed there and asked which one was for VIP and got her purple VIP bracelet.

“Whatever you do Anya, don’t say something stupid, no matter what, nothing stupid.” She told herself. She kept repeating it internally like a silent mantra, while waiting in line.

“Who are you here to see?” Someone asked.

She looked up and looked towards the person who asked the question. It was a guy, with his hair going to his chin and parted in the middle. His eyes having a slight doe like expression, he was tall, maybe most probably 6’2, and thin but muscular. His outfit was a Bring Me The Horizon t-shirt and black jeans with dirty white shoes. Coming out of her slight trance, she answered his question.

”I’m here for both Bad Omens and All That Remains, but I like to be early so I can watch the other acts. It seems pretty shitty to be late and skip the other acts just because we don’t know them, who knows we might like the music. What about you?”

”Well said, I’m Theodore, but call me Theo.” He said sticking out his hand. She took his hand and shook it.

“Lily.” She lied, she never gave her real name to people she didn’t know, especially solo guys at concerts.

”Nice to meet you and to answer the question, I’m here for Bad Omens too.”

”Is this your first time seeing them?”

”No actually, this is probably my 3rd time seeing them, but my first VIP experience.”


From there their conversation with each other ended and they stuck with a comfortable silence with each other. As time passed the line grew longer, some having to go to the general admission line because they got confused with the double lines.

By 2:55 pm, the doors began to open for the meet and greet. Anya's hands began to shake out of her anxiety, she slowly wrapped her arms around herself to ease her anxiety and took deep breaths. The line began to move and soon she began to move, little by little she could see both bands with their backdrops. The guy she met earlier, Theo, went, shook the hands of the members of Bad Omens, All That Remains and took his pictures with them, and then it was her turn. She slowly made her way to them, she didn’t notice, but Noah slightly moved towards the end and was the first to shake her hand. He didn’t know why, but something about Anya made him want to be near her and stay by her side. He met plenty of beautiful women with his time on the road, but something about her was different and he wanted to know why. Finally he shook her hand and for a bit it felt like a jolt of electricity shot through him, she had to let go to continue moving on, but he didn’t want to let go.

“What’s your name?” Nicholas asked.

“Anya.” She replied.

Anya. Noah thought, Her name is Anya. She was quiet through shaking their hands, but he could see that her hands were shaking through the whole greeting

“I’m sorry, I’m normally not this quiet, but I’m really trying not to say something stupid.” She said shyly.

“Don’t be darling, we’re just normal idiots in this place.” Noah said smoothly, the rest of the group looked towards him, while he can be flirty sometimes, never was he like that towards a fan, calling them darling or any pet name.

“Speak for yourself man. I have the IQ of a genius.” Folio said, trying to break the tension between Noah and Anya and to keep the line moving.

Anya laughed and Noah could help how beautiful her laugh sounded to him. Bryan signaled that he was ready to take the photo and took Anya’s phone from her, Noah moved to be close to her and put his arm around her shoulder, his hand slightly touching her skin and the top of her dress’s sleeve and smelled her scent. Lavender. Noah thought. Once the photo was taken, Anya said thank you to meeting them and began to walk to Bryan to get her phone back and Noah closed his eyes and inhaled what remained of her scent, stuck in that trance, he heard someone clear their throat in an effort to get his attention. He opened his eyes and Jolly give him a look that clearly said, ‘Man, what the fuck?’. Noah looked to see where Anya had gone, and saw she was in the middle of taking her picture with All That Remains. He kept an eye on where she went and once she was done, she got in line to get her merch. After she got her merch, he felt defeated and accepted that he would probably never see her again, even if she would be in the audience that night.

“Oh my god, that was amazing.” Anya said to herself.

She looked back and wondered if she imagined everything, she wondered about the moment she touched Noah’s hand, the jolt of electricity she felt was just her imagination or not. She walked to the floor section of the venue and began to join the small crowd that was forming and moved towards the front. Before she realized it, the concert began with All That Remains coming on stage first, starting with This Calling and ending with Two Weeks, Lacuna Coil, Toothgrinder, and Uncured all played their own sets and before she realized it, it was time for Bad Omens.

She began to scream out loud with the rest of the crowd, screaming out loud the lyrics of Mercy with the crowd. Towards the middle of The Worst In Me, Anya got pulled into the circle pit and was almost crushed by bigger guys who didn’t seem to notice that she was not enjoying the pit, she thought she was done until she felt someone grab her wrist and pull her out. She was pulled out and immediately landed into a hard chest, she looked up and saw it was the guy she met earlier while waiting in line.

What was his name? She thought. Leo? No, it’s Theo.

The Worst In Me ended and soon Noah’s voice came onto the mic.

”Alright guys, I see you getting crazy. Remember don’t be an asshole, if you see someone fall in the pit, help them back up.” He said.

Theo looked down at Anya and because of the noise yelled out.

”Looks like I got you.” He said.

Anya smiled and they stayed close while head banging and screaming out loud to Said & Done. Theo stayed close to her through the rest of the concert and only left her side to join the circle pit whenever one started and when the last song Burning Out ended, they walked out the venue, where it was raining heavily.

“Well it was nice to mee-” Anya began to say, but Theo grabbed her hand and walked her to a more secluded spot and pulled her in the middle of two buses.

“What are you doing? St-

Theo kissed her, cupping the back of her head and wrapping his left arm around her. Anya didn’t reciprocate his kiss and in fact began to push him away, but his strength against hers was making it impossible.

“Stop! Stop it! Leave me alone!” Anya said, trying to push him away.

“Come on Anya, you know you want this.”

Anya froze upon realizing he said her actual name, she never told him her name and began pushing even harder to set herself free.

”I heard you tell Bad Omens your name, I’m a little hurt that you told me a fake name.” He chuckled, he began to try and suckle on her neck and began to move his right hand towards her breast and Anya knew it was time to leave, she raised her left foot and put all her strength to stomp hard on his foot.


He let go and she took the opportunity to punch him directly in the nose. Anya took the distraction and ran, she didn’t run far before she ran into a hard body. This person wrapped his arms around her to keep her from falling backwards, she looked up and looked straight into warm brown eyes. Despite the rain falling hard, she knew who she was looking at, it was Noah.

Noah was getting ready to go back to the bus and kept thinking about Anya. He would be lying if he said he didn’t try looking for her in the crowd. He walked out the building doors and prepared to get soaked from the heavy rain and stepped out until out of nowhere a body collided with him. It almost knocked the air out of him, but when he noticed that the person was about to fall backwards, he wrapped his around her body to keep her from falling. She looked up and Noah could’ve sworn someone was playing a prank on him and he wasn’t looking at Anya. Then he saw a look of fear in her eyes and immediately wanted to protect her from whatever was harming or scaring her. Anya looked back and saw Theo coming towards them, his eyes zeroed in on her with blood running down his nose. Noah looked up and saw who she was looking at, he was quick and immediately grabbed her, pulled her inside and shut the door quickly in Theo’s face, he began to violently grab at the handle in an attempt to pull open the door. Anya pulled away from Noah pushed herself into the wall, sleeves to her dress wet and clinging to her skin. Noah watched the door and looked at Anya, he couldn’t help but notice that she was breathing erratically and knew she was on the verge of an oncoming panic attack.

“Are you alright darling?” He asked, Are you alright? Come on Noah! You know she’s not alright! His inner voice screamed at him.

Anya had her hands in fists to the side of her head, she did not even care to notice that Noah was in her presence, the only voices in her head were telling her how stupid she could’ve been to believe a stranger was being nice to her.

How could you be so stupid? You don’t know him! You put yourself in this situation! You almost allowed yourself to be- Anya felt soft hands touch hers and slowly pull it away from her head, she looked up and saw Noah look at her with concern, she couldn’t help but cry. Noah didn’t understand why or what it was about her, but all he knew was that he wanted to comfort her. He slowly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug and let her cry in his arms. His heart felt heavy for her and he couldn’t understand this feeling. Nicholas came around the corner and saw the scene in front of him, he slowly approached and Noah looked up at him.

“Do you need me to call security?” He asked in a whisper.

Noah shook his head and Nicholas walked away, Anya’s cries finished after about 5 minutes and it became hiccups, she finally remembered that someone was holding her. She pulled herself away, and looked around, her vision slightly impaired by the water droplets on her glasses. She took off her glasses to clean it and tried to see who was in front of her. Even with her vision slightly blurred, she could still slightly make out Noah’s face, she froze and realized that she had been crying in his arms for only heaven knows how long.

“I I I’m so so-” She said putting her glasses back on.

“Don’t apologize” He cut her off. “I don’t know and I’m sure you’re not ready to tell anyone what happened out there. All I saw was a deranged guy stalking you and I chose to help you. That’s all I need to know.”

Anya could only hiccup, she wasn’t sure how to react after realizing that Noah Sebastian helped her in her time of need. Anya took in a breath and exhaled, her breathing coming out shaky. Noah held up his hand.

“Stay there, don't move, I’ll be right back darling.” Noah said. He walked around the corner and disappeared in a small crowd.

Anya wanted to leave, but she looked towards the door and realized that she didn’t want to take the chance and possibly run into HIM again. Her wet dress started to get to her and make her shiver.

“Miss, where’s your pass? Are you allowed to be here?”

Anya looked and saw the security guard looked at her with suspicion. Anya wasn’t sure how to answer.


“She’s with us!” A voice said behind her.

She turned around and saw Noah behind her, he put a sweater around her shoulders in an effort to keep out the cold that he felt she could be experiencing. He wasn’t by himself, he was with another guy with dirty blond hair. The security guard still looked at Anya with suspicion, but with Noah backing her up, there was nothing he could do and walked off.

“So you’re the pretty girl that Noah saved. I’m Matt.” A guy with blond hair said, giving her a goofy smile.

Anya couldn’t help, but smile. “Sorry for whatever happened, are you okay?” Matt asked with concern laced in his voice.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m sorry for causing trouble.”

“Darling, I told you. Don’t apologize.” Noah said.

Matt extended his hand and offered her an Orange Fanta to her.

“Here’s a soda, it’ll take the edge off. Did you come with anyone?” Matt asked. Anya took the soda and began to drink.

“No, I came by myself.” Anya said.

“Well Noah, I believe that once the crowds die down, we should order the pretty girl an Uber and make sure she gets home safely.” Matt said and winked at Noah.

Noah didn’t miss his wink and realized that Matt knew that Noah was beginning to like Anya. Truth be told, Noah was wondering if what he felt was infatuation or something else. Matt pulled out his phone and gave Anya his phone.

“Put in your address, pretty girl whose name I don’t know.” Matt said.

“It’s Anya.” Both Noah and Anya said.

Both Matt and Anya looked at him. Anya was shocked that he still remembered her name. Matt gave him a look that said ‘Dude, you got it bad!’. Once Anya put in her address, Matt took it back and set up an Uber for Anya.

“I set it up to be here within an hour and a half, that should be enough time for the crowds to die down. Come hang with us. We promise we won't bite.” Matt said.

Before Anya could give a proper response, Noah took her hand in his and led her to the green room where the rest of Bad Omens was there. Nicholas was the first to recognize her, but only because he already saw her cry in Noah’s arms.

“Hey you shits! This is Anya, say hello, because Noah just did some hero shit and saved this pretty girl.” Matt yelled

“I remember you! You’re that pretty girl that Noah wouldn’t stop looking at.” Folio said.

Noah dropped his face into his hands and felt his face heat up.

“I’m Nick, but that guy over there is also called Nick, so you can call me Folio.” Folio said, pointing to Nicholas and back to himself. He got up and shook Anya’s hand, this time in a less formal manner.

Jolly also got up, his hair was pulled up in a bun. He stuck out his hand and Anya shook it.

“I’m Jolly, but I’m sure you already know that. Just so you know Noah definitely -" Jolly was cut off when Noah put his hand on his mouth. He really didn’t want Anya to think he was another weird guy who smelled the air when she walked past him.

“Ok! Nicholas! Bryan! Get over here and introduce yourselves!” Noah said quickly and the pitch in his voice went higher out of embarrassment. Anya began to laugh and again Noah couldn’t help, but internally melt. Nicholas got up and introduced himself to Anya

“Nicholas, nice to meet you.” Nick said he took Anya’s hand and shook it, like everyone else, he was less formal about his greeting this time.

“I’m Bryan and I take photos of these idiots.” Bryan said. “Like right now, I’m about to take a photo of Jolly having Noah in a headlock.”

Anya looked and Jolly did indeed have Noah in a headlock. Bryan took the photo.

“Alright man! I give, let me go!” Noah yelled. Jolly let him go and Noah stood up and went back to stand next to Anya. He placed his hand on her upper back and led her to the couch so she could sit down, Anya pulled the skirt of her dress down in an effort to be a little more modest.

“So Anya, tell us how Noah over here came to save you?” Matt asked. Everyone looked over at Anya, if you asked her, she could’ve sworn that her heart stopped beating, her hands began to shake, she felt a hand interlock with hers and saw Noah give her a comforting smile.

“You don’t have to say anything darling, only if you’re comfortable.” Noah said, no one failed to miss how he called Anya darling again. Anya took in a deep breath and exhaled.

“Um, I actually ran into Noah by accident, because I was trying to get away from a creep. He wouldn’t leave me alone, so when the opportunity came, I stomped on his foot, punched him in the face and ran. Noah caught me when I ran into him and pulled me inside the building.”

“Oh shit.” She heard someone whisper.

“Yeah, she just ran into me and I looked and saw this deranged looking asshole following her and I pulled her inside.” Noah said.

“Thank you again. I don’t know how to repay you.” Anya said.

“Darling, don’t worry about it.” Noah said.

Noah stared deeply into Anya’s eyes and couldn’t help but be mesmerized.

“Okay! I’m so sorry that happened to you. It’s a relief that Noah came outside when he did.” Bryan said.

“Yeah, Do you want us to get security to report him?” Folio said.

“I don’t believe there’s a point anymore. It's a venue with a bunch of metalheads, a bunch of them already have blood running down their faces for different reasons, so the chance of finding him is slim.” Anya said with disappointment laced in her tone.

Noah pulled out his phone and shot a text to Matt.

Let’s get with security later and see if there are cameras around that area, I’m not letting this slide. That shithead needs to pay for what he did.

Noah sent the text, Matt’s phone made a notification sound, he took his phone out and read the message, he looked at Noah and nodded.

“So what got you into our music, karaste?” Jolly asked.

“I was with an ex boyfriend at the time.” Anya said, and Noah felt his jaw clench. “I was watching him play his video games and I heard Exit Wounds come up on his playlist, and I realized that I liked your music, looked you guys up and slowly came to love it.”

“What happened with this ex?” Nick asked

“He doesn’t matter anymore, he cheated, we broke up and that’s all there is to know about him.” Anya said quickly, scratching the back of her head, feeling embarrassed.

“Have you attended any of our shows before?” Noah asked.

“No actually, this is my first time attending your concert.”

“So tell us, how was our set?” Jolly asked.


“Tell us, tell us, tell us.” The boy began to chant.

“Y’all we’re the most amazing show I’ve been to so far. It was amazing.” Anya said, letting out a small laugh. Again Noah could’ve sworn he felt his heart soar.

“Y’all? Where are you from?” Nick asked.

“Well, I’m from LA, but I moved to Austin, Texas with my family when I was 11 and moved to El Paso, TX when I was 15. I just moved back to LA last year, when I realized that I have been away from LA too long. The Texas lingo just stuck, but outside of that, I’m very much a California girl to my core.”

“Wait, I just realized. How old are you?” Matt asked. Noah held his breath, hoping that he wasn’t being an accidental creep too.

“21, going on to 22 in just a few months.”

Noah let out a sigh of relief.

“I just realized that if 18 year old could see me now, she’d be so happy and probably wonder if we got the internship we applied for at Summerian, Epitaph, or Fearless? ”

“You applied for an internship at Summerian? When did you apply?” Matt asked.

“Yeah, it was for my one year in college studying in El Paso in October 2016, but I never received a response, so I just accepted the rejection and moved on. Now I work at Home Depot.”

“Hmmm.” Matt hummed, the gears began to turn in his head.

All of a sudden a sound went off from his phone. He pulled out his phone and saw that the Uber was getting closer.

“Now Anya, I truly would love nothing more than getting to know you, but unfortunately your pumpkin has arrived.” Matt said.

Noah gripped Anya’s again and got up from the couch, slowly helping her up. Anya began to remove the sweater that Noah gave her earlier, but Noah stopped her by lightly pulling the sweater back up on her shoulders.

“Keep it, the sweater is yours darling.” Noah said softly. “Give me your phone Matt,I’ll walk her out.”

Anya had walked out the green room and couldn’t see the smirk Matt had on his face and the middle finger Noah gave in return. Matt and Noah switched phones. Noah refused to take her through the door they came in through and walked her from the stage to the floor and all the way to the venue’s entrance in the front of the building. The rain from earlier in the night having since stopped. The gray Uber slowly pulled up and its window rolled down.



Noah opened the door and helped Anya get inside.

“Thank you so much for everything.” Anya said.

“It was nothing darling, seeing you be safe now, is a reward itself.” Noah said.

“Hopefully we’ll see each other again, under better circumstances.” Anya said. She looked at him sadly and knew deep down she would probably never see him again, and if she did, he would probably not even remember her.

“Hopefully darling.” Noah said.

“Goodbye.” She whispered and closed the car’s door. The car was getting ready to drive off and Noah began to walk away.

Until he stopped and turned around. He stood there for a couple contemplating whether he should go with Anya or not.

“This is crazy, but fuck it!” Noah said to himself. He quickly catched the car before it drove and opened the door, and sat in the car with Anya.

“Sorry, I’m also taking this Uber too.” Noah said.

The driver said nothing, but nodded.

“What are you doing?” Anya whispered, looking at him with bewilderment.

“I know we don't know each other.” Noah started, “I understand that with everything you have been through tonight, I’ll understand if you want to keep your distance, but I can’t help feeling that there is something, I know I can’t be the only one that felt an electric feeling when our hands touched for the first time during that Meet and Greet.”

“I thought that was just me.”

“No darling, I felt it too.” Noah said.

He held her hand and that electric feeling still felt the same just as it had when they met earlier that night. Noah slowly scooted closer to her and his hand still holding hers, his thumb caressing her hand. Exhaustion slowly overtook Anya and she laid her head on his shoulder, Noah said nothing but slowly smelled her scent from her hair and realized that’s where the Lavender scent that he smelled earlier was coming from, her hair. He enjoyed the ride and watched the apartments surrounding the car. 8 minutes passed, and for Noah those 8 minutes were not long enough. He got out of the car with Anya, watched as she reached for the key to open the lobby door and walked her inside the building, standing in her apartment lobby. She turned around and was standing a few paces ahead of Noah.

“Thank you again, Noah.” She said.

Noah just stepped forward and looked down at her.

“Would it be alright if I held you closer?”

Anya looked up at him and saw nothing, but tenderness in his eyes. She nodded and Noah took another step forward. He slowly wrapped his arm around her midsection and looked deeply into her eyes.

“May I kiss you?” He whispered.

“Yes.” She whispered back.

Noah pressed his lips to hers and kissed her. It was a soft and sweet kiss, nothing compared to that rough assault she felt from that creep. She slowly stood on her tippy toes in effort to reach his height, but to no avail. She moved her own arms around him and pulled him closer as well. Without breaking from the kiss, he pulled her off the ground and carried her in his arms. It was then and there that Noah realized that he was already in the middle before he realized that he had begun. They don’t know how long they kissed for, but the only thing that broke them apart was Matt’s phone ringing in his back pocket.

“Ahh fuck, they wondering where I am.” Noah said. He chuckled and the feeling sent shivers down Anya’s spine. He pulled out the phone and put it to his ear.

“Yo. Yeah, I wanted to make sure she made it safe. Dude, fuck off! Alright I’ll be there in 15 minutes. Bye.” Noah spoke to whoever was on the other end.

“I truly don’t want to leave, but the rest of this tour awaits darling. Give me your phone?”

Anya reached into her see through purse and pulled out her iPhone 13, unlocked it and gave it to Noah, he took it and dialed a phone number before hanging up.

“Who did you call?” Anya asked.

“Myself, I can’t bear the idea of not seeing or hearing your voice again. If you want to be friends, I’ll be more than happy with it darling. Call me for anything.” Noah said.

“Please be careful through the whole tour.” Anya said.

“Cross my heart, that nothing will happen darling.”

Noah let out a sigh and gave her a kiss on her forehead. He walked her over to the elevator and pressed the up button.

“Promise me you’ll stay safe?” Noah asked in return.

“Promise, cross my heart.” Anya said, repeating his words.

The elevator doors opened and Anya walked inside, arms extending until they were forced to let go. Looking at each other until the doors closed. Anya pressed the button for the 3rd floor and walked to her apartment, choosing to just clean her face and wear her dress and the sweater Noah gave her to bed, she fell asleep to the feeling of Noah’s lips still on hers.

“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”

“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”

“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”

“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”

Those words she said to her younger brother came to the forefront of her mind, until sleep and exhaustion overtook her.

~ 3 Weeks Later ~

Anya was coming home from a long shift at Home Depot and opened the mailbox, everything seemed unimportant junk and bills until she saw a thick catalog envelope. She pulled it out and saw the logo for Summerian Records. Her name printed in bold letters.

Ms. Anastasia Mendoza

150 N Olvera St. Apt. 315

Los Angeles, CA 90034

She dropped everything she was carrying the moment she set foot in her apartment and opened the thick catalog envelope. The first page reading.


She pulled out her phone and texted Noah.


Yes, darling?

Do you know anything about this?

She snapped a photo of the first page and sent it to him


Thank you so much for reading this prequel about how Anya and Noah and yes y’all, Noah fell first. Despite how I wrote it, they are NOT dating yet, that won’t happen for at least another year after they meet. If you’re interested in me writing about it, please let me know. Writing right now is still a very slow process for me so if you’re interested, let me know. Thank you so much for reading, guys. Love y’all!

If anyone is interested, here’s a link to the playlist I was listening to while writing this .


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8 months ago

I made a Bad Omens Being Dorks video, TDOPOM listening stream edition- because I miss them and they’re adorable.

here’s a lil snippet lol, link above xx

8 months ago

Damn!! 🥵🥴

Teach me ~ Noah Sebastian (pt 2)

 Teach Me ~ Noah Sebastian (pt 2)

Pairing: Best friend Noah! x Virgin! Reader

Content: Unestablished relationship, cheating, Friends to lovers, Friends with Benefits, Loss of virginity

Content warning: cheating, toxic relationship, smut, loss of virginity (not this chapter), make out sessions, fingering, oral sex (female receiving)

Series summary: Reader is reaching a point in her life where sex is coming into the conversation. Reader is an inexperienced virgin. Who better to teach her than her best friend Noah?

A/N: hey y’all thanks for the love on chapter one. I was very nervous to start writing this type of stuff. I hope it’s enjoyable to some. If any of these chapters or topics make you uncomfortable this might not be the content you would like to read. I respect Noah, and I respect bad omens. This is all fictional and not real. This is for fun. We have fun on this app. Please enjoy the series, any questions, suggestions, or concerns shoot me a message in my bio.🩶🫶🏻 as always enjoy🤭


The alarm screams through the air. You wake up stretching in your bed trying to remember what happened last night. Suddenly everything rushes back to you.

Noah and you made out on the couch, and grinded on each other.

You made him hard. You might’ve cheated on Jake in a sense. You shiver at the thought of your relationship and what it’s come to. You pull yourself out of bed and head to the shower.

You set the shower up and run the water waiting for it to get warm for you to jump in. As you hop in and wet your hair while running your hands through it, you think about what you got to do today with the band.

You have a merch shoot you guys have to do. They’re dropping merch this weekend, meaning they need you to help model. You always want to help with anything band related. However after the events of last night you feel a little dirty still of what you’ve done with Noah on the couch.

Noah didn’t have sex with you. He didn’t put anything inside you, well his tongue in your mouth, but it wasn’t anything too sexual.

You blink at your thoughts of him doing certain things to you. Trying to get your mind to focus on Jake. Your relationship and hopefully the love of your life.

You finished up in the shower before hoping out and putting a towel around you and your head. You walk out into your room and put on the outfit you have set out the night before. Brushing your hair you hear a knock at your door.

You yell back “Come in!” As you brush your hair getting ready to dry it.

Matt opens the door to your room, sticking his head in.

“Hey just a reminder we got that merch shoot today, just wanted to give you a heads up to get ready but, looks like you already beat me to it.” Matt chuckles.

“Yep, I got it. Thanks for the reminder though.” You turn your hair dryer on, drying your hair to style it.

Matt closed your door and you get yourself ready to head out for the day. You walked out of your room and was greeted by Jolly in kitchen with the other guys at the table.

“Hey we made breakfast if you’re hungry. I got avocado toast.” He hands you the food on the plate and urges you to sit down and eat.

You thanked him and took a seat next to Noah at the table. “Hey how did you sleep?” You start. He looks up at you mouth full of food. He swallows and stares down at the table.

“Fine. Took a cold shower to get my mind off things.” He takes another bite of food. “Song writing stressing you out?” You question.

“No not exactly. Songs are coming together well, and everything is going as it should with the album.” He mumbles.

“Oh, well hopefully you can blow off some steam here with the upcoming merch shoot.” You sip the orange juice that was placed in front of you by Jolly.

“We’ll see.” Noah’s jaw clenches, as he gets up from the table and walks back into his room. Wonder what’s got him worked up? You thought.

Truth was Noah was getting frustrated because he didn’t want to get feelings from the lessons he’s teaching you. He is finding it hard to let another guy take advantage of you and your innocence. Part of him wants it to be him to teach you, to love you, to cum for.

You finished breakfast, and Matt gets all of you out the house down to shoot for the merch. Everyone took turns modeling different things.

You modeled their t-shirt that stopped at the top of your thighs. Covering your shorts and your ass. Noah wondered what one of his t-shirts would look like on you, and how long it would be on you. He grew hard at the thought.

~ *fast forward to the end of the shoot* ~

“Good job guys! These look great!” Bryan smiled looking at the photos of his camera. “Especially you, y/n.. these fans are gonna be jealous of you.” He laughs. You smile and thank him, heading back to your car to head to Jake’s house.

You watch a large figure appear at your window. Looking up you see Noah wave at you. You rolled your window down to him. “Hey, what’s up?” You question.

“Hey.. be careful, let me know how it goes with him. I know you’ll do great.” He gives you a fake smile as if he wanted nothing more than to take you out of the car and keep you all to himself.

“Yea, of course. I’ll see you later tonight.” You rolled the window up and drive your way to Jake’s apartment. You go and ring the doorbell and he welcomes you in.

“Hey how did work go..” he questions. “Good it was good, had a long day modeling.” You tell him smiling. Jake didn’t know you modeled for a band’s merch. You told him you modeled clothes for a company and he thinks it’s Victoria’s Secret and you let him think that.

“Should show me the photos when they get them edited and updated for whatever sale they got.” He laughs sitting down his couch patting the spot by him.

You slip off your shoes and shrug making your way to the couch. “Sure, I’ll have them send them over to you if they end up using them. They have so many models they barely put me out on their photos.”


You just didn’t want to tell him you work with a bunch of guys. You feared he’d make you quit and you wanted nothing more than to be with him and to make him happy.

Jake makes music as well. Well, not music that’s famous. He’s made you listen to a few of his songs off his SoundCloud. They are pretty okay, though when it came to vocals, Noah absolutely outperformed him.

Jake leaned back in couch. The tv was playing some show that you’d didn’t recognize. You barely watched tv, let alone Netflix. You’d rather listen to whatever Noah and the guys were producing than watch a sitcom.

You sit by him. He starts leaning into the couch as a sign to climb onto his lap. He chuckles and pulls you closer to him. “I see what your intentions are, and I don’t wanna stop.” You shiver at his words. You know Jake wouldn’t pressure you into anything at least you think.

You start out kissing each other. Everything starts moving fast. Faster than you want it to. It’s almost overwhelming, his words at not wanting to stop, are echoing in your brain, making you feel a certain ick.

You pull away from his lips. He smiles and starts pushing his hips to yours. You match his pace and he moves you harder against him. You’re enjoying it and so is he. He takes off his shirt and so do you, leaving you in your bra.

He starts by kissing your lips again, and makes his way down your neck. He’s not as soft and gentle as Noah is almost seems like he’s in a rush to getting your clothes off. It was pissing you off.

He pulls you closer to him. Hard and rough grip on your back and waist. He could crush you if he wanted to.

He keeps moving your hips with his while grinding with you. He goes to unbutton your shorts, and you immediately pull away.

“Jake..” it was like he almost knew you were going stop him. He plays with the loops on your jean shorts, and waits for you to continue.

“Um.. I’ve never had someone go down on me before..” you mumble closing your eyes.



“Do you mind if I do.”

You squirm at the thought of him having his tongue on you and in you in your most intimate place. You pull back standing up from him.

“Yea, I j-just..” you look around to find your shirt throwing it back on.

“I’m not sure yet.”

Jake stands up from the couch, gripping onto your arm as if he wanted to pull you back down to him. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and annoyance.


Trying to pull you to him. “C’mon, I’ll be gentle.” He says trying to egg you on to let him do it.

You tug your arm harder away from him. He finally lets your arm go, after some resistance from him gripping it tightly.

“No, I don’t.. think I want to — not yet at least.” You mumble taking a few steps back from him. Feeling the tension in the air between the two of you grow awkward and weird.

“You’ll like it.” He steps forward to you. Keeping his hands to himself but his eyes all over you.

“Jake, no.” You say, forcing yourself to speak in a harsher tone to make your point across to him. You shake your head as well. “Just.. no.”

He lets out a huff in defeat and sits back down on the couch, while you stand there, wondering if you should stay or go after the awkward situation.

“Sorry.” He mumbles, hands going over his face to hide the embarrassment growing on it.

“I’m just not comfortable with that yet.” You stare into the floor. He freaked you out for a minute wondering if he would’ve stopped.

But you know Jake would never hurt you.

At least you think he wouldn’t. He might have to power to. But you know he’d never have the power to.

You left Jake’s around the normal time. Past 9, and make your way back to the guys. Your nerves are still shot from the encounter you had with Jake.

You know Noah will be asking about it, and you’re not really sure what you should and should not tell him. Maybe you’re overthinking and overreacting what Jake was wanting to do. Maybe you should have just let him do it. You sigh, and put the car in drive and head back home.

*time fast forwards to back home*

Walking into the kitchen to get a late night glass of water, the time on the stove read “12:30”. You sigh and grab a cup from the cupboard. Everyone is sleeping. You came back and fell asleep for a few hours.

You didn’t fall asleep yet before taking a shower, to get the feeling of Jake’s lips and hands off of you. Something about him today really made you grow annoyed with him. You sit on the counter and stare at the floor.

A door opens and closes. Noah comes out of his room and finds you sitting there in the dimly light kitchen, making his way over to you. “Hey” he whispers to you walking over, he stands in front of you. His eyes seeing the discomfort in your face.

“So.. you going tell me what happened? You came in and went straight into your room without a word.” He leans against the island across from you in kitchen waiting for a response.

“I made out with him… and um he wanted to go down on me, but I stopped him.” You mumble. Still staring into the floor. Noah watches your face as your eyebrows furrowed in frustration from remembering the situation.

“I didn’t think he’d stop at one point.. he kept trying to get me to let him do it over and over, after telling him many times no.” At one point he wouldn’t even let me go.” You cringe.

Noah’s body tenses, anger creeps up on his neck at the thought of him not stopping when you want to.

Tears of frustration and anger come to your eyes. “I should’ve just let him.” This stupid virgin shit is getting on my nerves, getting in the way of everything..” you sob.

Noah’s quick to come to your aide. He stands in front of you moving your face to his chest to comfort you. He lets you cry and get your emotions out, quietly cooing you.

“Come with me, we’ll go relax in my room.” He lifts you up carrying you into his room. You places you on his bed, you lay down on it exhausted. Noah sits in his chair by his computer in his room.

You inhale the smell of Noah and his cologne that is in his sheets. The smell is nice and comforting. You lay there for a few minutes and take some breathes to calm yourself.

You pause your thoughts, as another one comes in that makes you nervous but sure you’d be comfortable with.

“Hey.. N-Noah..” you sit up, and his head turns it yours

He nods, waiting for you to speak. You start to play with your fingers out of an anxious habit. “D-Do you think you can go down on me.. just to see what’s it’s like?” You mumble.

Noah pauses his game, completely turning towards shocked at your words, but happy at your need to come to him. He thinks about the thought of you spread out and exposed to. His dick twitch at the thought.

“Do you know you like?” Noah’s voice lower than normal.

“What do you mean?…” you give him a questioning look. He stares back at you.. “have you never touched yourself?” He asks in disbelief. “N-No.. I haven’t really tried..” you mumble staring at his wall to avoid his eyes.

“Do you want to try to do that?” Noah asks.

Your eyes go wide at his question. “With you?!”

You feel your heart start to race at the idea now realizing you asked Noah to eat you out and now he’s asking about fingering you as well.

“I won’t do it if you don’t want me to.. if you want to go try it out yourself go right ahead. My room is right here, come in whenever you need anything.” He smiles at you.

“If you have any questions or problems shoot me a text or anything.” Noah believes this was a private thing for you to do to yourself. He didn’t want to invade and invite himself to help you unless you asked him. He’d do anything for you regardless, but he didn’t want to try anything until you were sure what you liked and what you didn’t like.

“Okay, I’ll let you know if I need any help.” You get up and make your way into your room closing the door behind you.

*few hours pass*

“Goddamnit!” You groan out of frustration. Taking your hand out of your shorts. “Nothing is fuckin working…” I’ve tried everything..” tears forming in the corners of your eyes.

Rolling over in bed you read the clock on your night stand


“Fuck..” you mumble. Throwing your head back to your pillow. He’s definitely not up, you thought to yourself. I can just lie to him and tell him I got off. Definitely can.

“Hey.. you still up?”

Your phone vibrates seeing the contact is Noah. Panic washes over your body as you realize he indeed is still up.

“Yea, everything is going okay.” You text back.

“Just..okay?” He replies, questioning your response in his text.

You decided not to text him back. Maybe he would think you’re sleeping. You groan squeezing your thighs together at the dull ache still there between your legs.

He can definitely help, and make it disappear you thought. Then I won’t have to worry about any of this and can continue all this stuff with Jake. You nod your head agreeing with your thoughts.

“Actually.. do you think you can help?” You text back. Shaken hands as you waiting for a reply. Except there isn’t one. Just a quiet knock at your door.

“Y/N…” Noah whispers at the door, before coming in quietly. He sees you spread out on your bed, hair is messy, and shirt exposing your tummy. He feels his dick twitch, as he sits on the edge of your bed.

“Noah, I’ve tried everything nothing is working, I know what I like but I just can’t get myself off. I need help, I need your help.” You plead, tears rolling down your face as embarrassment creeps up on your cheeks as well.

Noah shushes you, giving you a kiss to your head. He gets off your bed looking around your room. He looks around and spots a mirror. He grabs it placing it up at the end of the bed holding the back of it with a chair. It stands up at you guys at the end of your bed.

He settles back in your bed, in front of the mirror.

“Come here.” He commands, opening his legs to make room for you to sit between them. “Noah… what are we doing..” you say hesitatingly. You make your way between his legs, he moves both your legs over yours exposing you with your shorts.

“Show me.” He whispers in your ear, nibbling the bottom of it. “I’m going watch from the mirror and correct you if you seem to be doing anything wrong.” He whispers lowly.

You nod, taking your hand into your shorts, groaning at the feeling of contact again. You circle your clit for a few minutes before your legs start to moving to close. Noah stops them from closing with his hands on your thighs. “Keep going..” he says. You move your fingers harsher on your clit, not enough to make it any better but you apply more pressure.

“I c-can’t..” you moan. Noah takes it upon himself to take your hand out of your shorts. His dick is so hard it’s throbbing. “Take off your shorts..” he looks at you through the mirror. “I-I.. idk” you mumble becoming defensive shaking your head.

“Do you trust me?” Noah turns your head to look at you.

“Yes.” You say. “If you want my help.. you have to trust me… you know I’d never make fun of you, I promise.” He holds up his pinky.

You hold yours up connecting it to his. You move to slide your shorts down, feeling the cold air connect with your skin. Leaving you in just your underwear.

“D-Do I have to..” unsure if they need to come off too, Noah stops you. “Not unless you want to, I can always work around them.” He flashes you a gentle smile in the mirror.

“Leave them on for now..” you breathe. Noah nods.

“Before I start, I need your consent… I need to hear it before I do any of this to you.” He turns his head at you with a serious look on his face. You nod your head at him.

“No, I need words.. it’s yes or no.” He says.

“Yes, Noah please touch me.” You plead.

He moves his fingers to your covered clit and starts moving circles on it. You throw your head back against his shoulder moaning. His fingers feel so good against you. They’re rough and harder than yours, they just feel so right.

Noah speeds up his fingers against your clit, your hips start moving against his wiggling in protest. “Noah, something feels weird.. I don’t know what’s happening..”

“Just let it go..” he whispers in your ear watch you cum for him.

You come down from your high seeing stars. Even after the intense orgasm, you still feel hot and bothered. Your mind starts moving like crazy. “Noah just made me cum. Noah made me cum?” You question to yourself. So that’s what it feels like you thought, it feels so good.

You turn your head to the mirror watching his dark eyes still on you. “N-Noah..” you whine still needy. “Yes?..” he answers, still looking at you. “Will you go down on me?” Your face on fire from the question.

“Yes.” He gets up moving down towards you. Both of you were so fucked out of your minds you couldn’t care about anyone or anything else.

Noah stands up and takes off his shirt. He lays up between your legs. Tattooed finger coming at the waist band of your underwear. He looks up at you before doing anything at all. He’s waiting for you to tell him he can remove them and dive in.

You look down at him resting on your elbows. You’re chewing your inner cheek, nerves creeping up your spine. “What if he doesn’t think I’m pretty?” “What if he finds me ugly?” You cringe at your thoughts. Your thoughts keep racing until a hand on your stomach cuts you off.

“Y/N, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, I promise I will never make fun of you for the way you sound or the way you look...” Noah’s tone calm, eyes calmly looking into yours looking for any hint of discomfort.

“If you want to stop tell me, and we’ll stop. Won’t ask any questions.” He says.

The care he has for you, never goes unseen. You swear he’d walk through fire and hell for you, to make you are happy. He’s the type of friend who would make sure you’d have everything you need before he does.

“Okay…” You breathe, “You can take them off..” you close your eyes trying to slow your breathing, as it picked up rapidly.

Noah’s hands don’t move. In fact he’s breathing hard as well. Waiting for you to open your eyes. You grow impatient waiting for him to do something. Your hands make your way to your underwear ready to pull them off yourself. His hands stop you doing so, and he places them up on your chest, shaking his head.

He moves your t-shirt up a little exposing your stomach. Then what you didn’t expect… his teeth bite at the fabric of your underwear pull them down with his teeth. Your air gets caught in your throat at the gesture.

Your face grows hot. You’re exposed to him. All out and open. You cover your face with your hands feeling embarrassment. Noah ignores your embarrassment, and moves his hands up from your ankle to your inner thigh. Slowly pulling your legs open to see you.

Your breath hitches as his hands come close to you, but jump to the top of your other inner thigh, down to your ankle.

He’s fuckin teasing you.

You groan out in frustration and he cooes, voice breaking the silence. “I know.. I gotta hear you say it though.” He looks up at you, hands still over your face. “Look at me.” He commands. You slowly take your hands off your face.

“You gotta tell me what you want…I need to hear it.” Noah says looking directly at your eyes, with him eye leveled to your pussy.

“That’s embarrassing…” you whine. He looks away from you.. still waiting. He continues to tease you moving his hands all over you slowly but, avoiding your heat. You couldn’t take it anymore and finally swallow down the courage to tell him.

“P-Please touch me Noah..” you stutter out. Your pussy aching and throbbing for him. “Do you want me to touch you or do you want me to eat you?” His eyes find yours again, waiting for your answer.

Your mind was so foggy you couldn’t care which one he would do anymore. “Both.” You pant “Please touch me and eat me.. I can’t take it anymore.” You cry, frustrated from the throbbing.

“As you wish.” Noah gently smiles. His tattooed finger come in contact with you slit, feeling how hot a sticking you are for him. “You’re so wet.” He groans, his breathing becoming heavier at the sight of you.

You clamp your legs around his shoulders trapping his head. Noah puts more pressure on your clit and starts rubbing it harsher. You bite your lip to maintain your moans from getting louder.

Suddenly you feel something protrude at your entrance, feeling it slowly slide in. His finger starts moving in and out of you. You moaned in satisfaction.

“You’re so tight..” he mumbles.

He pumps his finger in and out do you for a bit before adding a second one.

He adds a second one and starts to spread them apart making scissors in you. He stretches you out a bit, and you couldn’t hold back your moans as they start to slip pass your bitten lip.

He curls his fingers in you hitting that sweet spot. You grow really close, legs start shaking as you can barely hold on to your orgasm.

Suddenly all the you felt empty. Whining at the sudden loss of contact, you feel your legs being spread wider… Noah takes his fingers opening your folds apart making way for his tongue to enter you.

Knowing you wouldn’t be quiet during this, you take your shirt and put it between your teeth. Thank god most of the guys are sleeping anyway.

Noah started licking your cunt more. Your hands went to his hair. Pulling and tugging every time he’d suck on your clit. He switched from licking your cunt to sucking hard on your clit.

You feel like you’re floating. The feeling is so intense you feel like you could pass out from the pleasure. Noah starts moaning against your cunt as well, adding vibration.

“Oh my god.” You whine, unable to finish your sentence or form any other words. Back arching from the sensation.

Noah couldn’t care less if you were screaming your lungs out to the whole house, or pulling out all his hair while crushing him with your thighs. All he cared about was making you feel good, and making you cum on his tongue.

Noah adds his fingers into your cunt pumping them in and out a at a fast pace. He latches his mouth back on your clit, other hand anchoring your hips down as you arched.

“N-Noah, I’m close… don’t stop please..please don’t…” you words coming out in pants. Noah doesn’t let down he keeps going, fingers finding your spot making you completely squirt all over his chin and chest.

Coming down from your high in pants you see Noah smiling all wet around his face and chest.

“Oh my god, I peed on you.” You pull your legs up to your chest in disgust and embarrassment.

“No, you did not…” Noah chuckles.

“Y/n, you squirted it’s the best thing I could make you do, besides cum.” He smiles at you. He moves up by you on the bed leaning against the bed desk next to you.

You see his cock throbbing in his sweats and look at it and then to his eyes. “Do you want me to d-do that..” Noah picks up what you were implying immediately stoping you.

“No, not today, I just wanted to teach you and make you feel comfortable.” He breathes out, raising his hands above his head.

You take it as the opportunity to climb onto his lap sitting directly on it. His hands meets your hips “please..” you beg, “I want to help you.” Using your puppy eyes hoping he’d let you.

His mind gives up when you particularly beg for his cock. He moves you closer to him bringing his fingers to your mouth. “Open.” He commands.

You do what he says as he guides his middle and ring fingers into your mouth. “Suck them but don’t use your teeth.”

Doing what he said to do, feeling the need to use your tongue as well, you start sucking and licking his fingers.

“Fuck…” his head falls back. He pushes his fingers further into your mouth, causing you to gag. You breathe through your nose still sucking on them.

“Such a good girl.” Noah moans. Growing close to his release. You started to bob your head against his fingers as if you were going up and down on his cock. Noah’s eyes screw shut, with a low moan as he cums.

He cums so hard he shakes. You climb off him, and take his fingers out of your mouth, his arm flopping down on your side on the bed.

Noah’s seeing stars from his orgasm. He can’t believe he just came from that.

Coming back to his senses, he stands up putting his t-shirt back on, heading to your connected bathroom turning on your shower.

“Go wash up and rest…I think we did more than enough for tonight.” He leans against the doorframe in your bathroom arms cross grinning at you.

You get up from the bed nodding, heading into your bathroom.

“Goodnight, y/n.” Noah says quietly closing your door while you jump into your shower, bathroom door still open.

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8 months ago
Still Here, Never Left

still here, never left

8 months ago

Happy Fucking Sunday to me!! Damn!! Why y’all gotta do this to me before I go to work??!! 🥴😩

50, 45, 54 with Noah

everything you write is so good!!!!!🥹

"God I hate the fact that I can't even look at your fingers without wishing they were inside of me."

“I've been horny all day, and I need you fix it"

“I want to fuck you for the rest of my life”

All he was doing was lounging on the couch, phone in hand and scrolling his life away—but every time you glanced at his hands, you squeezed your thighs together, the wetness and warmth unbearable at this point. It’d been impossible to properly get off all day, each attempt only leaving you craving more and exacerbating your problem. Images of Noah’s fingers dragging along your walls and shoved deep in your mouth swirled in your mind. You squirmed again, catching his attention.

“Everything okay, baby?” He asked, setting his phone aside.

"God I hate the fact that I can't even look at your fingers without wishing they were inside of me." You blurted before you think.

Noah looked at you, taken aback by your outburst.

You were slightly embarrassed; you didn’t mean to say it out loud, it was meant to stay an inside thought.

“I’m sorry.” You hid your face in your hands, but why? You couldn’t possibly embarrass yourself anymore.

“I've been horny all day, and I need you fix it.”

Another thought that came tumbling out before you could stop.

Stunned, Noah blinked. He gaped, mouth closing and opening. He looked between you and his lap, then patted.

“Get me ready, and I’ll see if I can help you.”

Noah chuckled at your eagerness, making quick work of his shorts and boxer briefs. He sighed, eyes fluttering shut as you wrapped a hand around him and slowly started working him up. You sprinkled kisses between his thighs, occasionally nipping the sensitive skin and getting rewarded with soft sounds. When he was hard enough, your mouth joined your hand on his cock. The hand at the back of your head let you know that Noah was ready to go.

He went to protest when you stopped, but quickly remembered this wasn’t entirely for him. It was for you. In a flurry, you removed your panties and crawled onto his lap. There was no resistance when you eased down on his cock.

“Jesus Christ, you weren’t kidding.” Noah hissed.

You found a nice rhythm quickly,grinding and bouncing as you pleased. Noah tried to help, but you were doing a fine job on your own.

“You fill me so good, Noah,” you said, voice hoarse with desire. “I want to fuck you for the rest of my life.”

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