amikartest - 🎨AmyK🎨

🎨Commission Open🎨 Being an disabled, doesn't mean you are crazy or being different from other people. You are also normal, you also have an amazing gifts.  🔞NSFW 🍋    

602 posts

Oh Yeah!

Oh Yeah!

More historical Sword stuff...I love great swords but absolutely no strength to even lift one and put back on the display. A Scottish Claymore is the only one have touched in my life..

Why do people use two-handed swords instead of using one-handed swords with shields? Are they more powerful weapons than single handed sw...
Gustav Åhs's answer: Two hands on a weapon gives you reach power and precision, they are definitely more powerful than single handed swords
Why, in fantasy, do characters carry their swords on their backs?
Charles Li's answer: Because writers typically have never even touched a weapon before and don't know how great swords were carried historic

What are some historical examples of curved swords?
Gustav Åhs's answer: Swords can be curved in all manner of interesting directions. You have the forward curving sword like the Falx It mad
What advantage is there to having an edgeless sword (like the estoc) over one that can both cut and thrust (like an arming sword)?
Andrew Duffey's answer: To answer the original question: First of all: Weapons like the estoc are essentially the best spear that money cou

@artsy-jandi @amikartest @three-of-crows

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More Posts from Amikartest

1 year ago

Fascinating and factual article on the medieval peasants..

What’s a commonly held myth about life in medieval Europe?
Pat C.'s answer: 1. That being a peasant was awful Being a peasant wasn’t all that bad. In fact, in many ways, Medieval European peasants li

@amikartest @artsy-jandi

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1 year ago

So...about silver and vampires again

So...about Silver And Vampires Again

Just my brain being strange again on vampire "stuff"

1. Expensive mirrors had silver used to reflect and silver was considered a higher metal /holy component. so Vampires didn't show up in mirrors. Silver repels the reflection not because couldn't cast a shadow.

Stick with me now...

2. 1840's to 1860's photographs used silver coating on copper sheets is "Why" vampires couldn't be seen in photos taken.

(Well besides not enough light and sitting still enough for the image to develop on the plate)

"For daguerreotype images, popular between 1840 and 1860, the photographer put a sheet of copper, coated with silver and exposed to iodine vapor, into the camera. Once the sheet was exposed to light during the taking of the picture, the photographer used a mercury vapor to bring out the image, and then set it with salt."

As for "All Father" as I sometimes call Vlad/Alucard the weaknesses don't apply being first and direct. The weaknesses are passed to his "offspring" directly to indirectly children.

He cheated death so why not cheat on the rules...
The Digital Public Library of America brings together the riches of America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely availa

@amikartest @artsy-jandi @three-of-crows

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