33 (she/her, they/them, y'all) transgenderfluid, polyamorous, demi-pansexual, free roaming entity who likes all the things. poetry is my passion, life my field of study.
294 posts
There Is A Fountain I Love To Drink From. A Gentle Brook Flowing Both Calmly And Steadily. Born Of Titillating
There is a fountain I love to drink from. A gentle brook flowing Both calmly And steadily. Born of titillating touch And tender caresses, I whisper sweet somethings Until the deep Is calling out. I summon my wine Through incantation And hand craft. Weaving my spell Till the dry river valley Welcomes spring. I bath in the river; Baptised by the waters. Praising beauty I dance In this sweet nectar grove." - Andrew
rodolfo9999 liked this · 3 years ago
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More Posts from Anannas-garden
Chest in a vice
"My heart wants to crack. I wish I could silence my thoughts. Drift into void like sleep And forget everything I know. This life never seems To give me an inch. Sometimes it fools me into believing That maybe this is it. However it is only a game And I am continually tortured. Every night I go to sleep Hoping it is over. Rising every morning With the prayer of change In my heart. Then the day starts And I find it is all the same. More melancholy and misery Than I know what to do with." - Andrew
I'm sad today And I don't know why
Why I Laugh
"Because I get the joke. I see this pattern In everything. I read it in a book That no one understands. From there I see it in the world, Existence, And now my life. Patterns that are infinitely displayed. I see what is happening. It has happened before. My heart is shutting down. My body is going back on auto pilot. My mind is once again caught up In the constructs; Living themes. Programed responses. Tired. Waiting to wake up again From my philosopher's sleep. To walk the world once more With the hope that then It will be different. That then will be the time And they will understand. Unobserved I walk half-consciously. No one ever understanding Who is walking by." - Andrew
"I have good days But I also have bad ones. My thoughts begin to run Until they have become An avalanche. I am steadily buried underneath, Unable to resist the onslaught. I start off ok But soon the weight of it all Is crushing me, And what strength I have Is quickly subdued. There isn't any logic to it. It happens. These thoughts I have I know they are not mine, Yet here they are Taring me down. When I was young I didn't know any better. Hating myself Always felt right When these times came. That temptation is still here But I know that it will pass. I have done nothing wrong. Everything is ok. Trying to not listen To the thoughts. Waiting on the upswing To carry me back to bliss." - Andrew