Cunnalingus - Tumblr Posts
“I dream of soft petals Nestled between my lips. I kiss this flower And my desire is aroused. So I drink its evening dew. Linger, over its tender bud. I whisper its names "Beautiful Wonder. Entrancing Gem.” The earth moves And I move with it. The wind whispers my name; Indecipherable moans. Growing intensity, The ocean crashs over the shore. Passion’s storm it rages on As the gods take up their songs.
Release! The storm breaks. All is quiet Except for the dying breezes. Tingling bodies. Spent souls. Minds descending Into profound Sleep.
Deeper dreams now Of my Goddess in my arms. Her breathing is my lulaby And the aroma of her hair My purest delight. I could not get away If that was my longing. I am bound to this being Who’s life leaves me In an altered state of mind.
My fingers trace her lovely features. Memorizing the elegant subtleties Of her regal face. Within these eyes I witness everything. All past Present And future. Heaven Hell and Earth. Her thoughts are my beliefs. Her nature my calling. She is the embodiment of all That I stand for. When she smiles I die in ecstasy. Her laugh has become My absolute drug. I grow intoxicated on her presence And joyful at her side. Her perfection has conquered me. I am moved to do anything for Her. I’ll fall down Or stand. What ever it takes to raise her up. High and beautiful Over all of creation. Everlasting Goddess Eternal to eternal.“
- Andrew
There is a fountain I love to drink from. A gentle brook flowing Both calmly And steadily. Born of titillating touch And tender caresses, I whisper sweet somethings Until the deep Is calling out. I summon my wine Through incantation And hand craft. Weaving my spell Till the dry river valley Welcomes spring. I bath in the river; Baptised by the waters. Praising beauty I dance In this sweet nectar grove." - Andrew