ancientastarwis - Ancient Astarwis
Ancient Astarwis ||||

80 posts

3/3 Energy Portal

3/3 Energy Portal

3/3 Energy Portal 🌀💫

Flashbacks from childhood, trauma and suppressed memories are appearing as the subconscious mind is healing inner child wounds. As body, mind and soul realign, imbalances in the attention provided to each are healed. A huge Third Eye Activation is creating intense pressure between eyebrows, causing visions with eyes closed or open. Due to these changes, the mind space is blank and struggles to articulate and organize sentences, weird dreams are appearing and you could wake up during the night. There are feelings of vulnerability, sadness, grief or pessimism. Solar Plexus is retrieving inner authority. Competitiveness is being released while independence is increasing.

Connect with your manifestation power. Express gratitude for what you have while asking for what you want.


These days I've been channeling intense subconscious energy repeatedly, and I was wondering what was causing it, until I realized the 33 Portal was approaching. Another symptom I've noticed is random weird heartbeats due to a Heart Chakra Activation. As you can see, the most important Spirit Animals right now are horses and ladybugs. You may also connect with raccoons, rats and spiders. Some relevant angel numbers include 1010, 939 and 333. Focus on maintaining a positive mindset during the coming month.

For this beautiful portal, I'm offering subconscious healing sessions to those that feel guided to work with me. Comment 'Subconscious Healing' and I'll send you the link.

If you found this post helpful and would like to support me, consider sending a tip through the LinkTree in my bio.

Wishing you a happy 33 Portal 🪷✴️🗝️,


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5️⃣5️⃣ Angel Numbers Guidance

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Do you resonate with the energies of the 55?

For any other Angel Number suggestions, feel free to comment them or leave a private message.

Instagram | Facebook | Website | Ko-fi

Happy 55 Portal! 🌈✨⚡💕


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Subscribe to my mailing list to receive exclusive updates, discounts and notifications each time a blog entry is posted.

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Values of Lyra 🌌

🌌Gratitude | Expressing thankfulness

🌌Deservingness | Feeling deserving

🌌Celebration | Relaxing, enjoying success

🌌Relief | Joyful once heavy tasks are completed

🌌Impediments | Accepting restrictions

🌌Persistence | Going after goals tirelessly

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🌌Meticulousness | Precision and thoroughness

🌌Organization | Staying organized

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🌌Perspective | Seeing different points of view

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🌌Time | Using time wisely

🌌Impatience | Only waiting for a short time

🌌Inner Child | Healing wounds on decision-making

Values Of Lyra

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Feel free to discover your own Soul Origins in a private session with me to connect with your past lives and unlock your soul wisdom.

If you enjoy this post and would like to support me, consider sending a tip through the LinkTree in my bio. Thank you!

Blessings 🪷✴️🗝️ @ancientastarwis

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Blessings 🥰,


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