androgynous-pagan2 - Tobi


95 posts

Androgynous-pagan2 - Tobi - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago


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6 months ago
Animal Crossing X Resident Evil

animal crossing x resident evil

7 months ago

Re2 Leon X Vampire User

(Sorry I havenā€™t posted in so long, Iā€™ve been working :P)

Leon practically screamed in relief as he found an old abandoned estate building - running as fast as he could.

He was on a nice walk in the forest for his vacation when Mother Nature decided she wanted to have a severe thunderstorm in 80 degree weather - causing him to practically book it to the nearest rest stop for shelter since he couldnā€™t see his way.

The poor thing was practically soaked when he reached the door - reaching up an arm to knock. However, the door unlocked itself and let him inside without a problem.


Leon didnā€™t question it as there was a fire in the big fireplace - prompting him to sit down and enjoy the warmth.

You, however, shot up from your bed at the overwhelming smell of a human in your home - almost salivating over it. You slowly snuck around your home as you watched the young blonde dry and warm himself by the fire.

The relieved smile on his face made you feel warm - but it didnā€™t last long as when you tried to sneak back into your room, you bumped into a table. The noise immediately made Leonā€™s head turn to the giant stairs - his face that was once happy now nervous and scared.

ā€œHello.? Is anyone there.? Iā€™m so sorry that I broke in - I needed to get away from the rain.!ā€ Leon spoke to the area around him - hoping you wouldnā€™t be too angry with him.

Re2 Leon X Vampire User

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8 months ago
9 months ago

Yes Leon. Fight off zombies and BOWs in the gayest way possible

Happy Pride

Happy pride

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9 months ago
Happy Pride Month

Happy Pride Month šŸ’•

9 months ago
How Can His SILHOUETTE Look That Good

how can his SILHOUETTE look that good

10 months ago
Leon In Resident Evil: Vendetta (2017)
Leon In Resident Evil: Vendetta (2017)
Leon In Resident Evil: Vendetta (2017)
Leon In Resident Evil: Vendetta (2017)
Leon In Resident Evil: Vendetta (2017)
Leon In Resident Evil: Vendetta (2017)
Leon In Resident Evil: Vendetta (2017)

Leon in Resident Evil: Vendetta (2017)

Requested by anonymous.

10 months ago

the fucking brainrotā€¦iā€™m sorry (no iā€™m not)

The Fucking Brainrotim Sorry (no Im Not)
The Fucking Brainrotim Sorry (no Im Not)
The Fucking Brainrotim Sorry (no Im Not)
The Fucking Brainrotim Sorry (no Im Not)
The Fucking Brainrotim Sorry (no Im Not)
The Fucking Brainrotim Sorry (no Im Not)
The Fucking Brainrotim Sorry (no Im Not)
The Fucking Brainrotim Sorry (no Im Not)
10 months ago

Re 6 leon appreciation bc he doesnt get enough love

Re 6 Leon Appreciation Bc He Doesnt Get Enough Love
Re 6 Leon Appreciation Bc He Doesnt Get Enough Love
Re 6 Leon Appreciation Bc He Doesnt Get Enough Love
Re 6 Leon Appreciation Bc He Doesnt Get Enough Love
Re 6 Leon Appreciation Bc He Doesnt Get Enough Love
Re 6 Leon Appreciation Bc He Doesnt Get Enough Love
Re 6 Leon Appreciation Bc He Doesnt Get Enough Love
10 months ago

Okay, I need to ask yall something.

Am I the only one who gets absolutely pissed (silently though) when you let a friend borrow your book and when you see it again itā€™s completely warped, has water damage, and the papers are folded?

This just happened today (and I understood that it was on accident because something spilled on their dresser and caused it to do all that) but god damnit I spent twenty bucks and waited 2 weeks for that book to come in!

Sorry, I just needed to rant - Iā€™m still upset hours later

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10 months ago

Manspread? Nah

Man spreading his legs for someone (me)

So, I went to go take this shot of Leon looking like a smug asshole:

So, I Went To Go Take This Shot Of Leon Looking Like A Smug Asshole:

And then I started playing with the camera a little bit

and I realized

Look at how fucking far Leon is manspreading in this scene:

So, I Went To Go Take This Shot Of Leon Looking Like A Smug Asshole:

So I had to go compare it to the other times we see him sitting down (jet ski not withstanding because the seat dictates his position), and:

So, I Went To Go Take This Shot Of Leon Looking Like A Smug Asshole:
So, I Went To Go Take This Shot Of Leon Looking Like A Smug Asshole:
So, I Went To Go Take This Shot Of Leon Looking Like A Smug Asshole:

Jesus Christ, Leon. Need to accommodate your massive balls, or what?

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11 months ago
Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023) Leon S. Kennedy [ 1 / ??? ]
Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023) Leon S. Kennedy [ 1 / ??? ]

Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023) Leon S. Kennedy [ 1 / ??? ]

11 months ago
Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023) Leon S. Kennedy [ 2 / ??? ]
Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023) Leon S. Kennedy [ 2 / ??? ]
Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023) Leon S. Kennedy [ 2 / ??? ]

Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023) Leon S. Kennedy [ 2 / ??? ]

Mods used: 1 | 2

11 months ago


Hi Addi

11 months ago

Your video as requested: ( @tipsyleaf )

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1 year ago

My Romeo and Juliet AU are OF AGE!!

The user is 21+ and Leon is 25+

No weirdness with age here bc we donā€™t support making characters underage to fit scripts!!!

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1 year ago


(Itā€™s the part where Romeo goes to the Capulet party and meets Juliet)


Leon found himself sneaking around his enemyā€™s abode with a sullen expression - a part of him didnā€™t know why he agreed to sneak into this excuse of a party with his friends. He knew they wanted him to join so heā€™d feel better and forget about his ā€˜one true loveā€™ who regretted him to remain chaste days before, but nothing was working - no woman or man could ever make him forget her: Ada Wong. He honestly thought that she was the one, and for her to reject him threw him in a deep, deep depression.

He walked around the banquet hall with the mask covering the top part of his face, it was a masquerade party after all.

Leon was starting to get ready and leave the party when he saw something that made his heart skip a beat. You - the definition of perfection, walked around a greeted the people around. He thought you were so beautiful.

Even though he couldnā€™t see the entirety of your face, he basically fell head-over-heels. He didnā€™t know that you were practically his enemy, but he knew then that you were ā€˜the oneā€™ for him. He couldnā€™t help but gently pull you to the side and hold you there with the most gentlest of hands.

ā€œYouā€™re absolutely, astonishingly, beautiful - what is your name.?ā€ Leon spoke with a soft purr as he held your hand in his.


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1 year ago
More Of Leon's Biceps
More Of Leon's Biceps
More Of Leon's Biceps
More Of Leon's Biceps

More of Leon's biceps

(nope i'm not gonna stop posting them)

1 year ago

If anyone can donate, pls do - and if you canā€™t, no matter if your account is big or small, share it to get this out for Minnow!!!!

Any Help Is Appreciated. I Love My Girl More Than Anything In The World- And Her Favorite Thing To Do

Any help is appreciated. I love my girl more than anything in the world- and her favorite thing to do is run around like a madman. She won't be able to do that until her leg is operated on.

You can donate here.

Any Help Is Appreciated. I Love My Girl More Than Anything In The World- And Her Favorite Thing To Do

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1 year ago


Soon-to-be King Leon x Maid/Butler user

Your family has worked for the Kennedy family for decades - since the dearly departed grandfather ruled the castle walls as ā€œKingā€. The Kennedy family was always kind to their guests, but sort of stand-offish towards their staff - theyā€™d always been that way since they were raised to ignore the existence of the workers.

Leon, however, was never that way. He made it his lifeā€™s work to make the workers feel seen - even for just a little bit. He may have been raised to pretend certain people donā€™t exist due to their ā€˜ranksā€™ but Leon saw it as disrespect towards the people who are just trying to get by. Heā€™d help the butlers bring out any and all foods or drinks given to guests, heā€™d help the cooks make the food as best as he could, and heā€™d help the maids clean so there wasnā€™t so much stress in such a big manor! And he always made sure to send out a little bonus as gratitude for their service in the household.

However, there was one maid he always took a liking to - you. You were always such a great person to have around!

He met you when he was but a young prince - about fourteen years old. You were just starting out in the manor with your mother since she couldnā€™t leave you in your home all alone with no one to make sure you were being fed or cared for. He would always come looking for you and pull you away from the masses to ā€˜clean up his messesā€™ (AKA, he just wanted to hang out and understand you as a person). Leon internally thanked the gods for bringing you into his mundane life.

Now, with thirteen years passed on by, he was going to be crowned the next ā€˜Kingā€™ of the Kennedy lineage - he never felt so nervous. You two absolutely loved each other even if you werenā€™t allowed to. You helped him find his outfit for the coronation as he explained his nervousness.

ā€œWhat if Iā€™m not a good enough King for the throne.?ā€ He asked in his soft voice as he watched you do your thing.

(I tested out the longer greetings on Character AI and I like it)


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1 year ago
androgynous-pagan2 - Tobi
1 year ago

Okay I need to clear the air.

I love Gale. Heā€™s one of my favorites in Baldurā€™s Gate 3

BUT WHY THE FUCK DOES THIS MAN HAVE ABS? You cannot tell heā€™s working out while doing his studies!

This man is lying

Okay I Need To Clear The Air.

Ainā€™t no way heā€™s jacked - Soft Tummy Gale for the winnn

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