(not actually ur mom) ☆ Any pronouns :)☆
35 posts
Angelcake-69 - Yo Momma - Tumblr Blog
A few doodles of Odette since people liked my au!

I'll probably make a colored version (digitally) but later bc I'm feeling lazy :P
Also! Have another picture of my Sans and Flowey!

I made my own undertale au!!

In this au (I don't have a name for it yet), Frisk isn't the last human to fall into the underground. They do end up falling, but they're right before the last one. Frisk also doesn't have a soul of determination. Instead, they have a soul of integrity. The actual last human to fall is a teen named Odette. She has the soul of determination. And in this au, Frisk and Odette are related, when their family found out Frisk was missing (they went missing after they fell into the underground) they all searched for them. Odette had a suspicion that Frisk had gone to the mountain as Frisk had mentioned it a bit. And Odette found herself falling into the underground while there, she was told by toriel that Frisk had been killed by a monster in Snowdin, Odette felt deeply angered by this, and she killed all the monsters ruthlessly.
Due to her unstable mental health, Odette ended up resetting and killing them over and over again until their universe couldn't take it anymore and began to collapse in on itself.
Odette keeps things from the monsters she's killed like Undynes spear, Papyrus' scarf, Sans' jacket, and other things.
(I'm still not fully finished with the story for this au, but that's all the basics. Odette does suffer from bipolar disorder and is prone to violence.)
(The only beings that escaped their collapsing au were Sans, Flowey, and Odette. Sans and Flowey were saved by the star sanses (technically only Sans was, but Flowey made his way into Sans' pocket and was therefore saved aswell.) And Odette was somehow glitched out of their universe. Sans is stuck looking like he did when he dies, and his eye that has the blue doesn't work anymore)

Anyway! Silly lil doodle!! XP

This is Sans and Flowey (obviously). I'll post an Odette drawing if enough people are interested

(enough meaning like 1 person lmao)
I'm back with the next part!!
Hope yall enjoy ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Kuroo x Reader

Chapter 4) Weekend 🙌🤭
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]

Y/ns P.o.v
The next day was Saturday so I met up with Casey and Cheyenne to go to the mall and, hopefully, find some nice matching dresses.
"So, what color should we do? Or maybe we'll have matching patterns instead?" I asked them.
"Hmm.. I think polka-dots are nice.. or maybe we can each get red dresses." Casey said.
Cheyenne nodded. "Ya, I think red would be good." She said.
"Maybe we can do red polka-dots.. or red dresses with white polka-dots!" I said happily.
"Lets get red dresses with white polka-dots." Casey said.
"Yeah, that sounds good!" I replied and Cheyenne agreed. "Lets go look for some!"
We continued walking around the mall, looking for red dresses with white polka-dots. We eventually found ourselves in a store with beautiful dresses, shoes, and accessories. We looked around in awe. As we spotted dresses that looked exactly like what we were looking for, we took them to the front counter. Casey decided to get a white pair of heels and some earrings, while i got some red heels and Cheyenne got black heels and earrings. We happily continued walking after we paid for our things.
"I can't wait for the festival!" I happily shouted.
"Me either! Its gonna be so fun!" Cheyenne shouted aswell.
"Yeah, we're gonna get so much yummy food there!" Casey shouted.
"Of course thats what you're thinking about." Cheyenne said.
"You're always hungry~" I said teasingly to Casey.
"So what? I like to eat~" Casey replied.
We continued joking as we walked until we became hungry. We decided to head to the food court and get some stuff separately before we met up at a table together. Casey got some Chinese food, Cheyenne got a burger and fries, and I got two slices of pizza. As we sat down to eat, someone slid a couple of chairs to our table.
"Fancy seeing you ladies here," He said. I looked at him, it was Kuroo and Kenma.
'Damnit why is he here? Casey and Cheyenne are gonna make jokes about us being on a date now!' I thought.
"Oh, hey Kuroo," I told him. He smiled and waved."Hi, Kenma!" Cheyenne said happily as Casey waved to them.
"Hey guys," Casey said.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"Kenma wanted a new video game so I took him here to get it! Then I saw you lovely ladies here." Kuroo replied.
I couldn't help the blush that came up on my face when he called me lovely, although it quickly went away when I chuckled as I saw the face Casey made at being called lovely.
“Ew, I'm not lovely." She said. Kuroo chuckled.
"Oh, come on, don't be like that. You're delightful and certainly very lovely~" Kuroo teased her.
Casey had a look of disgust on her face. "Ugh, don't talk to me like we're in a 1950s romance story.." Casey said in an annoyed tone.
I chuckled at her misery.
Kuroo laughed and turned to me. "So what're you guys doing here?" Kuroo asked curiously.
"We were getting matching dresses to wear to the festival." I happily told him.
"Sounds fun. Can I see the dresses?" He replied.
"Oh, sure!" I said as i pulled my dress to show it to him.
"Wow, thats pretty. Bet you'll look nice in it." He said as he looked at the dress.
"Thanks! Casey and Cheyenne have the matching dresses." I told him.
"Nice, hey Kenma! Maybe we should match!" Kuroo said excitedly. Kenma shrugged and nodded.
"Sure." He replied before going back to his game.
We all talked for a bit, changing topics every now and then. After we finished our food, we walked around the mall for a while before we left.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Timeskip ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
After we left we walked home together, Casey and Cheyenne waved goodbye and left. I was yet again, left alone with Kuroo and Kenma. It was less awkward than the first time and we were talking the whole time, Kenma even joined in. When we made it to my house I unlocked the door and opened it, then the kitten came up to me and rubbed against my legs.
“Oh thats where she's been.” Kuroo said from behind me.
“What?” I responded.
“She was a stray cat right? I used to feed her over the summer until she stopped showing up, I was wondering what had happened to her.” Kuroo replied.
“Awe, that's sweet. Well, I've been taking care of her.” I said as I picked her up.
“It's nice to know she's safe and in good hands.” He replied, “Well, I better get going. See ya.” Kuroo said as he waved. I waved back and headed inside.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Timeskip ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
The next day I woke up early to head out and get some things for the kitten, which I still need a name for. I got dressed in a cute outfit and did my hair and makeup. I picked up the kitten and headed out.
When I made it to the pet shop, appropriately named ‘Shop 4 Pets’, I grabbed a shopping cart and set the kitten down in it.
“Alright.. I need cat food, a cat bed, maybe a scratching post?, hmm… I also might wanna grab some toys.” I spoke to myself as I walked down the aisles.
I looked at a few things and grabbed what I needed and a few more things aswell. As I continued looking around I bumped into someone.
“We gotta stop meeting like this.” The person said in a joking tone. I looked up to see Kuroo.
I chuckled . “Yeah.. what're you doing here?” I said.
“Oh, I just like seeing the animals. And I was gonna ask you, but I just saw this little cutie.” He said as he scratched her head. The kitten purred.
“Yeah, I'm getting stuff for her. Anyways how are you?” I said as I began to walk to the register to get checked out.
“I've been good, not much has happened since last night. What about you?” He said.
“Yeah, I'm good! Me and the kitten were just hanging out.” I said as the cashier began scanning my items.
“Nice, mind if I join you guys?” He replied.
“No not at all, it'll be nice having someone who will respond to me.” I joked.
He smiled. When the cashier told me my total I almost fainted.
‘22,000 yen!!?? How did that happen? Well I guess I did get a bit more than I needed… but this is way too much for me to afford!’* I thought as I began to tell the cashier to take some items off before Kuroo stopped me.
“Nah, I'll help you pay.” He said as he handed the cashier some yen.
“Kuroo, you don't have to do that!” I quickly said while grabbing his arm.
“Nah, I don't mind.” He said as he paid for half of the stuff.
He helped me get the stuff into the cart.
“Seriously, Kuroo. You didn't need to pay for all of that.” I said nervously.
“Nah, I'm happy to help the cat have a nice home. Speaking of the kitty, did you name her yet?” He responded.
“Ugh, I still haven't decided! I can't think of a good enough name.” I whined.
Kuroo chuckled. “Well.. what about Pepper? She's all gray like pepper.” He said.
“That… actually sounds good.” I responded as I looked down at the kitten. “What do you think?” The kitten meowed and purred.
“I think she likes it!” Kuroo said.
Me and Kuroo continued hanging out as we walked around the shoping center. We talked about lots of different things and we got ice cream and treats for Pepper. When the sun started coming down we began to walk home.
“Man, that was great!” I said happily as I finished my ice cream.
Kuroo nodded. “Yeah, it was nice hanging out with you!” He responded cheerfully. “We should hang out more!”
“Yeah, definitely!” I said as we approached my house. “Thanks for walking with me!” I told him.
“No problem, you're great company!” He responded. “Oh and before I forget!” He handed me a slip of paper. “Here's my number, I'll add you to the team group chat. You can add Casey and Cheyenne to the group chat also.” He told me.
“Oh thanks! I'll talk to you later.” I said before we hugged and he left.
I walked inside my house with Pepper. I sighed as I closed the door.
“Alright, let's get ready for bed Pepper. I got school tomorrow.”

A total of four WHOLE people (at least) read my fic!! I see this as a total win!! o(〃^▽^〃)o
So here I am with the next part!! ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Kuroo x Reader
Chapter 3) Volleyball Practice :P
[Part 1] [Part 2]

Y/ns P.o.v
In the morning, I still wasn't sure what to name my new cat, I kept thinking about it, but I wanted a cool name but not a cringey one. I made the kitten a bowl of food before heading out to meet Cheyenne and Casey. Unfortunately, when I opened my door, I was met with none other than Kuroo himself.. and Kenma so.. maybe, not none other than him... He looked like he was about to knock on the door.
"Oh hey! I was just about to knock." He said with a lazy smile on his face. I smiled at him.
"Yeah I can see that.." I looked around awkwardly.
"Well, we-" "You." "We were wondering if you wanted to walk with us?" Kuroo said with Kenma interrupting him, Kenma didn't really seem to open up to new people I guessed.
"Well... I usually go with Casey and Cheyenne.. soo..." I said awkwardly trying to hint that I didn't want to.
"Oh that's fine, they can come too." He said happily
I sighed and agreed, beginning to walk alongside them. When we made it to me, Cheyenne, and Casey's usual meet-up spot they looked a bit confused.
"Ooh, you brought your boyfriend," Casey said teasingly while poking my shoulder. I tsked.
"He's not my boyfriend.. I don't even like him." I said, already annoyed at her shenanigans.
"Yeah, right." She replied. I groaned. Will they ever let that go?
Soon we made it to school and we had to split to go to our classes and, unfortunately, I and Kuroo both had math so we had to walk down the math hall together. I kept quiet but it seemed like Kuroo had other plans.
"So, how do you like it here so far?" He asked seeming to genuinely care about my response.
"It's cool, I like the uniforms I guess," I replied. It was true, I never went to a school with such pretty uniforms.
"That's good, I'm glad you like it... you'll love being on the volleyball team. Everyone is so fun and nice. You'll fit right in!" He said happily.
I smiled and nodded, I may not like Kuroo that much but he's still pretty cool and I have no doubt that I'd enjoy being on the team and making friends with more people and getting to hang out with someone who isn't Casey or Cheyenne. I waved and told Kuroo goodbye as I approached my classroom. He waved back before continuing. As I entered my classroom, my smile fell, and I went to sit in my seat. I hated math. Why was it my first period!?
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Timeskip ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
After school, me, Casey, and Cheyenne met up and walked to the gym together. We talked and joked for a bit as we walked, and when we entered, coach Nekomata looked.. happy? He had a sort of evil smile on his face... After i put on my team jacket, i walked up to him.
"Hey coach.. whats going on?" I asked him hesitantly.
"Oh, nothin sweet pea, we're just gonna have a practice match with someone in a few days." He responded.
'Totally not creepily vague.. oh well, we'll see in a few days, I guess..' I thought before I grabbed a volleyball cart and set it near the net while Casey and Cheyenne set it up. Soon, the boys came in and began stretching before they practiced.
I paid close attention to the boys and their forms, making sure to tell them if something they were doing is wrong. As I was watching them, Casey snuck up behind me.
"Hey, buddy!" She said, patting my shoulder. I jumped in surprise and turned to her.
"Jesus! Don't scare me like that!" I yelled at her.
She giggled "Sorry~ anyways, Kuroo needs someone to help him with his spikes, I figured you'd wanna help your boyfriend," she said.
"He's not my boyfriend," I said angrily. "But I'll help him, I guess.." I said reluctantly.
"Good! Because I already told him you would!" She said happily. I glared at her, and she ran off after saying she needed to help Yamamoto. I sighed before I made my way to Kuroo.
"Hey, Casey said you needed help with your spikes?" I said as I looked up at him.
"Oh yeah, thanks, I was gonna ask Casey but she said she had to help Yamamoto and that you'd be happy to help." He replied.
If I'm being honest, I was not happy to help. I kind of resented Kuroo, it wasn't because of him, it was because Casey and Cheyenne kept calling him my boyfriend or crush. He's pretty cool, but everytime I see him I just remember the annoying teasing. However, I did help Kuroo with his spikes.
After a bit, the boys split into two groups to play a game before we went home. On one team was Kuroo, Kenma, kai, yaku, and Fukunaga. On the other team were Yamamoto, Inuoka, Teshiro, Lev, and Shibiyama.
Me, Casey, and Cheyenne stood at the sidelines, Cheyenne was in charge of the scoreboard with me. Casey stood beside us, watching the game. The boys got into their positions and began to play.
Kuroos team was in the lead at first, but eventually, Yamamotos team won. Casey went over to congratulate them, which made Yamamoto very happy, and I went to cheer up Kuroo and his team with Cheyenne.
"Hey, you guys did great!" I said happily.
"Yeah! Especially you Kenma!" Cheyenne said sweetly.
Kenma nodded, looking fed up with her behavior. Cheyenne, however, did not seem to notice or mind.
"Thanks, I was going easy on them." Kuroo said. I assume he was trying to keep his ego intact. I smiled.
"Yeah, I'm sure you were." I said in a half joking way.
Casey came over and put an arm around my shoulders. "He shouldn't have went easy, we got the ace on our side~" Casey said smugly, happy that the team she was going for won.
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever Casey. What matters is that we all had fun and got some practice in." I said sweetly.
"Sounds like loser talk to me~" Casey teased before leaving and giving Yamamoto a high five.
I looked away and turned to Cheyenne. "Looks like she's already made a new best friend." I said as we looked at Casey and Yamamoto talking and laughing.
"I know, we're supposed to be her best friends! What a cheating whore." She said with an eye roll. I snickered and nodded.
"Yeah, or maybe she has a crush ~" I joked.
"Maybe, but it won't take the attention away from your crush on Kuroo" Cheyenne replied, i sighed and looked away.
'Damnit i thought that would've worked. People are already starting to assume stuff about me and Kuroo because of them!' I angrily thought.
Cheyenne giggled at my upset face. Before I could respond coach Nekomata called us over to him.
"Good work out there, gentlemen. I reckon it's about time y'all get changed and head on home." He said. All the guys nodded and went to the club room to change while me, Casey, and Cheyenne left to the ladies changing area and changed back into our school uniforms.
"Oh guys! I've been thinking.. why don't we invite the guys to the festival with us?" I said excitedly.
"Oh yeah! That'll be so fun!" Cheyenne replied.
"Yeah, and it'll be good for team bonding!" Casey said.
We began to excitedly go over our plans for the festival while we walked out of the changing rooms. Then we encountered Kuroo, Kenma, and Yamamoto. Kuroo and Yamamoto gave us smiles.
"Hey, what are ya talking about?" Kuroo said as he rested his elbow on Kenmas head, who moved away from him and slapped his arm.
"We were talking about the festival, by the way, do you guys wanna come with us?" I asked.
"Yeah, we were thinking about asking the whole team." Cheyenne said.
"That sounds like fun. Kenma, we should go!" Kuroo said. Kenma shrugged and nodded, still playing him video game.
Yamamoto smiled and nodded aswell. "Yeah! I was planning on going with my little sister though, os ot okay if she comes too?" He said happily.
I nodded. "Yeah, of course!" I responded.
Yamamoto smiled and thanked me.
"I guess we should ask the others next time." I told Casey and Cheyenne, they nodded. I turned to the guys, who were still standing beside us. "Did you guys wanna walk with us home?" I said awkwardly.
"Oh, yeah. Thats why we came here." Kuroo said as if he just remembered.
"Well.. let's go then!" I said quickly before we began walking out.

Hope you liked this!!
[Ao3 Book]
[Quotev Book]
I am currently working on fixing a problem with wattpad, but as soon as I'm done, I'll add the link to my wattpad version of the story. :)

Since my last post reached my goal of a total 1 WHOLE note, I decided to make another part.
(I was gonna do this anyway)

Kuroo x Reader Pt.2
Part 1 here
Chapter 2) More Nekoma ;)

Y/ns P.o.v
At the end of the tryouts coach Nekomata told us to come back to the gym in the morning to get our team jackets. While we were walking home I saw a cat hiding in a bush, I decided to approach it.
"Hey there, kitty.." I whispered as I patted my leg. The cat slowly approached me. It sniffed my hand for a second before it licked my finger. Casey and Cheyenne walked up to me.
"Oh my gosh I love cats!" Casey whisper-yelled and Cheyenne agreed.
"I think I might take it home.. there's no collar." I said as I gently picked up the cat and held it against my chest. The cat mowed softly and began purring.
"You should take it to a vet, it might be hurt or sick." Casey said. I nodded.
"Yeah, I'll ask my mom to take me tomorrow." I smiled at them.
We continue our walk and soon I had to leave them to turn down my street. I took off my shoes before I walked in. I saw my mom and greeted her.
"Hey mom, do you think you could take me to the vet tomorrow? I found this cat and I wanna see if it's okay." I said as I held the cat up for her to see.
"Sure sweetie, we can go after you get home from school." She replied before she went back to cooking.
"Thanks ma!" I yelled back.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Timeskip ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
In the morning I got ready for school then a put a bowl of tuna out for the cat, which reminded me that I still need to name it. Then I headed out to go to school.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Timeskip ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
When I got to school I met up with Casey and Cheyenne.
"Hey guys!" I yelled at them and they greeted me back. "My mom's gonna take me to the vet for the cat!"
"Perfect! Now we can make sure she's not sick!" Cheyenne said happily.
"Don't you mean purrfect?" Casey joked. I giggled a bit at their joke.
"Tee hee tee hee die" Cheyenne replied.
We walked to the gym together and joked along the way. When we made it to the gym it was just the coach there, he gave us some team jackets and welcomed us. We smiled and said thank you before we left to our classes.
"Guys, isn't this so exciting! We get to be managers!" I said excitedly. Casey nodded.
"Yeah! We'll be able to get a closer look at all the boys." Cheyenne said.
"Don't be nasty."Caseyy told her, I giggled at them.
"I can't wait to meet the guys and become friends!" I said happily as we walked to 1st period.
"Nah, you just wanna see that 3rd year again~" Casey said as Cheyenne giggled and agreed.
I blushed."Guys I do not have a crush on him! He's a third year!" I denied. couldn'tnt see why Casey and Cheyenne thought I had a crush on him, we barely had any interactions and I don't know anything about him. Casey and Cheyenne turned down a different hallway, waving goodbye to me. I waved back before I turned around to get to my class. However, bumped into someone and fell over.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I apologized as I stood up. The person chuckled and helped me.
"No need to be sorry. I'm the one who should be sorry." He replied. It was then when I finally looked up at him. It was Kuroo!!?
'Ugh.. speak of the devil..' I thought.
"Are you okay? You fell, you didn't get hurt did you? I can take you to the nurse if you want." He said in a worried tone.
I shook my head. "N-no I'm fine." I cursed myself in my head for stuttering and I smiled. "I have to head to class now!" I said quickly before I speed walked to my class.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Timeskip ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
After school I met up with Casey and Cheyenne and we walked to the gym. We put our team jackets on and walked in. Only coach Nekomata was in there and he said he'd introduce us to the team when everyone gets here. I stood off to the side nervously, it seemed like Cheyenne was nervous and maybe Casey too but she didn't really seem like it.
"I gotta admit it guys.. I'm kinda nervous..." i said. Cheyenne sighed.
"Yeah me too.." Cheyenne replied.
"Come on guy's.. we'll be fine~ and the guys probably won't even notice us." Casey tried to reaasure us.
"I guess you're right.. but it's nerve-wracking!" I said nervously. Casey chuckled at my reaction.
Before I could tell her off for laughing at my misery, some of the guys came in, they were looking at us and I immediately felt embarrassed. I looked around at the guys, it seemed that Casey was right about the fact that they wouldn't pay us any mind. As I was looking around I saw Kuroo walking towards me.
"Hey, are you alright? I haven't seen you since earlier, but I wanted to check up on you." He said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Um, yeah I'm fine. I'm doing great!" I said quickly, i could see Cheyenne and Casey smiling at me. I looked back at Kuroo and gave him an awkward smile. I moved his hand off my shoulder.
"Thats good. You guys are gonna be our new managers right?" He replied.
"Yeah!" Cheyenne said as Casey nodded. Kuroo smiled at them.
"Nice, bow Yamamoto won't whine and cry about us not having any." Kuroo said with slight annoyance.
It was then when coach Nekomata decided to cut our conversation short by calling all the boys over to him. He asked Cheyenne, Casey, and me to come stand next to him as he introduced us. I was nervously standing there, slightly behind Casey who patted my shoulder reassuringly.
"These are your new managers! Treat them kindly, they'll be helping you!" Coach Nekomata yelled to the boys. They all nodded and said 'yes sir' before the coach told them to get back to practice.
I breathed out a sigh of relief. "Man.. i thought that was gonna be way worse." I said happily and Cheyenne nodded.
"It was a little awkward just standing up there though.." Casey said and we agreed.
Before I could say anything, a boy with a stupid-looking mohawk came up to us along with Kuroo and another guy who was playing a video game.
"Oh my gosh I can't believe it! We actually have managers!" Mohawk guy said.
"Yeah, it's super cool and super interesting. Enough to get us distracted from practice." Kuroo said in a fake cheerful tone.
"Hi I'm Y/n! It's nice to meet you!" I said happily.
"Hello. I'm Casey." Casey said in a bored, monotone voice with a lazy smile.
"Hi I'm Cheyenne!" Cheyenne said cheerfully. Mohawk guy smiled.
"I'm Yamamoto!" He said proudly, I nodded.
"Oh he's the guy Kuroo was talking about.." I said, Casey nodded.
"Yeah, I assumed so, he seemed pretty happy about us being here and he came right up to us.." She said.
Kuroo dragged Yamamoto away to go practice before he came back.
"Sorry about him" He said.
"Dont be, he's kinda funny to watch." I replied.
"Oh! And this is Kenma! He's my best buddy! Right Kenma?" Kenma didn't respond. Kuroo chuckled "He's just shy!~"
Cheyenne seemed to really like Kenma already as she was walking up to him and watching him play.
"He seems nice!" I said and Kuroo nodded.
"Yeah he's super cool!" Kenma rolled his eyes.
"Quit talking about me.." he mumbled and Kuroo chuckled at him again.
"Well, we better head back to practice before coach knocks our brains out. See ya cuties~!" Kuroo said as he dragged Kenma away with him.
I rolled my eyes at the nickname and went to grab a clipboard and make notes on practice.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Timeskip ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
After practice was over I took off my team jacket, it could get pretty hot in the gym I was surprised to see Casey still wearing hers.
Cheyenne, Casey, and I were about to start walking home when Kuroo approached us with Kenma.
"Hey, I thought I might walk y'all home.. and Kenma wanted to come too!" He said cheerfully. Kenma made a face that told me that wasnt true.
"Okay, come on then. You guys are welcome to walk with us!" I said happily. Casey nudged me.
"You wanna spend more time with your boyfriend huh~?" She teased me.
I blushed. "I told you I don't like him like that!" I whispered back. She chuckled and said 'sure.' I shook my head, she could be so annoying sometimes. 'Why do they insist on torturing me..?' I thought as we continued walking.
When we were walking around the corner where we saw the kitten Kuroo seemed like he was looking for something but he quickly returned to looking in front of us.
"I didn't know you guys lived around here." Kuroo said.
"Yeah, but we live on different streets." I replied, Kuroo smiled.
"I live around here too.. and so does Kenma, right Kenma!?" Kenma shrugged, I get the feeling that he doesn't really like us.
"Me n Kenma are neighbors." He said and I nodded.
"Cool, I wish me, Casey, and Cheyenne were neighbors." I said sadly.
Casey and Cheyenne said their goodbyes before they turned to their streets, which left me, Kuroo, and Kenma alone.
'This is so awkward! I don't know anything about these guys! What do I say! God.. why are they still here, they can't live that close to me can they? I've never seen them walking to school.' I thought as we continued walking.
"Well this is my house so-"
"This is your house?" Kuroo interrupted me and I nodded. "Cool, we're neighbors!" He happily stated as he pointed to the only house next to mine. I looked at it in shock.
'Oh God you've got to be kidding me..'
"Wow.. that's so cool!" I said as I turned to them and smiled. "... well, see yall tomorrow!" I said awkwardly as I speed-walked to my front door. From the corner of my eye I saw Kuroo and Kenma leave to go to their houses. I entered my house with a huff and the kitten greeted me with a small meow. I picked her up.
"Mom! Come on let's take her to the vet!" I shouted. A minute later my mom emerged from her bedroom and walked downstairs to greet me.
"He sweetie, come on let's go!" My mom said as she grabbed her keys.
I followed her out the door and we entered her car, I sat with the kitten in my lap and she fell asleep, purring.
After the check-up the vet told us the kitten was fine but was slightly underfed. We took her home and made her a nice big bowl of food for her with fish and cat food. The kitten happily ate it. I sighed and began to help my mother with dinner and we talked about my day and hers. After dinner I headed upstairs to get ready for bed, the kitten came in and crawled next to me and we cuddled. That's when i suddenly remembered something very important, I hadn't named the cat. I thought about a few names, whiskers.. ew no, mittens.. meh too basic, cuddles..? Maybe.. I decided to sleep on it for now.

[I know that there's barely anyone reading this, but I do have this on ao3, and I mention that bc there's more parts there and I update more on ao3. Ao3 also gets updated first and more frequently. :) ]
Link to Ao3 book
bitches be like: "no my childhood crushes are so weird!"
and it's like fred from scooby doo or nick wild from zootopia
like girl i still simp for the ninja turtles??
My first REAL post here...
And it's a fanfic...
And an xreader one at that...
Fanfic starts here ↓↓↓
A Kuroo x reader story where me(Casey), my best friend (Cheyenne), and you! (Y/n) are in tha world of haikyuu!! You and Kuroo meet when you convince us to become managers with you (bc ur shy🤭) and you fall in love... (From your perspective obvi)

Chapter 1) We're at Nekoma! :D
[Part 2] [Part 3]
Y/ns P.o.v
It was the second week of highschool, Me and my friends, Casey and Cheyenne, are first years. We were walking down the hallway as the teachers were reminding us and all of the other first years that we had to join a club. I sigh.
"Guys we should probably try to look for a club to join." I said before I turned to look at a bulletin board with club names.
"Yeah I guess so." Casey replied as Cheyenne nodded. We looked at the bulletin board together for a bit before I saw a flyer for the boys volleyball team manager.
"Hey guys! Check this out." I said as I pointed to the flyer. "We can be managers, all we have to do is pass out water bottles and help them with their moves, it'll be easy." I explained excitedly to them.
"Hmm... yeah okay." Casey reluctantly agreed.
"Yes please! 12 boys in short shorts? Count me in!" Cheyenne said.
We got some applications to fill out later before we headed to our
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Timeskip ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
At the end of the day we headed to the gym feeling a bit more nervous than we did before, and as we walked in we narrowly dodged a stray ball before the coach noticed us.
"Oh hello girls, what're you doin' here? The girls volleyball tryouts are in the other gym." He said.
"Oh we're not here for tryouts." I say before I hand him our application sheets. "We'd like to become managers for the team." I smiled politely as he takes the papers from me.
"Ah I see.. well since you ladies are already here why don't you stay and watch the tryouts." He said happily. We nodded and went to sit on a bench.
"I hope we make the team.. I mean I hope we can become the managers!" I say to the others.
"Me too!" Cheyenne replied.
"You just wanna stare at the guys." Casey said.
"And? So what?" Cheyenne replied.
I giggled at them and I went back to watching the tryouts. Everyone here was so good, probably better than I'll ever be, it was fun watching them. They kept glancing at us, probably wondering what we're doing here. I kept looking around at the different guys there. There was quite a lot, I had a feeling most of the guys wouldn't make the team since most of them sucked. I continued looking around before a stray ball hit me, hard. I fell over with a quiet 'oof' Thats when a guy came over to help me, he was tall and tan with black eyes and matching black hair. I looked away, blushing in embarrassment.
"Are you okay?" He asked as he snickered.
I dusted myself off and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I said annoyed. I awkwardly walked back to my friends, still embarrassed about the situation.
"Someone's got a crush~" Casey teased.
I scoffed. "I do not have a crush on him. I barely know that guy!" I said, annoyed with their teasing.
"We saw you blushing~" Cheyenne said.
"I was embarrassed! I probably looked so stupid getting hit and falling over!" I said as my blush slowly came back.
"Yeah right~" Casey said.
"Ugh, I don't have a crush on him!" I quietly shouted at them.
"Mmmhmmm." They hummed in unison, unconvinced with my words.
"You guys are so stupid." I rolled my eyes before I smiled. "Hey I just remembered about the festival coming up! Are you guys still wanting to come with me? I bet it'll be so much fun!" I said, forgetting about their teasing.
"Yeah, duh. Of course we're coming!" Casey said and Cheyenne nodded.
"Yeah! We wouldn't miss it for anything!" She said.
I smiled happily. "Perfect! We should get matching outfits!" I said and they agreed. We continued talking about our plans for the festival as we watched the tryouts and we occasionally made jokes at the expense of the guys.

Hope you liked!! There'll be more to come!!
I also have this fanfic on Ao3, wattpad, and quotev!! ♡♡

Love you j schwizzy
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