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4 years ago

Drabble: Tsukishima x Reader

Prompt: thanks to @freyafolkvangr for the idea!

Genre: Fluff, I guess a bit of comfort?

A/N: I couldn’t resist this adorable idea! These drabbles keep getting longer and longer... Here you go!


Sneaking down to the court was your favourite thing to do, but your boyfriend never enjoyed it to begin with. He insisted you would distract him before the game. Of course, you ignored him and went to wish him luck before running off to the stands.

It had become a habit of sorts to meet Tsukishima before his game. He grew accustomed to it, mainly because the rest of the Karasuno team would be mad if he told you to go away. After all, they were all your friends too.

This game was sure to be big, and Tsukishima seemed unfazed by the intensity of the weighing atmosphere. He never seemed bothered by games, but you could tell that he masked his nerves. Once the two of you had gotten comfortable enough around one another, he opened up about this too.

Hiding around the doorway, you peaked over to find Tsukishima standing a fair distance away from the team. His lanky figure stood above the rest of the team as he fiddled with the tape in order to wrap his fingers.

You could see he struggled, more and more of his fingers taking damage from the intense blocks he stopped so well. The height of his injuries resulted in it being awkward to use his remaining fingers to wrap them. It didn’t take you long to suggest to help him, but it took him even longer to accept the offer initially.

“Kei, over here,” you whisper-shouted, Tsukishima’s eyes darting over to you through his sports glasses.

You wiggled your fingers to indicate you wanted him to approach you, waiting patiently as he strutted to your hiding place.

When he came to stand in front of you, you smiled up at him. To which he scoffed.

“You seem more excited for the game than I am,” he admitted, smirking at you as he handed over his tape.

Gently, you look his hand in yours, turning over his slender fingers. Feeling for the edge of the tape, you shook your head.

“You don’t have to hide that you enjoy volleyball.” You took one of his injured fingers, having memorised which ones required wrapping, and began to wind the white tape around it starting from the base. “Besides, can’t I be proud of you? Or are you too embarrassed?”

Ripping the end of the tape, you sealed the end against his finger, carefully lifting up the second one.

“I don’t care what you do,” Tsukishima kept a keen eyes on your every movement to ensure you weren’t going to hurt him, “as long as you’re happy.”

You let out a large laugh, “As if. You never say anything that sweet unless you think I’m asleep.”

In response, he scoffed as averted his eyes, allowing for you to finish the hand you held.

Once you had finished, you raised his hands to your lips and pressed a delicate kiss to each one. This was a little habit you had gotten into as a simple good luck charm. You enjoyed it so much because of the way Tsukishima’s ears would slightly tint pink.

Releasing it, you took his other hand and readied his fingers by seperating them. The finger you began with was his most recently impaired one and you could tell by the purplish swelling by the base.

Tsukishima flinched as you handled it, causing you to immediately slow your movements.

“Sorry, sweetheart,” you mumbled, beginning to wrap the tape around it and the one beside it to immobilise it.

Calling Tsukishima “sweetheart” always made his heart swell, as it contradicted the “saltyshima” nickname he had also earned for himself.

Finishing quickly, you pressed soft kisses to the newly wrapped fingers. You pulled him down by his neck to place a kiss to the bridge of his glasses, a tiny good luck to prevent a ball to the face. The last thing you wanted was for his nose or face to be harmed after his glasses were hit with a ball.

“I know you like to pretend you aren’t nervous,” you began, handing him back his tape, “but make sure you take deep breaths and pace yourself. You’ll do brilliantly no matter what, okay?”

“Pfff,” Tsukishima laughed at the seriousness in your voice.

“Hey, I’m serious.”

“I know, that’s what’s funny.”

You pouted, flicking him in the forehead, “Let me be sentimental and good s/o once in a while.”

“You already are,” Tsukishima corrected you.

The way he shifted his eyes away led you to believe he was being genuine. Feeling a tiny bit proud, you smiled.

“What is with you being all soft today?”

“I don’t know, but take it while you get because I’ll probably be grumpy after the game thanks to that “king.””

“Stop it...” You hushed him, giving him a slight shove in the chest. “Now, go do your best, Kei.”

“Whatever,” he rolled his eyes, quickly kissing the top of his head before leaving you and joining the team.

You were excited to watch the game, nervous, but excited. Mainly, because you were proud.

After all, when you had such a talented and perservering boyfriend, what more could you ask for?

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4 years ago

I was curious to see who I’d get

I Was Curious To See Who Id Get

This thing made me chose between suga, sakusa and kuroo ... pain

I still love them all the same

(Also that pic of suga is adorable to me idky)

Haikyuu Top 10

Haikyuu Top 10

ok ok so i was super bored and definitely not procrastinating on my fics and i stumbled across THIS funky Haikyuu character sorter which helps you to rank your faves and idk why i’m surprised by this it’s literally my masterlist in a snapshot 😂

anyway tagging a bunch of beloved moots (pls feel free to ignore tho 👉 👈) @vermiliren​ @lookslikesara​ @sugawara-sweetheart​ @iwaasfairy​ @sawamooora​ @closetdegen​ @obscureamor​ @undermattsun​ @rocorambles​ @renesis-jj​ n anyone else who wants to do it :)

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3 years ago

Hugs with some Haikyuu Boys

Requested by my bb @school-is-slowly-killing-me: Hello again 😊😊

Could you pls do headcanons for what you think it’d be like hugging Daichi, Noya, Tsuki and mah bb Tendou? 


A/N: Yes, of course I can!! Feed me more soft prompts anytime đŸ€Č Love ya too ❀



Lemme just say, he’s beefy 

So lots of muscles but also incredibly soft somehow?

He’s the type to hug his friends so he was far from awkward when hugging you

He knows exactly what to do with his arms, his left is always over your shoulder while his right hooks under your armpit

He’s always so close to you, no room to wriggle free 

Smells great too arghh

Totally engulfs you, but he’s not much of a cuddler 

So when sleeping with him you have to lie on top

Don’t worry,, he’s broad enough for anyone

He’s like 99% chest and shoulders when hugging




I’m restraining from making this height biased pleaseee

Freaks out when hugging you the first time if he likes you 

Once he does it the first time he gets so comfortable with it

The type to hug you at whatever point of yours that is level with his shoulders

So if his shoulders are up to your biceps, he’ll pin your arms to your sides and sQUEEZE 

If his shoulders are level with your head (unlucky but listen), he’d hug your head

It feels like your brain is about to pop out of the top of your head from the pressure 

Jumps on you from any direction

Unashamed little spoon!! 

If he’s feeling extra playful, he’ll sway with you in his arms then bodyslam you 



Oh honey good luck getting him to hug you in the first place

Dating or not, he hates physical affection like that

You’d have to be the one to hug him, and he’d be as stiff as a board

Pushes you off him gently after two seconds lol

Warms up slowly

Arm around your shoulder is probably the best you’d get for a long while

On a very special occasion would he hug you properly

And that’d still be a brief exchange

More into putting a hand on your back to great you if he wants to display physical affection

I feel he might even put an arm around your waist when walking you places sometimes

But that’s because he wants to guide you somewhere, not for affection



Bestie loves hugs and he’s great at them

Despite being a bit boney, he’s super warm

His arms are so long they can wrap fully around you and snake you all the way in

You can’t escape his hugs, not that you’d want to

The type to keep you in his arms while he just rambles about whatever

His chin on your head!! It hurts if he’s talking tho!!

If not,, it’s so intimate and sweet this baby

Big squeezer too but never for too long

Massive cuddle fan, that’s when the length of all his limbs come in handy

Probably calls hugging you him being the tortilla to your burrito 

Good way to describe it tbh

Gosh just hug him back when he hugs you he deserves it

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1 year ago



SYNOPSIS: it's the night before your wedding and — wait, should we just skip to the part where we kiss?

WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol consumption, SUPER suggestive but nothing actually happens, sakusa is so in love but so is the reader so it all works out, warning: happy endings, atsumu is pissed lmao, 800 words!


“Should we practice?”

“Practice what?”

“Getting married.” 

Egyptian cotton sheets, layers upon layers of mattress toppers, and memory-foam pillows that feel like literal clouds – KIYOOMI has the softest bed of anyone you’ve ever known. It engulfs you like quicksand, with no hope of escaping. You don’t want to.

“Okay,” you yawn, eyes still closed with your feet kicked up on the wall. “As long as I don’t have to get up.”

“You don’t have to.” He copies your yawn, knocking his foot against yours, “Because I sure as hell don’t want to either.”

That pulls a laugh from you, and Kiyoomi stretches his arm for what feels like miles to find your body buried somewhere in the comforter. He thwacks you in the face instead. You don’t even feel it.


“Sorry, I was looking for your hand.” He finds it, then slots his fingers in the spaces between yours, squeezing lightly, “Found it.”

“You are so stupid.”

“Yeah,” He agrees easily, “But you’re the one marrying me. Which makes you stupid by association.”

You push your foot harder against his to establish dominance. Kiyoomi lets you, and his legs drag loudly down the wall before landing softly in the comforter. It makes a funny, airly little sound that makes you giggle. Your giggle makes Kiyoomi chuckle, until you’re laughing at the fact that he’s laughing, which in turn makes him laugh harder. He squeezes your hand, face flushed a strawberry red.

“Should we skip to the part when we kiss?” He whispers, and it sounds so far away, the baritones of his voice escaping you.

“Nah,” Somehow you find the energy to clamor onto him, collapsing your weight onto his lower half with an unattractive grunt. Something jumps to life beneath you, and you angle your hips in a way that makes Kiyoomi start to sweat. “I think we should skip to the consummation-of-marriage part. Right now.”

“Like, right now, right now?” Kiyoomi’s eyes are closed too, eyelids pressed shut like he’s dreaming. The faint smile on his face tells you that he is. 

“Yes, like, right now, right now, right now.” You grin, making quick work of undoing the buttons of his now-wrinkled shirt. 

“Okay.” He smiles harder, eyes still closed. Your fingers are moving so fast, “That tickles.”

It takes all of your focus to slip the ivory buttons through the narrow silk slits. You fumble with the same button repeatedly, your head so disconnected from your body. You don’t know how much time has passed since you first crawled into his lap, nor can you even recall how you ended up in bed with him. 

You can feel your fingers moving, but you aren’t sure how to control the movement. You give up with a huff, “This isn’t working.”

“I can always keep my shirt on,” Kiyoomi hums, lifting his hands to fidget with the buttons of your pants. You’re straddling him in the way that makes his heart hammer in his chest, looking up at you like you’ve hung the stars in the sky, “This, however, must be done away with.”

This would have been romantic if he could actually get your pants off. Unfortunately for both of you, Kiyoomi struggles equally as hard, the buttons of your dress pants can’t seem to stay in his grip. With a sigh, his hands drop. It takes everything in you to not laugh out loud. 

He’s quiet when he asks, “Does the bed feel like it's rocking for you, too?”

“Yeah,” you decide, resting your hands on his covered stomach, where you didn’t quite make it far enough with the buttons, “I’m very drunk.”

“I’m very drunk, too.”

“I don’t think this is gonna work.” You reach to poke his cheek. He catches your hand before you can make it, pulling it to his lips to kiss your palm softly.

“I’m so drunk I don’t even care.”

“This was a terrible dress rehearsal.” You pull away your hand in favor of touching his hair. It was meant to annoy him, as Kiyoomi hates people messing with his curls, but he preens at the attention all the same, “It’s the night before our wedding and we didn’t even fuck.”

With one swift motion, Kiyoomi opens up his arms to pull you into his chest, then rolls over to trap you underneath him. He lands an obnoxious wet kiss on your cheek, smiling softly to himself at the sound of your laughing, “We’ll make up for it tomorrow night.”

You huff and push his face away. He nibbles at your fingers drunkenly. “Whatever.”

“Thanks for marrying me, by the way.”



Miya A [11:47]: WHERE ARE YOU Miya A [11:47]: WE CAN'T HAVE A BACHELOR PARTY WITH NO BACHELOR Miya A [00:13]: AND NOW NOBODY CAN FIND Y/N Miya A [00:20]: you fucking freaks i should have known you two would run away together Miya A [00:30]: THIS IS THE LAST TIME I DO ANYTHING NICE FOR YOU Miya A [00:30]: 🖕🖕🖕


hiiii so im not dead! just rly busy w classes/work/internships!

but i have a couple short stories like this that im gonna put out every week for fluff-tober! so uhhhh maybe i'll make a masterlist for that idk

love as always, niko

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11 months ago

You like to call your boyfriend cute when you talk about him to your coworkers, saying things like: “He’s so cute, he cooks for me all the time!” or “My boyfriend just bought me this flower bouquet for our date! Isn’t he the cutest?” and it planted an image into your coworkers mind of your boyfriend being this soft looking guy. So they definitely didn’t expect a tall muscular guy with a face that literally embodies “if looks could kill” to walk into the building claiming to be your boyfriend and that you had asked him to pick you up. But it did help a little when you run into his arms telling how much you miss him and for a moment, they catch his hard face turned soft. Ok maybe he was a little cute.

-Sakusa, Ushijima, Kageyama, Iwaizumi, Tsukishima.

 You Like To Call Your Boyfriend Cute When You Talk About Him To Your Coworkers, Saying Things Like:


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1 year ago


atsumu miya x fem!reader college au

words: 1.2k

summary. just sweet sweet love making with your saccharine boyfriend in his 2 seater beamer. this is very self indulgent, i love sappy and sweet sexᥣ𐭩 this is also my first smut don’t roast me hehe

cw: smut, mdni 18+, car sex, established relationship, nicknames (i.e. baby, pretty), praise, dirty talk, creampie, markings, making out, atsumu’s unadulterated love for you,

squeak squeak squeak

the sound of atsumu’s ball joints creaking in the back of the parking lot of a movie theater can be heard if you got within 50 meters. any closer and you could hear the mewling and groaning going on inside of the bmw.

“tsumu, oh fuck, tsumu” you whine, gripping atsumu’s shoulders, leaving behind crescent shaped marks.

the windows are foggy and you feel like you’re on fire from how hot it is in his car.

the six foot man currently has you on hip lap, bouncing on his cock leaving you a babbling mess, chanting his name like a mantra. he’s reclined his seat, hands on your hips and biting his lip, eyeing you as you move up and down. the look of pure lust and love he’s giving you makes you squirm and clench around him even harder.

“that feel good, baby? yeah? my cock making you feel s’ good? hm?” he groans when your walls flutter around him, making him grip your hips harder which you were sure were going to leave a mark in the morning.

the lewd squelching sound of your juices mingling fills the car, along with pants and moans. his angled cock was bullying your insides, sticky tip hitting just right at that sensitive spot that had you seeing stars and leaving a hot white feeling growing in the pit of your stomach. you were left speechless, mind blank, only able to spew out a few words that consisted of only his name and a few curse words.

he looked angelic underneath you, kiss bitten lips, bangs stuck to his forehead from sweat, the tips of his ears were red, washboard abs littered with angry red scratches. he was a walking god, and you were just like a little nymph following him around, praising him and being utterly hopelessly devoted to him.

and you made him melt. left him with no words with the way you call out his name, begging him to kiss and hold you while he fucks up into your womb, leaving you aching and longing for more. the way your jaw was unhinged, spewing out his name because he was all that you could think about, your brain consumed by him and only him made him feel utterly euphoric knowing that he’s got you this fucked out.

he was a god, but you were his goddess. your lip tugged between your teeth, the hickeys and bite marks left around your neck and shoulder, perfect tits and perky nipples, and your voice, god your voice, calling out his name like a siren singing in his ear that made his whole body feel tingly from the tips of his finger all the way to his toes.

you hastily nod and murmur, “baby kiss me, kiss me, kiss me please tsumu.” you pant. he smashes your lips together, giant hand reaching for the back of your head to force you even closer. it’s hot and so, so needy, you feel your legs beginning to wear out from his kiss alone. teeth and tongue clashing, his saliva making its way down your lip and he nips at it. he snakes his other hand to the small of your back, pushing you against him so you’re chest to chest. the way your nipples rub against him every time you bounce has you shivering, leaving you soaking and wanting so much more.

the coil in your stomach begins to unravel and you’re moaning so loud. thighs quivering and your voice wobbles as you speak. “tsumu please, i can’t.” and he gives in so easily because the next thing you know he’s planting his feet on the floor and pistoning up into your fluttering hole.

you yelp and fall into his shoulder, biting at the intersection to keep you from sounding like such a needy bitch. this doesn’t go unnoticed by atsumu, who does not appreciate you silencing yourself. he reaches his hand down to tweak at your nipples and your mouth falls open into an o. “fuck, you look so pretty. love it when you call out my name. c’mon pretty, wanna hear all of it.” and you whine and whimper, writhing on top of him from the way his cock is bullying your poor abused pussy.

“tsumu, ‘m close! ‘m so close, please.” you sound so desperate and broken on his cock, he could listen to you all night like a broken record. he adjusts himself so he’s reaching even deeper inside of your velveteen walls, hitting all the spots he knew would be a one way ticket to an earth shattering orgasm. “oh fuck! right there, right there tsumu. gonna cum gonna cum!” you mewl, tears welling in your eyes as the bliss is too great for your body.

“shit baby, squeezin me so tight. only i can make you feel good like this yeah? tell me who’s pussy this is. hm? who’s is it?” his pace is brutal and you’re teetering on the edge, he tweaks your nipple again and you babble.

“‘s yours! all yours! only yours! fuckkkk, love you! love you so much tsumu! love you so fucking much! please.” and you moan so loud when you finally cum, juices gushing and making his abs and thighs glisten from your release. you’re limp on his body, he makes you feel like putty.

“shit, gonna fucking cum baby. ‘s all for you my love. gonna take it all right? gonna be a good girl and let me fill you up, yeah?” he grabs your jaw tightly and kisses you so desperately. you whine as he continues his thrust and tightly grip his shoulders. he lets out a husky ‘fuck’, a few more thrust and the hot spurts of his seed spew into you, filling you up and making a creamy base at his cock. you feel so full and warm, and you let out a small whimper as your tongues fight against each other. he shudders from the intensity of his release and the only thing that keeps him grounded is the warmth from your body on top of his. you continue making out as you both come down from your highs, his softening cock still inside of you. the lack of oxygen makes you lightheaded so you pull away first, resting your chin on his chest to look up at him.

his head is tilted back, leaning on the head rest as his eyes are closed and trying to catch his breath. you both stay like this for awhile, basking in the after glow of making love with the man who makes you feel like the luckiest girl in the entire world. you look up at him with nothing but pure adoration and love in your eyes, one of his arms around your waist holding your bare body against his. it’s such a tender moment that only leaves you with even more love for the man that you call yours.

he finally looks down and catches your eyes, reaching the hand that was behind his head to brush the hair out of your face and play with it. and he feels like jelly when you shoot him a small loving smile, gently placing a small kiss where your chin was resting, making the corners of his mouth twitch up as he mirrors the same smile. he reaches out to cup your cheek and your smile intensifies, turning your head to place a sweet kiss at the palm of his hand.

“i love you so much tsumu.” you murmur, never shying away from his intense gaze.

gently, he uses his thumb and forefinger to lift your chin, leaning in to give you a teeth rottingly sweet kiss.

“i love you more, pretty.”

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1 year ago
A Little Colored Version Of The Kenma Just For Fun

A little colored version of the Kenma just for fun đŸ€§

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3 years ago

lol- i only made a tumblr acc for this-


HQ characters and their

godly parents imo


 Lol- I Only Made A Tumblr Acc For This-

ares - kentaro kyotani, tanaka ryu, tanaka saeko, hinata shoyo, iwaizumi hajime, hinata natsu, kindaichi yutaro, kawanishi taichi, hyakuzawa yƫdai

apollo - koganegawa kanji, goshiki tsutomu, miyanoshita eri

aphrodite - sugawara koshi, oikawa toru, ennoshita chikara, shimizu kiyoko, shibayama yuki, moniwa kaname, suzumeda kaori, terushima yƫji, sakusa kiyoomi

haephestus - bokuto koutaro, sawamura daichi, taketora yamamoto, aone takanobu, ohira reon, ojiro aran

demeter - ushijima wakatoshi, kita shinsuke, yamaguchi tadashi, azumane asahi, yachi hitoka, yahaba shigeru, misaki hana

dionysus - suna rintaro, semi eita, akaashi keiji, yaku morisuke, matsukawa issei, futakuchi kenji, shirabu kenjiro, daishou suguru

hermes - Miya Twins, kuroo tetsuro, tendou satori, konoha akinori, haiba lev, nishinoya yu, michimiya yui, inuoka so, hanamaki takahiro, yamagata hayato, komori motoya

athena - kenma kozume, tsukishima kei, kageyama tobio, kunimi akira, kinoshita hisashi, narita kazuhito, fukunaga shƍhei, shirofuku yukie, hoshiumi kƍrai

CENTAURS - washijo, ukai sr., nekomata

SATYRS - ukai jr, takeda, naoi

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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1 year ago

A Study of Haikyuu!! Character Names

Ok guys I don’t know if a post like this has gone around, maybe it has, maybe I am saying things people already know because I’m new to this fandom, but seriously. I had noticed that Hinata’s and Kageyama’s names were particularly clever in terms of reflecting their characters so I started actually digging into what all the kanji for all the names mean and guys this is delicious. I can’t help it, I have to share.

Hinata Shouyou: Hinata’s name is way too obvious but also really cute. His last name æ—„ć‘ (Hinata) literally means “to face the sun” or “to head towards the sun” which, yes. While æ—„ć‘ (Hinata) is the first hit I get when I do the turn-these-kana-into-kanji thing, making me think it’s pretty common, his given name çż”é™œ (Shouyou) seems to not be, which means the kanji were particularly chosen (like most of these names, honestly). 翔 (shou) means to soar, and 陜 (you) means sunshine. So Hinata’s just sunshine all over.

Kageyama Tobio: ćœ±ć±± (Kageyama) literally means shadowed mountain, or dark mountain, with ćœ± being shadow (or silhouette) and ć±± being mountain. Basically a massive presence. Meanwhile, 飛雄 (Tobio) is another completely made up name, with 飛 (tobi) meaning to fly, and 雄 (o) meaning
 well, man. But it’s not your normal ‘man’ character, which is 男. The character in Tobio’s name also has the meaning of ‘hero’ behind it. Also, I think there is some of the concept of “the shade exists because of the sun,” or like, maybe that’s just me, I don’t know.

Sawamura Daichi: 柀村 (Sawamura) is, again, not unheard of as a last name. It literally means “swamp village” which comes across a little oddly to me, especially since ć€§ćœ° (Daichi) means “great earth,” which fits him well, being the foundation of the team.

Sugawara Koushi: This one, like Daichi’s name, is a little more obtuse. The last name at least. è…ćŽŸ (Sugawara) breaks down to mean “sedge field.” Sedge (I had to look it up) is apparently a plant that grows in wet areas. Like
. swamps!?? I dunno, ok. But his first name ć­æ”Ż (Koushi) is once again a completely made up name. 歝 (kou) is the character for filial devotion/piety/respect, whereas æ”Ż (shi) means to support. This kills me ok.

Azumane Asahi: I actually started this post because of Asahi and Noya in particular because THIS KILLS ME THE MOST (except for Ukai but I’ll get there) so ok. Ok. æ±ćł° (Azumane) breaks down into 東 (east) and ćł° (peak/summit), so we’re talking about the tip top of an eastern mountain ok. His given name, 旭, means daybreak, or the sun rising.

Nishinoya Yuu: Are you even ready for this I was not. Noya’s kanji are è„żè°· (nishinoya) which lit translate to
 è„ż (west) è°· (valley). Plus then we throw in his given name of 怕 (yuu) which, guys, guys, it means “evening.” They are ABSOLUTE OPPOSITES how is this not the most fucking perfect thing ughh.

Tanaka Ryuunosuke: Comparatively, Tanaka gets a pretty boring name. I mean, his last name 田侭 (tanaka) (middle of the rice field) is one of the most common last names in Japan, so I guess the purpose was to try to make him an everyman, in a sense. Although he does have 韍 (ryuu), or “dragon,” in his first name, which I think feeds the character, he also has äč‹ä»‹ (nosuke) at the end, which is another common suffix for boys and sounds very traditional.

Tsukishima Kei: I find Tsukishima’s name actually quite interesting. I think everyone already knows about how he has 月 (tsuki) “moon” in his last name, naturally, making him Hinata’s opposite. 泶 (shima), just to be thorough, means “island.” Meanwhile, what I find interesting is that his first name, 蛍 (kei), is the character for fireflies. I think that suits his personality to a T—lights on, lights off. 

Yamaguchi Tadashi: Yamaguchi also has a super common last name: ć±±ćŁ (yamaguchi) literally means the entrance to the mountain. More importantly, his first name, ćż  (tadashi), is the character for loyalty and devotion.

I’m gonna skip a few here because I could do everybody’s names but there are like a million characters, so I’m just gonna make sure to also do

Shimizu Kiyoko: æž…æ°Ž (shimizu) is an interesting last name because there’s a temple in Kyoto by the name of æž…æ°ŽćŻș, though it’s pronounced Kiyomizudera. What probably isn’t surprising is that æž… (shi) means “purity,” and æ°Ž (mizu) means water. Her given name completely echoes the intent of her last name, with 朔 (kiyo) meaning “undefiled/pure/clean”, and 歐 (ko) meaning “girl/child.” “ko” is also an incredibly traditional sounding piece of girls’ names.

Yachi Hitoka: è°·ćœ° (yachi) are both kanji that have come up in other names; Daichi’s and Noya’s, actually. Once again, è°· (ya) is valley, and 朰 (chi) is earth. Meanwhile, 仁 (hito) means “benevolence/humanity/virtue”, while 花 (ka) means “flower”.

Ok last but not least this really kills me it’s so blatant

Ukai Keishin: Totally 100% made up name here. 烏逊 (ukai) breaks down into 烏 (u) which means crow and 逊 (I assume this is ‘kai’ but tbh it doesn’t look like that’s a normal reading) which means to “bring up/foster/nurture.” So his last name means to be a father figure to crows. Then his first name çč‹ćżƒ (keishin) breaks down to çč‹ (kei) “to fasten/tie” and 濃 (shin) “heart/mind/soul” so this guy’s name QUITE LITERALLY means that he brings the spirits of his little baby crows together. I MEAN.

And obligatory statement: take this all with a grain of salt, I know Japanese well enough that I can say this is close to being accurate but I can still make mistakes, and I welcome any comments or corrections or thoughts!

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3 years ago

pairing: miya atsumu x reader

genre: angst, post break-up

soundtrack: éŁ›éł„ć’ŒèŸŹ

an: I don’t think I’ll be writing haikyuu for a while but this idea whacks me in the head every now and then sooo (❍ᎄ❍ʋ)


The wind blows, and life goes on. 

The sky fades into a myriad of periwinkles and peaches, complementing an expanse of miscanthus stretching beyond the horizon which sways in the salt-kissed sunset breeze. The scenery alone would be ethereal, have it not been viewed through the hollow, doe periphery of a heartbroken blonde. As Atsumu finds himself staring into the distance, the corners of his eyes are eventually glassed with a film of tears whilst his trembling fingers tumble with a dull bracelet.

1. “Tsumu! Where are you? I thought we were supposed to go on a date at the amusement park today?” 

“Damn it — sorry babe! Practice calls, and it seems like our coach isn’t planning on letting us leave any time soon. I’ll make it up to ya next time okay?” Before you could even protest, your boyfriend hung up on the call. Dismay would had been an understatement to describe how you felt at that moment: conflict, chagrin, despondence — all of which bloomed like buds deep within. 

This wasn’t the first time Atsumu called off a date at the last minute, and needless to say, you weren’t pleased at all with his actions. However, in spite of the seething frustration that bubbled in your chest every time he did this to you, you reminded yourself to remain calm. You could never bring yourself to hate the blonde (or at least for now). Volleyball was a prominent part of his life, but so were you. You understood how important the sport was to Atsumu, yet with the saying being “it’s every man for himself”, a teeny bit of you hoped that he could choose his girlfriend over practice. 

And with a heavy heart, you chose to put those feelings aside. After all, being his partner, shouldn’t you be unconditionally supporting Atsumu in all of his endeavours? 

With the place feeling like dejá vu, it brings back faded recollections the male wishes to hold onto before they slip past his fingertips. Bit by bit, shattered fragments gradually piece themselves together, creating visages of what Atsumu would deem as his ‘sweet old days’ that he yearns to relish. Moments of you and him lying on the hill’s summit staring as remnants of tangerine and gold bask the skyline, the two of you excitedly talking about what a shared future would’ve been like, the giggles and incessant bickering that reverberate in the air like chimes whilst both of you dance under a doom of shimmering starlight — all of them come back to his mind one by one.

2. “I’m sorry y/n! I — I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend, but I’m willing to change ok? I promise I’ll spend more time with you once interhigh competitions come to an end. Please ... just wait for a little longer.” 

Evident disappointment was written all over your face, and the sinking feeling that had been bugging you did nothing — but only grew stronger once you heard Atsumu’s explanation. Nevertheless, a strained grin creased your face; you simply chortled it off, reminding the blonde that it’s alright and he should focus on his volleyball competitions for the time being with a simple “Alright ... I’ll wait, Tsumu”.

To be frank, you didn’t know how long you could wait. Atsumu had been using the same reason over and over; and if you had to be honest with yourself, you were long sick of his behaviour. Of all the countless opportunities you gave your boyfriend, it felt like he took them for granted — never learning his lessons despite being forgiven repeatedly without a single complaint uttered from none other than his girlfriend. 

And if he wasn’t the one to treasure the present, to cherish the bonds made and the selfless commitments devoted by you into the relationship, then why should you give him another second chance?

Twilight beckons, and a tear slips down Atsumu’s face in melancholic tranquility. Those could be called the happiest days of his entire life. Reminiscences of your smile, your touch and your laughter have long been engrained into his head, taking him on a trip down the memory lane as he thinks about you every now and then. How are you doing? Have you found someone else to replace his place in your heart? Would your mind still wander off to him? The questions throb at the back of his mind, akin to a persistent toothache. Still, the blonde knows this more than anyone else. 

No matter how tormenting his regret could be, there was no way he could turn back time and make things work again. Not when the damage is done and the pain of your breakup with Atsumu still stabs him in the heart even after all these years. 

In hindsight, maybe this is a lesson meant for him to learn. Perhaps he should’ve been a better lover, devoting more time into the relationship with you instead of spending most of it on volleyball. If he had prioritised you over his passion, could the heartbreak be avoided? If he had treasured his blessings, would the cicatrix in his heart remain, acting as a grim reminder of his past mistakes? In all honesty, Atsumu don’t know. It is already too late for redemption by the time the blonde opens his eyes and realises what he has done to you. Yet one thing is for sure — he shouldn’t have taken all of this for granted. 

3. “I ... I don’t think this is going to work between the two of us, Tsumu.” Mustering the remaining strength you got, you decided to confront the blonde setter on a certain day. “I think ... it’s better if we end this relationship.” 

To him, your confrontation bore no resemblance to a nightmare. Deafening silence lingered, wrapping its ghostly tendrils around the blonde’s neck as the grasp around Atsumu tightened with each second. Confusion wouldn’t suffice to describe the hurricane of emotions which stirred havoc inside him. Weren’t the two of you head over heels for one another a couple of months prior? What went wrong? 

Happiness is, and would never be everlasting — he should’ve known that very well. Atsumu should’ve caught onto the subtle signs that set off warning bells inside his head: the chaste glances, the sudden coldness laced within your tone each time you talk, the increasing distance between you and him as the months fly by. Yet the setter is naive to say the least, failing to discern how circumstances are on the verge of spiralling down a bad turn. 

4. “Wait! I ... I don’t understand. Why ... y/n?” 

Your heart clenched as you heard the desperation in Atsumu’s plea, eyes evading his shocked stare; you had made up your mind, and there was no way you would be turning back. It was excruciating for things to end this way, but you had no choice. Enough was enough, you were long exhausted of this one-sided romance. 

“Tsumu, I’ve had enough.” You gritted out the statement, trying your best to hold back the tears that were threatening to burst from your waterline. “Love should be mutual, and both partners should play an equal role in the relationship by devoting the same amount of time and effort into making all of this work. But is this the case between you and me?”

Instantly, Atsumu fell silent. 

“For all these months I’ve endured and endured, giving my everything in a forlorn hope that our relationship would still work. I’ve given many second chances, trying to support you with everything I’ve got. But have you? Have you did anything for me in return?” Your voice began to crack, recalling how you used to sob into your pillow in the middle of the night when the blonde only cares about volleyball instead of you. 

“Not everyone is willing to give a second chance ... and not everyone is willing to wait for a lifetime.” 

And that was the last thing Atsumu heard before you were completely gone from his life.  

A whistle in the wind pulls the blonde back into reality. As his puffy sorrel eyes interlock with the empyrean, the heart-wenching memories dissipate within an instant — followed by an exasperated sigh while Atsumu wipes falling tears off his stained cheeks. 

“I must’ve been a fool ...” He begin, confessions filled with none other than inexplicable lament muttered under his breath. A multitude of constellations greet his vision; blinking and winking down at the blonde, a cynical grin is all Atsumu can manage. For once, the night sky illumined with an infinite milky belt doesn’t look so empty; at least not so — when compared to the tenebrosity of the void deep within the blonde’s heart. It reminds him of the things he had lost, the mistakes he made, and what could’ve had been a beautiful future with you had he not been the culprit who ruined it all. 

“To not cherish such an amazing girlfriend, that’s so stupid of me — ugh ... why is it that we learn the pain of losing something important, when its too late for regrets? Stupid ... so stupid ...” 

The wind blows, and life goes on. 

The only thing Atsumu wished that hadn’t gone along with the breeze, albeit painful to hold onto, was his recollections with you. 

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6 months ago

Recommendations for Karasuno...Nekoma...HQ.....can someone provide me oneneksksken Hinataa...kita...yaku..kenma..kags...everyone......sjsjwikskske....imdyinfplspslsl

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6 months ago
Synopsis : Lately, Shoyo Had Been Onto Something And That Makes You Worried Since He's Been Escaping
Synopsis : Lately, Shoyo Had Been Onto Something And That Makes You Worried Since He's Been Escaping
Synopsis : Lately, Shoyo Had Been Onto Something And That Makes You Worried Since He's Been Escaping

Synopsis : Lately, Shoyo had been onto something and that makes you worried since he's been escaping from your guys 'rules' in the household. And that's lead to confronting him about it.

-> timeskip!shoyo is being slick (but not rlly) so you had to catch him and shred him to pieces/jk. Establish relationship. In general, fluff bc shoyo in angst? *Heart shattered.*

wc : 670 (drabbles)

A/N : theme makes me want to scream, legit had to search for a divider for a few mins and ended up using the ones in my gallery :')

Synopsis : Lately, Shoyo Had Been Onto Something And That Makes You Worried Since He's Been Escaping

Goodbye and welcome kisses are a must.

Either when it's Shoyo or you going out, which meant leaving one or the other. Showing love through small pecks, intertwining your pinky with his became somewhat of a routine as a greeting and goodbye. Even when in such a rush, this tradition has no exceptions, as it's a must.


So when Shoyo just disappears, leaving no trace behind except for a 'I'm going!' and the sound of the door shutting, perhaps he's too late for training? Or he had forgotten about—there's absolutely no way,not a bit would he forget the kisses you always share.

Or has his brain got a memory loss? The thought lingered in your mind as you kept on with your daily tasks before taking your leave as well. It happened tomorrow once again, then the next day.

Now, that's suspicious, Shoyo.

But before you can catch on, he always leaves earlier than he normally would. In addition, it makes things worse because that's even more suspicious.

Yet, you wouldn't put an accusation against Shoyo; he's a sweetheart. There's no way he would do something behind your back, maybe.

And that's how you are waiting near the door, awaiting his figure to leave the house with a goodbye kiss because, you’re sure, if this keeps continuing, then you'll be crazy by the end of the week. For your sanity, you have to put an end to this.


In simple terms, you wouldn't let it slide today.

And when Shoyo finally rushes to the door, just to be greeted by someone with a big, wide frown like a pouting child that made him chuckle. Although he tried to refrain from it because that means you're upset. As he picked up his sports shoes, sliding them on easily without any disturbance—only your frown.

Just as Shoyo is about to open the doorknob, holding onto it, you say, "My kiss?" The sharpness in your voice, the glare that could just pierce his back, he swore it was (very) scary for someone who's lovely. Shoyo's head slowly turned to face you with a sheepish smile as he pulled his hand from the knob.

Of course, you noticed.

And how doomed Shoyo is now.

"Aw, miss me that much?" he teases while taking you in his arms, wrapping you close to him before pecking your lips as per usual.

"Well, a certain someone may have forgotten the rules here," you retorted, still keeping the slight resentment in your tone. As a result, Shoyo cackles.

Okay, he's been caught.

"Oh, I definitely owe Atsumu a drink after this," he muses while keeping his arms under yours. Alright, that got your attention fully.

Atsumu? Drink? What is he on to? Shoyo only cackles more when he sees the confusion written on your face.

It turns out Atsumu had made a bet with Shoyo. That if he managed to go without a goodbye and a welcome kiss for about a week, he'd buy Shoyo a drink. Now, everything clicked together like a complete puzzle. Although your nose scrunched at his words before he brushed his against yours playfully.

Maybe that's why he's been running away...

and Shoyo earned a gentle slap on the shoulder from you. "You—fine, no more goodbye kisses then!" you said, trying to escape from his grasp, still upset by how he just acted so casually. "No, wait! I love your kisses!" Jokingly, Shoyo tightened his grip and hoped to never let go.

Well, not now at least.

Perhaps he should do this again; your reaction was absolutely hilarious (and sweet), although he'll keep that to himself since telling you that, would just earn another slap from you.

And how Atsumu was grateful for you because the drink was definitely a blessing. After that, Shoyo noted to not put anything involving love and affection between you two, since in the end, he'll lose anyway.

But did he regret it? Nope, witnessing your reactions towards his (feigning) dismissal of your shared intimacy is the best.

Synopsis : Lately, Shoyo Had Been Onto Something And That Makes You Worried Since He's Been Escaping

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6 months ago
Standing In The Yard, Dressed Like A Kid. The House Is White And The Lawn Is Dead. The Lawn Is Dead,
Standing In The Yard, Dressed Like A Kid. The House Is White And The Lawn Is Dead. The Lawn Is Dead,

Standing in the yard, dressed like a kid. The house is white and the lawn is dead. The lawn is dead, the lawn is dead.

Synopsis : timeskip!Kita could only wish things turned out differently, so you and him could sit by the porch, watching the wheat grows together. Although, sometimes, things doesn't last long.

wc : 584

-> timeskip!Kita x reader

-> a loss of reader due to terminal illness, reader in the hospital. kita grieving over reader's death. angst w no happy ending.

A/N : i honestly do not remember who made the divider, but credit to them! Also thanks c.ai, for giving me ideas!!

Standing In The Yard, Dressed Like A Kid. The House Is White And The Lawn Is Dead. The Lawn Is Dead,

Gentle hugs and hand-holding while cackling together is something Kita Shinsuke values very much, especially when it comes to you, his lover. Whenever you would get out from the door to the porch just to give him a helping hand, he refuses most of the time. But knowing how stubborn you are, he will let you do your thing, under his instructions, of course.

Besides, Kita Shinsuke loves the smiles and the giggles that you both share while helping him out on his farm, a quiet and peaceful life that he wouldn't trade for anything.

You are his world, forever.

But sometimes things do not go our way, including Kita.


Is it your soul laying by his side, or just your body? Long awaiting for you to wake up, to escape from this nightmare. Yet, eventually, you'll wave him goodbye. Either it be a short goodbye or none, but it's better than nothing.

The sounds of your unstable breathing, the coldness of the hospital—or is it just him feeling numb and the way your body doesn't radiate warmth anymore?

If only, maybe once again, you would squeeze his hand when he keeps your cold hand in his. Within the warmth Kita used to give, as you initiated too, was replaced by an emptiness, loneliness, and numbness that he dislikes, hates. At least, give him some pity, would you? On his knees, praying to God to give you some time so he could just see the smile he craved for before replacing it with a lifeless expression of yours.

Kita had known your lifespan was short since the doctor had informed him about it. But can't God put mercy on you? Can't he hear your voice once again? To see your grin, to savor the sweetness of you giving all of your affection towards him.

In addition, it wasn't getting any better, and Kita is aware of that. By your side, he had sat on the chair, leaning against the side of your body—while you kept laying on the hospital bed. The railing of the bed was cold, an unwelcoming coldness, merely to remind Kita that you won't be with him. In the end, you'll be buried, and he could only sit by your grave, hoping things turned out differently.

The pleading, begging, holding you close to him so you will hear him. So you wouldn't leave him, so you would just tease him that you will stay by his side. Yet, your soul wasn't there anymore. It was long gone.

As he quietened down his cries, knowing that it'd be pointless. Because at last, he couldn't do anything expect to accept the grief.

A reminder for him to stop trying, to let you go.


Rummaging, or more like cleaning your things out. If you were there, he'd probably tell you to put your things in order, and you'd give him an "I'll do it later, Shin!" expression. Although this time, it's him doing it for you, like always.

Yet, there are no more sounds of whining and telling him not to throw away the old belongings of yours that you find oddly valuable; he never gets why. But he supposes he'll keep it safe and sound, just for you.

Putting your things in a few boxes. Since it would be safer, he wouldn't want to damage them. Hanging a picture of Kita and you together on the table, decorating it with your pictures and his. Dedicated to you, Shinsuke's lover.

Maybe in another universe, Kita wishes to hear your "I love you, Shin!" or perhaps that you'll stick by his side forever, mentally and physically.

And when the rice finally blooms. Usually, you and Kita makes rice cakes together; playful banter and all. But now, Kita supposedly he'll make it alone, in the kitchen that filled with silence.in somewhat way, he wishes you'll come behind his back and maybe cheer him up, like you always do.

Yet, it'll stay as a bittersweet memories.

Making rice cakes alone wasn't fun, especially when the tears shedding from Kita's eyes, as he sobs quietly.

mumbling 'I miss you.' between his sobs.

Standing In The Yard, Dressed Like A Kid. The House Is White And The Lawn Is Dead. The Lawn Is Dead,

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