angelichallows - Just Your Average Autistic Bitch
Just Your Average Autistic Bitch

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356 posts

I Faced Bullying Before Realizing I Wasn't Straight. I Was Very Tall For My Age And Also "weird" Because

I faced bullying before realizing I wasn't straight. I was very tall for my age and also "weird" because I was autistic (although I didn't know until the summer prior to 4th grade when I was tested, even if no one I told believed me after being diagnosed as I wasn't diagnosed since kindergarten so obviously I was bullshitting!). The bullying came from majority of my grade level—NOT JUST CLASS—and also was not helped by and was also sometimes from my teachers, too. Fucking hell.

LGBTQ+ people, have you experienced...




More than one of these?

None of these?

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More Posts from Angelichallows

8 months ago

Google Play search for E-Play free music software

I believe you meant this ask for someone else; I never asked for a "free music software" as I use both YouTube (normally) as well as Spotify (when on certain car rides).

Although, given you asked me specifically to do this (or maybe whoever you were supposed to message if this were a mistake), I have a feeling this "app" you told me to search for might just be a scam of some kind. Why else would you tell me to do something rather than just recommend the app?

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8 months ago

The fact that so many cis women are like this that people who mean transphobic cis women just say cis women makes me feel bad for being cis myself. Like these transphobic cis women who I share my fucking chromosomes with are acting like clowns and hating on real people for being different, and it makes me hate sharing my chromosomes with such clowns.

Trans men/mascs do not deserve this. Period. They deserve the same fucking recognition, respect, and rights as everyone else on this goddamn planet. The fact that they don't get this makes me hate how the world currently works and wish for change even more.

Although (in regards to the "chestfeeding" part), someone in the comments mentioned something I thought I'd point out: breasts ≠ boobs. Boobs are what breasts tend to be called in regards to women regardless if they're cis or trans, yes, BUT they aren't the same; a mans "pecs" are breasts, as breasts just the tissue that lays on top of the chest that have a nipple on each breast. Calling it "chestfeeding" is cringe to some people—like the original commenter—as it isn't accurate due to a man's pecs also being breasts by anatomical definition, NOT because of the inaccurate assumption that breasts and boobs are the exact same thing.

cis women watching disabled trans men die from conservative laws targeting their access to basic healthcare: eh they deserved it. it’s their own fault for being trans. they wouldn’t be having a problem if they just detransed. I know how the real world works. duh.

cis women when you say “birthing care” or “chestfeeding” : I have been Killed. Badly.

8 months ago

So the tire-eating potholes in my neighborhood finally killed both my rear tires and I had to get that dealt with, but while they were getting replaced, I put the dogs in puppy daycare and upon picking them up early, the attendant literally sprinted to the front desk, grabbed me by the shoulders and breathlessly exclaimed "YOUNEEDTOCOMESEEWHATYOURDOGSAREDOING"

While she escorted me back to the play yards, she explained that every time they have more than three Corgi, they have to put all the Corgs in a separate play yard because they turn into a little gang and bully the Very Large dogs by playing Cow Herding Simulator 5000 with them, and especially if Herschel is there, because corgis are bossy-pants dogs, and Herschel has the bossiest pants of them all and acts as leader.

Despite being a little Don Corgleone to the short bitch mafia, Hershcel is also a Huge Baby and will apparently cry and cry and try to climb the fence and cry and eat people's shoelaces and cry if he is separated from Charlie during playtime, so this means any time that "Corgi Party" is happening, Charlie also has to go to Corgi party, despite being full-height, running cat software and a senior citizen. he copes with being Gulliver amongst the Liliputians by climbing onto the roof of the playskool castle they have for a climbing structure in the yard, kicking the ladder down behind him, and stretching out to nap in the sun while the corgi frolic and gambol around him.

Corgi are dogs that make up and play games with secret rules, like kindergartners. "Everyone bark in sync" is a popular game, as is "follow the leader" and it's companion game "March in a circle around a tall structure like ants caught in a death loop".

So what I was greeted with, when the attendant and I snuck out to the play yard, was the sight of Charlie, sound asleep and flat on his back with his paws crossed over his chest because sighthounds sleep in the stupidest fucking positions, on top of a faux-medieval castle with gargoyles on the corners, surrounded by approximately seven Corgi, all trotting in a circle around him, barking in sync.

"They look like they're preforming some kind of ritual!" giggled the attendant as attempted to get my phone to focus.

"Yeah, they're gonna summon Corgtulhu." I said.

Unfortunately, this made the attendant literally fall on her ass laughing, and distracted Herschel and his compatriots, so they didn't get to complete the summons, and I didn't get the pic.

The attendant kept laughing because apparently she's new to puns, and had mostly gotten it under control by the time we got everyone's leashes on and back out to the front.

The manager was watching the front desk, bemused. Did you get to see them doing the ritual?"

"YEAH!" shrieks the attendant, still excitable with merriment. "THEY'RE- THEY WERE-" The attendant ends up giggling on the floor.

"You okay there Katie?" asked the manager with minimal concern.

"We think they were trying to summon Corgthulhu." I eplain, and Katie screams from the floor. "Wasn't gonna work though, you need a virgin sacrifice and Charlie had an STD when we got him."

It was the manager's turn to shriek. and for Charlie and Herschel to start barking in solidarity.

"That's right Charlie! Your sluttiness saved the world!" I told him, as he jumped up and kicked me in the face.

Anyway, that's why Charlie's nickname at daycare is now "Superman(whore)"


If you found this story amusing, please consider donating to my Ko-fi or pre-ordering the Family Lore book on my Patreon so I can buy the good dogs more treats.

8 months ago

There are some fandoms meant for older audiences I'm a part of just because I like the media, though they are both shows with great writing imo (hell, one is heavily based on a D&D campaign). Though I haven't gone for adult books because of two factors:

1.) it's kinda difficult for me to sit down and read a book for hours nowadays

2.) From other asexual and aromantic people's experiences, many Adult books contain either romance or sex.

While I am 100% for romance, sex in stories I definitely would 100% not read.

Reason being is that I am HEAVILY sex-repulsed, and while innuendos I can tolerate to a certain extent (and also the word is fine), I cannot tolerate described sex or a literal sex scene in anything (if it cuts off before anything actually happens, it's fine). It grosses me out, so I rather not find it.

i promise its not ableist when people say you should try things that arent kids shows and fanfiction

8 months ago

There is something I must ask, because I noticed someone on a post of a queer person asking for help who this guy was mad at because of OP's heritage being the same as the people committing genocide on the commenter's home since 2022.

Now, just to make it clear: do not lie about your stance. The added (biased) text is there purely because of Tumblr culture; they should not dictate your actual opinion.

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