A Maddening World (Peter Parker X Reader) - Chapter One
A Maddening World (Peter Parker X Reader) - Chapter One

Summary: (y/n) was only trying to get volunteer hours in order to gain admission into NYU. However, the Stark Mental Institution held more than she bargained for when she meets her patient, Peter Parker. She never planned to get mixed up with someone who is set on the idea that an alien named Thanos snapped half of all living creatures away and made everyone else forget, yet here she is. The universe has a funny way of trying to correct itself.
My life loves to be one adventure after another, which is why I was hoping to have a calm summer. Of course, this couldn’t happen. At least it couldn’t once my school counselor told me that I could kiss my dreams of going to NYU down the drain if I don’t get something impressive on my resume.
This is what led me to currently be on my way to the famous Stark Mental Institution with my best friend and life saver, Liz Allen. We’re part of a program that takes in young teens from local high schools and gives them a summer volunteer opportunities. It’s great on college applications, so why not? We’re about 5 minutes away and I still have no idea what I’m going to do. We’re supposed to get a talk about how we should go around and help the patients when we get there. Luckily, we’ve been assured that none of the patients that we’ll be working with are dangerous, which is why we’re allowed to be a sort of nurse to them. The silence in the car was thick until Liz broke it. “How do you think it will go?” “I don’t know. Good, I hope,” I replied, nervously picking at my cuticles. Silence rested over us again until we pulled up to the building. We piled out and I watched as our cab driver blended into the heavy New York traffic. I turn to find a man in a crisp black suit, that looked to be about in his 40’s. “Hello, my name is Mr. Hogan, I’m the head of staff and security here,” the man spoke, “If you would please follow me.”
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A Maddening World (Peter Parker X Reader) - Chapter Two

Summary: (y/n) was only trying to get volunteer hours in order to gain admission into NYU. However, the Stark Mental Institution held more than she bargained for when she meets her patient, Peter Parker. She never planned to get mixed up with someone who is set on the idea that an alien named Thanos snapped half of all living creatures away and made everyone else forget, yet here she is. The universe has a funny way of trying to correct itself.
‘Hi’. That was it, he only said ‘hi’.
I started to stutter out my reply, “H-Hi, I’m (y/n), y-your new nurse.”
He simply nodded at me and turned back around to look out the window. I had to think for a moment to figure out what else to say.
“Uh… the first thing on the schedule is breakfast. Do you eat here or do you-” I was saying before he cut me off. “I eat in the cafeteria like a normal patient, it’s on the 2nd floor next to the bathrooms.” I didn’t know what to think due to his tone. He sounded annoyed that I didn’t know what to do, or that I suggested he eats in his room. He coughed and I realized that he was standing at the door waiting for me. “Yeah sorry, I didn’t know exactly how it worked. Let’s go.” We walked in silence to the elevator and got in, the tension growing thicker with every step. “I’m not crazy you know.” I was shocked at his sudden words, “What?” “I’m not crazy or a psychopath. I just remember what I’m not suppose to remember. I see nightmares when I’m awake. I’m not crazy though.” “I never said you were.” “I know what people think and I know what they want to believe. It’s not true though.” I was angry when he said that, I never even thought that. I hate it when people just assume things about me. I was about to say something, but the elevator doors opened to reveal a hallway that was just as white as the other hallways. Peter seemed to be able to read my mind because the next thing he said was, “All of the hallways are white, they have to be. Other colors could possibly agitate the other patients. In my opinion though, the white is even more aggravating. Staring at nothing but blank walls all day? Yeah, no thanks.” “Oh, I guess that makes sense. I’ve always wondered why hospitals only have white walls. I agree with you though, it’s annoying to barely see any color, especially if this is where you live. It’s like there’s no color in life.”
Peter looked at me with with slight acceptance.
“You can say that again. The only color we get is in the recreation room on the 5th floor. Those walls are a lovely beige.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at what he said. I’m not quite sure if it was supposed to be a joke or not, but I couldn’t help myself. Thankfully, Peter gave me a slight smirk as he neared a set of double doors.
We walked into a huge room that looked a lot like a school cafeteria. The walls were a faded white that made it seem like this room was the least of the hospitals worries. The lines held a typical steel, buffet style with the limitation of full time kitchen staff members looking over and controlling exactly what each patient gets.
“So, this is the cafeteria. Volunteers can get food here through the shop at the end of the room,” Peter told me while pointing to the very back.
“Thanks, but I ate before I came here. I’m just going to go sit down at a table. Anywhere specific you want to go?”
“Yeah, I usually sit at the back table with Ned, his nurse Betty, and our friend Michelle.” He pointed towards a gray table that a boy and two girls who all looked to be around our age sat.
I gave Peter a slight nod and made my way to the table he indicated as he stepped into line.
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tapestry 👑 X
Warnings: eventual dark elements (tags to be added as fic continues)
This is dark!(king)Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: King Steven had a wandering eye but you never thought it would fall upon you.
This Chapter: The court celebrates the last hunt.
Note: Okay, so I called in today because of my anxiety at the suggestion of my boytoy and he told me to sleep in a bit. He’s not a doctor, but he’s got a PhD (pretty huge dick) so I have to listen. But I got this chapter done last night so y’all still get your fix, lol.
Also, I have to thank you guys, I really can’t thank you enough. I am in love with this fic and truly in your discussion of it bc yall seem as invested as I am and I just love all the possibilities and how these characters are turning out and it’s all been so much fun. So please, enjoy and remember that I love you (but I will not leave my wife for you, sorry).
(also open to new moodboards for the fic or even playlists for inspo if anyone’s interested. memes always welcome.)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋 You guys rock!
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply! Love ya!

You were never one to stand out among a crowd. Were it not for the sling around your shoulder, that would still be true. You suspected, without the king’s interest, that would be even more true. But despite your simply cut gown, you could sense the eyes as you entered the hall.
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tapestry 👑 XIII
Warnings: eventual dark elements (tags to be added as fic continues)
This is dark!(king)Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: King Steven had a wandering eye but you never thought it would fall upon you.
This Chapter: The reader counts her allies and enemies.
Note: Part 13. Maybe it’s unlucky but who knows. I had a terrible migraine at work but I managed to get this done after on the bus ride home. Things are starting to get wild over here and it’s all going to start coming together. Thank you all in advance. You’re all so wonderful.💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply! Love ya!

Since your banishment from the queen’s court, you’d spent your days very much alone. Even more lonesome since the yuletide. The new year approached as your optimism sank.
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Panini man
Everyone in the royal court needs some honey bc all this tea is making them bitter.
The tea is too hot