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A Maddening World (Peter Parker X Reader) - Chapter One

Summary: (y/n) was only trying to get volunteer hours in order to gain admission into NYU. However, the Stark Mental Institution held more than she bargained for when she meets her patient, Peter Parker. She never planned to get mixed up with someone who is set on the idea that an alien named Thanos snapped half of all living creatures away and made everyone else forget, yet here she is. The universe has a funny way of trying to correct itself.
My life loves to be one adventure after another, which is why I was hoping to have a calm summer. Of course, this couldn’t happen. At least it couldn’t once my school counselor told me that I could kiss my dreams of going to NYU down the drain if I don’t get something impressive on my resume.
This is what led me to currently be on my way to the famous Stark Mental Institution with my best friend and life saver, Liz Allen. We’re part of a program that takes in young teens from local high schools and gives them a summer volunteer opportunities. It’s great on college applications, so why not? We’re about 5 minutes away and I still have no idea what I’m going to do. We’re supposed to get a talk about how we should go around and help the patients when we get there. Luckily, we’ve been assured that none of the patients that we’ll be working with are dangerous, which is why we’re allowed to be a sort of nurse to them. The silence in the car was thick until Liz broke it. “How do you think it will go?” “I don’t know. Good, I hope,” I replied, nervously picking at my cuticles. Silence rested over us again until we pulled up to the building. We piled out and I watched as our cab driver blended into the heavy New York traffic. I turn to find a man in a crisp black suit, that looked to be about in his 40’s. “Hello, my name is Mr. Hogan, I’m the head of staff and security here,” the man spoke, “If you would please follow me.”
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A Maddening World (Peter Parker X Reader) - Chapter Two

Summary: (y/n) was only trying to get volunteer hours in order to gain admission into NYU. However, the Stark Mental Institution held more than she bargained for when she meets her patient, Peter Parker. She never planned to get mixed up with someone who is set on the idea that an alien named Thanos snapped half of all living creatures away and made everyone else forget, yet here she is. The universe has a funny way of trying to correct itself.
‘Hi’. That was it, he only said ‘hi’.
I started to stutter out my reply, “H-Hi, I’m (y/n), y-your new nurse.”
He simply nodded at me and turned back around to look out the window. I had to think for a moment to figure out what else to say.
“Uh… the first thing on the schedule is breakfast. Do you eat here or do you-” I was saying before he cut me off. “I eat in the cafeteria like a normal patient, it’s on the 2nd floor next to the bathrooms.” I didn’t know what to think due to his tone. He sounded annoyed that I didn’t know what to do, or that I suggested he eats in his room. He coughed and I realized that he was standing at the door waiting for me. “Yeah sorry, I didn’t know exactly how it worked. Let’s go.” We walked in silence to the elevator and got in, the tension growing thicker with every step. “I’m not crazy you know.” I was shocked at his sudden words, “What?” “I’m not crazy or a psychopath. I just remember what I’m not suppose to remember. I see nightmares when I’m awake. I’m not crazy though.” “I never said you were.” “I know what people think and I know what they want to believe. It’s not true though.” I was angry when he said that, I never even thought that. I hate it when people just assume things about me. I was about to say something, but the elevator doors opened to reveal a hallway that was just as white as the other hallways. Peter seemed to be able to read my mind because the next thing he said was, “All of the hallways are white, they have to be. Other colors could possibly agitate the other patients. In my opinion though, the white is even more aggravating. Staring at nothing but blank walls all day? Yeah, no thanks.” “Oh, I guess that makes sense. I’ve always wondered why hospitals only have white walls. I agree with you though, it’s annoying to barely see any color, especially if this is where you live. It’s like there’s no color in life.”
Peter looked at me with with slight acceptance.
“You can say that again. The only color we get is in the recreation room on the 5th floor. Those walls are a lovely beige.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at what he said. I’m not quite sure if it was supposed to be a joke or not, but I couldn’t help myself. Thankfully, Peter gave me a slight smirk as he neared a set of double doors.
We walked into a huge room that looked a lot like a school cafeteria. The walls were a faded white that made it seem like this room was the least of the hospitals worries. The lines held a typical steel, buffet style with the limitation of full time kitchen staff members looking over and controlling exactly what each patient gets.
“So, this is the cafeteria. Volunteers can get food here through the shop at the end of the room,” Peter told me while pointing to the very back.
“Thanks, but I ate before I came here. I’m just going to go sit down at a table. Anywhere specific you want to go?”
“Yeah, I usually sit at the back table with Ned, his nurse Betty, and our friend Michelle.” He pointed towards a gray table that a boy and two girls who all looked to be around our age sat.
I gave Peter a slight nod and made my way to the table he indicated as he stepped into line.
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PAIRING(S): Peter Parker x Reader
WARNING(S): Language that Steve would smh at
WORD COUNT: 1817 words
TAGGING: @baezen @claritycas @obiwanker @oheleven
Author’s Note: This is so friggin short bc I think peter is the cutest, most sweetest, and purest little BABY in the planet — BABY — the only issue is that I think he’s so young tho like i physically could not. So, like, super sorry but I couldn’t pda much so I was left with this.

“Shhh,” You hushed your baby brother quietly. Thomas — or Tommy — was the only person you’d burn the world down for. He was your world. For three years, it was only you and him, and him and you. It was your job to look after him, and lately, you’ve been doing a pretty shit job.
Tears streamed down his face as he gasped for air. Poor Tommy was having a panic attack. His asthma didn’t help either.
It was 1:04 am.
You knew if your foster parents woke up it would be the end of it. You started rummaging through your shitty excuse of a room.
Where was that damned inhaler?
You could have sworn you kept a spare in your shitty eight-dollar Captain America Walmart backpack. You gripped your backpack by the bottom, turning it over then shaking the living daylight of it.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
Your stupid books: check. Your stupid pencil case: check. Peter Parker’s stupid math notes nobody understands but copies anyway: check. Your brother’s inhaler: no fucking check. You paused and dropped your bag. You gripped your hair roughly. You began tugging your [Y/H/C] locks in desperation.
Fuck. If this really was your only hope, then so be it.
You snapped your head at Tommy. You rushed over and bent down, lowering yourself so you were still on your feet. You lightly pressed your hands on Tommy’s face and wiped his tears away with your thumbs. “Hey, Tommy, listen, we’re gonna go down the fire escape, okay?” You whispered.
His [Y/E/C] eyes at you, a clear reflection of your face in his eyes. “You’ll be just fine — we both will,” You reassured him, “I just need to quickly get you an extra inhaler. Nothing’s wrong, okay, sweet cheeks? Just an average run to the store.” You breathed out silently. You gripped him below the armpits then raised him to your waist as you stood up.
For a few seconds, you stared at the small mirror hanging beside your bed. You blinked once, twice, then stopped your hand from rubbing Tommy’s back. You stalked towards the mirror and threw it onto your bed without another thought.
You stared at the small, fist-sized hole in the wall (proudly punched by yours truly), along with a small six-shooter gun hidden inside.
You blinked again. Then once more. Then slipped on your Walmart shoes and carefully ducked yourself and Tommy out of the window.
In your pyjamas, at 1:07 am, you and your brother began making your way to Uncle Joe’s Drug Store.
Here’s a background story on your tragic life.
Born and raised in Sokovia
Sokovia blew up three years ago
Captain America fails to save your father
Your mother, your brother and yourself get flown to America along with thousands of Sokovian refugees
Your mother is deemed “unsuitable” to raise two children as she has no profession and has no way to support herself — let alone her children
Your brother and yourself get separated from your mother
Your brother and yourself find a way to land yourselves into a household of two assholes who only wanted you for the money the government was willing to pay
You stood in front of the closed drug store. 1:47 am. Your brother had fallen asleep on your shoulder safe and sound, yet still out of an inhaler. Sure, you could keep working your waitresses job and babysitting job (yes, a sophomore juggling two jobs at once), but both your next pay checks could barely hold the budget of your weekly food, let alone another inhaler.
This was your only hope, you told yourself repeatedly.
Your heart felt heavier by the second, your mind running a million miles per hour. You shouldn’t do it. But you needed to do it. You didn’t want to do it.
You stared at your brother for a few seconds, then climbed the nearest fire escape of the apartment beside the drug store. You rested him on a safe place and wrapped your jacket over him, covering him from sight.
You knew this neighbourhood inside and outside – like the back of your hand. The amount of times you had to visit for your brother’s medications allowed you to memorise the amount of cameras. Where and when they moved, the perfect angle to cover your faces — like a choreography. It was all unconsciously memorised. You didn’t mean to… you think? Maybe you did know this was coming. One way or another, your life was too fucked up for easy.
First: aliens, next: your country blowing up, now you were about to rob a fucking drug store to keep your baby brother’s health in check.
You took a deep breath and looked away from little Tommy. You reached behind your shirt and pulled your six-shooter from the waistband of your red Dora the Explorer pyjama pants.
Before you could do more, a light crunch of the rocky floor came from behind you.
You snapped your body into a 180 spin.
What the fuck?
Your heart began beating uncontrollably at the sight of ]Spider-fucking-Boy himself.
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
“You really don’t wanna do that.” Spider-Boy said.
You frowned. Your gun now pointed at the head of the Spider-Boy. “Please, just go away.”
He cocked his head to the side. The asshole wasn’t even scared. He stayed silent. Just stared at you for a while. Was he gonna say something or just stand there gawking?
A few minutes past, and finally, he spoke. “That isn’t really how super-hero and super-villain confrontations work, though.”
Your heart kept beating faster and faster by the minute. “Listen you twitching maggot, I need to do this!”
The red man in tights skipped — fucking skipped — towards the nearest car and lent his body lazily on it. “That’s what they all say.”
Why did he sound so familiar?
You scoffed. “I don’t really give a shit.”
He whistled. “You have a potty mouth.” He pointed out.
“I don’t fucking care.”
Spider-Boy tilted his head again. “What do you want with this store anyway, [Y—], l-little lady.”
Your brows furrowed.
Was he about to say your name?
“I don’t know how often you do this, but there’s usually not this much talking.”
His eyes grew wider at your words. “That’s the second time someone’s told me that!”
You rolled your eyes to feign your nerves. Was he going to do something or not?
“Are you gonna let me go or not? Look here, Spider-Boy, if you really want to help, you’re gonna walk away from this.”
“How is this helpi – Spider-Boy?” His voice grew higher at the name.
You made a face as you shrug your shoulders.
“N-no! It’s Spider-Man!”
You gave him a blank stare. “Mmmkay.”
He was silent for a moment. He matured a short sentence under his breath, though you couldn’t hear. “What were you trying to get in the first place? Why not look for a job? You just seem so young – besides, y’know that Joe clears out all of his cash before he leaves, right?”
You squinted. “None of your damn business, twerp. I need something else.”
Spider-Man made a move to get closer, only for your gun to raise higher. You probably would’ve verbally threatened him if it wasn’t for Tommy.
A soft groan came from the fire-escape you hid your brother under. He was rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. You quickly hid your gun behind you. “What’s happening?” Tommy asked.
Your face softened. “Tommy, go back to sleep.”
His eyes blinked slowly. “Spider-Man.” He pointed his little finger at said hero.
The boy in red awkwardly waved back. “Hey,”
You ignored him and took a step closer towards your brother. “Go back to sleep, Tommy.”
Tommy ignored you and attempted to reach his arms down at you. “Where’s my medicine?”
You gulped. You took a quick glance at Spider-Man. “I dunno if I can get it today, Tommy.” A hand suddenly gripped your arm and dragged you away. “Get your fucking hands off of me!”
“Shh!” his hands flew to your face, covering your mouth. “What medicine?” He whispered.
You slapped his hands away. “None of your damn business, you pre-pubescent tool bag.”
Spider-Boy’s face grew closer to yours in exasperation. “I’m trying to help you!”
You shrugged his hands off of you. You tried to shove him aside, only, he barely even flinched. “Help me by pissing off, you jackass!”
He groaned loudly at your stubbornness. He narrowed his eyes at you, then turned abruptly. He began stalking towards the door of Uncle Joe’s Drug Store and knelt down. He began picking the lock.
Once he was inside, he reached into his suit and began ruffling through the pockets. He was muttering something inaudible as his hands wondered around the pockets.
All the while, your head had fallen sideways in confusion.
Next thing you knew, his hands slammed onto the counter. He left a series of crumpled notes and began digging through the counter. He ripped out a piece of yellow sticky notes and scribbled a quick note, then a trace of a smiley-face.
His red body suddenly spun around and started rummaging the drawers. Again, he was muttering. He was probably reading the labels. Your suspicious narrowed eyes only grew smaller at his actions. “Psst!” You hissed. “What the hell?”
He only ignored you, instead, letting out a quick cheer as he snatched two small boxes out of the cabinets.
Spider-Man then proceeded to skip – skip – towards you then plopped down the two inhalers into your palms.
You blinked at the boxes. “What?”
He looked back up. You seriously wished you could see his eyes right about now. The white balls were so big you had no idea where his eyes were. Awkward, but whatever, not the point. “For your brother.” He stated, pushing your hand into your chest some more.
You stared at your hands.
More silence.
Then you stared at his face.
Were you supposed to hug him or something? Thank him? Yeah – no – you didn’t see that happening.
You gulped. You were so not good at social interactions. “Hey, Boy Wonder,” You blurted, getting his attention off your brother and towards you. You took his head-tilting as a sign to continue. “I — uhh —” you sighed and shoved your gun into his hands. “I wasn’t gonna shoot you.”
His eyes grew wider at the feeling of the gun, then his eyes squinted ever so slightly. “Wait, you’re weren’t?”
“If your spidey senses are really as good as you think they are, you’d know it isn’t even loaded.” Before he could reply, a loud gasp fell from your lips.
Waitaminute waitaminute waitaminute.
You looked up towards Tommy, then back down towards Spider-Man. Then at your hands. Then back at Spider-Man. "Holy fucking shitballs.”
“What - what is it?” Spider-Man looked alarmed, head frantic as his head jerked around to san your surroundings.
“Peter, is that you?”

Yandere!Peter Parker x Reader
word count: 2.4K
genres: University!AU, angst
warnings: suggestive themes, toxic peter, manipulation, obsesssive and possessive behavior, hints of infantilization
summary: Ever since the accident that nearly sent you into a coffin, Peter has spent every moment with you out of fear of history repeating itself. Unfortunately, you love him too much to try and say anything about it.
author’s note: this is a part of my 1K followers present week. I hope you enjoy a slightly unhinged spidey boy.

On the night that Peter saw you falling forty stories from the ground, the crack in his behavior shattered into many pieces like a fallen mirror. To think if he did not arrive a second earlier, your neck would have snapped along with your shattering bones. The thought alone of your skin becoming entirely cold and red blood pouring over the gray cement—and it not being his intentional doing—made him vomit into his bathroom sink whenever he thought about it too hard.
Just the proposal of death almost being able to rap at your door was the reason you were under Peter’s warm body in his bed many weeks after the incident. It started slowly, like a boil. He suggested you stay over at his apartment to mentally recover from the situation, but one night turned into a day, which turned into a week. Now you were completely cooked and hadn’t been to your dorm room in months.
Before you even agreed to date him, Peter had his moments. It was as if one screw was never secured correctly whenever he would interact with you. He was always so physically demanding, even when he was only your friend. He would play with your hands and braid random strands of your hair. And when you started dating, he told you how many freckles that graced your pores as a joke.
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4.” don’t give me that look “
it’s something about the many diffrent ways you can inturput this phrase that make it perfect for bby boy down below
vv suggestive‼️

Because you and parker were around the same age your guys decided to train with each other when you were in the avengers tower at the same time.
You were doing hand to hand combat, getting peter to train his strength and test his combat training without the spider suit on.
You guys had been at it for about an hour and a half. Both of your tops had been lost. Leaving you both shirtless and sweaty (hmmm isn’t that lovely)
At this point you were tired and wanted training for the day to be over, so you started fighting harder trying to end the round so you could then end the workout.
Peter who was thinking the same thing... was also having none of that.
As you both took jabs at each other you were making direct eye-contact. And to be completely honest it was making it harder and harder for peter to focus.
He always loved the way you looked at him. He always found himself having a hard time getting him self to look away from you when you locked eyes.
Finally wanting this to be over, he cought the next jab you took to his face, then taking your arm and twisting it behind your back. He then used his feet to kick your from under you.
You were now on the floor in his lap facing away from him. Your back was to his chest and he was breathing down your neck. His other forearm came around your neck pulling you into his chest.
Leaning down he spoke (nearly goddammn growling) into your ear “don’t look at me like that, you’re making it very hard for me to focus”
Was that really the final round for the day?
my friend got upset with me for just leaving her hanging like that lol.
Marvel characters when you are on your period

He loves to insult you in a teasing way. He is obviously incredibly so he can get you all the tampons and heating pads you could ever ask for! When you start to get emotional and need his comfort, he will drop everything he is doing to help you out.
His understanding for periods is neutral. He understands the basic things a woman needs but he doesn't know about the cravings or other things like that. When he finally figures it all out, he studies you to find the best things to help you through the week.
He's such a sweetheart! You need sweets? He's got it. Chinese food in the middle of the night? He'll be at your window in 5 minutes. He gives you the best cuddles and makes sure you feel just as loved even when your are in pain. He would do anything to take it away from you but tries to make the next few days as cosy as possible.
An absolute Queen. She knows exactly how you feel and will make sure to get you the best pads and chocolate bars. She's used to your ways during this time of the month and will treat you with all her respect, even when your bossy and overly hormonal. She's just the absolute best and makes the week feel like a luxury holiday.
Don't trust this man to go out an buy you pads. He will, and I repeat WILL come back with something like polystyrene or bubblewrap and ask, "Is this it my love!?" as he holds up a block of foam. Apart from that, he is great at cuddling you and easing the pain in your stomach. Just don't trust him with shopping and your good for the week.
Peter x reader incorrect quotes
Peter: You look good in that hoodie. Y/N: You know where else I'd look good? Peter, zero hesitation: My bed. Y/N, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?

Y/N: Peter, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right? Peter, naked in Y/N's bed: No, I absolutely do not. Y/N, already taking off their clothes: Fuck… Me neither.

Y/N: Peter, why does your bucket list have ‘Die’ on it? Peter: So I can die feeling at least a little bit accomplished.

Peter: Kicks the door open, looking panicked Y/N: What did you do?! Peter: NOBODY DIED! Y/N: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!

Peter: But we’re friends! I was building up to calling you a nickname soon! Y/N: That’ll never happen! In fact, you just lost “Y/N” privileges. From now on, you can call me by my last name or ‘Hey, you.’. Peter: Come on, Y/N. Y/N: glares Peter: Come on, Hey you.”

Peter x reader incorrect quotes 2
Y/N: Something’s off. Peter: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people. Y/N: No, but that’s funny.

Peter: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos- Y/N: I wrote you a poem. Peter, already crying: You did?

Y/N: is visibly upset Peter: Y/N, what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.

Peter: Hey, Y/N! Do you wanna go celebrate with me? Y/N: Peter, you know I can't be seen in public with you. Peter: Okay, a simple "no" would be fine.

Peter: If I die, you can have what little I own. Y/N: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die? Peter: My unending existence is fuelled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full. Y/N: Y/N: Sighs Let me call your therapist again.

What a lovely endgame fix 💕
↬ summary: extremely indulgent endgame fix it fic! that’s it
↬ pairing: peter parker x reader
↬ genre: fluff, slight slight slight SLIGHT angst
↬ word count: a measly 1.5k
↬ warnings: um i’m not sure if these count as endgame spoilers but??? read at your own risk dudes
↬ note: I CANNOT STRESS how quickly and vigorously i wrote this. its unedited and probably has about a million spelling and grammar mistakes. like this is just 1500 words of rambling nonsense because i saw the endgame premier and i’ve been steaming in my own sadness for the passed few days!! a bitch really just be havin emotions sometimes huh :/

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This is so freaking adorable, I’m squealing!!!
Peter Parker was meant to be back at The Tower two hours ago. His shift had ended at midnight, an agreement with Aunt May, and now as the clock ticks past 2am you’re honestly starting to get worried.
“FRIDAY where’s Peter?” You ask the AI for what feels like the fifteenth time tonight.
“There’s no exact location on him miss.”
“Is he okay?”
“Yes.” The AI goes silent again and you stare anxiously out the window. You don’t turn when the doors hiss open behind you.
“Sweetheart, come back to bed, I’m sure he’s fine. FRIDAY would tell us if he wasn’t.” Steve says softly his feet quiet on the floor as he makes his way to you.
“He was supposed to be home two hours ago. I can’t help but worry.” You tell him as he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Are you like this when I’m gone?” He hums into your ear.
“Worse. I hate it more when you’re on no contact missions.” You tell him leaning back against his chest, your head resting below his shoulder. “If I can say goodnight and check in it’s not so hard.”
“I’m sorry, this life isn’t easy.”
“You make it worth it.” You admit not looking at him, eyes still trained on the New York skyline. Steve’s lips press to your temple and he watches quietly out the window with you.
“Do you want me to go look for him?”
“Maybe, if he’s not back in a half hour would you mind?”
“Of course not.” Sure enough the clock ticks closer to 2:30 and with another quick kiss Steve steps away and heads to your bedroom to get his suit on. He’s gone for around five minutes when a soft thud hits the window. Seconds later Peter Parker comes into the tower like he’s not almost two and a half hours late.
“Peter Benjamin Parker where the hell have you been?” You turn on him then surprising the teenager.
“You are two and a half hours late! Explain yourself.”
“I was with Cap!” He cries pulling off his mask as Steve walks into the room.
“You wanna try that again kid?”
“Not you, the other one.” He explains and before you can question what he means by that Carol Danvers lands on the landing pad.
“Sup nerds?” She asks strutting into the room, two slurpees in her hands.
“Sup? Sup! You took our nephew for slurpees at 2:30 in the morning?!”
“Nephew?” Peter mutters looking over at Steve who shrugs.
“I mean, he did a good job tonight and it’s not like I can give him a beer.” She says passing Peter a blue and red slurpee.
“At least let me know he’s going to be late next time.” You snap before storming out of the room. You’re so relieved and frustrated that you don’t hear the footsteps following you until a pair of arms wrap around your torso.
“Sorry Aunt America.” Peter says quietly. “I’ll turn my location on for you with Karen and FRIDAY.”
“Thank you. I try not to worry about all of you but it’s hard, I love all of you.”
“I love you too.” Peter says into your back and you give his arms a squeeze then he lets you go and after giving him a soft smile and head back to your and Steve’s room.
Steve joins you a few minutes later and takes off his uniform, changing back into his pajama pants.
“Feeling better?” He asks as he slides into bed next to you.
“Yea, he head home already?”
“He did. Carol wanted me to pass on her apologies for her, she had to get going too.”
“I’ll message her tomorrow. Thank you for putting up with me and my fears.”
“Sweetheart it’s alright. It tells me how much you care about not only me but the rest of our little family.”
“Thanks.” You murmur before curling into him. You’re just about to fall asleep when FRIDAY’s calm voice comes over the intercom.
“Peter would like you to know he made it home safe and he loves you Aunt America.”
“Tell him thank you spider nephew love you too.”
“Aunt America?” Steve asks the amusement evident in his voice.
“I like it.” You say sleepily before falling into a content sleep.
Tag list:
@abschaffer2 @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @thinkwritexpress-official @thesassmisstress @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @killcomet @dumblani @silverkitten547 @im-just-another-monster @megan-queen-of-dragons @mywinterwolf @scuzmunkie @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique

Lol credit to whoever made this

Hello! I love love love your works!
May I request headcanons for:
Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, and Loki
In which the reader (fem or gender neutral) gets hurt to protect them (or the reader got hurt taking a blow which was meant for them), and is dying.
I don't know if you've written this before, and you don't need to rush to write this, if you do write this, thank you so much!
P. S. Your works brighten my day, thank you!!
Avengers reaction to fem s/o getting hurt protecting them/taking a blow for them, and dying in their arms.
Warning: this Mentions Death, and it's sad.
~Peter Parker~

Peter cradled s/o's broken body in his arms, his mind reeling in horror and despair. Just moments ago, they had been fighting side-by-side against the villain's henchmen. But in a cruel twist of fate, s/o had jumped in front of Peter to shield him from a powerful energy blast at the last second. Now she lay dying from catastrophic wounds, her breaths coming in short, pained gasps.
"No, no, no… s/o, stay with me, please," Peter begged, tears streaming down his face as he held her close. His voice cracked with anguish. "Why did you do that? I'm Spider-Man, I have powers, I could have…"
"I had to…" S/o whispered weakly, blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. "I couldn't let you die… I love you, Peter."
"I love you too. More than anything. You can't leave me, not like this!" Peter sobbed. His mind raced desperately, trying to think of some way, any way to save her. But deep down, he knew it was too late. Her injuries were too severe.
S/o's eyes fluttered as she struggled to focus on Peter's grief-stricken face one last time. "I'm sorry… Take care of yourself and stay strong… for me…"
With those final words, s/o went limp in Peter's arms, the light fading from her eyes as her spirit left her body. An anguished, inhuman howl of misery tore from Peter's throat. He hugged s/o's lifeless form to his chest, rocking back and forth as he wept uncontrollably.
His beloved s/o, the person he cherished most in this world, had sacrificed herself to save him. Devastation overwhelmed Peter, along with crushing guilt. He should have been faster, should have protected her. What good were his powers if he couldn't even keep the woman he loved safe?
As he knelt there in the wreckage, shattered by grief and loss, Peter silently vowed that s/o's death would not be in vain. He would keep fighting to protect others, no matter the cost. He owed her that much. Even as his heart lay in pieces, he would honor s/o's memory by being the hero she always believed him to be.
~Tony Stark~

Tony cradles s/o's broken body in his arms, the chaos of the battle still raging around them. Her breaths come in short, pained gasps as blood seeps through her torn tactical suit.
"No no no, stay with me baby, stay with me," Tony pleads desperately, voice cracking with emotion. He brushes her hair back from her ashen face with a shaking hand.
S/o weakly reaches up to grasp his hand. "T-Tony…"
"Shh, don't try to talk. Save your strength. I'm gonna get you out of here, you're going to be okay…" But even as the words leave his mouth, Tony knows they ring hollow. Her injuries are too severe.
Tears stream down his face as the horrible realization sinks in - she sacrificed herself to save him. Jumped in front of that blast meant for him without hesitation. And now the woman he loves is dying in his arms because of it.
"I-I had to… c-couldn't let you die…" s/o whispers, life quickly fading from her eyes.
"You shouldn't have done that! Not for me. God, not for me…" Tony's body shakes with sobs, cradling her close. "Please… I can't lose you…"
With the last of her strength, s/o reaches up to touch his face. "I love you…"
Then her hand falls limply to the ground as she breathes her last. Tony lets out an anguished cry, burying his face against her neck as grief consumes him. She's gone. And it's his fault.
The profound guilt, devastation and self-loathing would haunt Tony deeply. Blaming himself for not protecting her, for once again failing someone he loved most. Her death saving his life would weigh heavily on his soul, tormenting him endlessly. The sacrifice of his beloved s/o would break something fundamental inside Tony and leave scars that would never fully heal.
~Natasha Romanoff~

Natasha cradles s/o gently, a look of anguish on her face as she sees the severity of s/o's wounds. "Why did you do that?" she asks softly, her voice trembling slightly. "You shouldn't have…"
S/o manages a weak smile. "I couldn't let you get hurt. Not when I could do something about it." She winces in pain.
Natasha shakes her head, fighting back tears. "You brave, stubborn woman. Always putting others first." Despite the direness of the situation, there's a note of pride and deep affection in Natasha's voice.
She holds s/o closer, stroking her hair soothingly. "Just stay with me, okay? Help is coming. You're going to be alright."
S/o's breathing is growing shallower. "Nat… I need you to know… meeting you, loving you… it's been the best part of my life. You made me so happy…"
A tear slips down Natasha's cheek as she presses her forehead to s/o's. "Don't talk like that. Don't you dare say goodbye," she whispers fiercely. "You're my heart, s/o. I can't do this without you."
"You're the strongest person I know," s/o murmurs. "You'll be okay. I love you so much…" Her eyes flutter closed.
"No, no, no, stay with me!" Natasha pleads desperately. "I love you too. More than anything. I can't lose you!"
She holds s/o tightly as the sound of the medevac approaches, silently praying to anyone who will listen to let her love survive this. In this moment, the Black Widow facade is gone - there is only a woman terrified of losing the most precious thing in her world. All of her walls have crumbled, revealing the deeply vulnerable, human side of her that s/o alone was privileged to know.
It's a poignant, heartwrenching scene, illustrating the depth of love and raw, aching humanity beneath Natasha's guarded exterior. Her s/o means everything to her.
~Steve Rogers~

Steve would be utterly distraught seeing his beloved S/O gravely injured and dying in his arms, especially knowing she sacrificed herself to protect him. As she lay there growing weaker, he would cradle her gently, his blue eyes filled with anguish and glistening with tears he's struggling to hold back.
"Stay with me, please. Don't leave me," he would plead desperately, his normally steady voice breaking. The thought of losing her would be unbearable to him.
Ever the soldier, he would call urgently for medical help, putting pressure on her wound to slow the bleeding, refusing to give up. But he would also take her hand and stroke her face tenderly, wanting her to feel his presence and love in what could be their final moments together.
"You're going to be alright, just hold on," he would say, even as the life fades from her eyes. "I love you so much. I can't do this without you."
As she drew her last breaths, he would hold her close and whisper softly to her. "It's okay. You can rest now. I've got you."
Even if help arrived too late, he would refuse to let her go, rocking her in his arms as sobs overtook his body. The guilt and grief would threaten to consume him. He would forever remember her final act of love and carry it with him always, even as he struggled to imagine a life without her by his side. The woman he loved, his partner and soulmate, gone in an instant… it would shake him to his core and leave him a broken man.

Loki cradles s/o's weakening body in his arms, green eyes wide with shock and anguish as he takes in her grave injury. The chaos of battle fades into the background as his entire focus narrows to the woman he loves, her life force fading by the second.
"No, no, no…" he mutters in disbelief and growing despair. "S/o, why did you do that? Why would you sacrifice yourself for me?" His normally smooth voice cracks with raw emotion.
S/o manages a pained smile up at him, raising a trembling hand to caress his pale cheek. "Because I love you, Loki. I couldn't bear to see you hurt."
Loki shakes his head, tears welling in his eyes and spilling down his face. "You foolish, beautiful, brave woman. I never deserved your love, your loyalty." He pulls her closer, burying his face in her hair.
"I'd make the same choice again," s/o whispers. "I regret nothing… except leaving you." Her breathing grows shallower, more labored.
"Don't you dare leave me!" Loki commands desperately, his slender frame shaking with repressed sobs. "Stay with me, love. I can heal you, I can fix this!" His hands glow with seidr as he frantically tries to knit her grievous wounds back together.
But the damage is too extensive. s/o weakly grips his wrist, stilling his movements. "No, my darling. We both know… it's too late for me."
"You can't go," Loki pleads brokenly, his heart shattering. "I need you. I've lost so much already…"
With the last of her waning strength, s/o pulls his head down and presses a tender kiss to his lips. "I'll always be with you, Loki. In your memories, in your heart." Her voice is fading, her skin growing cold. "Promise me…you'll keep living. Keep fighting for good."
"I promise," Loki chokes out. "I love you, s/o. More than anything."
She smiles serenely as the light leaves her eyes. "And I love you…always."
S/o goes limp in his arms, and Loki unleashes an anguished, grief-stricken scream, his magic exploding out of him in uncontrolled waves. The battle turns in his favor as he cuts down enemies in a berserk rage, tears streaming down his face.
When the last foe falls, Loki collapses beside s/o's body, gathering her into his arms once more as he weeps, desolate and heartbroken without her. He knows he'll have to find a way to carry on, to honor her memory and sacrifice. But for now, all he can do is grieve the loss of his soulmate and vow vengeance on those responsible.
The love u give henry x reader oneshot synopsis and sneak peek

genre: fluff, comfort (mabey)
warnings: my spellings might be off, along with my punctuation.
As you two plan you escape from the lab, things dont go go smoothly because you start having second thoughts.
“im sorry, its just that i-, ive been having second thoughts about leaving” you say as you look down afraid to even meet his gaze.
“what do you mean? Were so close to finaly being free, finaly having a life of our own, and where i get to be with you for the rest of my life with out ‘papa’ being here” he said as he desperately tried to get a hold of your gaze.
you look down still thinking about your choices. As you look up your eyes meet his. His shining, blue eyes, they have u hooked. For you looking into them is the only sence of relief u have in this miserable world.
end of trailer. I really hope you liked it if this gets recived well ill be writeing a whole fic of about 2k words mabey. And i have plans to add a romantic sceen with them getting some along time.
i’ll keep your brittle heart warm.

synopsis : peter was always on your mind, you were always on his, perhaps that would make him a little bit of a distraction.
pairing : frat!peter parker x reader
wc : 1k
warnings : FLUFF FLUFF FLUFFF, uhmmm soft making out !!! other than that… i guess peter being an absolute idiot (a down bad idiot), but even if this is cliché as hell, it’s super cute and fluffy :)
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a/n : hi ! sorry the fic is a little late this week, but frat!peter has been on my mind constantly shehhsjsns <3 he’s leaning more towards the peter more than the frat butttt i wanted him to be a little softer for this one :) big big thank you to @strawberrystarcake for the help on the editing, and @toms-gf for giving me the idea (this one is for u hehe)

“parker, you joining us?” the familiar voice echoes from the other side of the room. peter winces, not at all because he was opposed to the idea, but he’d made plans with you.
“uh- i’ll catch up later? i have somewhere to be.” the boys, all spread out in various positions on the couch, smirked and ‘ooo’ed at the implications of that.
liam speaks first. “right, got plans with your girl?” peter nods.
“ooh, you’re so down bad, parker, it’s not even a joke anymore.” james, another one of his friends, gives him a soft shove.
maybe he was right.
peter had never planned for your arrangement to escalate into anything further than a fling, and though he had never been an expert when it came to matters of the heart, he knew that he was too far gone.
it wasn’t uncommon for him to find himself smiling at the thought of you. he was constantly lost in thought, and sometimes, it became difficult to snap him out of his dream-like state.
even when his mind wasn’t completely occupied by the thought of you, he found that you had been living rent free in a certain corner of his mind. he’d catch himself wondering about you or associating little things around him with you.
he wasn’t all too familiar with this feeling, but it wasn’t unpleasant, just confusing to navigate.
he’s never felt this way before. his heart never fluttered at a subtle touch, he never felt like he was melting whenever someone walked into the room, he never felt his heartbeat race at mere eye contact.
but with you? you had him feeling everything all at once.
but, of course, he hasn’t told you this, any of this. but he had a gut feeling that you might feel the same way, and that was enough for him to allow himself to fall deeper, as irrational as it may be.
it was no longer ‘maybe he was right’, and peter knew. to put it simply, he was right.
“better get going, you don’t want your girl waiting on you,” trent blurts, interrupting peter’s train of thought.
“right. i’ll see you guys later?” peter says, the boys nod and wave him goodbye as he walks out the door.
“oh, love.” liam sighs dreamily as the rest of the boys snicker.

as soon as peter enters the library, he’s met with a sense of comforting familiarity. before anything had begun happening between the both of you, you two had spent a lot of your time in the halls of this library. whether it were nights filled with endless work, or simply wandering around in attempt to find books you could read together.
he knew exactly where to find you: a certain corner of the library that you claimed to be ‘warmer and cozier’ than anywhere else.
he spots you browsing the history section, your face scrunched up, clearly focused. he sees all your things, messily laid on top of a wooden table, the one you always use.
he smiles to himself before sneaking behind the bookshelf you were browsing, and just as you pull a book from the shelf, you catch a glint of brown eyes from the other side. you stay silent for a moment, before smiling at one another.
then you shove the book between you two, and the next thing peter hears are quick footsteps.
peter’s utterly confused, he didn’t notice the look of mischief written all over his face.
“baby?” he whisper shouts, scrambling around the area before catching a glimpse of your figure, running from one shelf to another.
then it hits him, you were messing with him.
his look of mischief matches yours once he realizes, he follows quickly behind you, and before you know it, you’re up against a bookshelf, inches away from peter.
“hi.” you send him a cheeky grin, one that he sends right back to you.
“you’re going to drive me crazy.” his eyes gaze softly at yours, before trailing down to your lips.
“i know.” you quip, before moving as fast as you can to try and run away once more.
“ab-up-up.” he tuts, catching you once more. his lips brush softly over yours, lingering for a moment, before he presses his lips against yours. one hand finds its way to your waist, he uses it to pull you closer towards him.
but you find yourself shoving him aside, “peter! this is why i came early!” you slowly make your way back to the table, peter trailing after you like a puppy.
“what do you mean?” it was as if you could hear the pout in his voice, so you don’t allow yourself to look back.
“you’re… very distracting.” you make sure your tone is soft, you didn’t mean it in a negative way and you wanted peter to know that.
“am not!” he takes your hand, turns you around, and suddenly, you’re inches away from him again.
“seriously!? look at what you’re doing!” this time, you couldn’t help but giggle.
“there it is.” he smiles softly, appearing pleased.
“there’s what?”
“that laugh i’ve been waiting to hear all day.” you’re pressed against one another, his warmth surrounded you. “permission to lean in, m’lady?” dork.
“permission granted.”
he leans in, your chest feels warm as your lips make contact.
he cups your cheeks to pull you even closer, if possible, as if letting you go would be the end of him. your hands curl into his hair, you begin to feel goosebumps wherever his hands traveled; down your waist, approaching your thighs as he drew lazy patterns with his fingers.
you could never truly get over the way your lips pieced together perfectly, how it felt like his were caressing yours ever so softly.
whenever your lips part, he whispers soft words you can barely understand, like he’s taking it all in. he finds himself grinning into the kiss, which was apparently infectious, because so were you.
“told you! distraction.”
“oh, shut up.” he says, before pulling you in once more.

taglist : (send me an ask to be added hehe !) @live-laugh-lovejoy @tomsholland2412 @parkerpeter24 @herpeanutzombie
a/n : tysm for reading :) pls reblog to support your writers !!! requests are open !
Late Night Shenanigans | The Marauders x Reader

A loud sigh left Diana’s lips as she plopped down rather tiredly next to James, rolling her eyes at his horrible attempt to fix his own pair of glasses. She grabbed a hold of her wand tapping them lightly, nodding contently at the visible cracks disappearing.
“Thank you,” Diana waved him off, scanning her surroundings as she fiddled with the holes on her jeans out of habit. Spotting Remus sprawled across the floor with a thin blanket covering the lower part of his body, his sweaty bare chest heaving up and down. His face red and dripping in sweat from transitioning, eyeing the splatters of dried blood on his body including his freckled cheeks. Sirius had passed out in a corner of the room, his head thrown back as he let out soft snores, much like Peter, who was curled on Sirius’ lap.
“Hey, Diana... do you mind helping-”
“Oh of course not, Rem.” Shakily standing up from her comfortable position on the hard floor, making her way over to the tired boy who gave the brunette a weak smile. The witch grinned uttering soft spells while waving her wand over the boy seeing his wounds slowly start to close up, throwing in a quick cleaning spell so the dirt and the blood were wiped clean off.
Diana grabbed his clean pair of clothes out of their hidden drawer, holding them out for the freckled boy to take which he sat up to take a hold of them but forgot about the blanket covering his crotch. She instinctively threw his clothes down at his crotch, covering her eyes a blush making its way onto her face. Diana managed to stumble backwards falling onto James who expertly caught the witch. She peered through her fingers, catching sight of the smug smirk on his face as he adjusted his arms around her small frame.
“Fuck off, J. I regret covering Remus’ goods now, I’d much rather see that sexy man then be in your lap-”
“Rude! I’ll have you know-” She almost couldn’t hear James’ sounds of protests over the howling of Remus’ laughter, letting out a few giggles as the Chaser held her tightly against his chest. Diana sighed happily, leaning her head back to rest on his chest enjoying the feeling of his warm arms wrapped around her.
“Can you believe that only a couple months ago, I wanted nothing more than to punch you across the face?” James mumbled, feeling the girl start to giggle at his comment as he rubbed her arms comfortingly. Diana laughed at what he stated, thinking back to the endless banters during class or in the Great Hall where they would end up screaming at each other after .2 seconds of being in the same room. Her day dream ended quickly as she noted Remus standing up, his frame swaying side to side rushing up to help him put his pants on.
“D... I-I got this,” His cheeks were bright red noting that he was standing in front of this girl in nothing but his boxer briefs, using the clothes in his hand to cover his crotch. The stubborn boy refused to budge feeling his body grow more, and more red the longer she stared, nearly tensing up as she approached him.
“Give me your pants, Rem,”
“Don’t make me take it from you, Lupin. I’m just trying to help you... but if you really don’t want me to I’ll grab Potter-”
“Moony, I love you, but my arse is staying on this floor,” The brunette stuck her tongue out at Remus, crossing her arms over each other as he nodded begrudgingly. Diana began working on the sandy haired wizard, letting him rest his weight on her as much as he needed as she worked quickly and sufficiently.
“You seem to have experience dressing guys, do you do this often, Thomas?” The witch blushed profusely flipping the cackling black haired boy the bird, steadying Remus as she tugged his sweatpants over his firm butt giving him a small smile.
“Do you need my help putting on your shirt-”
“I got it, thank you Dee.” He pressed a chaste kiss onto the side of her temple, using her small frame as she led him to the bed off to the side of the room helping him sit down without hurting his bruised ribs. She let out a deep sigh, plopping down beside Remus her face buried into the tattered covers feeling her body grow heavy with sleep. The sound of someone shuffling around caught her attention, nearly letting out a scream as she felt someone jump into the bed beside her. She hastily turned to see a head full of dark brown curls, before a series of hands began tickling her sending her into a fit of laughter.
“Padfoot! You get your hands-off of me- right now!” She choked out in between laughter, trying to shove the 5′11 foot tall Marauder off of her which didn’t work out to well as he ended up falling off of the bed landing rather harshly on the floor. She gasped, rushing to peer over the edge of the bed out of worry only to be pulled onto of Sirius who gave her a cheeky grin, “You arse! I thought you were hurt,”
“I’ve done worse than fall off a bed, love. Your tiny self couldn’t hurt me even if you tried,” Diana quirked an eyebrow at the Marauder, crossing her arms rather hotly as he laughed beneath her. A bright idea came to mind leaning down to his face, congratulating herself as she saw his laughter falter and the smile wipe off of his face entirely. Her hands untangled themselves from one another, tightly clutching onto his low V-neck her lips brushing against the lobe of his ear. Sirius swallowed rather thickly, his fingers digging into her hips as he waited for her to say something. Diana inhaled deeply sending a shiver down his back, before screaming loudly into his ear making him throw her several feet back landing by James’ feet.
“What the bloody hell is wrong with you?! I can’t hear shit!”
“You should learn how to not let your hormones do the work for you, Padfoot. That’ll be your biggest weakness- oh and the fact that you’re not over 6 foot is another one,”
“Oi!” The sound of Remus and James losing it made her grin, rolling her eyes at the death glares Black was giving her, “You’re lucky that I am currently wounded, or else I would have flung you out the window”
“You wish you could throw me out the window-”
“Fucking prick- get your ass over here!” Diana scrambled onto her feet practically jumping into Remus’ arms, hiding her face into his sweater covered chest. His arms wrapped around her protectively chuckling softly into her ear, feeling the adrenaline pumping through her veins as she shielded herself from Padfoot. Before she could utter a quick thank you, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist trying to yank her backwards. Diana yelped tightened her hold on Remus, wrapping her legs around his waist so that if Sirius succeeded she would bring Remus with her.
“Let. Go. Moony.” With every word, he tugged on her small frame a smirk on his face as he eyed the sandy haired boy tighten his grip on the witch shaking his head at him. Remus made eye contact with James, motioning to the wand by his feet which he gladly picked up silently swishing his wand at Sirius sending him tumbling towards James. Sirius sat up a pout on his chiseled features, crossing his arms over his chest his biceps bulging from being in the tight shirt, “You wankers...”
“You love me, Padfoot,”
“Yeah, yeah,” He grumbled, not before letting out a soft chuckle at the way the small witch was still clunging to Remus out of fear. Remus must be enjoying himself, having one of the prettiest girls in Hogwarts perched on his lap. Sirius hummed to himself, running his fingers through his tousled hair leaning back to rest on the hard wooden floor fluttering his eyes shut.
send requests! i’m always up for writing anything, just send me a quick little inbox and i’ll make sure to write it as quickly as possible. and if you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to make it :))
Time Turner

Word Count: 4,230 words
Warnings: cursing, fluff, and some bickering between the two groups
December 6th, 1976. The East Wing. 11:37 pm.
Her hand had a tight grip on her wand, eyeing the empty corridor. The corridor looked different to her, it looked not nearly as weathered. No matter how much she prayed over and over hoping it was all a coincidence, she knew nothing would change the outcome of the situation. Not too long ago she was standing by the Greenhouses with a group of friends, twirling a necklace that they had found out by the Forbidden Forest. Next thing you know, she was left outside by herself, the necklace clutched in her hand. Diana wasn't stupid, she knew that the necklace they were messing with was a time turner. Which is why she took it upon herself to let the cool metal rest against her neck in case anything had happened. And something indeed, did happen.
"Lumos" She whispered, almost wincing at the harsh light coming from the wand. The light blue hue emitting from the tip of her wand lit up the corridor, making it easier for her to find her way down the hallway without bumping into any unknown objects. She slowly advanced forward, recognizing where she was at almost straight away, a reassuring smile making its way onto her face.
The small sounds coming from the end of the corridor calmed her down, knowing she was close to the Herbology classroom. Diana was rather fond of going there in her free time with a classmate of hers; Neville Longbottom. Neville was one of the sweetest guys in her grade, clumsiest, but sweetest nonetheless. At the mention of her friends name she felt a pang in her heart, knowing she was far from home and seeing her friends seemed like a silver lining in this night. The second she had muttered the counterspell, darkness engulfed her vision, a loud thump was heard further down the hall making her freeze up.
"Padfoot! You said the coast was clear-"
"-it was! Stop being so loud, it could be a professor for Godric's sa-"
"-SHH... I think I see someone"
The sound of bickering male voices echoed throughout the empty corridor, sent the curly haired witch into a frenzy, ducking underneath the dark oak bench resting on a nearby wall. Diana nuzzled her way underneath the bench pressing herself as close as possible to the wall, holding back a gasp at how cold stone felt against her burning skin. Her hand was tightly wrapped around her wand waiting for the set of footsteps to pass by, but they never came.
"Who's there?" A voice let out, shortly after they had spoken a loud grunt followed. She felt her eyes bulge out of her head as four set of feet appeared a couple feet away from the bench in the blink of an eye, confusion making its way onto her face. Diana gripped her wand tighter, nearly letting out a yelp as a pebble embedded itself into the soft flesh of her cheek, wiping away at her face as quietly as she could holding her breath.
"Peter, you're insufferable. We don't go around asking to get expelled. I would much rather students not know about us, I have a reputation to obtain." From her position under the bench she could barely make out their faces, but she still noted that the one on the far left was the one speaking. From what she could tell, he was tall but he wasn't as tall as the two boys standing on either side of him. She caught sight of an even shorter guy, unlike the pudgy boy who was only an two or three inches shorter than the tallest, he seemed the one closer to her height.
"Let's go inside before Moony here passes out from exhaustion"
"I'm not even tired Pads-"
"-shut it, Moonsey. You're tired."
She let out slight sound that resembled a cough, instantly tensing up pressing her face onto the cold stone floor. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Who the hell put all this dust here, she thought to herself angrily tugging her hair out of from underneath her chest, trying to let her hair cover her face as much as possible. The laughter coming from the four boys faded, a long silence quickly filled the corridor. She mentally cursed herself once again, tugging her robes closer to her body, seeing a set of footsteps come closer to her.
"Homenum Revelio" She let out a small squeal, feeling her body being tugged out from underneath the bench, like a hand had wrapped around her entire body, her skirt riding up her thighs. She immediately pulled down the thick fabric of the skirt, scrambling up onto her feet rubbing her thighs painfully as they had rubbed onto the stone floor rather harshly. Her hands brushed away small strands of hair that had managed to fall onto her face, eyeing the four dark silhouettes standing menacingly in front of her.
Lumos, she thought to herself, letting the light shine towards them. Her breath got stuck in her throat as she saw their faces, nearly freezing up as she locked eyes with the spitting image of Harry Potter. One of the guys was sporting dark brown hair, that fell a little above his shoulders in perfect semi curls. His features were sharp, and his eyes pierced into hers, a mischievous glint in his eyes. The guy standing next to him had bright hazel colored eyes, small hints of grey swirled in there, hidden behind the infamous pair of round glasses, his messy black hair splayed in all sorts of different directions. Huh, I just thought Harry hated fixing his hair.
Beside him was the guy she assumed to be her height, but he surprisingly was about 4 inches taller than her with fairly blonde hair, and big green eyes. His cheeks were slightly rosy and covered in faint freckles, but his overall appearance made him look fairly young compared to his friends. The one whose eyes had caught her attention were watching with such curiosity, his big eyes were glossed over with sleep, but they still looked absolutely breathtaking. Long, pale white scars scattered his face, along with a number of freckles splattered on his cheeks.
"Why were you hiding underneath the bench?" The shorter guy muttered, his voice surprisingly deeper than she had expected making her eyebrows raise a bit. This guy was just full of surprises, she waved her wand around in a series of tiny circles, letting small spurts of fire reach all lamps in the hall. A warmth spread throughout the seemingly cold corridor making her relax slightly, running her tongue over her bottom braces out of habit. Carefully tucking her wand into her robes, making sure not to let her guard down around the four of them.
"No particular reason. But what I will tell you is that I'm waiting to hide out until morning, so I can get to Professor Dumbledore and speak with him" She explained, straightening out her uniform, catching sight of the bright yellow patch on her left breast pocket which filled her with comfort knowing she was safe as long as she kept cover. Looking back up at the guys, a look of confusion and bewilderment displayed across their faces. The guy with glasses walked forward, his hand jutted out in front of him a cheeky smile making its way onto his face, deep dimples poking out on his cheeks.
"Well, we will help you on your so called 'hiding out'. I'm James. James Potter" He spoke, his voice full of mischief, a sense of cockiness radiating off of him. She grasped his hand, a feeling of familiarity washing over her as she heard him utter his last name shaking it firmly shifting her hand away eyeing the other three catching sight of the lion of their robes. Of course I would get the luck of bumping into a group of Gryffindor boys.
"I'm Sirius Black" The tall guy stepped up, grasping her hand in his and kissing the back of it softly. Her eyebrows furrowed pulling her hand away slightly flustered, tucking one of her loose curls away from her face. A small motion in her peripheral vision caught her attention, turning towards the guy with the scars whose hand was out a tired look adorning his face. Grasping his hand making eye contact the whole time, seeing a cheeky glint in his eyes before he turned away tucking his hands into his pockets.
"I'm Remus Lupin, and that's Peter Pettigrew." Peter faced her, giving her a crooked smile tilting his head slightly towards the floor as a sign of greeting. She waved awkwardly a teasing grin making its way onto her face, pointing her gaze down at the floor kicking the stone floor slightly before looking back up at them. Harry had never gone into full detail about his father and friends, which meant that she would have to go and learn all about the infamous Marauders, eyeing them curiously.
"I'm Diana Lopez. I should probably get going, it was nice to meet you guys! It sounded like you guys were pretty eager to get Moony to bed." She teased, seeing Remus' face flush slightly smacking a chuckling Sirius, seeing the dark haired boy winking at the curly haired witch. She rolled her eyes looking around the empty corridor a small movement catching her eye, instinctively pulling out her wand flicking it slightly towards the floor a huge gust of wind blowing the fire out. If it had been a professor, they would have asked what they were doing out of bed. And since she heard nothing, she could only assume that it had been a student eavesdropping on their conversation. The four boys pulled their wands out, turning all sorts of directions leaving no place undetected. Remus' once tired mood seem to sober up his eyes scanning his surroundings attentively. Diana casted a silent muffliato so no one would hear any spells or incantations being shouted, her grip on her wand tightening.
"Expelliarmus" Diana shouted pointing her wand toward the direction of the movement. A small grunt followed, the sound of wood clattering to the floor catching her attention. Picking up her speed jogging towards the direction, seeing a blur of robes lean down to pick up their wand swishing their wand in my direction. Her adrenaline kicked in, her instincts backing her up completely sending her wand into a flurry without a second thought.
"Protego!" She instinctively shouted, seeing the harsh amber light clashing with the light grey streak coming towards her. The tall silhouette turned around running down the corridor, their footsteps echoing as they got further away. Her feet picked up their pace, nearly catching up to the running figure that unexpectedly happened to turn a harsh right, catching her off guard. The footsteps behind her grew fainter as her speed increased, seeing the guy in front of her slow down. She leaped, feeling the wind rush through her hair before feeling his back crash onto her chest as they both came tumbling down. A loud grunt left her body as she felt the soft, plush grass on her legs wrapping an arm around the figure below her rather tightly pointing her wand at him.
"Petrificus Totalus" She muttered, seeing his body freeze up. Her hands twirled him around locking eyes with a pair of harsh brown eyes, that seemed to be staring up at her angrily. She waved her wand around the two of them, muttering an incantation to hide them from the eyes of the approaching 4 boys. Diana flicked her wand, seeing him unfreeze and then scramble up to his feet. His breathing was heavy, and his eyes were glaring daggers into her. The moonlight gave some light in the dark evening, letting her get a good view of his sharp features. His long, silky black hair hung a bit past his shoulder flowing softly from the wind his body towering over her. He stood a good half a foot taller than her, his anger radiating off of him letting her know what she had done had truly pissed him off.
"Do you find this amusing?! I'll-"
"Shh... you don't want them to hear you, do you?" Cutting him off rather aggressively with a sense of urgency in her voice stepping outside of the bubble coming face to face with the group, a look of relief washing over their faces.
"You're fast-" Peter choked out, his cheeks a bright shade of red. Diana giggled, letting her hands rest casually in front of her eyeing the group. Sirius' eyes were still on high alert, looking around for any hidden students lurking around, along with Remus whose body still seemed rather stiff.
"Just a bit. But, uhm... don't worry about the person. I'm pretty sure they ran into the Forbidden Forest out of fear,"
"Well aren't you just the sweetest, look at her Moonsey. She's already looking out for us," Sirius teased, wrapping his muscular arm around her shoulder crushing her into his chest. She tried to push against him, but to no avail letting out a huff of air letting the shaggy haired boy swing her back and forth, "Come on, love. Fight back," Diana shrugged, bringing her knee to meet his jewels sending the boy crumpling to the floor. The other Marauders burst out laughing, mainly out of surprise that she had the balls to knee Sirius.
"H-holy fuck..."
"You alright there, Siri?"
"I'm pretty sure I saw the light there-"
"Oh stop being so over dramatic." Diana bent down, letting the boy wrap his arm around her shoulders standing up to his full height some of his weight resting on her, "Would any of you guys like your man back?"James chuckled, making his way over to her practically hoisting Sirius up a grin etched on his face at the pained look on his face.
"We'll see you later, Diana. Don't have too much fun without us,"
"Wouldn't dare dream about it," She waved to the four boys, seeing them jostling the shaggy haired boy around laughing to herself facing the open space off to her side letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, waving her wand seeing the bubble waver the tall man start making its way through stuffing it into her robe pocket. Her hands brushed some leaves that had managed to get on her robes, tugging her rising skirt down her tan legs looking back up at the guy with the harsh brown eyes.
"I'm sorry for coming at you like that, I thought you were someone who wasn't supposed to be there. But I didn't mean to cause any damage. I'm Diana...Diana Lopez. Nice to meet you." She apologized, jutting her hand out a sheepish smile on her face. His eyes trailed down to her awaiting hand taking it into his large hand, shaking it rather firmly before letting his hand hang down by his side. Running his fingers through his hair, shoving his hands into his slacks drumming his thumbs on his thighs from inside his pockets, a nasty habit he had gotten into after 4th Year.
"Severus Snape... you didn't disarm me because of The Marauders, right?"
"The- the who?!" She chuckled feigning confusion, looking up at him through her glasses, her nose crinkling up cutely as she let out a tiny giggle. Dear god, this is not possible. My Potions Professor is standing in front of me. Would it be illegal to say that I find all these men attractive? Diana- you cannot find them attractive, she scolded herself, her face flushing pink. Realization dawned on him, realizing that she truly wasn't lying about why she had disarmed him.
"Nevermind that. I best be off to my dorm..." He announced turning on his heel walking away from the small girl, with the curly locks whose hair was almost the same length as his. The leather of his shoes contrasting nicely with the plush grass, taking large strides to get to his dorm quicker nearly jumping out of his skin as he saw her walking beside him, her legs having to take faster and shorter strides to keep up with his long strides. She eyed his feet noticing they had slowed down so she could keep up, a grin making its way onto her face looking up at him nodding at him in appreciation.
"A Hufflepuff, huh? How come I've never seen you before?" Severus broke the silence holding the door open to the girl, shutting it softly as they entered the warmer hallway. He saw that she had tensed up at the mention of that, immediately racking his brain with a new topic to change the topic, his hands getting clammy of the thought of the first decent student he's met in a while being uncomfortable. The question Severus has asked filled her heart with a pang of hurt, not knowing when she would be able to return back to her friends and family. She sighed, facing him from her sitting position on a ledge that they had sat on, after walking for a couple of minutes in a comforting silence.
"You're not gonna believe me but it's better to get things off my chest than to hold them in, am I right? Well...I came here because of a time turner. The time turner had been broken before these girls that I was with started messing with the 'pretty necklace' so I put it on in case anything did happen. And next thing you know, I bumped into those four, the ones you call 'The Marauders'. So I truly don't know how I'm going to get back... especially since I have no idea how many turns they managed to do considering how far back I went." She explained, running her hands through her messy curls catching Severus' eye, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. The silence grew longer, her nerves getting the best out of her with every second ticking by. Severus stood up, jerking his head as a sign for her to get up and follow him. Diana stood up pulling her robes closer to her body, shivering slightly as the wind had gotten increasingly got colder the longer the night dragged on. He waved his wand at her silently without her noticing, keeping his eyes staring ahead a warmth washing over her, feeling her whole body fill up with the warmth sighing contently.
"Come on... I think sleep is needed for the two of us. If you don't mind, we will be making a trip to my dorm. The guys who had to share a dorm with me, were too scared of me so they are sharing with other guys in our year. Pretty irrational if you ask me... but you get to have a whole room to yourself" She giggled quietly letting the comforting silence dawn over the two of them. Severus reached behind him wrapping his hands around her robe, tugging her into a secret entrance, hearing her gasping softly as a secret door had opened out of the blue. If she was being completely honest she had zoned out and had no idea how they had gotten there, and what he had done to let himself into the common room. His grip had loosened, removing his hold on her entirely swishing his wand around the pair letting themselves melt into their surroundings, gesturing her to follow him. Her small legs could only go so far, trying to keep up with him nearly bumping into him as he slowly came to a stop. The smell of mint and aftershave filled her nostrils, a smell that was so far fetched from what the Hufflepuff common room smelt like, but she didn't seem to mind it as much.
"My dorm isn't messy or anything, but be careful not to touch anything of mine. All of my belongings are jinxed so only I can lay a finger on them." Severus explained, turning the silver knob opening the door for her to pass through. She was in awe at the gorgeous emerald walls, the light grey curtains framing the window nicely giving the room an elegant vibe to it. There were four empty beds, all adorned with the same emerald comforter, fluffy white pillows pressed against the headrest. Diana liked the coziness of the room, unlike the weird sensation she felt in the main common room area before she could continue admiring the room he had turned the lights on. The room looked even prettier, the emerald practically sparkled with the help of the vibrant light in the room, the silver lining on the sheets giving it that final touch. She could immediately tell which one was his by the letters and photographs taped to the wall surrounding the bed farthest from the other three empty beds, small journals and trinquets adorning the dresser beside his bed.
"Woah... your room is absolutely breathtaking. I like the decorations by the way, gives the room a homier feeling." She giggled, playfully shoving against him his body going rigid. He wasn't used to people touching him without intending to hurt him. The last person to have done that was Lily Evans, but he brushed it off knowing those weren't her intentions.
Diana sluggishly walked over to the bed closest to the window plopping down tiredly, face first into the cool comforter. The comforter was soft, and cozy which only egged her to not move from her current position but knew she had to get dressed out of her uniform. A switch going off in her head, lifting her head up staring at Severus who was already staring her. Standing up a sheepish smile on her face, making her way over to him after having kicked her shoes off at the foot of the bed. He eyed her curiously, tugging his robes off placing them on a coat hanger near his dresser, fiddling with his emerald striped tie tugging it off his neck tossing it on the bed. Diana’s heart fluttered a little bit at the sight of him undressing in front of her, shaking her head of those thoughts about her professor.
"I umh...need something to sleep into... do you think-"
"-Lily left something here that belonged to James. And a few of her other clothes... I was going to throw them into the fireplace but you seem to need them more" He muttered quietly, making his way over to his trunk pulling out an oversized maroon sweater the words Quidditch Captain stitched across the back in a lovely golden thread. Diana ran her finger over the name embedded into the left breast; James F. Potter. Severus handed her a pair of clothes that were neatly folded, her small hands clutching the soft fabric thanking him quietly. She scanned the room for a bathroom, briskly walking over to the cold room proceeding to shut the door behind her.
Diana stared into her reflection, her doe eyes staring back at her as she proceeded to undress. Her wand was set on the counter, along with her robes that contrasted deeply with the stark white marble counter. The grey sweater coming off her body shivering as the cold air touched her, goosebumps covering her body, leaving her in her white button up and black skirt. After she had stripped to just her undergarments and a pair of white knee high socks that she had found, oddly enough, stuffed into the clothes she was handed, but she wasn't complaining. Her hands steadily picked up a soft pair of shorts out of the options she had, pulling it over her legs, hastily tugging the thick sweater over her head inhaling the sweet scent of mango, the soft fabric coming to mid thigh.
Granted she did have to adjust the size of the shorts since they were a tad bit too small around her hips, but besides that the clothes fit her nicely and comfortably. Tossing her clothes into the hamper, hopefully to wash them tomorrow morning considering she had no other clothes. A knock on the dark oak door interrupted her train of thoughts, hurriedly opening the door locking eyes with a startled Severus. His eyes trailed up and down her figure, nodding hastily letting her come back into the room her hands fiddling with her wand, setting it down noisily on the dresser beside the bed she had chosen. A soft clank echoed through the room as her 12" wand clattered to the floor a blush making its way onto her face bending over hastily to pick her wand off the floor. She huffed opting for opening a drawer, and gently placing the wand inside.
"Are you comfortable?" His voice echoed through the nearly empty room, scratching his head awkwardly. She nodded going underneath the comforter, moaning quietly at how comfortable the cold sheets felt letting her body melt into the plush beds. Severus' head snapped up at the sound, his heart beat increasingly slightly before he pushed the restless feelings deep down.
"Goodnight, Severus,"
"Goodnight, Diana..."
That climbing sensation was something he had spent years trying to push away but everything the curly haired witch did managed to weasel her way into every crevice, clambering into bed waving his wand letting the lights fade away, sleep overcoming the both of you.
a/n: i wanted to publish a finished series, instead of making some of you wait for ‘Draco Malfoy and his Rose Pt.3′ and ‘For Merlin’s Sake Pt.2′. this series is based around the marauders and snape. thank you lovelies for understanding <3
part 2 is posted!
Kate: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling?
Peter: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Y/N?
Y/N: Probably “road work ahead”.
Bucky, confused af: I speak many languages, and this is none of them.

Cheating - Peter Parker
Warning: one (maybe two) swear word, but other than that it’s fine!
Life in the Avengers tower was normal. Well, as normal as it could be in a tower filled with Earth’s mightiest heroes. Things were finally settling down after the events of the ‘civil war’ as it was referred as, the inhabitants of the tower becoming used to being around each other again and the ever-present tense atmosphere slowly dispersing as interactions became more frequent and more amicable. It still wasn’t entirely unusual to hear a few arguments from time to time, but even the Avengers weren’t expecting to hear shouting this intense anymore, especially from the two people no one thought even knew how to argue with each other.
As the youngest Avengers, Peter and (Y/N) instantly grew close to each other, bonding over school problems and the struggle to balance normal life and their lives as heroes amongst numerous other things. As a result of time, and numerous not-so-subtle nudges from the other Avengers, the two finally admitted their feelings for each other and had been happily dating for the last year. Their relationship was a refreshing change for the rest of the Avengers, even Sam had to admit that. The two of them were almost always together, laughing at some random joke or speaking quietly to each other about lord knows what, and they reminded the others of the things they were fighting for.
The happy couple had never argued about anything more serious than the best ice cream flavour, a subject that still causes conflict between the two. Nevertheless, it seemed that nothing could ever tear the two apart. That idea started to crumble in the minds of Earth’s mightiest heroes when they heard shouting coming from the room the two of them had been in for the last 30 minutes.
“You cheated! How could you? You promised you wouldn’t!” (Y/N)’s voice rang out loudly. In the kitchen the rest of the group were sitting, looking at each other in a mixture of confusion and concern for the couple.
“Babe, no! I swear I didn’t cheat!” Peter replied quickly, trying to appease his girlfriend’s anger.
“Oh get fucked Parker!” At that they group in the kitchen decided it was time to intervene before the situation got too out of hand.
“Alright, everybody calm down, what’s going on?” Tony led the group into the room, all of them prepared to have to stop some sort of fight. The two teenagers twisted around from their spots on the floor, each sitting on their own bean bag.
“Peter’s a big fat cheater, that’s what’s going on!” (Y/N) exclaimed, making Peter throw his hands in the air.
“For the last time, I didn’t cheat! The blue shell is a perfectly valid tactic!” (Y/N) glared at Peter.
“What the hell are you two arguing about?” Tony asked, the group still completely in the dark about the cause of the dispute between the youngest Avengers.
“Peter blue-shelled me!”
“He what?” Natasha asked.
“(Y/N)’s angry that I won the race because I used a blue shell on her when she was in first place.” Peter explained.
“I still have no idea what they’re talking about.” Bruce muttered to Steve and Sam.
“Would one of you please explain what is going on, using normal English so that the rest of us can understand?” Steve asked, his facial expression displaying his growing exasperation at the still undetermined nature of the situation.
“I won at Mario Kart and (Y/N)’s annoyed because she was winning and then she wasn’t.” Peter explained, causing the group of adults to roll their eyes and sigh at the teenagers, realising that there was no real conflict happening and that they had left the comfort of their seats in the kitchen for nothing.
“Okay, well, I’m going back to my coffee.” Clint said, heading out the door, the others following him out except for Tony who stayed behind momentarily to look at the pair again, before chuckling to himself and finally following the others out, muttering something along the lines of “young love” under his breath.
As the door closed, the two remaining occupants of the room turned to look at each other. A moment of silence passed, before they broke it by breaking into laughter. Peter gently tugged on (Y/N)’s arm, prompting her to lean down to rest her head on his lap, his fingers automatically going to her hair.
“ ‘m sorry babe.” Peter muttered, twirling a strand of her hair between his fingers.
“It’s okay, I’ll forgive you this time.” The girl replied, a smile crossing both of their faces. “But next time I’m going to absolutely wreck you, mark my words.”
“Whatever you say babe.” Peter replied, smiling softly at the girl in his arms.
In that moment, the rest of the world faded away, even the game on the TV becoming a distant memory, as they fully relaxed into each other and entered into a state of pure contentedness in the presence of the one they loved.
Peter Parker - Homework

Requested by peterparkersnerdgirl : “Hey Can u do an imagine where Peter Parker was helping u with your homework and u get distracted by him and u started kissing him”
Your brain was a marvellous tool which allowed you to get into Midtown School of Science and Technology, a school full of kids who were geniuses in one way or another. Your natural talent for languages and maths was incredible, putting you in the high end of every class, except for one.
“Peter I don’t get why this is necessary, woodwork is such a useless and irrelevant class,” you whined to your boyfriend of a year, who just rolled his eyes and shook his head from his position on your bed. The two of you had a tradition of spending the weekend at each other’s house, which your parents and his aunt had eventually agreed to, provided the two of you did all your schoolwork. Unfortunately for you, this included your woodwork project.
“C’mon (Y/N), it’s not that bad.”
“Not for you it’s not, you’re actually good at it.” You got up from the foot of your bed and dramatically flopped down next to Peter, causing some of his pens to fall onto the floor.
“You’re good at it too babe, it’s a lot easier if you spend more than three minutes working on it though.” He retaliated, not taking his eyes off his page which was filled with physics equations and roughly sketched diagrams.
“But I’m not, Pete!”, you continued, “I know how it should work, but then I try it and it doesn’t work!” Even Peter couldn’t deny it, he’d seen first-hand how your attempts to construct even the simplest of things somehow managed to go wrong.
Peter glanced over to your workstation in class, only to do a double-take upon seeing the state of your project. You were supposed to be making a cupboard as your final project of the year, but you had somehow managed to put on the doors backwards with the handles facing in, making you unable to open it to fix it. You were sat there with a look which Peter had to make a real effort not to laugh at. Not out of malice, of course, but because the face which you pulled reminded him so much of a picture Ned had shown him in a study period earlier that day.
“Haven’t we done enough work anyway? We’ve been doing this for as long as I can remember!”
Peter laughed. “We’ve been doing homework for less than an hour, (Y/N).”
“What?!” You shot up from your lying down position, looking at him in despair before dropping back down. “Ughhhhhhh, I give up. Is it too late for me to drop out of high school?” Peter just chuckled and turned back to his homework, focusing back in on the question he was working on before your interruption.
You meant to try your work again, you really did, but instead you found yourself watching his face with a level of intensity that probably would’ve been creepy if the two of you hadn’t been together for as long as you had. His brow creased slightly and he pressed his lips together whilst twirling the pencil he held in his hand. His hair fell slightly in front of his eyes and god knows how many freckles he had dotted on his face.
“I really need to stop”, you thought, “this really is getting creepy.” But you couldn’t seem to pull your gaze away from his adorable face.
“How on Earth did I get so lucky with this guy?”
Somehow, maybe due to his spidey sense, Peter looked up from his work and back to you, feeling you watching him with such intensity and adoration. He smiled back down at you, raising his eyebrows slightly.
“Can I help you?” He joked, slowly coming to terms with the fact that the two of you probably wouldn’t be getting much more work done. He expected some kind of witty answer that you usually came out with, but was instead met with a pair of hands on his cheeks, pulling him down to your level, followed by a pair of lips being pressed to his. After a moment, he was released and pushed himself up slightly so he was hovering just above you.
“What was that for? Not that I’m complaining, obviously you can do that whenever you want, I really don’t mind, but-“ Peter’s high-speed rambling was cut off by a soft laugh which made him stop in his tracks and gaze down at who he thought was the most beautiful person who ever existed.
“God, I love you Pete.” His smile grew even wider, which you hadn’t even thought was possible at this point, and he leaned down again to press another gentle kiss to your lips.
“I love you too, (Y/N). Very much.”
Peter adjusted himself so he was lying next to you, taking your hand in his and gently playing with your fingers. After a moment of silence, you turned to him.
“Hey Pete?”
“How much self-restraint did it take for you to not quote Star Wars at me just then?”
“Oh god, so much, you wouldn’t believe how hard that was for me!”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry it took so long for me to write this but I hope you liked it! Also this is the picture I was talking about which is a constant mood tbh

Requests are still open!