anonofthemys - The collective unconscious
The collective unconscious

I think deeply on characters nobody cares about

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Enlil Headcannon

Enlil headcannon

In her own warped way, Enlil actually thinks of Hikari as a friend. She was the people she had the most investment in out of everyone else in the theater. Unfortunately, because of her makeup as a collective being, she could not fathom her method of "helping" people as wrong. Also, despite looking the contrary, she is really insecure about Hikari's disapproval. A good thing to note is that while she is dismissive about the other's arguments against her ideals (and by extension her very existence), she only gets visibly distraught when Hikari joins in with them. It is part of what gets her to change into her final form. Her perceived "affection" towards Hikari is also the main reason why she DOESN'T attack her in the final battle. Enlil already Thanos snapped the three wildcards quite effortlessly, and Hikari has only 15 hp. If Enlil wanted to erase Hikari and be done with it, she could have. But instead she seems to treat her with pity, even somberly saying her name to herself when she's wasting her voice on what she perceived as a hopeless effort. Unlike Yaldabaoth's relationship with Ren, Enlil seemed to be genuinely fond of Hikari, in her own twisted way. Like Izanami, Enlil genuinely thinks placing people into theaters full of depressing movies is helping them cope. She can't comprehend any other solution because of her literally being a negative aspect. Her transforming back into her Nagi form before fading back into the collective unconscious was a last ditch effort for to be remembered fondly in Hikari's eyes, as the "person" she knew her as for the most time.

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