{Anonymous Hopeful}-{20}-{He/Him} Welcome to my little corner of Hell. Here's where I'll post art, share my insane fanfiction, and maybe even share a thought or two. If we could ignore anything posted in the 2010's, that would be neat. CURRENT FANDOMS: Danganronpa (series) Cookie Run: Kingdom, Stardew Valley, Vtubers, That's Not My Neighbor SIDE FANDOMS: Homestuck My Little Pony Steven Universe Boyfriend to Death
234 posts
The Soul Society (Chapter Two: And We Shall Ride Forevermore)
The Soul Society (Chapter Two: And We Shall Ride Forevermore)
First chapter is here:https://anonymous-hopeful.tumblr.com/post/168367064353/the-soul-society-chapter-one-snow-melts-with
Elder Kettle sat alone in his room, his cane tapping the floor. Once the members of the society had left for the brief recess, he had checked on the young sippy cups laying asleep in their cribs. Both Cuphead and Mugman hadn't awoken during Chill E.'s storytelling, thank goodness, and after a quick kiss and a fixing of the covers, he left the young to their rest. The kettle smiled fondly; he remembered that it wasn't too long ago when the stork had left the babies at his doorstep. In fact, it was a few months after the casino was built. There was no doubt in the elder's mind that during that time when everything felt dark and despaired, the two innocent babies wrapped in swaddling cloths had just brought him all of the joy in the world. As he reminesed on that fateful day, a knocking on the door had interrupted his thoughts.
Sighing, Elder Kettle eased up from his rocking chair and made his way to the door, finding himself surprised when he saw the Blind Spectre on the other side.
"Spectre? Don't ya have somethin' ta do with the Phantom Express?", Elder Kettle asked, displaying a look of concern.
"Yes...well, um...I should but...I just...wanted to look...at the babies.". Spectre explained, a nervousness in his voice.
Elder Kettle thought for a moment. Spectre, as he now is, was an optimistic, charming young lad, especially when he was human, despite his total blindness and speech impediment. Ever since what...happened...however, he was gifted with vision in his afterlife, and from then he had spent his free time seeing everything he had missed in Inkwell Isle. Giving a gentle smile, Elder Kettle had let Spectre in, and allowed him to see the sippy cups.
Grinning wide, Spectre opened up his eyes, or rather, his hands, to see the little ones.
"Oh...they're adorable...I wish they...were awake...so then I could...hold them.", Spectre said, a genuine happiness in his voice.
Elder Kettle nodded, agreeing with the spirit. "You still haven't told me why you had to look at the boys so urgently.".
"Um...well...I can...see...into the future!", he proclaimed, before adding, "I see those two saving us all...no more debts...".
This had piqued Elder Kettle's interest. "Really, now? Well, what exactly didja see?".
The Blind Spectre tapped his chin. "I can't...describe it well...I think they destroyed them...but I'm not sure why...or how they...got them in...the first place.".
Before Elder Kettle could respond, the grandfather clock in the living room had rung, signalling the end of the recess...
Even though they were often called by nicknames (T-Bone, the blind lad, and simply the twins), they did indeed have real names. Yes, not many would know, but the men who worked the Inkwell Express were originally from somewhere else on the globe, a place that didn't have the astounding magics of Inkwell Isle, but where the people spoke eloquently with a rich and fluttering accent that made the poorest of pesants sound regal. The one called T-Bone, the oldest member of the Express crew, had the name Thomas Hardwick. He himself had spent majority of his life in the fancy magic-void place, making a living as an engineer.
The twins, slightly older than the blind lad, but only by a few years, were Billy and Bobby Blayzon. They certainly were an interesting duo; styled their hair the same, always finished each other's sentences, never separated from one another. Thomas had found them trying to sleep in one of the train's freight cars one night in a blustering winter, the only thing keepng them warm being their ragged overalls and a single piece of cloth barely large enough to cover one brother. When confronted, they had told their story; their mother would terrorize them, beating their bodies since they could breathe. Without a father to protect them, the boys suffered until one day, when they had stowed away enough supplies, they had escaped, and hadn't looked back since then. The young teens begged the older man to let them stay, and Thomas, feeling pity, would teach them how the locomotive worked, having them do a job in exchange for a home, and at the slight expense of Thomas, cash.
The blind lad would not come into the picture until many years later. While the lad was a teenager, the twins were in their twenties, and Thomas was almost fifty-eight. A group of people were loading into the train to travel to far destinations; for some, it was work, for othera, it was school or home. One fateful day, the lad had boarded the bus. Even though he hadn't a stick or a dog, Thomas could tell he was blind. His eyes were a haunting shade of blue, and they'd loll about carelessly, never focusing on one thing. Somehow, the lad had managed to make his way on, find an empty seat, and crack open a book without any assistance. Feeling the need to talk to the boy, Thomas made his way over to him and sat down.
"Are ya new here?"
"Hm?", the lad answered, his head turning to the sound of the older man's voice.
"Are ya new? I ain't seen the likes of ya here before."
"What a thick accent...are you from...the countryside?"
Thomas looked at him, confused.
"Sorry...Random question... I'm new here, yes...It was rather easy ...navigating my way, however.... I told mother... I'd be fine by... myself, after all, I did graduate ...Nottingham's School for the Impaired... with top honors, and... even my assistant says... that I'm more ...than able to get around.... without trouble. I just use... my hands as eyes,... they work just as ...well, if not better... that actual eyes.".
The blind lad chuckled before continuing.
"My name is... Emery Spectre, my apologies... for not mentioning sooner. I've been told ...I have a high level of... brain power. One day, I hope... to be the first blind person... to operate a locomotive...ambitious, huh?".
Thomas grinned, though he knew Emery couldn't see him.
"Well, if yer interested, I happen ta be the conductor of this here train.".
Emery was quiet for a moment, before replying, "I will most... definitely consider.".
The years had passed, and every day Emery could be spotted on the train.
"Do you think boss will-", Bobby began.
"Let Emery work train?" Billy finished, looking at Thomas with bright eyes.
This would eventually work, and Thomas was going to implore that Emery work with them, when one day, the blind lad had came to the train exclaiming that he was invited to work a train on a remote island, and that Thomas, Billy, and Bobby should come as well. Against better judgement, the three agreed, and all were on the next ferry to Inkwell Isle.
Now, Thomas, Bobby and Billy, and Emery were known as some of the few humanfolk on the Isle, and conductors of the magical Inkwell Express, who was a sentient being itself.
"Look's like we're nearin' the second part of the Isle, Head.", Thomas warned.
Nodding in response, the Head of the Train prepared to brake, coming to a slow and squeaky stop.
"Uh oh. That doesn't sound good.", the Head stated, taking a look at its brakes.
"Seems like we'll have ta cut this run short...Emery, could ya ask someone on the Isle ta warn everyone about the Devil?", Thomas inquired.
"Sure, of course...I'll be back soon!", Emery replied, getting off the train to travel around the carnival around them.
Who would be the best to spread the word around this part of the Isle? Grim and Wally could fly, but Grim had a stuttering problem, sort of like he did, and Wally refused to leave his nest for anything. That left Djimmi, Beppi, and the Baroness. Emery stopped to think a bit. Who was the most mature and efficient? Actually, that didn't take much thought. Now, Emery was making his way to the Baroness' castle.
The huge thing growled at him with a mean grimace as he stood in front of it.
"Pardon me, but...I have news for ...the Baroness, and I ...mean no harm.", Emery stated calmly, soon after hearing the clicking of high heels down stairs.
"Aha! I thought that was your sweet voice, lad! Please excuse my castle; he isn't used to the sight of you yet, as you barely come by! Tell me, what news do you have?", the Baroness inquired, quite merrily.
"I regret to ...inform you that ...the Devil's Casino ...is up and running. We on the ...Inkwell Express had ...come to warn everyone ...on this part of the Isle ...and the next, however... the Express isn't ...at it's peak performance. I implore you ...to tell everyone ...on this part ...of the Isle.", Emery answered.
"Oh my! I shall! I shall, and right away, too! Sir Waffington! Gather the other members of the court! We have a mission to fulfill!", Baroness von Bon Bon cried out as she went back into the castle. A moment later, she came back out to say,
"Tell Rumor that I said hello, and come back soon, sweetheart!".
Emery gave a nod and a smile as he went back to the Express.
"I told the Baroness... and she promised to ...spread the word. Will we be ...able to make a ...stop at the... first part of ...the Isle?", Emery asked, a twist of excitement in his voice.
"Ye know the train ain't working right. Why do you-!"
Thomas yelped as the train came to another squeaking halt. Immediately, he looked to the twins, who's hands were grasping the brake.
"He wants to see flower...", Bobby whistled.
"Ya know...Cagney.", Billy finished with a snicker.
Thomas rolled his eyes. Emery was an exemplary man, but there was absolutely no way Thomas could make sense of the whole...flower thing...maybe he was still getting used to the Isle, or all the weird magic, which he was also getting used to, but at the moment, he never thought about falling in love with any odd being, more or less falling in love with a flower, and a male flower at that, yet here he was, and there went Emery, into the forest to find the carnation he was so fond of.
"Cagney? Cagney...? This forest was...always difficult to...navigate...", Emery sighed, before a familiar voice (and an unfamiliar voice) caught his attention.
"Ya wouldn't believe it, Cags! That's the fifth time today one of us has been plucked from the ground! The punk lady didn't even ask or check if he was alright! She just turned around and gave him to her friend, like a gift! I'm tellin' ya, Cags, the vegetation of Inkwell Isle barely get any pod-pickin' respect! More so the flowers! Plucked from the dirt and made into bouquets and decor! One day I oughta-".
"Calm down, Dave, you don't want to loose your petals again! Though I agree with you completely! We must establish our dominance, not just in the forest, but in the rest of the isle! Extreme pollination, total domination!".
"Haha, yes! This is why yer the flower's flower, Cags! Extreme pollination, total domination, that's what you say! If only! One day, at least...humph.".
Nervous, Emery turned toward the voices. He had taken a step, than another, before managing to step on a rather loud...something.
"Wha?! Who is it this time?!", the small, angry flower grumbled.
"Emery? Oh my, how much of that conversation did you hear...?", Cagney chuckled nervously.
"All the same...you and your plan...I'm terribly sorry ...for your friend.", Emery replied.
"Ah, save it. Yer lucky ya only stepped on a branch. Dang humans, ruinin' the welfare...", the flower muttered, stomping away.
"You'll have to pardon my friend, David Daysie, he isn't as open-minded about humans as others.", Cagney apologised.
"Oh, no, it's not...an issue, I just...wanted to talk with...you before we...on the Inkwell Express...head back.", the other proclaimed.
" Oh, you're too kind! Nice to have someone, a human, who understands the pain that flowers are subjected to. If only there were more like you.", Cagney sighed.
Emery had inched forward, his hands in front of him, until he felt Cagney's soft petals. Remembering again the structure of Cagney's face, Emery cupped his lower petals and kissed the flower on his forehead.
"There are more, you'll see...". Emery sighed.
"Heh...humans understanding us? Never...Inkwell Express, huh?"
A while later, Emery had returned to the train.
"Thank goodness. We gotta be headin' back now, the trains getting more wonky.", Thomas warned.
"Uh oh...let's hurry back...", Emery concurred.
"I can handle this last ride back!", the head of the train claimed, as he began to work his way down the track.
The first moments for the ride back were fine, and the head was having no problem. After rounding a turn however, the head, as well as the crew, noticed that something was wrong.
"Hey, shouldn't we be slowing down?", Thomas asked as the train accelerated more.
"Well, yes, but...I'm not slowing down for some reason. Last time we checked, I thought it was the engine that wasn't workin!," Head exclaimed.
"Billy? Bobby?", Thomas inquired.
"Don't look at us!", Bobby cried.
"We didn't break anything!", Billy added.
Thomas nodded. "Well, then, if the brakes aren't working, I guess...hey, where's that lever?".
The crew looked at the control panel, nearly jumping in horror at the reveal of no manual brake lever.
"Yikes! We've been sabotoged!", Thomas cried out in fear.
"What? What are we...to do?", Emery asked, shaken.
"I...um, well, we can't jump, so...", Thomas replied, looking over at the others.
"Huh? No, you aren't...", Billy gasped.
"...saying what we think?", Bobby whimpered.
"We're in a runaway train, going who knows how fast...I don't know what to do!", Thomas panicked.
"Wait! I'll keep us going until we can come to a safe stop. We aren't giving up yet!", the head yelled.
"Head, I applaud ya, but this train is going to crash! Yeah, we'll keep going, but what about those mountains, or the amusement park? We have to accept that we're not making it out of here. There's no way.", Thomas sighed.
"But I could save you all at least! I don't want ya dead! Not on my watch! Couldn't I try?", the head pleaded.
"Head...listen when I say this...crash the train.". Thomas ordered.
"But...but...", Emery stuttered.
"Wait! Couldn't we-", Bobby chimed, before being cut off with Thomas yelling, with tears bursting out of his eyes,
and the head silently agreeing...
The thunderous crash was heard throughout the Isle. Nearly, no, everybody knew what had happened. The wreckage was an atrocity, for when the train had collided with the side of the mountain in the third part of the Isle, there was a slight outbreak of fire fueled by the train's tinder. The head was busted and dented, just barely hanging by a shoestring. The others...practically crushed, even charred.
"A train wreck? How awful...King Dice?"
"Why, yes, boss?"
"Let's see if we can't get some free souls.".
King Dice, dressed dapper and stylish as always, walked out to the wreckage. In the side of the mountain, near the casino, lay the busted train. Scowling, the die surveyed the area, seeing if there was anyone on the train to deal with. He had peeked inside one of the passenger cars of the locomotive, cringing when he saw the bloodied and broken bodies inside. Shaking his head, he looked around a bit more, spying the Head of the train crying weakly though busted beams.
"Rough day, eh pal?", King Dice inquired, his best expression of sorrow on his face.
Gradually, the Head looked over at the die, not able to muster a word.
"I don't blame you. It's not everyday something like this happens. I never rode the Express myself, but I've heard good news about it. I mean, twins, a blind lad, and a conductor from a foriegn land running a train? Amazing, in itself. If only there was a way to, I don't know, bring it all back? To continue riding on?.", Dice hinted, a smirk making its way to his face.
The Head didn't speak, more...coughed, but King Dice continued on nonetheless.
"I can't bring them back from the dead, per se, however, I could them, and the train an afterlife! Train for the dead! How about that? Instead of the Inkwell Express, it could be the uh...Phantom Express! Yes, the Phantom Express. How does that sound?', King Dice asked the Head.
"...y.....ye...yes....", the Head uttered.
"Well, it won't take much. All you'd have to do is sign a soul contract. It's a fair deal; I make your friends undead train conductors, you sign the souls over to me and my boss, and hand them over when it's time. We got a deal?", Dice implored with a sleazy look about him.
With the wave of his hand, a contract appeared, a blank line waiting to be signed.
"All ya gotta do is say yes."...
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More Posts from Anonymous-hopeful
The Real Slim Mugman (sample)
This may offend some :)
Honestly, someone should have beat me to this...if you want a full version, please, spread this weird mess, reblog like, anything to support it! Hopefully I can do more parodies!
In memory of the Mugman army glitch.
May I have your attention please?
May I have your attention please?
Will the real Slim Mugman please stand up?
I repeat, will the real Slim Mugman please stand up?
We're gonna have a problem here.
Ya'll act like you've never seen a cup person before
Jaws all on the floor like Ribby and Croaks just burst through the door
Started spittin' out flies more than before, then doin' a Garnet
And fusing into a slot machine (huh?!)
It's the return of the-
Oh, wait, you're kidding.
He didn't just say what I think he did...did he?
And Goopy Le Grande said...
(so that's what that grave meant!)
Feminist women love Cuphead
Chicka, Chicka, Chicka
Mugman should be freakin' dead
Look at them!
Walkin' around
Pointing his you-know-what
Sippin' his you-know-who
(Yeah, but he's so cute, though!)
So I probably have a couple of chips up in my head loose
But they're no worse than what's goin on in King Dice's bedroom
And sometimes, I just wanna go and vent for an hour but can't
But it's cool for Blind Specter to f*ck a flower
My straw is on your lips
My straw is on your lips
And if I'm lucky, you might just give it a little sip
And that's the message that we deliver to gamer kids
And expect them not to know what "extreme pollination" is
Of course they're gonna know what flower porn is by the time they hit Sally's stage
They got Deviantart, don't they?
We ain't nothin but magical
Some of us are mystical gorgon mermaids that made a million gamers moan
But if we can f*ck a flower and a gorgon though
Then there's no reason that the Devil and a die can't elope
But if you think like me, I got the antidote
When you make her curtains close
Ya'll just sing the song
And it goes
"I'm Slim Mugman,
Yes, I'm the real Mugman
All you other Slim Mugmen
Are no longer canon
So won't the real Mugman please stand up?
Please stand up?
Please stand up?
Cause, I'm Slim Mugman,
Yes, I'm the real Mugman
All you other Slim Mugmen
Are no longer canon
So won't the real Mugman please stand up?
Please stand up?
Please stand up?"
And you as well, princess! May your holiday and New Year be prosperous and full of merriment! 😌

Sending some love to my followers, as well as some lovely people this holiday season!
@chibibreeby @charlotteml1 @cheezbot @popsicle-shtick122 @iscrumptiouswitchkoala @cicicookie123 @flakythekawaiiporcup @gotchistuff
@oliviamcrobinson @cutekiller50 @corrupteddragonsoul @charlottezift @haanbeii @sparkle-cup-cake @nininiino @maiko-coy @gagney
Guess Who's Sick!
No posts today 😣

Danganronpa: Quest For Hope!
Available on AO3!
Start from the beginning: https://anonymous-hopeful.tumblr.com/post/168895738213/danganronpa-quest-for-hope
Chapter Three: Computer Chip
Welcome back! Continue game?
Let's go!
CONGRATULATIONS: CHIHIRO FUJISAKI ( the tech apprentice) AND HIS MONOBUNNY MONOMI HAVE JOINED YOUR PARTY! Give yourself a pat on the back! You've earned it!
UNLOCKED WEAPON: Hacker Program!
(Chihiro's tablet contains many apps, but none of them are like the hacker program; with time, it can be upgraded, but for now it can tap into a Monobear's system and fry the circuits! How shockingly fun!)
( Before the attack, Taichi Fujisaki hid a computer chip in a small red box. The chip was an unorthodox tracker, and with the right programming, it can help find other vessels!)
Begin quest?
CHIHIRO: H-hey, Sonia? You wouldn't be too upset if I led us on a mini-quest, would you?
"Of course not! Lead the way!"
CHIHIRO: Oh, thank you!
You are now playing as CHIHIRO FUJISAKI.
You lead the party back into the township. Along the way, however, you come across a MONOBEAR!
(There are two things you can do; attack, or flee!)
(Attacks: Hacker Program)
(You used the Hacker Program! It's super effective! The Monobear's circuits are fried!)
SONIA: Nice going, Chihiro!
MONOMI: Yeah, you weally showed that Monobear what for!
You continue on your quest through the town, making sure to pick up the ten Hope Shards the Monobear dropped.
MONOMI: Ooh! Ooh! I have a tingwy feewling! Near this buiwlding!
You read the sign on the building.
Enter the Library?
You, Sonia, and Monomi enter the building. Only two people were inside: a blonde reading a book, and the librarian drooling over him. When the door closes, the librarian is snapped out of her trance.
LIBRARIAN: Wh-what do y-you want? Since the recent attack, no ones been here...except my white knight, of course...
"Actually, we're not here for books. "
LIBRARIAN: What?! Then why are you here?
"We're looking for something my father hid... a small, red box. It may have something that will save the kingdom....or at least help us save it."
LIBRARIAN: I don't remember anything like that...I guess I'll let you search the shelves...no one else is popping up anytime soon...
"Thank you!"
You and your party split up to find the box. There are thirty shelves, so all three of you can search in a specific section.
SONIA: I've found something!
MONAMI: Me too!
" I found something as well. Let's see..."
You, Sonia, and Monomi meet up and view your items...somehow, all three of you have red feathers.
LIBRARIAN: Did you find it?
MONOMI: No.. just these wed feathewrs...
Monomi goes to the librarian and hands her the feather. Unknowingly, the feather had quite a lot of dust, which causes the librarian to sneeze.
MONOMI: Bwess you!
You and your party watch as the librarian stumbles backwards, then springs back up with a rather altered personality...
???: GUESS WHO!!!
SONIA: You look quite different...
???: Funny, because we're practically the same person. Me and her, not you and I.
???: Heck yeah! Allow me to introduce myself. I am the amazing GENOCIDER SYO! However, more often than not you'll see Miss Lame herself, TOUKO FUKAWA...
SONIA: Well, it's nice to meet you...both of you!
GENOCIDER: She can't answer you right now. In case you didn't notice, it's either me or her at one given time. The thing is, when I'm me and I'm told stuff, she doesn't know, but I know what she knows. I'd appreciate if she would at least take the time to listen.
"Wait a minute. She won't remember things you've done?"
GENOCIDER: Not a thing.
"You wouldn't happen to know about a small, red box, would you?"
???: Imbeciles, don't you know how to ask for help?
SONIA: I don't follow.
???: IF you weren't paying attention, I was sitting here the whole time.
MONOMI: Why's that important?
???: Maybe if you had the brains to talk to me, I would have informed you that I have your box.
"For real?"
The boy pulls the box out of his pocket and shows the group.
???: Your father, Taichi, gave me the box while he was trying to escape. He told me not to open it, and instead hold it until I came across you.
"Oh! Well...thank you...um..."
???: Byakuya Togami, the heir to this kingdom's finest business.
SONIA: Who knew such a big shot was in love with a librarian?
BYAKUYA: That...............is not true...
"....I'd appreciate it if you gave me my box..."
BYAKUYA: One condition.
SONIA: Sure, what?
BYAKUYA: I want in on your little quest. If the princess-
SONIA: Queen, actually, I haven't had my coronation.
BYAKUYA: The Queen, the son of a tech wizard, and a monobunny are working together, then this is important. I. Want. In.
Genocider Syo sneezes, then changes back into Touko.
TOUKO: Ugh, what'd I miss?
MONAMI: Nothing mwuch! You two get to joiwn owr adventuwr!
BYAKUYA: I'm sorry, what?
MONAMI: Both of you are Vessels for hope! It'd be bad if both of you didn't joiwn us!
BYAKUYA: Ugh... I guess it wouldn't hurt.
Byakuya hands you the box.
TOUKO: Well, if my white knight is going, I'm joining too...
"Yay! And now..."
You open the box, which contains a computer chip. After that, you pull out your tablet, and a nifty keyboard. Once they're connected, you add the computer chip, and download an app.
"..It'll be easier to find everyone else! This computer chip has a tracking app that will help us find the others!"
SONIA: Nice! I'll have to thank your dad later. For now, we must continue! Despair shan't win!
Save game?
*Yes NO
Save complete.