113 posts

Perfection O()o

Perfection o(✯◡✯)o

For the fox requests, ler Miguel and lee hobie, where hobie has been annoying him all day so he wrecks him?

I love your work btw

“And you… I tried to ignore you but I just can’t.”

“Just pretend I’m not even here”.

Hobie had made that sound much easier than it was- much much easier than it could ever be, and Miguel was starting to question how anyone in the Spider Society had managed to stay sane with the Spider Punk around.

“I just don’t get it, Peter. I mean.. the kid’s insane. All he does is cause problems for me- and not in the same way Miles causes problems, no. It’s worse. Hobie does it on purpose.”, Miguel sighed, leaning back in his chair as he finished his rant to Peter B, who was… definitely listening as he crocheted Mayday a rather adorable hat.

“Oh, come on, Miguel”, Peter started, furrowing his eyebrows as he concentrated on the difficult pattern he was trying to create, “The kids really aren’t that bad. I mean, sure, Hobie can be a handful, but most of the time he’s trying to get a rise out of you”, he said as he put down the crochet hook, standing up and examining the little hat with a content smile. “And besides…” he started to leave the room, stopping to stand beside Miguel for only a moment, reaching a hand out “You make it really easy”.

It was that damn spider-sense that Miguel didn’t have that left him vulnerable and had him squirming from the prodding of Peter’s fingers against his side, though they were gone in an instant as Peter left the room. Still, the blush that covered his cheeks as he grumbled was very much there as he huffed and tried to shake off the residual tingles.

“Stupid fuckin… ticklish spider people”, he muttered to himself as he sat, considering what to do about Hobie’s attitude. He stayed like that for quite a few minutes, fiddling with a pen as he considered how he’d ever manage to get Hobie to just listen for once, but after a while, he’d lost his train of thought. He found himself thinking about anything and everything that could worm its way into his mind, and he’d never admit to the small, rare smile that tugged at his lips as he thought of how Peter previously poked and prodded at his sides.

Suddenly, Miguel snapped himself out of it with a faint blush dusting his cheeks, his eyes widening as that small smile turned to a smirk as he had what he considered a phenomenal idea.

“..Ohoh… I’m gonna get that little shit so good.”


“Aye, look who’s here!”, Hobie said as he swiveled in his chair at the sound of an opening door, “What’s got you smilin’ like that, bruv? Never seen you happy before a day in my life- it was the only thing I liked about you, really”

Miguel’s smile dropped instantly, his top lip curling as he became irritated already, but he took a deep breath and pulled himself together as he remembered Peter’s words.

“He’s only trying to get a rise out of you.”

‘Right..”, Miguel thought as he took another breath, ‘He’s looking for a reaction’

‘…and he’s about to get one.’

Really, that was the only reason Hobie went out of his way to aggravate Miguel. He knew how easy it was to piss the guy off.

Miguel huffed as Hobie simply sat there, his legs propped on the table as he looked at his phone with a smug grin. There was silence for a few moments until.. thwip.

Hobie’s eyebrows furrowed as he realized his arms were stuck to his sides, his phone still in hand as he struggled against the orange webs, “Wh- are you serious? Real fuckin funny, mate. Now, let me go”, he demanded in an irritated tone as he sat up straight.

Miguel clicked his tongue as he approached the punk in a slow, almost stalkerish manner. “You know, Hobie. I struggle to deal with all of you kids. I mean, Gwen doesn’t listen to me, Pav is just all over the place all the time, and Miles… well, he’s just Miles.”

Hobie glared at the older spider as he spoke whilst he paced back and forth.

“I’ve managed so far with those three, but you… I had no idea what I was gonna do with you. I thought about it and thought about it for quite some time. You see, Hobie, you’re nothing like the other kids, and I respect you for that, but I had no idea how to work with you. You have nothing in common with them…”, Miguel placed his hands on the back of the chair, leaning down a bit, “Or so I thought… then I remembered the one tiny little thing that all spider people have in common…”.

Hobie swore he could hear Miguel grinning, but still, he sat there, completely unamused by Miguel’s little speech. “Is that supposed to scare me, old man? I’m not afraid of you. I ain’t got no reason to be afraid of you- or anyone for that matter. Now, get me out of these fuckin wEBS- ACK!”.

Hobie’s eyes widened for just a moment as he tried to twist to the left upon feeling one single claw prod at his side. He swiveled a bit in the chair to look at Miguel, who he could see now was wearing a shit eating grin. Hobie’s face turned to one of obvious irritation as he tugged harder at the webs, trying his best to get out of them. “Don’t even fuckin try it, mate. I swear to god I’ll- nngh! S-Stop that!”, he squeaked again as he felt a claw prod at his other side now

Miguel hummed, a triumphant grin on his face as he continued to give his speech. “See, to get to you, I just had to use the one thing that gets to every spider person”. Finally, he reached down and dig five claws into each of Hobie’s sides, “and you’re just as sensitive as the rest of us~”.

Hobie clenched his eyes shut, tightening his fists in an attempt to ease the horribly ticklish sensation. He was finding it harder and harder to fight the giggles bubbling in his throat. “You- You ohold bastard! Quihit it!”, he attempted to bark the words, but they came out through broken, poorly suppressed laughter.

Miguel squeezed and clawed at Hobie’s sides that were somewhat protected by the thin t-shirt he was wearing. But as he realized Hobie was doing a rather good job at holding back, the older hummed and tickled his way down to Hobie’s hips, finding the hem of his shirt and worming his fingers underneath it.

As Hobie continued to struggle against the webs, his eyes snapped open when he felt those claws against the bare skin of his hips. He jerked violently, squealing as he twisted his hips “NO- Nono nohoho! Fuhuhuck you, get AWAHAY FROM THEHERE!”.

Miguel seemed almost taken aback as the floodgates of desperate, ticklish laughter seemed to open suddenly. “Get away from the hips, huh? That’s pretty interesting. I thought all spider people had the same ti- uh… sensitive spots”, he said, blushing as he stammered over the t-word. “But you continue to prove me wrong…”

As badly as he wanted to, Hobie couldn’t keep himself from laughing as Miguel squeezed his hips rapidly, occasionally wiggling his fingers against the hipbone, “NohoHOHO! Fuhuck you! St-STOHOP IHIT YOU OLD FUHUCK!”, he twisted his hips as much as the webs allowed him to, occasionally arching his back in an attempt to get away, but those claws seemed to be attached.

Miguel hissed a bit through his teeth, Hobie’s insults certainly not hitting as hard as the poor boy laughed himself to death “Old fuck, huh? You know, you really need to watch your language, Hobie. Maybe I can fix that too”, Miguel teased, his method changing from rapid squeezing and wiggling to quick scratches and spiders against the punk’s hipbones.

Miguel really couldn’t care less about the kid’s language, he just wanted to tease Hobie.

Hobie’s laughter raised in both pitch and volume as his thrashing became frantic. He knew his hips were ticklish, but he’d never in his life been tickled like this and those fucking claws were driving him mad. “NNGH- StahaHAP! Shihit that tihIHICKLES!”.

Miguel huffed out a laugh as he laid off that particular spot, deciding to worm his claws up to Hobie’s sides very carefully as not to scratch him. Hobie’s laughter became less hysterical instantly, though it was still obviously a very ticklish spot.

“Mmm, sorry, kid. If you want me to stop, you gotta apologize for all the trouble you’ve caused, and then maybe.. I’ll let you go”, Miguel said, smiling like a Cheshire cat as he gently scratched at one side while digging into the other relentlessly.

Hobie hiccuped as he shook his head in response to Miguel’s words, “F-Fahahat chance, m-ATE! NOHOT THE HIPS AGAIN, FUHUCK!”. His laughter was full of little squeaks and hiccups as Miguel’s claws descended to his hips again.

“Yeahhh, that’s not gonna cut it”, Miguel said with a sigh as one hand squeezed from Hobie’s hips up to his sides while the other squeezed from his sides down to his hips before they swapped, keeping Hobie in a horribly ticklish frenzy. “Come on~ all you gotta say is one little word and you’re free! Unless… unless you don’t want me to stop~”, he teased, smirking as he continued to tickle at a steady pace.

Hobie’s eyes widened at the implication, and he didn’t even wanna get into why it made him blush so goddamn much, but as it started to become more difficult to form cohesive thoughts, he finally gave in

“N-NahaHAha! Okahay OKAY! I’m sOHOrry! I’m sohorry! J-Just stohop! Plehease!”

Miguel smiled victoriously as he slowly ceased his tickling fingers. Using one claw, he ripped the webs that held Hobie in place, chuckling as the usually tough Spider Punk became nearly limp in the chair.

“You-“, Hobie started as he took deep breaths, fighting off residual giggles as his hips and sides still tingled “You. Are. Awful.”, he said, glaring at Miguel as he swiveled and propped his feet on the table again.

Miguel just shrugged, “And you’re a lot squeakier than I thought you’d be”, he shot back with a smile- a genuine smile.

Hobie sat in silence for a moment, still glaring, but as he looked at Miguel and saw that happy smile that was so rarely seen, he just huffed and went back to playing on his phone “Whatever”, he grumbled.

As Miguel stood there, still poking fun at Hobie, he thought to himself.

‘Maybe these kids really aren’t that bad…’

And as Hobie sat, pretending to ignore the older spider, he thought to himself as well.

Maybe he spending time with Miguel…

..and maybe he really didn’t mind the tickling that much either.


AHHH YAY THE FIRST OF A FEW REQUESTS!! I’m very happy with the way this one turned out, and I hope I did the request justice!

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More Posts from Anonymoussomebody345


bet yall thought i was gone huh? well think again!!

im coming back with a fic trade with the amazing @lokust (go follow them NOW!)

i may be a bit rusty, but here goes nothin!

Miguel's Weakness (ATSV)

It was a peaceful evening in New York- Peter B. Parker's New York to be exact. All the spider-kids decided to come visit, just hanging out for the night. Miles, Gwen, Pav, and Hobie were all sitting at the kitchen table, while Peter was cooking, and Miguel was laying on the couch watching the news.

"Come on bro, everyone's got a weakness, something that makes them totally vulnerable, there's no way you don't have one!" Miles said to Hobie, as everyone was discussing their biggest weakness. "Nah bruv, ain' got no weaknesses, solo guy like me got nothin to be all weak about." Hobie replied. Miles was determining to get something from him, so he kept on. "Hobie come on, everyone has one, it's nothing to be embarrassed of! Pav has his auntie, Peter's got his baby, Gwen's got her dad, Captain Stacy, and I've got my parents, we all have something close that gets us, you've gotta have something!"

Hobie finally gave in. "Alright alright..mayyybe my band has a personal touch to me." Miles smiled. "See, there you go, your band!" He looked over to Miguel. "How about you, Miguel, what's your biggest weakness?" Miguel didn't look up from his phone. "No way bro, you aren't getting anything from me."

At this point, Peter started listening in, smirking. "Oh Miguel? He's super ticklish haha!" Miguel's eyes shot wide open, his face turning red. "I am not!!" he protested.

Gwen smirked. "Oh reaaally~? So the big bad Miguel O'Hara is ticklish~?" Miguel froze as all four stood up, smiling at him. "Big tough guy melts at a lil tickle, eh~?" Hobie added. They instantly surrounded him on the couch, and before he knew it, he was being held down by the four. Gwen and Hobie had his ankles, Pav and Miles holding his arms up. "He looks super nervous!! I bet his belly's super ticklish!" Pav said.

Before he could utter a protest, he was being attacked all over. Hobie and Gwen scribbling his feet, Gwen's freshly manicured nails doing the most damage, while Pav was poking and squeezing at his belly, and miles was digging into his underarms.

Miguel was practically screaming with laughter as he tried to pull his arms away, only for their grips to tighten. "Awww, wha's wrong, tough guy? Feelin' a bit ticklish~?" Hobie teased. "All that big, tough brooding, and he's brought to pieces by a little tickling!" Miles added. Pav circled his bellybutton, giggling at Miguel's squeals every time he got close. Gwen dug under his toes, sending him through the roof into silent laughter. "Uh ohhh, looks like i found the death spot!" she teased. Miguel turned as red as the blades on his arms.

The four swapped spots, as Gwen straddled Miguel's waist, blowing raspberries on his bellybutton, while simultaneously digging her nails into his underarms. Hobie began poking and prodding his sides, while Pav and miles scrubbed his feet with brushes. Miguel was screaming with laughter, tears pouring down his face, as he tried to break free, only to realize that Miles webbed his arms up while he wasn't paying attention.

Miguel was going crazy, until Peter finally finished dinner and saved him from his attack. "Okay okay guys, let him breathe heh, dinner's ready." They unwebbed Miguel, helping him to the table as they all sat down and began eating. "You..yohou guys know im gonna get you back, right?" Miguel said with a struggle. "Yeah, but we finally know your weakness, so its worth it!" said Miles.


Tell me what you all think!

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Exactly something he would do if you ask me 🤷🏾

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The Rundown: You Looked Like Someone Miguel Terribly Misses His Daughter. (FIRST PART)
The Rundown: You Looked Like Someone Miguel Terribly Misses His Daughter. (FIRST PART)
The Rundown: You Looked Like Someone Miguel Terribly Misses His Daughter. (FIRST PART)
The Rundown: You Looked Like Someone Miguel Terribly Misses His Daughter. (FIRST PART)

The rundown: You looked like someone Miguel terribly misses– his daughter. (FIRST PART)

Content: Miguel x Daughter!Reader (wc: 1359)

The Rundown: You Looked Like Someone Miguel Terribly Misses His Daughter. (FIRST PART)

“Have you thought about it already?” 

The girl remains focused on her drawings, doodling away. “About what?” She mumbles a reply, without turning her gaze, still engrossed in her drawings. She knew what he was going to say anyway.

Miguel reaches forward and tenderly tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “Your quinceanera, Gab.” He remarks warmly. 

She only laughs in return, shaking her head. It's silly, she thinks to herself. "I'm not even near being fifteen yet!" she protests in between fits of giggles. It occurred to Gabriella that his father had an ulterior motive from the sudden pique of interest in her hobbies and likes; he wasn’t particularly chatty, so the past few weeks had pushed her to finally ask him what he was trying to do. 

She didn’t understand at first. Miguel, very patiently, explained that a quinceanera was a special once-in-a-lifetime event for every girl. It was more than just a birthday celebration, it was an important milestone in her life. But she quickly discouraged the idea, not wanting to think about it so early. They had all of the time in the world, she thought, there was no reason to rush.

“I just want it to be special.” He says, “Your mother would’ve wanted that.” 

“No te preocupes, papá.” She reassures her with a kiss on the cheek. “We’ll make it special.” 

The clip ended, the screen slowly fading until only his reflection remained in the empty frame. All he could see now was a hollow shell of a man looking back at him; his expression blank and unflinching. Miguel closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. That scene had etched itself into his mind, burning– mockingly so. 

Nothing could ever fill the hole that his daughter had left in his heart - like when he first held her in his arms so many years ago; her presence still obvious on his chest where her memories had imprinted themselves, a permanent reminder of the loss of a child. He trudged through life with heavy feet and an even heavier heart. 

He wonders if things could’ve been different or if he would always be incapable of keeping people in his life, always slipping from his fingers and out of his grasp.

“You’re watching it again,” Lyla appears on his shoulder, sitting there with her legs crossed. 

“What about it?” 

"That's the fourth time today," She says, her voice laced with a trace of worry that she was quick to try and disguise as part of her normal banter. It had become increasingly clear to her that something was amiss and although she was programmed to know anything, Lyla did not know much about Miguel. 

“What do you want?” 

“An anomaly is spotted in earth-829, a renaissance-like hawk wreaking havoc in a modern museum– yikes.” Lyla briefs him, “Jessica is already on standby.” 

Miguel shakes his head, sighing. “Shouldn’t she be on maternity leave already?” He asks, his suit already appearing and opening a file regarding the mission. A hologram opens in front of him, filling in the details. Vulture. “Tell her to go home. I’ll handle this one.” 

“I think you shouldn’t,” Lyla squeaks with a nervous smile on her face. “Think you really shouldn’t.”

Miguel taunts with an arrogant tilt of his head, matter-of-factly declaring, "And who's the one taking orders here?" His mask then slides firmly into place, and a portal opens beneath his feet as he steps through. Lyla knows too well by now that there isn't any room for negotiation. 

As he stepped into the unfamiliar environment, a chorus of cries and screams greeted him from the running crowd. They pushed each other to safety, a few staying to watch spider-man in action. Miguel sighs, cracking his neck as he prepares himself to step in.

However, he slightly flinches as the said hero narrowly avoids him, crashing into the wall behind him with a loud thud. She quickly scrambled back to her feet, dusting the bits of rubble from her suit. “Hello? Mascot-man? I’m kinda in the middle of something here–” 

“I’ll take it from here, kid.” If it wasn’t for the mask covering his face, his nonchalant tone would betray his expression. It was no surprise to him that someone as young as her had been bitten by a spider like so many others before her, but he knows damn well what awaits for her and that is what troubled him every time. 

“And who are you exactly?” She shouts, running towards the anomaly again. 

Miguel quickly binds the vulture's wings with his webs, allowing you to throw in a few punches before the bird regains its footing and takes off into flight. “I’m from another dimension.”

You audibly gasp, the eyes on your mask widening as you swing around, “I knew dimensions were real!” Completely unfocused, the anomaly narrows his eyes before charging towards you– before you could react to your senses tingling, you were sent tumbling to the ground, near the broken pile of rocks and other rubble. 

Miguel loudly groans, getting a hold of the enemy. “Kid, focus!” He barks out, and you immediately snap back to what you were doing, swinging enthusiastically towards him. 

“How did you do it? I mean– I tried to prove it all my life!” 

“Aren’t you 12?” He scoffs at your statement, clearly not a fan of exaggeration.

“14 – and that’s not the point, mascot-man!” 

The fight went on with you chatting and talking his ear off. Miguel had answered in dismissive grunts and his usual ‘it’s classified.’ remark, but he just couldn’t discourage your eagerness in any way. You had tired him out, more than the anomaly did.

Spider-society, magic watch, many more of you– you’ve basically summed up. 

“You should definitely let me join,” You offered cheerfully, cocking your head and wiggling your foot. The battle had finally come to a close, thanks in part to the arrival of a couple more spider-men who lent an extra hand. You had caught up to Miguel, basically begging him to let you in. “We made a great team back there old man!” 

“Old man?” 

“Okay, sensitive,” You muttered under your breath. “But seriously– I could learn more from you!” 

“Kid, listen–” 

You had cut him off again, seemingly not taking no as an answer as you tried to persuade him again. You continued to babble, not leaving any room for him to interrupt. Miguel rubbed a hand over his face, hidden beneath the fabric of his mask, as he groaned in frustration for what felt like the hundredth time today. His eyebrows furrowed as he listened to you rambling on and on– patience nipping on itself from your lack of understanding with regards to the matter at hand. 

“First off, I did most of the work back there. If it weren’t for me calling for back-up, you could’ve been injured badly. This society isn’t some school club you can just sign yourself in,” He explained, already itching to return and leaving you in the dust. A liability is the last thing he needed. “You don’t have what it takes.”

You throw your head back, groaning. You take your mask off, revealing a busted lip and a frown. “Whatever, your club sounds stupid anyway.” You mumble under your breath, suddenly feeling worn out yourself. Of course what he said had stung– it had taken so much effort to learn how to control your powers over the past two months since you were bitten by that spider. It wasn’t like there was a manual or a book written for freaks that happened to have superhero powers under such circumstances. You had to learn on your own. 

Turning your back on him, you had fully expected him to disappear as well– but, to your surprise, he was totally motionless; a statue in solidarity unable to shift an inch. His stillness made the atmosphere unbearably tense and although you could not bring yourself to look back at him (well, you did call his club stupid.), you sensed his gaze upon you like a heavy weight pushing down on your shoulders. 


The Rundown: You Looked Like Someone Miguel Terribly Misses His Daughter. (FIRST PART)

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