Pavitr Prabhakar - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Go kerala yayyyyyyyyyyyyy

I Love Love LOVE Learning Shit Like This
I Love Love LOVE Learning Shit Like This

I love love LOVE learning shit like this

The animators put so much love into every frame of this movie and I love seeing the real influences for every character

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5 months ago

I think I have a problem-

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1 year ago
Spider Dump!!
Spider Dump!!
Spider Dump!!
Spider Dump!!
Spider Dump!!

Spider dump!! 🕷️

This movie is absolutely fuckin insane for a number of reasons

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1 year ago
4 The Whole Crew Bc I Think Its Rlly Cute When Ppl Help Make Battlejackets For Their Friends

4 the whole crew bc i think its rlly cute when ppl help make battlejackets for their friends 🤝

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5 months ago
I Adore Him

I adore him ❤️

Version with jewelry:

I Adore Him

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5 months ago
a digital illustration of Miles, Gwen, and Hobie from the latest Spiderverse movie. Miles is doing graffiti while standing on Gwen's shoulders, who is sitting on Hobie's shoulders.
The same illustration as the one on the left, but with a text bubble. the text bubble has pavitr's head floating next to it and reads "Oooh looks awesome you guys!".

if the movie doesnt let them be found family then i will do it myself

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5 months ago
I Adore This Lil Teen Squad.. Thank You Atsv For Something So Easy To Make Into A Highschool Au Fanfic

i adore this lil teen squad.. thank you atsv for something so easy to make into a highschool au fanfic

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1 year ago

I think a big thing that people are overlooking is how Hobie looks out for his own and how much that coincides with punk culture.

Him looking out for younger teens is so fucking punk of him. He lets Gwen stay with him because she's vulnerable and struggling, he makes her a watch, he lets her keep his shoes, etc. and it's not out of romance, it's because she's family. Same with Miles; he knows Miles is naive and wants to help him, because he's been in the spider society longer and he knows what's really going on. He sees the adults, who are supposed to mentor them, targeting Miles and he just knows it's flat-out wrong and that he wants no part of it.

Hobie takes on such a big brother role for the other characters and I love it. He's more mature than the other teens in so many aspects, and he uses his experience to teach them how to get by because that's what being punk is about

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1 year ago
Hobie: Kill Yourself

hobie: kill yourself


original format from @ha-youwish in this post!

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1 year ago

Sorry I’ve been gone for quite an amount of time. I had some fmaily business that came up but it’s dealt with now so I’ll try to update the avatar series. Btw I’m thinking of having a cross over between avatar and spider verse since they’re both really good. Idk how it’ll go but I’ll think about it.

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Spider-verse, but Nightwing

OK I once saw a comment somewhere which went along the lines of...

"I wish Dc would give us a animation-like Spiderverse of Nightwing"

and at first i kind of ignored it- cuz idk, i don't really care about Nightwing- I mean, i love him! He's great, but not one of my favorite batfamily members.


so, here's what i think a Spiderverse movie would be like,

(If the plot was similar)

Nightwing- Obv he's Miles Morales, the main character!

Gwen- OK, the love interest. So we have three main competitors for fan favorite ships! Dick/Wally, Dick/Barbara, and Dick/Kori! Now one of them is already cancelled by default, because Dc is a coward, so we only have Barbara and Kori left! and well, Barbara fits Gwen's personality much more than Kori, and that paired with the fact that DC favors DickBabs in general, WE HAVE A WINNER!

SpiderVerse- okay, this is where it starts to lean a bit away from the movies and a bit from the comics; Spiderverse is now the Court of Owls! My headcannon is that for some reason all vigilantes (minus Batman and one other person, u will find out) join the court of owls thinking it has the right idea, and then BOOM its not actually that good (it kills people it can't control). BUT its not that wrong either. When it figures out what its doing wrong, it starts helping the vigilantes against the real evil, which is...

Spot- The league of assassins :)) YES I KNOW, IT ISN'T REALLY A MAIN VILLAIN of Nightwing's, but STILL, it's too good of a opportunity to give up seeing Ra's and Talia in the movie.

Miles Parents- Bruce and Selina, obviously. I think Jefferson's personality as a parent is PERFECT for Bruce-emotionally-constipated-dad! Selina is Bruce's wife, obv, BUT there is one change here...Y'know that scene where Rio gives Miles that 'your un-grounded" talk? I think it would be Wally giving Nightwing a super cool heartwarming speech (it won't be the same though) and then turned out Selina was listening to it all and at the end is just like "sigh, ok, you're ungrounded, come back soon, i'll deal with Bruce."


Tim Drake- DRUM ROLL PLEASE, Hobie Brown! Hobie's smart, and while his personality might be a bit too much....It's still perfect for the role Tim would be playing. Hobie doesn’t trust the Court, and at the end he’s the one who had everything prepared for when they realise that the Court Of Owls is wrong!

Stephanie Brown- AND SHE'S GOING TO BE OUR FAV CINNAMON ROLL, Pavitr Prabhakar. And as much as it pains me as a Pakistani to remove his Indian heritage, it must be done. He's goofy, he ships the two main characters, and is just adorable, he's perfect for Stephanie, and will definitely give her justice.

Cassandra Cain- Sadly, Cass is going to have a less prominent role in the second movie, but hopefully she shows up more in the third; Margo Kess! the scene where she lets Miles go is perfect, because she can detect body language and would understand that Nightwing is right, and Miguel is planning on hurting him.

Damian Wayne- FINALLY MY FAV CHARACTER, but this one is more of a original character instead of a already made character in the movie; Damian is going to be the person Dick has to save. Because i love their dynamic. So, Damian is probably being manipulated by LoA, and idk maybe Ra's is trying to use him as a body vessel without Damian knowing, and the court of owls needs him dead because "HES A WILD CARD" but Dick just NEEDS to save him "BECAUSE THAT'S MY BROTHER, DAMN YOU, IM NOT LETTING ANOTHER ONE DIE" and cue everyone fighting LoA and then a wholesome Dick and Dami scene; Feel free to elaborate on it.

Jason Todd- I had to think a lot for this, but i have a PERFECT answer; Uncle Aaron. ITS SAD AND WILL BREAK HEARTS BUT ITS PERFECT, HELP- The relationship with Jefferson? check. Dies? check. What more do we need?

a happy and alive Jason

Hey! Maybe he comes back when hey go to save Damian! Actually, yes, that is 100% the plot. They find Jason revived at the league and save him :3

Duke Thomas- I CANT FIND A CHARACTER FOR DUKE BUT HE HAS TO BE HERE DAMN IT- please either come up with a original character for Duke or find a already made character PLEASE.


Peter B. Parker- Must i explain why? No, no i do not. its perfect.

Mayday- Jon Kent :))) Because why not///

MJ- (Peters wife and Maydays mother) Obv Lois Lane.

Miguel- Random court of owls leader (any idea's?).

SpiderWoman- Can't think of anyone...let me know what you guys think in the comments!

Peni Parker- Kori!! She's perfect

Pig Spiderman- Beast Boy lmao

Black and White Spiderman- Meme version of Raven.

Roy Harper- Just another original character who i need in the movie.

King-Pin- Mr. Freeze! his goals match up pretty well with Kingpins anyway.

The rest of the villains Miles faces will be random Rogues from Batman's gallery.

The rest of the Spiderman's in Spiderverse will be random Justice-League members (OMG I LOVE THIS)

And, well, the first movie takes place when it's only Dick and Jason adopted (Before Jason's death, and then a bit after, when Dick is dealing with the grief)

Feel free to add more stuff in reblogs/Comments! Really want to see what you guys come up with :3

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1 year ago

I swear I already love this movie and all the little details I keep reading make it SO much better

rolling around on the floor considering the difference in dialogue between the english film and the hindi dub <3

when pavitr gives miles the tour of mumbattan, he says " this is where the traffic is, this is also where the traffic is, there's traffic here too!" which is well and good and insanely funny, because yes. traffic is that bad here

but i don't think you've considered how fucking hilarious it is in hindi. pavitr goes, "yahan traffic hai, yahan traffic ki mummy hai, yahan traffic ka papa hai"

which literally translates to, "here's the traffic, here's the traffic's mother and here's the traffic's father!"

i don't think anyone has ever summed up how supremely pathetic and hilarious our traffic situation is here better than him, kudos to whoever dubbed it

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1 year ago

Spider-Man Noir Spider Punk and Web- Slinger in a fight using increasingly obscure slang from their respective universes please please please

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