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Family Member: Shave Your Legs
family member: shave your legs
me: the day I lose my body hair, if that ever comes, will be in combat with my enemies
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Reblog if you're an artist of any kind!
If you do traditional or digital art, writing, photography, music, crafts, pretty much anything that can be considered art, reblog bc I want to follow more people!
The Azalea Artist
My friend told me that for about an hour every night, every security camera in the school district goes dead. It's just a rumor, but not completely unreasonable given the circumstances.
It started with some graffiti. A kid spraypainted an azalea on the side of my high school. Maybe they were testing the waters. I dunno. It immediately became 'the thing'. We loved it. The flower became the symbol of the student body. When the school threatened to remove it, protesters stopped it. The football team and student Council made Fridays spirit flower days. There was not a single student soul who didn't wear some sort of flower. People passed out Hawaiian leighs and girls and goofy guys wore azalea in their hair. You could see random petals in the halls during classes and after school. It was pretty wild.
Later on, my neighbors kid, a 5th grader at the time, told me that a seat on her schoolbus had a pink flower sewn into it. I almost didn't believe her, until I saw it for myself the next day when our busses were switched around. I took a photo with my phone and showed it to her. It was exactly what she saw.
The next incident was a bit more ambitious. At a nearby middle school, a portrait of a widely-respected teacher was painted on the wall, her face composed of azalea petals. Clearly, the artist used last year's yearbook photo as a reference. There was nothing on the security cameras, leading the joke of an investigation by the district to a dead end. Students defended the graffiti, and once again won.
The night after that, every desktop screen background in the district was changed to a picture of an azalea. Each screen was different- the azaleas were different colors, some photos, some digital art. At this point, the district determined that the now dubbed "Azalea Artist " was likely more than one person.
Every schoolnight, more and more azaleas popped up in my school district. They were planted in the soil, painted on the walls, embroidered into the busses, tie dyed into school merchandise, carved into the bleachers, celebrated on the school website. Every azalea was unique, featuring a different artist's fingerprint and style.
I think one of the artists was caught by a janitor one night. They tried to give her a suspension and questioned her about the others. She genuinely didn't know who the artists were, claiming she did it because she was simply inspired by them. She was an AP student and student body president, so she talked her way out of the school authorities grasp.
No one else was ever caught. I graduated high school ten years ago. Most of my old friends don't even know my name anymore, but the azaleas are well alive. They're everywhere in my old school district.
No real crime has been committed due to the azaleas. But everyone knows that every night, the cameras go dead for an hour, and an artist comes to life.
daydreaming about fic >>> writing it
Chop me up
Bottle me
Split between my family
I can't win
When love is a tug of war
By pleasing everyone
But because of love
I feel responsible
I wish I could be with you
You're a galaxy away
I love them to bits
They love bits of me
So I play for spoils
But with you
Your presence is a win
If only
I could reach out
Just to give you a hug
Seperated by time and space
I have my doubts
When you love someone
You try to give it all
My heart is streatched out
And contorted
To reach everyone
Across the galaxy
Or here on Earth
Every piece of my heart is warm
Every piece of my heart hurts
Every peice of my heart beats
Every piece of my heart loves
Every peice burns like a star!
Build my clones
So they may love for me
Steal me a TARDIS
To kidnap you with
Friends and family
Are a scifi adventure
Sometimes I wish
I was the starship captain
But space is fun
I love it so
But love is like a black hole
Its gravity you can't outrun
You couldn't cut these ties
With a lightsaber
Please pull gently on my heartstrings
Don't make them snap
Cry me a comet
Flying into the sun
I will always be there
To defy space and time
If my heart can take it
I'm tired of defying space and time
But it's cold in a starless sky
Friends and family
Are a cosmos
A beautiful, beautiful cosmos
I couldn't live without
Please continue to adventure with me
Why Krita is Awesome: A Collection of Reasons Why This Program is Worth Taking a Look At
Krita is a painting program that has been around for a while, and in the last few years, underwent major changes and improvements. Because of these improvements, many artists are using it not just because it is free, but because it offers amazing features. These are by no means all of the great things Krita has to offer, but simply some of my favorite features of the program.

1. The Brush Engines.
Yes, engines. As in plural. There are many. And they all do different things. There is no way you could possibly capture all of its possibilities with one screen shot, but here are just some of the possibilities. Along side standard round, square, and shape, and textured brushes, there are brushes that smear, blend, and create interesting abstract strokes. There are brushes for filters, and one of my favorites, the Experiment Brush, which is basically a pre-filled lasso tool.
Brushes also support weighted smoothing, or brush stabilizers.

This is incredibly useful for line art. And while I do not usually use this feature, it is something that I feel many programs are lacking, such as Photoshop.
But its brushes aren’t the only thing about Krita with variety.

2. Color Selector Customization.
Whether you prefer something basic, or something more complicated, Krita will likely have what youre looking for. You are not likely to find yourself missing your other program’s color wheels. There are even more options than this, and other color selectors.

Gotta love that customization.
Krita also has some great naviation tools.

3. On the fly rotation, zoom, and brush sizing.
With krita, zooming, rotating, and brush size scaling are all smooth, and dynamic with the use of hot keys. These are features I miss when in other programs. To zoom, Ctrl+Middle mouse button, hover over the screen to zoom in and out. The same with shift rotates (press the ‘5’ key to reset rotation). Holding down shift and draging your brush on the canvas dynamically changes its size, allowing you to see the change, and get the exact size you want without brackets. Brackets also work, if that’s what you are used to. Krita also has highly customizable hot keys.

4. The Pop Up Pallet
The pop up pallet is a set of your 10 favorite brushes (which you can edit), and a built in color wheel that appears when you right click on the canvas. It is incredibly useful for switching between those few brushes that you use in almost every picture.

5. Real time, seamless tiles creation.
Pressing the W key in Krita will infinitely tile your canvas, and allow you to work real time on simple to complex tiled images. You can zoom in and out to see how your tiles work form a distance, and paint freely to create seamless artwork easily, without having to check using filters and manually tiling. Very usefull for patterns, backgrounds, and games.

6. The Symmetry Tool
This one goes without saying, Krita supports both horizontal and vertical symmetry, along with a brush that is capable of radial symmtry with as many directions as you like.

Go nuts, kid.
There are many more reasons why this program is awesome. And it is only going to get more awesome. And the coolest thing about it, is that it is 100% free. So go check it out! There’s nothing to lose. Krita isn’t for everyone, it can be hard to get the hang of, and it is not meant for photo editing, it is a program completely focused on digital painting from start to finish.
Give it a go and see if Krita is the program for you.