I draw, write, and make morphs of vore and macro situations, minors DNI, here there be man eating monsters 🥵
51 posts
Apricotez - Gay Vore Lover

Poor Michael, got taken out by that rUUUUUUURRRRRPPPPPP
rip current. Hes probably in the belly of a shark or something by now...
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More Posts from Apricotez

It was just me and Ethan on the track now, everyone having long since finished their workouts and gone home. I’d just finished my cool down lap and was stretching when he finished his final lap and leaned against the railing of the track. We were both sweaty and exhausted, having run farther than we’d ever done before. Finishing my stretches, I was about to stand up when I heard Ethan say:
“Hey dude, I wanna keep going for a while longer, but I’m drained. I hate to ask, but do you think you could help me out and give me a little energy boost?”
I looked up, confused and saw that he’d lowered his shorts a bit, exposing his ass to me. Instantly in knew what he was asking, but couldn’t believe he was asking it of ME! I’ve always known what Ethan could do, but being swallowed by Ethan’s ass was like a car accident or being diagnosed with a deadly disease; it was always something that happened to other, nameless and anonymous people, never to you.
But here I was, mere feet away from the ravenous ass that’s taken so many guys before, guys who’ve disappeared between those muscular cheeks and never come back out again. And now my friend was actually requesting that I make the same, deadly trip?! WILLINGLY?!!
“Y-you can’t be serious… Are you?!” I asked incredulously, half expecting him to laugh, tug up his shorts, and assure me that he’d never to that to me. But he didn’t.
Instead, he bent further over the railing, displaying those muscular mounds even more for me to see.
“Yeah I am dude. I mean, I’m not going to force you, but I’d REALLY appreciate it.” He said, turning his head to look at me and smile hopefully. “C'mon at least come over here and look at it, get a closer look and imagine how good it’ll sliding into me and letting everything go.”
The words “no way” were on the edge of my lips. He couldn’t really expect me to give my life and let his ass devour me just so he could run s few extra laps right!? I was about to refuse when I noticed a scent in the air. It was Ethan’s familiar, musky, sweaty scent that wafted off of him every time we worked out. This time though it was much stronger, the smell drifting to my nose. There was something slightly different to the scent than usual, something sweet and enticing. I inhaled deeply filling my lungs with it, and a fog of desire clouded my mind. I reached down and stroked my cock, which had quickly risen to attention.
Vaguely in the back of my mind I wondered when I’d taken off my shorts, leaving myself completely naked (I’d been working out shirtless), but that thought was gone as quickly as it had come the second my eyes zeroed in on Ethan’s ass. Surely just a look at it wouldn’t hurt. I definitely wouldn’t agree to letting him take me, but hopefully I’d get a good grope of that ass before I told him no.
In a daze I stumbled over to him, dropping to my knees so that his smooth asscheeks were directly in front of my face. My breath quickened as I tentatively reached out a hand and brushed it lightly against his right cheek. We both let out soft groans simultaneously. This close, Ethan’s scent was overwhelming, flooding my senses driving by into a lust filled craze like I’d never felt before. My hardon ached, begging for attention, but my hands were busy groping over Ethan’s amazing ass, and I gazed in wonder at it, cursing myself for never realizing how beautiful it was sooner.
I continued to squeeze and massage his muscular cheeks before eagerly prying them apart, revealing his pulsing, twitching hole that seemed to beckon me closer. I obliged, burying my face between his asscheeks. Somewhere in my feverish mind, a voice told me this was a very dangerous place to be, but I ignored it. After all, how could something as wonderful as Ethan’s ass be bad? So I stayed where I was, my head wedged deep into my friends ass, my tongue plunging into that hole of his, each time it seemed more and more reluctant to let my tongue slide back out.
At first I didn’t notice the pressure on the back of my head, my sole focus being in pressing my face deeper between those muscular mounds of his. Only when the pressure increased did I notice. I felt fingers in my hair, a palm against my scalp, and a steady push, forcing my face to press against his hole. Still I continued to kiss and lick at that twitching hole of his, completely lost in my lust and not caring that it was no longer clenching lightly on my tongue, but opening up, spreading over my face as that steady hand guided my head deeper.
As my face slid into the soft, warm wetness of Ethan’s ass, I moaned in ecstasy. I was faintly aware that I should be struggling and shouting, telling my friend to stop, but I couldn’t- no, I wouldn’t. This felt too damn good to end. My cock was leaking pre-cum like a faucet and all I could think about was how good it would feel once I was all the way inside. I imagined slowly drifting off, surrounded by the warm, pillowy walls of Ethan’s insides.
I didn’t even notice when his hand withdrew from my head as his ass engulfed it completely and he sat back, forcing himself down and his elastic hole stretching over my shoulders, gravity allowing him to quickly take in my chest and abs. I panted into the sweltering heat of his insides as he stood up, my entire upper body swallowed up by his ass. Then the walls pulsed around me and my waist was pulled into him. I moaned in pure ecstasy as those slippery, wet walls squeezed over my aching cock, giving it the attention it had craved throughout this entire ordeal.
One ripple of slimy, warm muscled was all it took for my member to erupt, painting the inside of Ethan’s ass white as I shot rope after rope of hot cum and I writhed in total and absolute pleasure, all the while that ass squeezing and pulling more of me inside. When I finally came down from my sexual high, all that felt the cooler air outside were my ankles and feet. I was still in a daze of pleasure as I felt my friends hand on my feet. I knew what he was about to do; suck the last of me in and seal my fate. I didn’t care. Even as I felt him do just that, I wasn’t afraid. I could feel his muscular asscheeks on either side of my feet, squeezing lightly as if to say goodbye before that final clench that dragged me entirely into his ass, that hungry hole of his sealing tightly behind me.
I went completely limp, exhausted from the whole ordeal, completely drenched in a combination of sweat, cum, and whatever fluids that lubricated the slick tunnel I was encased in. Meanwhile the walls around me rippled and squeezed, pulling me ever deeper into my friend.
I didn’t notice when I stopped moving, but at some point the muscular waves ceased to pull me deeper, and instead were replaced by periodic, universal contractions from all sides, holding me firmly in place. It was then that the fog began to lift from my mind, allowing me to come to my senses. It was a slow process though, and for a couple minutes I just lay there in a loopy, happy daze, still enjoying the sensations around me. My thoughts became rational again, and mentally, I knew what had happened to me was a very bad thing, but my emotions it seemed, weren’t entirely my own again yet. The after effects of whatever intoxicating pheromones had wafted off Ethan were still holding me in a calm, docile state, free of fear or anger. I was content to lay there, completely okay with drifting off to sleep and let his ass claim me.
I could have done just that too, if a sudden and intense heat hadn’t jolted me back to my senses, forcing the last of the fog from my head. It felt like I was trapped in a sauna with the heat cranked higher than it should ever be. Sweat dripped from my body, intermingling with the thick liquid that oozed from the walls around me.
Dread and horror dawned on me as my mind became fully mine again and i became truly aware of my situation. In my lust filled craze I’d actually allowed my friend to devour me alive, hadn’t even fought or struggled as he’d pressed my head into his hungry ass and it opened up to swallow me whole.
Scream. Struggle. Beg for release. All things I should have done in the first place, but I was only thinking of now. I was about to do all three simultaneously when suddenly I was violently squeezed in a crushing embrace that forced nearly all the breath out of me. The walls of Ethan’s insides had stopped their light squeezing and had clamped down on me in a vice-like grip, pressing from all sides as if trying to crush me.
That’s when the tingling started, almost pleasant at first, but then became more intense, like a million tiny ants crawling over me. With a sudden and terrifying realization, I knew what was happening. Ethan was starting to digest me. As if on cue, the tingling gave way to an itching sensation, and then a burning like fire across my skin. I screamed and writhed now, or at least as well as I could when I was being crushed from all sides by his powerful internal muscles.
It hurt. It really hurt, the feeling somewhere between average level pain and agony, but what did I expect from being digested? I’d never thought it would be like this, never imagined that this was what all those unfortunate guys who’d disappeared into Ethan’s ass went through. Truthfully I never gave much thought to what happened to them; they would slip into Ethan’s ass and they’d be gone, that was it. If anything, I’d just figured that they would pass out before any of the unpleasant stuff happened.
Oh how wrong I’d been though, as I was now experiencing everything all the others had. The trip into Ethan’s ass was hot and intimate, the sensations of sliding into that hole so incredibly pleasant. Hell, if it weren’t a one way trip, I’d probably ask to do it again. But it was a one way trip, as I was now painfully aware of. The actual digestion was the polar opposite though; overheated, crushed, and burned by digestive juices. It was almost over though, I thought hopefully as my mind clouded over again, this time from the lack of oxygen rather than hypnotic, intoxicating scents. The pain faded away as I mercifully lost consciousness.
Ethan pulled up his pants and grinned feeling his buddy go still and fresh energy rush throughout his body. He didn’t usually make a habit of taking friends up his ass, but he was just short of his distance goal and he had to be ready for the meet on Saturday. Plus it would’ve been more effort to go find some random guy to stuff up his ass than it was to just take his friend who was conveniently right there. He wouldn’t lose too much sleep over it, he had plenty of friends, but only one shot at breaking this record. He wasn’t going to waste that chance just because it wasn’t very nice to swallow his friend with his ass and digest him. Besides, he’d seemed to enjoy the trip, at least until digestion set in that is. Shrugging a bit, Ethan tightened his shoe laces and began to run again, putting the energy his friend had given him to good use.

Have you ever popped a button, or worse, fully ripped your clothing in public while slurping down a meal? T-shirts and hoodies may help this issue, but have you ever had to excuse yourself from a wedding, church, work meeting, or other formal event due to gut-induced wardrobe malfunctions? Kiss those days goodbye
Now introducing pred-safe formal wear by PredThredz™

practice shot for some mouths
Guess im gonna actually start using this blog
get ready for more vore/macro edits/photoshops
fuck you elon musk lol