Ambiguous Vore - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
apricotez - Gay Vore Lover

Have you ever popped a button, or worse, fully ripped your clothing in public while slurping down a meal? T-shirts and hoodies may help this issue, but have you ever had to excuse yourself from a wedding, church, work meeting, or other formal event due to gut-induced wardrobe malfunctions? Kiss those days goodbye

Now introducing pred-safe formal wear by PredThredz™

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— Chomp —

Rating: Explicit

Status: Completed

Word count: 2.7k

Summary: Little man gets the Chomp (no actual gore sry). After preparing to just be unceremoniously eaten, Riley finds he’s in for more than he expected—my first smut fic! Of course it’s for this shit lmao. Willing giantess vore, gets right into the smut, plenty of teasing and mouthplay, characters’ fates left vague, but they are reoccurring so safe to assume it’s digestion with reformation. Enjoy!

Edit: Added names, because I slipped and made these guys ocs. They both start with R and lean gender neutral, so incase that’s confusing, Rori is the woman and Riley is the man. Also testing my luck with tumblr by getting rid of the ao3 link and putting the full fic here.

Fingertips wrapping around one of his ankles, she lifted him up, up, up, until Riley was level with her face—no, not her face—her lips. The delayed vertigo of the upside-down trip up hit him all at once as she brought him not higher, but closer.

She stopped just millimeters shy of contact. A small exhale washed over him—a sigh of satisfaction. As if to say, Finally.

Riley held his breath. He expected at any moment, those lips would part and gigantic jaws would pull every ounce of him in with a single swallow. Imagining what it would be like made his hands start to shake.

Her lips twitched, but Riley couldn’t tell if it was in response—could she feel him trembling? Did she think it was terror? Hope? Excitement?

He had no time to find an answer—rather than moving him again, she closed the distance with her lips—softly. Very softly, as if trying to feel for certain where his face was. It dawned on him their faces were so close, she could not see his—she—and he—had to go almost purely off of sensation. The idea was rather thrilling as her lips brushed over Riley’s face, mapping out the details of his nose, brow ridge, mouth, cheeks, chin—committing them to memory. Savoring every last detail. It was both caring and keen, yet controlled in a way he could tell was holding back true desires.

Content, her lips stilled against his face. So close to him, Riley could not see them open, but he felt it—muscles tensing, he squeezed his eyes shut, waiting to pass through those massive lips into ravenous jaws; to be consumed, body and soul.

She breathed in—smelling him, maybe. Breathing in his fear. His anticipation.

His heart hammered furiously. Riley tilted his head against her lower lip—questioning—What are you waiting for? Eat me.

But all she did was let out a light-hearted scoff and push lips against him, harder this time.

A kiss.

Her lower lip cradled the top of his head. Her cupid’s bow grazed his chin. Against his skin, her lips pulled into an amused little smile.

“Hanging in there?” Rori whispered coyly, and for a moment Riley thought to struggle if it weren’t for all the blood going to his head.

“I thought you were going to eat me,” he breathed.

She tilted her head. “Do you want me to eat you?”

His face burned red, but it only made her grin. Through the blurriness of close proximity, Riley could see white—her teeth. His pulse quickened.

Rori removed her lips, and disappointment rushed over him like a wave of ice—disappointment—?

“I said—”

—He jumped as her voice appeared left of his head, just above his ear—

“—Do you want me to eat you?”

“I—” His mouth opened, but upside down, the words caught in his throat.

“Hm,” Rori mused, and her lips returned to his face—pressing over his mouth, his nose—and she held them there, just for a second long enough to make him panic. Before he could process it, she was pressing another kiss to him—the side of his face, his chin, the other side of his face—and then she began to move down, or rather, up, his body. His throat. His chest. The side of his ribcage. His thigh—and Riley realized not enough blood was flowing to his head.

But she was not done with him. Rori slowly turned him around in her fingertips, kissing between his shoulder blades, along his spine, his lower back—her lips tingling against the back of his knee made him jump. Nobody had ever kissed him there.

She dragged her lips over his entire body until his lungs heaved and his breath was ragged—the idea of being eaten now mostly forgotten, Riley desperately pushed his hips towards her, but found only cold, empty air as she skipped right over the almost painfully tight tenting in his boxers—again.

A frustrated noise escaped him, higher pitched than he would’ve expected. And as if this were exactly what she was waiting for, Rori pulled back just enough for him to see the wolffish grin on her face.

“Oh, god.”

She was on him again in an instant—this time, he was not met with lips, but her tongue. His short black hair was plastered to his face as she licked him from the top of his head to the top of his free foot, back down again, and then came back for more. This time, she left not a speck of him dry; not a single stretch of skin pure. No, this time, Rori let it be known: she was hungry.

She eagerly flicked her tongue over every part of him, the muscle rough from gigantic taste buds, yet each time her tongue dragged over his dick, it was not enough.

“Come back,” Riley struggled. “No—augh—come back here—please.”

Her breath rolled over him. She sucked on his hip, his shoulder blade, his elbow, his fingers, back again—finally, finally, lips pressed against his dick. The pressure and the friction of the wet fabric was good, but still not enough. He needed taste buds. Lips. Skin-to-skin.

Riley squirmed in her grasp, trying to twist himself against her lips at just the right angle.

C’mon, c’mon, c’mon.

Snickering, Rori seemed to get the hint. Pinching the band of his boxers between pursed lips, she pulled them past his knees, over one ankle, adjusted her grip, and then over the other ankle. She pulled her face back just enough for him to watch the dark fabric disappear between those lips and a moment later, Riley heard the swallow.

His heart caught in his throat, but between the blood rushing to his head and his dick, he couldn’t think straight enough to register what he’d just witnessed.

Rori licked him again, slow and sensual, enjoying his taste now that he was stripped bare. His heart fluttered as she gave his cock a kiss on the tip—then his blood froze as for a moment it seemed like she might use teeth, but thought better of it.

Turning Riley so he now faced away from her, Rori raised him to her lips to press another quick kiss to the back of his head—and then kept lifting him higher, tilting her head back. He twisted in her grasp to see her face and her stone-gray eyes caught his, half-lidded with lust yet strikingly collected. In control even as desire threatened to take over completely. In them, a dark, wicked glee twinkled playfully, and she gave him one long, last kiss.

The next time her lips rose to meet him, her teeth clamped onto either side of his head—not hard enough to break skin, but enough that a panicked shriek tried to claw its way out of him. Like his words, it died in his throat.

Riley bucked against her clutch, but she’d already moved along, releasing his head as the heat of her lips engulfed his throat, sliding past—her teeth grazed his shoulders, his arms, his torso, his ass. Her tongue found his dick again and her pace slowed, taking time to torture him by massaging it between his stomach and the thick, pulsating muscle. Taste buds rubbed against the head and he groaned.

Encouraged, Rori sucked on his entire upper body, lips and teeth locked around his knees and digging into his calves.

“Fuck!” Riley breathed, turning his face to the side so he could brace his head against her tongue. His hands found her bottom molars and gripped them for support—the one thing holding him up over the open abyss he couldn’t see but knew with absolution was there. Still, he dared to release one hand to wrap fingers around his aching cock. A desperate moan escaped him, moving his fist furiously. It wasn’t enough. Riley needed to feel her tongue—all of it, all at once—rub his entire body across every last taste bud—be the most delectable thing she’d ever tasted. The best. The most delicious morsel to ever grace her mouth. An unforgettable meal—snack—desert—whatever he was. To consume her mind with hunger and lust the same way he wanted—no, needed her to consume his, literally, figuratively, spiritually—

A particularly strong lick threatened to throw him off balance. Riley returned both hands to his grip on her teeth, opting to lean up and fuck full-force into the burning hot surface of her tongue. Grinding hips against pulsating taste buds. Trying to hold on.

Saliva pooled onto his head, over his arms, running down his back and collecting against the side of his face pressing into her tongue—the way it does when you need to swallow something.

Oh my god, she’s going to eat me! Riley realized, sliding back and forth against her tongue in a frenzy. I’m inside her fucking mouth and she’s going to eat me! Tease me like this, let me fuck like a desperate animal into her mouth, and then swallow me whole. Devour me. Make me hers—until there is nothing left.

Her breath was hot and heavy in his ears. Sweat and saliva clung to him. When he thrust up into her tongue, Rori sucked down on him like he was made of candy. His balls hitched.

“Fuck,” Riley groaned, unable to tell if she could even hear him with her mouth closed around him, over the roar of sex— “Cumming!”

She sucked down on his body harder than ever before. His arms shook and he lost his grip, her tongue rising to press his back to the ribbed roof of her mouth. His fingers ached, finding another handhold against the underside of her top teeth, desperate for the leverage to thrust with as much force as possible. Her taste buds seemed to squeeze his dick almost painfully. He was melting—Riley was melting. His brain and his body and his dick were melting into her mouth, wanting to stay there forever in the heat, in the dark, wet pleasure, fucking forever into her all-encompassing tongue. Too good. It was too good.

Rori moved her tongue—tasting his cum—tasting him, his sweat, his skin, how his little lungs sputtered as she picked up her unrelenting pace again. She flicked his throbbing dick and still-tugging balls, licking him from hole to tip. Anguished, Riley cried out as she drew out the last few sparks from his near-painful high, scraping warm, powerful flesh against an all-too sensitive cock. Playing with him. Toying with him. Pushing him just to feel how far one tiny little body could go. How much pleasure he could take.

Then, in an instant, the world shifted—her tongue tipped him over the side of her teeth and face-first into the smooth surface of the inside of her cheek. Scrambling to keep from falling, Riley gripped her teeth, using his knees to push off her gums and lay against the side of her cheek.

He could just barely make out her tongue moving to the roof of her mouth in the darkness—saliva ran past him to gather at the back of the throat and then—she swallowed.

From inside her mouth, the sound was loud and foreboding. Excess drool gone and tongue now free, Rori spoke.

“Do you—want me—to eat you?”

Riley struggled to catch his breath. His whole body ached like he’d run a marathon. He could tell even without seeing it, his skin was red and raw from her mouth’s manhandling. Her lips now parted properly, he could see into the back of her mouth. Her uvula hung like an ominous marker, almost like an arrow pointing down. The muscles of her throat danced with the rise and fall of her breath—making it impossible to ignore the walls of this cave were alive.

He flinched in surprise as Rori poked his side with her tongue. The same tongue she’d just railed him to hell with.

Riley looked at his hand, anchored in place in the grooves of a tooth the size of his head. All she needed do was close that powerful jaw and his hand would be crushed, the rest of him trapped between her teeth and the inside of her cheek. A living prison, but nothing like what awaited him below.

Air sucked in past him and then out just as rapidly—a sigh. Something tensed around his ankle, still outside her mouth, and Riley realized with a jolt she’d never let go of him—the entire time he’d dangled over the giant, hungry expanse of her throat, she’d never lost control over where he was going, even for a second.

Carefully, Rori readjusted her grip to flip him over. Her tongue helped guide him away from teeth as she pulled him from her mouth—up and up, until she could make successful eye contact.

The cold of the outside air on his wet skin made Riley shiver, like he might never be truly warm again. A little disoriented from the change in surroundings—still upside down, too—he attempted to wrap arms around himself and darted his eyes toward hers. He tried not to think about how they watched every minuscule movement. He felt his dick twitch.

Rori arched a brow. Something told him she would not ask the question again. Her eyes were far too focused for someone who’d just sucked off not just his dick but over half his entire body—focused like an owl on its prey, gliding down silently from the dark. Like a creature perfectly poised to hunt. It was no doubt she had him, from start to finish.

“Do you want to—to eat me?” Riley managed, relieved his tone sounded mostly even.

That same darkness glittered in her cool gray eyes. A hunger. Not for survival, but for enjoyment. Swallowing him, devouring his whole being because she could—no, not just because she could. Ravaging him because she wanted to—to claim his body as hers. Lock him up inside her own. Consume him entirely.

“What do you think?” She offered dryly.

He paused.

“I can’t believe you didn’t do it sooner,” he confessed, feeling his shoulders drop. He couldn’t tell now if he was still shivering from the cold or the look she was giving him.

Rori wet her lips. From his ankle, she lowered him again. His hands reached out to meet her lips, and her tongue flicked out over them.

“I’ll tell you a secret,” she whispered, and Riley leaned in in anticipation. He could feel his pulse, hammering wildly over the heavy drum of her own, beating beneath the warmth of her skin. Her breath was heavy with need. Rori sucked in a short laugh. “You look so cute like that—little and wide-eyed. And,” he met her eyes, so close to their prize, “I wish you could really know—you taste so good scared.”

She let go of his ankle. Finally, those jaws snapped open. The heat washed over him. The darkness took him. The wet clung to him. Her tongue rolled him, fully coating him in saliva as it pooled. For the first time, he was fully and completely inside her mouth—all he could hear was her mouth; feel was her mouth; licking and sucking and spinning and marking him with her spit, her skin, her soul.

He felt her savoring him. Cock hard and in hand, Riley rubbed both it and his face against her tongue, pressing as much of himself into the taste buds as possible—desperate to be savored.

Taste me. Taste me. Remember me—remember how good I taste. Remember how good I am.

Her tongue gave him an appreciative little flick; maybe a thank-you for being such a sweet little treat. Then, it pushed him to the roof of her mouth—gasping, Riley looked down at where he knew was the waiting second entrance. Finally, the impossibly loud swallow rumbled through every inch of his being and smooth, tight muscles engulfed him as she made him utterly and irrevocably hers.

You taste so good scared.

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