Designer, curator & photographer at @ArtistoD, @Popsickleme @BeBeautiful_In, @HomegrownIn @BangBangFilms, @Jackintheboxww
159 posts
I Call Her Gal Monstera!

I call her Gal Monstera!
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Lebu cha mornings . . . Observed by @creepyhooman #donebyartisto #lebu #cha #crater #tales #dribble #cities #digital #illustration #2020 (at Calcutta Bungalow) https://www.instagram.com/p/B672dKVpypl/?igshid=1i4y9b7p234df

Retouching and composite for a electronic indie band based out of Bombay called LaxmiBomb. See the full project here.
#Motiongraphic +#illustration edit for @dyscoapp. #donebyartisto . . . #Repost @dyscoapp ・・・ “Vocation Redefined is Dysco’s first big event in Bombay! Themed around travel, sustainability and remote work - we’re celebrating those who have found a way to transform their passion for exploration and discovery into fulfilling careers. Next Sunday at @ministryofnew you’ll meet some really interesting and inspiring people and brands who will share their work and stories with you. Find out how to work or collaborate with them too. Tickets are on Insider and include premium networking, free workshops, music from #soundslikeburlap and a free drink and some edible goodies courtesy of our f&b partners (link in bio)!” - @khrishashah Co-Founder @dyscoapp ✈️🎒🌊🌴💚 . . @foundintranslations @theburlappeople @rewant17 @saharmansoor @barenecessities_zerowasteindia @clovethestore @anjalimody @andsostore @josmostudio @consciousfoodindia @chefyash @gdevidayal @thetable_colaba @magstreetkitchen @joinpaperplanes @shilpsgautam @molfarnist @dnm_roots @somaiya @boundindia @raffaelkably @soulandsurf @bhushanbagadiapositives @simplybreathein @suhavini @indiaculturalhub @chiragsadhnani @loverand.co @mumbai_igers @thirstybeers @groverzampa @themandalalife (at Ministry Of New)