Brotherly Help
Brotherly help

The new assassin on the block, you had been tasked to a quick mission with the infamous Lemon and Tangerine. Unbeknownst to you, you accidentally gain a crush on one of the brothers, so what else can you do other than enlist the help of the other one?
Pairing: tangerine x reader
Warnings and whatnots: Jealous!Tangerine
You had a dilemma. A dilemma that included being paired with a set of twins who were incredibly skilled, one of which you had the misfortune of crushing on.
You were a relatively new assassin, but you quickly made your way up in the ranks. That was why you were paired up with Tangerine and Lemon.
It felt odd, to work with them. They were nice, but you always had a sick feeling with them like your heart dropped to your stomach when you saw them. Especially when you saw him. You’ve only worked with them once, during the Bolivia job, but the feeling still remained. Eventually you deduced the problem.
You had a massive, giant crush, on Tangerine.
“Everything alright there?” Lemon asks you as you sat next to him, tapping your fingers on the table. The bullet train moved fast, making you nauseous. It didn’t help that you were sitting face to face with Tangerine. His leg was practically brushing yours and he didn’t even seem to care! He seemed fairly calm.
“Yeah I’m fine… Motion sickness ya’know?”
Tangerine raises an eyebrow at you, his eyes piercing into your soul like he knows you’re lying. You give him a tight lipped smile, before looking at the White Death’s son.
“Is he gonna be okay?” You ask, trying to change the topic.
“He should be awake in a few hours. Nothing to worry about, love.”
You hated it. Hated when he called you that. Hated when he called other girls that. Love. What a disgusting word.
“I need to go to the washroom.” You say, standing up curtly and making your way to the washroom, hoping that they thought you were going off to vomit your guts out; maybe you were.
You stood in the washroom, staring yourself in the mirror before splashing your face with water. You grip onto the sink, before looking up and promptly screaming at the man in the mirror.
“Goddamn it Lemon! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” You shout.
Lemon doesn’t say anything, only closing the door behind him and locking it. You tilt your head at him.
“Is everything alright? Why are you so off? You’ve been like this since the start of the job.”
You should’ve known he would’ve found out. You should’ve known from the day he called you an Edward. He was weirdly good at reading people, even more so with classifying them as Thomas The Tank Engine characters.
“I’m fine…”
“Don’t be a Diesel.”
“I’m not being a Diesel!” You scoff.
You stare at Lemon, who looks at you expectantly. You try to think through all the possible possibilities that could happen if you told Lemon you had a crush on his brother. Would he tease you? Be disgusted? Eh, who cares, you’ll still get your money, and what’s a bit of humiliation.
“I may or may not have a thing for… Tangerine.” You spill out.
Laughter fills the washroom and you can feel your cheeks heat up. “Shut up!”
“You have a crush on my brother? Oh my, it was so obvious. Please, is that what you’re all worked out about?” Lemon asks, regaining composure.
“Yes, now shut it. I don’t need to embarrass myself any more than I already have.”
“Well now wait a bit, I can help you with this situation. To be honest, I do think Tangerine has a slight thing for you, only he’s too ignorant to realise it… So let me help you.”
“Are you serious?”
“And how exactly are we gonna get Tangerine to realise he has feelings for me?” You ask, suspicious. Lemon gives you a smile.
“We make him jealous.”
This was an utterly stupid idea but it might just work. It was easy; laugh and smile at all of Lemon’s jokes and stories and just be unusually touchy with him. Still, you felt like an idiot doing this and Lemon could sense it. Lemon had asked if you were okay with it and you had agreed. So here you were, executing this dumb plan.
You walked back to the table where the Tangerine was sitting, your arm looping with Lemon’s and your other hand, caressing his shoulder. Lemon sat down first, and you squeezed in next to him. Tangerine looks at the both of you with a confused and suspicious expression. He turns his attention to you.
“Are you alright love? You spent a long time in the washroom.”
That pet name again. You try to hide how flustered it made you feel. You smile at him.
“Yeah, just some stomach problems. The train is going too fast. Thankfully, Lemon gave me some medicine to help me get through it.” You give a sickeningly sweet smile to Lemon, hoping your time learning to act will come in handy here.
“I see.” Tangerine says, glancing at Lemon and then you. His face was slightly unreadable, but you can see a hint of confusion behind his eyes.
“Well when you both were doing God knows what, the White Death here still hasn’t woken up. So, I think we have a long while until he’ll be up.”
“Well, what should we do then? To pass the time?” You ask, looking at Lemon.
“Ah well, there’s nothing much to do is there? We can’t exactly walk around since we don’t want the little old son over there to die.”
You giggle at his comment, and in the corner of your eye, you could see Tangerine’s hand flex. He doesn’t say anything, continuing to observe the both of you. You still sat unnecessarily close to Lemon and you could see it was taking affecting Tangerine.
“Oi, why are you lot sitting so closely together?” Tangerine finally asks. A part of you is happy that he finally asked. His voice sounded deep and his eyebrows furrow.
“Are we?” You say, moving a bit further away from Lemon but still sitting relatively close to Lemon. Lemon looks at you. “I mean, is there a problem with sitting this close with him?”
Tangerine bites the inside of him cheek. “No. I’m just asking why you both are all over each other.”
That was fast. Was he already jealous?
“We are not!” You scoff, leaning back and crossing your arms over your chest.
“You are!”
You glance at Lemon, who gives you a quick thumbs up from under the table.
“What the hell- What the hell is happening with you both? What are you doing?” Tangerine asks, glancing under the table.
Lemon gives you a look before excusing himself and leaving to the washroom. You look at Tangerine who stares at you.
“What? Are you not gonna follow him? Hm? Make out with him?” Tangerine asks, a hint of anger and jealousy in his voice.
“Even if I did, why do you care?” You ask, tilting your head at Tangerine. Was Lemon right? Did Tangerine actually like you? You thought Lemon was only joking.
Tangerine didn’t answer your question, looking away from you.
“Tangerine. Tell me. Why, why in the world do you care? Why do you care what I do?” You press, leaning over the table, staring into his eyes. You feel the embarrassment and nervousness rise through you but you were too close, you couldn’t just give up.
“Tangerine. Why would you care? Tell me.”
“Because I like you alright!” He finally admits, aloud. He looks back at you.
“Is that what you want to hear? I like you. Goddamn it, I think I’m in love with you and I can’t stand the fact that you seem to like my brother more than me so just shut it and piss off.”
Your eyes widen, as you lean back in your sit. Tangerine also leans back, realising what he had just said. You didn’t know what to said. He had just admitted it.
“&#!@ I shouldn’t have said that.” You hear him mutter under his breath. “Just shut it alright, if you like my brother I won’t get in your way but-“
“I like you too.”
His eyes widen when you say that, he looks at you, confused and bewildered.
“Guess the cat’s finally out of the bag hm?” Lemon says, appearing beside the both of you. Tangerine looks at Lemon before finally realising what had happened.
“You cheeky bastard.” He says to the both of you.
You give him a smile. “Oh well, it was the only to make you admit it, no?”
“Great, now that’s all dealt with, please hold your flirting until the end of the mission.” Lemon says to the both of you.
Tangerine smiles. “You know for a fact you can’t stop me.”
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More Posts from Arysbruv
Sorry, not sorry

You were a relatively newer student. You normally kept to yourself but you always dreamt of being friends with the main trio, especially with the infamous Suguru Geto. Yet, he always seemed to hate you, even when you openly showed you felt the opposite.
pairings: suguru geto x f!reader
warnings and whatnots: Mean!Geto, Jealous!Geto. He’s so rude to you. He’s realising his feelings for you!! Slow burn fic and will probably take a while to finish… Not proofread
Chapter 1: Are we still friends? Chapter 2: Can we be friends? Chapter 3: [currently reading] Chapter 4: Green looks good on you. Chapter 5: Runaway. Chapter 6: Burn
That was all you were met with from Suguru throughout the morning. As you got ready. As you ate breakfast. As you got in the car and subsequently stayed in the car.
Silence, silence and silence.
Not a word from him was spoken to you.
You were confused but accepted it with grace. Yet, your thoughts still linger on the fact he wasn’t talking to you. What had you done to garner such treatment from him? Sure, he hated you but you thought his disdain for you had slowly mellowed down.
“What’s up with you and Suguru?” Shoko whispers to you as you both sat in the backseats of the car. Satoru in the passenger seat whilst Suguru drives.
You shrugs you shoulder. Shoko looks at you with a confused expression, looking at Suguru.
“Oi, Suguru!” She calls out, causing Suguru to hum in response, his eyes glancing over to Shoko and you then back to road. “Why are you so quiet lately? What happened with you? I miss your annoying voice.”
“I’m fine, just tired.” He says.
You knew it was a lie, his inflections and the way his eyes darted around showed so. Yet, you kept quiet, deciding not to point it out.
Hours passed in silence as you made your way on the highway, before making a pit stop at a fast food restaurant to take a quick lunch break. As you made your way out of the car, you noticed how Satoru and Shoko exchanged glances amongst themselves. You look at them inquisitively, eyebrow raised at them. They smile at you. They’ve been doing that for the last few hours, as if they’ve been having their own secret conversations that they were shielding from you and Suguru. You look up at Suguru, he looks at you before quickly trailing behind Satoru who headed straight to the restaurant.
Suguru had also noticed it. The knowing glances, the small grins and smiles. They were scheming.
He hates when they schemed. Especially, when he wasn’t apart of it.
He chooses to ignore it as he sits down next to Satoru, directly sitting in front of you much to his regret. He glances at you as you look at the menu from your seat, eyes squinting.
He hated how your eyes looked so beautiful in the sun.
He looks away, feeling heat rush up to his cheeks. How disgusting.
“What do you want, Suguru?” Satoru says, pulling him away from his thoughts. Suguru shrugs, admitting that he could go for anything. Satoru looks at Shoko, before giving her a nod, earning a confused look from Suguru.
“Alright! Shoko and I will go order! You both wait here and keep the table and our belongings safe!” Satoru announces, smiling at the both of you before quickly standing up.
You didn’t even have time to protest before Shoko stands up and smiles at you. “Don’t start a fight!” She says, giving you a small smile.
You sit in your seat, pouting as you watch them walk away, eventually your eyes wander to Suguru who was already staring at you.
Feelings rush you, and a sense of unease fills you. You had a feeling he was going to start berating you. Yet, that never happened. Instead he just… looked at you, without saying anything.
He was an odd man you had to admit.
“Are you mad at me?” You ask, tentatively, breaking the silence. Your eyes trained on him searching for any negative emotions.
Yes. I am furious at you for not giving me the attention I need. The love I need.
“No. I’m not mad. The hell would I be?” Suguru answers, looking at you confused.
You give him an easy smile. “Oh… Then, are you in love with me?”
His eyes widen as blood rushes to his face. His face contorting into a mixture of shock and humiliation. You couldn’t help but laugh as you watch his reaction.
“You’re such an ass! Who in their right mind would like a person the likes of you?” Suguru answers rudely, hoping to illicit a hurt response from you. Yet, a feeling in his stomach and mind immediately caused him to feel regret for airing out such words. What for? You deserved it.
You continue laughing. “I don’t know, you?” You give him a smile that causes him to stumble and stutter upon his words.
He hated you.
“I would never like a girl like you. Get that through your stupid head. You wish I did like you.” He says seriously, his eyes narrowing.
Hurt flashes across your face, but you quickly mask it.
“I know, I just like teasing you!” You say, smiling at him.
He saw the hurt on your face and it caused his heart to burn. He wanted nothing more but to wipe that stupid hurt look off your face.
Admit it.
Admit that you love me so that I can love you. Admit that you want me to take care of you so I can try my best. Admit that I had broken you so I could put you back together.
All those words he wanted to say, all those thoughts. He couldn’t speak, his mouth wouldn’t let him. His body wouldn’t. His body rejected you but his heart was revolting.
Thus, he sat in uncomfortable silence with you, biding his time until Shoko and Satoru return and save the both of you from this pit of despair.
The pair of them eventually came to see the both of you in a state worse than before. You smiled at them trying to convince them you were fine but they could easily see through your deceit.
Lunch was eaten in silence.
Satoru and Shoko went to pay, asking you and Suguru to start up the car. You walk up to the car, Suguru trailing behind you. Your hands were in your pockets, gripping tightly to the inside of your pants.
You look back, seeing Suguru approaching you until he was directly in front of you. You didn’t know what he wanted. To insult you? To hurt you once more like he always does?
“M’sorry.” Suguru mumbles out before walking towards the driver’s side of the car.
You stand there for a second. An apology was not what you had expected. You didn’t know what to do with it. He can apologise all he wants but if he doesn’t change what’s the point? Such empty words won’t help her in the long run.
“y/n! Why are you standing outside the car? You’re gonna get hit!” Satoru says, smiling as he pulls you away from the road, nearer to the car. You smile softly at him, thanking him. He pats your shoulder and ruffles your hair, before quickly telling you something.
Suguru watches it all in the rear view mirror. The way Satoru held you, smiled at you, the way you smiled at him. Did you move on to him?
His hand. The way Satoru’s hand lingered on you. Lingered upon your waist as he pulls you out the road. It should’ve been him. Why Satoru? His teeth grit as he watches Satoru smile and laugh with you. Is that how it would be if he was close with you?
Satoru smiles at you once more before entering the backseat, leaving you with an exasperated look. Suguru wondered what had transpired between the both of you.
The door to the passenger seat opens, you entering the car, and giving a small shy smile to him, almost as if he didn’t just wound you.
“Satoru says that he wants to hang out with Shoko at the back. He says that you’re too boring,” You state, laughing slightly.
Suguru rolls his eyes, looking at the back where Satoru gives him an unapologetic look. He turns to you, the sound of your laugh sending shivers into him. He ignores it, turning to the road and starting to drive.
Everyone had fallen asleep, everyone except Suguru. He was cruising on the road at the an average speed, the road almost empty. He glances over at your sleeping figure.
You looked so peaceful.
You hair covering parts of your face, your small movements and small mumbles that fell out of your mouth as you slept.
He swore he heard you mumble his name out.
“It’s rude to stare.” You say, eyes fluttering open and looking at Suguru.
Suguru felts knots in his stomach as your eyes concentrated on him. He clears his throat and looks in front. Ashamed that he had been called out, especially with a line he had said to you a few days back.
“Where are we?” You ask, yawning as you stretch your arms out.
Suguru’s grip tightens on the steering wheel. “We’re nearing the hotel. We can make a quick stop at the next town to eat early dinner.” Suguru says, plainly.
You keep quiet, earning a glance from Suguru. You frown as you think. You were still half asleep, your eyes blurry and your brain foggy.
“Why do you hate me Sugu?” You ask, the use of the nickname causing him to shiver.
“I…” He didn’t know how to answer such a forward question.
If you had asked him that question months ago, nay two days ago, he could’ve given you a plethora of answers with detailed explanations. Yet, when you asked it right now, he was speechless.
He couldn’t answer.
Why did he hate you?
You weren’t a bad person nor mean. Annoying sure but you’ve quickly grown out of it. Your only sin was that you had fallen for him. You had fallen for a man who couldn’t deal with love.
Did he hate you?
Yes he did, he had to hate you. That’s what made sense.
Yet, why couldn’t he explain why he hated you.
“I… I don’t hate you.” He says softly, turning to you to gauge your response. Yet, what he was met with was the soft snores of you who had already fallen back to sleep.
He clicked his tongue. How annoying.
Maybe that’s why he didn’t like you.
He looks back to the road, his grip tight on the steering wheel as he focuses on driving.
He was tired.
Yes, that was it. He was tired. That’s why he wasn’t thinking straight. He was tired.
He looked upon your sleeping face. The way the setting sun shines upon your face was unexplainably beautiful, the way it lit up your face and put it on a spotlight. The ways your eye flutter slightly as the rays of gold hit your face.
He just needed some rest.
toasting if I'm correct
what is ryan bergara doing in a marvel movie
Can we be friends?

You were a relatively newer student. You normally kept to yourself but you always dreamt of being friends with the main trio, especially with the infamous Suguru Geto. Yet, he always seemed to hate you, even when you openly showed you felt the opposite.
Pairings: suguru geto x f!reader
Warnings and whatnots: fake friendship, Geto still being mean. Geto low-key being jealous but denying it because it’s geto. Use of the term monkey (by geto ofc) Not proofread! Maybe will make a part 3? Geto being oblivious to his feelings.
Chapter 1: Are we still friends? <;- read first! Chapter 2: [currently reading] Chapter 3: sorry, not sorry Chapter 4: green looks good on you. Chapter 5: Runaway Chapter 6: Burn.
Your eyes widen at the text you had received last night. After the whole ordeal yesterday, you had quickly collapsed on your bed and fell asleep, not bothering to change your clothes or check your phone.
What a big mistake.
Your fingers hover over the screen as you read the text message over and over again. It was real. You weren’t dreaming.
You needed to respond.
y/n : hii, sorry I didn’t see your message last night.
y/n : yeah I’m free today at like 2-3 pm. why?
You breath out a sigh, as you put your phone down, thoughts racing through your head faster than an F1 car.
The sound of your notification rings through the room, causing you to quickly seize your phone.
Suguru 💔 : meet me at the cafe at 2:30.
Suguru 💔 : I need to talk to you about something.
You weren’t sure what to do. You quickly answer, agreeing. You flop onto your bed, eyes staring onto the ceiling on top of you. Confusion filling you.
What the hell did he want from you?
Insufferable. Annoying. Wasn’t that what he called you? He didn’t want to be near you anymore right? Then, why was he randomly messaging you to meet him.
It all confused you. You punch your bed, frustrated. You didn’t know what to do. Did you really want to meet him again, alone? He said meet him, not him and his friends, meaning he would be alone.
You grimace and grumble, why does he have to be so damn confusing! You sit up, rereading the message again.
2:30 in the afternoon.
You sigh, standing up, stretching your body.
Annoyance replaces the frustration as you realise what you had just agreed to.
What in the world did you get yourself into?
You enter the cafe, hands fidgeting on your bag. You scout out the long black-haired man.
You eventually spot him near the corner, reading a book. Blood rushes to your face as you observe him. You curse your body for having a reaction to seeing him like that. Yet, it made sense.
He looked well-groomed today. His hair tied back into a man bun neatly, one strand freed and covering part of his face. He was entranced by the book, not bothering to look up at you, who was staring at him from the door.
“It’s rude to stare.” He suddenly voices out, pulling you out of your catatonic state. You look away, embarrassed for getting caught staring.
Right. He was still an asshole.
He looks up, closing his book and putting it on the coffee table in front of him. He gestures for you to sit in front of him, which you hesitantly agree to. Like normal, his eyes carried no emotion. It was impossible to read him and understand what was going in that head of his.
“What’d you call me here for?” You say, taking a seat in front of him. Your tone civil as you try your hardest to hide your still prominent feelings for him.
He gives you a smirk. Ugh! Was he trying to lead you on?
“I think we both know that we aren’t exactly on the best of terms.” He says, leaning in front. “So, I want to fix that and befriend you again.”
He wanted to befriend you… again. Did you hear that right?
You stare dumbfounded at him. Was he being serious.?You purse your lips, looking at him uncertainly.
“Why do you randomly want to be friends with me again?” You say quietly, unsure of what he was getting at. Surely, there was something that he needed.
“Look, I uh… I think it would be better for us to be friends again. You’re a good girl, and I think that you’re a nice friend. Thus, I don’t want to have to lose you because I made a mistake with my words months ago.” He says. “Besides, Shoko needs another female friend.”
You continue to stare at him. What he said made sense, and this was definitely an optimal chance to get back into the friend group, but something felt off.
“But… You don’t like me in general.” You state plainly, tilting your head at the man in front of you.
His eyes widen as he hears you say that, his mouth opens slightly, before he quickly closes it. To be completely honest, he never thought you would be so blunt on pointing out his faults and disdains. It was true he didn’t really fancy your presence but he thought he kept it secretive enough. Not to mention, he thought you would accept his friendship in a heartbeat with no issue. Isn’t that what you wanted? To be close to him?
You stare at him expectantly. You know you had hit the nail as he stayed silent after your statement. Yet, to know that he actually didn’t like you, it hurt.
“I can’t say that you’re entirely wrong but…” He leads, the first few words already stinging your heart. You didn’t know why you thought wanted he would reject your words and say that you were wrong. You should’ve known better than that.. “I think it’s better for the whole class that we at least pretend to be friends. Shoko and Satoru desperately miss you for some reason.”
You stay silent, the words ringing through your head before you finally process it after a few seconds. You bite the inside of your cheek.
“So… can we be friends?” He asks, looking you in the face, the look that always caused you to blush.
“Fine by me.” You say, standing up, trying to quickly leave the cafe before it became obvious on the fact that you still somehow had a crush on that curse eater.
He, thankfully, let you leave.
You stood outside of class, staring at the door. It was the first day of school after agreeing to be friends although fake with Suguru Geto.
You know you had to enter soon, but the prospect of seeing him again and having to talk to him was nerve-wrecking.
“Why are you staring at the door?”
You jump at the sudden voice, turning back to see the man you were trying to avoid behind you. He looked at you weirdly, tilting his head.
“I- I was just thinking…” You say, looking in front indignantly.
He raises an eyebrow at you before opening the door, ushering you inside.
Satoru and Shoko were already in the classroom. They smile at the both of you and wave you over to sit with them. You, gratefully, take a seat beside Shoko. As per usual, you stay quiet, listening to them talk and squabble. You started zoning out as their discussion continued on.
“Well, what do you think y/n?” The mention of your name snaps you back to reality. You look at Shoko who had called you.
“I’m sorry- I was blurred out, what did you say?”
“Since the school break is happening soon, we wanted to go on a roadtrip around Japan. Though, it’s either that or we do something else. So… what do you want to do?” Shoko explains.
“Come on y/n, say yes to the roadtrip! I’ll even pay for all your expenses!” Satoru adds on, giving you a pleading look. You smile at him.
“Sure… I wouldn’t mind.”
Satoru gives you the widest grin before hugging you. You laugh at him, accepting the hug. You glance at Shoko who rolls her eyes, a small smile tugging at her lips.
You live in that moment for a while. Not realising how Suguru was staring at your enveloped figure. Something inside him burned as he watched Satoru hold you in a tight hug. He shakes away the thought. It must be because Satoru is holding you. Satoru is his best friend, why would he want his best friend holding a filthy monkey?
The road trip was planned and scheduled. For the first time in a long time, you felt a sense of belonging. The plan was to sleepover at Suguru’s old house and leave early the next day. That was the reason you stood in front of Suguru’s house, your trunk in hand. You tapped nervously on the hard leather cover of the trunk as you waited for someone to open the door. Satoru and Shoko were already there as they were used to going to his house. You, were not.
The door opens, Suguru standing in front of you. Your breath hitches as you see him.
He looked beautiful. His hair down and in a comfortable black sweatshirt. His eyes looked tired but it was obvious he had been smiling as his laugh lines looked more obvious than usual.
“Oh. You’re here.” He says.
You give him a small smile. He stands to the side, letting you in. Before you could even take a look around, he grabs your shoulder, pulling you near. Your eyes widen as you feel his hand grabbing you back.
“Listen. I know we’re ‘friends’ and all, but that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t exactly like you. So, don’t get any wrong ideas okay? We’re just friends.” He says sternly, looking down at your face. His eyes softening for a second as he took a proper look at your face. He had never seen it that close before. He had to admit you were pretty but no. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. Not you, not after everything he had said.
You pull away from him, failing to notice how his eyes saddened as you remove yourself from him. Why did he feel that way? He didn’t like you.
“I get it man. We’re friends. I’m fine with that.” You say, glaring at him.
“Good.” He says, ignoring you as he brings you up the stairs to his room where Shoko and Satoru played UNO on the floor.
“y/n! You’re lateeee” Satoru drawls out, patting the spot next to him for you to sit down. You agree, sitting beside him as you watch him and Shoko play a game of UNO. Satoru, getting increasingly frustrated with losing, not knowing Shoko had been secretly passing you cards to hide.
“This game is rigged!” Satoru shouts out after his 11th time losing. “Let’s do something else!”
You laugh, nodding at him. Suguru’s hand twitching as he hears your laugh. He keeps quiet.
You all decided to watch a movie before falling asleep soon on the floor. It had been ages since you had this much fun. As you stare into the ceiling, the world around starts getting darker before eventually you fall into a deep slumber.
You awoke to the sound of something moving, you open your eyes, catching a shadow of man walking towards the door before closing it. You sit up, feeling curious on who had left the room. Your throat felt dry.
You needed a drink.
That was your reasoning. Surely there was no other reason for you to follow a shadow that was most definitely Suguru downstairs to the kitchen. You were just thirsty.
You quietly head down the stairs, catching a glimpse of Suguru at the counter of his kitchen, drink in hand. He looked so… broken.
Maybe you didn’t need a drink.
“I know you’re there.” He says.
Nevermind, you did need a drink.
“My throat… I wanted a drink…” You say softly, showing yourself. He looks at you, his eyes showing the distinct look of sadness.
He nods, pushing the jug of water near you and grabbing a cup for you. You poured the water in and took a sip. The air of awkwardness surrounding the both of you as you both stood drinking water.
“Are… Are you alright?” You ask, breaking the silence. He keeps quiet, taking a sip.
“I’m fine.” He says solemnly after a while. You knew better to fight him about it.
After a while, you left to go back to sleep, leaving Suguru all alone downstairs.
It enraged him. Why did you leave him? Why did you stop showing him affection? You were supposed to like him, not ignore him! You… You and your stupid laugh. The laugh that only happened near him but never because of him. The sincere smile that you gave others but not him.
It’s not fair.
It’s not fair, why did they get it but not him?
He hated it.
He hated you.
He didn’t like you. No, you were supposed to like him. That’s how it was supposed to work.
You had to like him. He wanted your attention, your affection, your love. He wanted your all.
So, why weren’t you giving it to him?
Why were you making him give his to you?
part 3
Eyes that follow.

The King of Curses had never fallen in love before. It was weak. Yet, when he saw you, something clicked inside of him. He was curious about you, but the way you ignored him was simply unacceptable
pairings: ryomen sukuna x reader
warnings and whatnots: High School AU. Sukuna and Itadori are brothers. dumbass Sukuna. Sukuna being oblivious to his own feelings. Sukuna low-key being a stalker a bit but you know so it’s okay?
Reader: 🌊 Sukuna:💥
It was safe to say Ryomen Sukuna had never fallen in love before. It was weak. Then, suddenly you came along and ruined everything for him.
He first spotted you walking with his brother Yuji. Something about you allured him but he chalked it up to nothing.
“Hi, you must be Yuji’s brother!” - 🌊
He ignored you.
Days past and he couldn’t get the thought of you out of his head. He watched as you walked in the school campus. Eyes following closely, sometimes he’d even follow you quietly.
You ignored him and it drove him crazy.
He needed to talk to you.
💥: Hey. I got your number from my brother.
🌊: wtf? Hi? what do you want?
💥: you. 💥: I mean I want to talk to you. 💥: don’t get the wrong idea, brat.
🌊: k?
you responded. You responded!
He didn’t understand why you piqued his interest so quickly. Maybe you had some unknown power that he didn’t know of.
Whatever it was, it had caused him to wait outside your class the next day.
“So, what do you want?” - 🌊
“Why are you so enticing? For a person who seems really weak, why are you so enticing. Is there a hidden power behind you weak figure?” - 💥
You stare at him, confused and offended. You didn’t respond and left quickly.
His eyes follow your figure as you left.
After that day, he never left you alone.
He followed you around, talking while simultaneously accidentally insulting you.
The way you ignored him drove him crazy
It only caused him to follow you around even more, desperate for a piece of your attention.
“Bro, what’s up with you and y/n? Why do you keep following them around.” His brother confronts.
Sukuna keeps quiet, not knowing how to answer. How did he not know? He was Ryomen Sukuna, he was supposed to know.
Yet, you had changed him, and he didn’t know if he liked that.
Yuji listens as Sukuna rants and talk about you. Trying to explain why he did what he did.
He laughs. Yuji laughs at him.
Sukuna had never been this enraged at his brother before.
“You like her! Oh my, you like y/n!”
The audacity. As if he would like you! He couldn’t, he wouldn’t! You were just some lowly peasant to him.
Yet, the thought rang through his head throughout the night, following him through the day and eating up at him by its end.
Did he like you?
💥: Oi, brat.
🌊: what do you want, stalker boy
💥: meet me tomorrow at the convenience store outside school.
🌊: can i not?
💥: you have no choice.
🌊: nuh uh.
💥: you come or else I’m hunting you down.
🌊: Why do you want me to meet you? 🌊: Hello? 🌊: hello??? 🌊: kys
Frankly, you were getting a bit annoyed with him.
You did have to admit you might have a teensy tiny little crush on him and liked him being attentive to you, but it was quickly ruined by how utterly rude he way.
You didn’t understand what he wanted so much from you that caused him to follow you around.
He was odd. Yet, maybe you were also a bit odd because here you wait in front of the convenience store for his appearance.
He watched you from the corner, heat filling his face. He didn’t understand what was happening to him.
Did he like you? No! This must be your cursed technique!
He needed to confront you about it.
“Oi, brat, over here!” He called out to you. You raise your head from your phone, looking at the man who had finally graced you with his appearance.
You hide a smile as you look him up and down. You keep your face calm.
“What do you want?” You ask plainly, a bored look on your face.
It drove him nuts. Were you bored? Bored in his presence? No. He needed to change that. He can’t have you being bored near the King of Curses’ presence, can he now?
“What the hell are you doing to me?!” He exclaims loudly, being blunt. His face a mixture of annoyance as his eyes twitched. He looked down at you, gauging your response.
Your face changes from a nonchalant and bored expression to confused. What in the world was he talking about?
“Ever since I saw you, you’ve been infiltrating my brain. I don’t understand, what type of Curse Technique you have but whatever it is, stop! Stop before I make you stop.”
You were even more confused?
Curse technique?
Your curse technique was the same as Megumi! What was he talking about?
“Don’t act clueless! You’ve taken hold of my head. You’ve entered and made home in it, and I can’t seem to evict you out! You made my brain your home and my heart your toy. Stop it!” He says truthfully, as he looked at you with a look of hatred.
You stay frozen for a moment, processing all the information he had just forced onto you. You didn’t understand.
Realisation dawns on your face. Your gaze meets his and you swore you saw his eyes flicker from anger to a softness you had never seen. You gaze upon his face, taking note of the small hint of red that tinted his face. You smile sweetly at him.
“Sukuna. Do you like me?” You ask plainly.
His eyes widen at the question as his face gets redder.
“As if! Why would I like a lowly peasant like you. I am way above you. I could kill you if I wanted to!” He says, his voice loud.
You laugh. “Aw, what a shame. I liked you too.”
He looks at you with a confused expression, his eyebrows furrow as he looked down at you.
You smile at him as you walk away, yet you didn’t get far before he grabbed your arm, pulling you near to him.
“Oi.” He grinned at you. His eyes making its way down to take a proper look at you. His grin becomes wider as his eyes follow your eyes. “You didn’t think that I would let you go that easily, did you?”