Bullet Train Lemon - Tumblr Posts

started this portrait AGES ago to prove to myself i can still digitally paint and also bc lemon needs more love !! hes literally top 5 characters to Ever !
Could I request a lemon x reader (from bullet train obvi) where they’re in a relationship and they both find out they’re on the same train?
❥ of course! i'm so excited!! my first bullet train request ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻) p.s. i am so sorry this was really late!

coincidence pairing: lemon x gn!reader genre: established relationship, sorta fluffy, i had no idea how to end this warnings: mentions of blood, injury, lots of swearing cause its tangerine and lemon word count: 1k

y/n smiled as they stared at the last text message they received from their boyfriend. they were on a bullet train in japan for a little one-person vacation while their partner was off in london doing his usual job, whatever that was.
they placed their phone on the table facing downwards, staring at the sticker of edward, a thomas and friends character, that was placed on the back of their phone case. y/n had received the sticker from their boyfriend from a while back when they first started dating. he had immediately labelled them as an edward after noticing how they were willing to listen to his problems when they noticed he was having a bad day(he was taking his frustrations out by kicking a trash can so it was quite obvious).
they yawned as they made themselves comfortable on the seat in economy class. just as y/n was about to close their eyes, the sudden vibrations from their phone caused them to open their eyes wide. they picked it up and saw a name that brought a grin to their face.
sliding the answer button, they placed the phone to their ear. “hello, there, handsome.” y/n greeted in a flirtatious tone, receiving a chuckle from the other end. “hello, love.” lemon answered back, equally as playful.
“so, to what do i owe the pleasure?” y/n asked, “what? i can’t call the love of my life every now and then to check up on them and see how they’re doing?” he asked back cause them to giggle. “you may. though, you act as if i could die in a matter of minutes if you don’t call me every hour.” y/n joked but there was no laughter coming from him. “right. well, where are you now?” he changed the subject, they were a bit curious as to why but decided not to speak up about it. “on a bullet train, heading from tokyo to shin-osaka.” lemon was silent for a while after that.
on his side of the call, he was looking around the train from his seat. “you’re… on the bullet train… now?” he asked slowly, “yes, love.” they nonchalantly answered, a bit confused. “which train?” “the tokaido shinkansen.” lemon could feel his heart drop. he couldn’t hear the rest of what his partner was saying as he tuned out. “...that mascot thing is so cute-” “i gotta call you back, sweetheart.” he suddenly said when he saw tangerine signalling him to get off the phone. “stay out of trouble, yeah?” y/n snorted, “yes, dad. i will definitely stay out of trouble.” lemon rolled his eyes, “i love you.” “i love you too.” as he put the phone down, tangerine eyed him up and down.
“the bloody hell’s wrong with you, mate? look like you just seen a ghost or sum’in.” he commented, looking at the walkway to see if anyone was there. “y/n’s on this train.” tangerine raised an eyebrow, “so?” “so? what if they get hurt or worst?” his brother only snorted, finding him ridiculous. “why the fuck would they get hurt? don’t be absurd, lemon.” he told lemon, who was still looking bothered.
tangerine sighed, “this is why, as assassins, we don’t date. remember, we’ve got a job to do.” he nodded his head towards the sleeping figure in the other seat beside them. lemon nodded, “right.” “they’ll be fine. trust me.” tangerine assured and lemon gave him a tight-lipped smile.
the train ride for y/n was quite boring. they didn’t really know what to do for the next few hours of their trip. they decided to read a book or two.
after an hour of nonstop reading, they stretched and got out of their seat to go to the restroom. just as they were getting out, a man with long blonde hair and thick-rimmed glasses bumped into them. “oh, shit. i am so sorry.” “oh, it’s alright. coulda happened to any one of us really.” y/n smiled before moving aside to let him pass, “arigato!” he said with his american accent, y/n stared at him weirdly. “...okay.” they muttered quietly as they walked the opposite direction.
honestly, peeing was exactly the thing they needed. y/n checked their watch and realised they still had an hour or so before their stop. “god, i hate travelling.” they said to nobody but themselves as they finished up their business, wiping themselves and flushing the toilet. while they were washing their hands, they heard a loud knocking on the door. "come out, you dick! i know you're in there!" a growling voice yelled, startling y/n furthermore.
now, this would usually scare the living shit out of y/n but the thing about this was that the voice sounded exactly like their boyfriend. y/n slid the door wide open, and to their dismay, they were correct.
there stood lemon wearing a tie and jacket, bleeding from the nose with a decorative cut on his cheek.
"oh shit." he muttered to himself when he saw them, rubbing his temple with his hand. "lemon?! what are you doing here?" y/n asked, "and what on earth happened to your face?" they grabbed his face with both hands, turning it to the right and left direction in order to see the bruises better.
lemon grabbed their hands gently, "hey, hey, hey, don't mind these. they're nothing." he cooed, "i'm- uh- shocked! to find you on the same train as us, that is." y/n gave him a weird look, "us?" they asked as they were fully sceptical. "me and tangerine, o'course." he explained, but his lover only scoffed.
"wow, without me huh?” lemon couldn’t tell if they were serious or joking, but either way it didn’t stop his sweat from dripping down the back of his neck. “hey! what about this: i’ll join you once i’ve found tangy, and we can all ride the train together, hm?” he suggested with a nervous grin, y/n rolled their eyes. “alright.” they agreed, lemon subconsciously let out a breath of relief.
just as they were about to go opposite directions, y/n grabbed his sleeve. “don’t ditch me, yeah?” of course, he did exactly that. what? he had to go retrieve that briefcase he technically lost.

Brotherly help

The new assassin on the block, you had been tasked to a quick mission with the infamous Lemon and Tangerine. Unbeknownst to you, you accidentally gain a crush on one of the brothers, so what else can you do other than enlist the help of the other one?
Pairing: tangerine x reader
Warnings and whatnots: Jealous!Tangerine
You had a dilemma. A dilemma that included being paired with a set of twins who were incredibly skilled, one of which you had the misfortune of crushing on.
You were a relatively new assassin, but you quickly made your way up in the ranks. That was why you were paired up with Tangerine and Lemon.
It felt odd, to work with them. They were nice, but you always had a sick feeling with them like your heart dropped to your stomach when you saw them. Especially when you saw him. You’ve only worked with them once, during the Bolivia job, but the feeling still remained. Eventually you deduced the problem.
You had a massive, giant crush, on Tangerine.
“Everything alright there?” Lemon asks you as you sat next to him, tapping your fingers on the table. The bullet train moved fast, making you nauseous. It didn’t help that you were sitting face to face with Tangerine. His leg was practically brushing yours and he didn’t even seem to care! He seemed fairly calm.
“Yeah I’m fine… Motion sickness ya’know?”
Tangerine raises an eyebrow at you, his eyes piercing into your soul like he knows you’re lying. You give him a tight lipped smile, before looking at the White Death’s son.
“Is he gonna be okay?” You ask, trying to change the topic.
“He should be awake in a few hours. Nothing to worry about, love.”
You hated it. Hated when he called you that. Hated when he called other girls that. Love. What a disgusting word.
“I need to go to the washroom.” You say, standing up curtly and making your way to the washroom, hoping that they thought you were going off to vomit your guts out; maybe you were.
You stood in the washroom, staring yourself in the mirror before splashing your face with water. You grip onto the sink, before looking up and promptly screaming at the man in the mirror.
“Goddamn it Lemon! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” You shout.
Lemon doesn’t say anything, only closing the door behind him and locking it. You tilt your head at him.
“Is everything alright? Why are you so off? You’ve been like this since the start of the job.”
You should’ve known he would’ve found out. You should’ve known from the day he called you an Edward. He was weirdly good at reading people, even more so with classifying them as Thomas The Tank Engine characters.
“I’m fine…”
“Don’t be a Diesel.”
“I’m not being a Diesel!” You scoff.
You stare at Lemon, who looks at you expectantly. You try to think through all the possible possibilities that could happen if you told Lemon you had a crush on his brother. Would he tease you? Be disgusted? Eh, who cares, you’ll still get your money, and what’s a bit of humiliation.
“I may or may not have a thing for… Tangerine.” You spill out.
Laughter fills the washroom and you can feel your cheeks heat up. “Shut up!”
“You have a crush on my brother? Oh my, it was so obvious. Please, is that what you’re all worked out about?” Lemon asks, regaining composure.
“Yes, now shut it. I don’t need to embarrass myself any more than I already have.”
“Well now wait a bit, I can help you with this situation. To be honest, I do think Tangerine has a slight thing for you, only he’s too ignorant to realise it… So let me help you.”
“Are you serious?”
“And how exactly are we gonna get Tangerine to realise he has feelings for me?” You ask, suspicious. Lemon gives you a smile.
“We make him jealous.”
This was an utterly stupid idea but it might just work. It was easy; laugh and smile at all of Lemon’s jokes and stories and just be unusually touchy with him. Still, you felt like an idiot doing this and Lemon could sense it. Lemon had asked if you were okay with it and you had agreed. So here you were, executing this dumb plan.
You walked back to the table where the Tangerine was sitting, your arm looping with Lemon’s and your other hand, caressing his shoulder. Lemon sat down first, and you squeezed in next to him. Tangerine looks at the both of you with a confused and suspicious expression. He turns his attention to you.
“Are you alright love? You spent a long time in the washroom.”
That pet name again. You try to hide how flustered it made you feel. You smile at him.
“Yeah, just some stomach problems. The train is going too fast. Thankfully, Lemon gave me some medicine to help me get through it.” You give a sickeningly sweet smile to Lemon, hoping your time learning to act will come in handy here.
“I see.” Tangerine says, glancing at Lemon and then you. His face was slightly unreadable, but you can see a hint of confusion behind his eyes.
“Well when you both were doing God knows what, the White Death here still hasn’t woken up. So, I think we have a long while until he’ll be up.”
“Well, what should we do then? To pass the time?” You ask, looking at Lemon.
“Ah well, there’s nothing much to do is there? We can’t exactly walk around since we don’t want the little old son over there to die.”
You giggle at his comment, and in the corner of your eye, you could see Tangerine’s hand flex. He doesn’t say anything, continuing to observe the both of you. You still sat unnecessarily close to Lemon and you could see it was taking affecting Tangerine.
“Oi, why are you lot sitting so closely together?” Tangerine finally asks. A part of you is happy that he finally asked. His voice sounded deep and his eyebrows furrow.
“Are we?” You say, moving a bit further away from Lemon but still sitting relatively close to Lemon. Lemon looks at you. “I mean, is there a problem with sitting this close with him?”
Tangerine bites the inside of him cheek. “No. I’m just asking why you both are all over each other.”
That was fast. Was he already jealous?
“We are not!” You scoff, leaning back and crossing your arms over your chest.
“You are!”
You glance at Lemon, who gives you a quick thumbs up from under the table.
“What the hell- What the hell is happening with you both? What are you doing?” Tangerine asks, glancing under the table.
Lemon gives you a look before excusing himself and leaving to the washroom. You look at Tangerine who stares at you.
“What? Are you not gonna follow him? Hm? Make out with him?” Tangerine asks, a hint of anger and jealousy in his voice.
“Even if I did, why do you care?” You ask, tilting your head at Tangerine. Was Lemon right? Did Tangerine actually like you? You thought Lemon was only joking.
Tangerine didn’t answer your question, looking away from you.
“Tangerine. Tell me. Why, why in the world do you care? Why do you care what I do?” You press, leaning over the table, staring into his eyes. You feel the embarrassment and nervousness rise through you but you were too close, you couldn’t just give up.
“Tangerine. Why would you care? Tell me.”
“Because I like you alright!” He finally admits, aloud. He looks back at you.
“Is that what you want to hear? I like you. Goddamn it, I think I’m in love with you and I can’t stand the fact that you seem to like my brother more than me so just shut it and piss off.”
Your eyes widen, as you lean back in your sit. Tangerine also leans back, realising what he had just said. You didn’t know what to said. He had just admitted it.
“&#!@ I shouldn’t have said that.” You hear him mutter under his breath. “Just shut it alright, if you like my brother I won’t get in your way but-“
“I like you too.”
His eyes widen when you say that, he looks at you, confused and bewildered.
“Guess the cat’s finally out of the bag hm?” Lemon says, appearing beside the both of you. Tangerine looks at Lemon before finally realising what had happened.
“You cheeky bastard.” He says to the both of you.
You give him a smile. “Oh well, it was the only to make you admit it, no?”
“Great, now that’s all dealt with, please hold your flirting until the end of the mission.” Lemon says to the both of you.
Tangerine smiles. “You know for a fact you can’t stop me.”