Qin In A Suit Omg Omg?
Qin in a suit omg omg?
Tbh i kinda got lazy with it (i'm losing motivation JDJDOS)

He definitely asks his servants/moon to do his tie LMAO
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Favorite RoR OCs artists; if you can't give a top please give a list! 🙏
"Oh, friend... I have prepared myself for this ✨" - Asheer.


"Sadly, for now this are all. If you can check on each of them. They have great OCs!! Each one unique in their own way!!! ♡" - Asheer

↳ Naofumi Iwatani
Icons w/ cats themes in pink | Happy Birthday Naofumi
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Yao Dàiyù (曜黛玉) - Info
AKA, me throwing random OC details to see if I can draw afterwards.

Yao Dàiyù (曜黛玉) translates as "Beautiful" (曜, Yao) and "Black Jade" (黛玉, Dàiyù).
Although at the start it was an unintentional detail, It grew to have a heavier weight in her character.
Jade (anciently also called Nephrite) was a valuable gemstone for multiple qualities, in Ancient China being considered one of its, if not the most, valuable gemstone. Those qualities that made it so valuable tend to hold a sort of weight in her character's design, personality or clothing-wise:
✧ Jade (as a whole) has subtle or not so subtle representations in her design through jewelry or engravings
✧ Its hardness and durability have a weight in her personality, making her a cold and hard to crack female with a unwavering stubborness when It comes to certain things.
✧ Strangely enough, jade does have musical qualities, which later influenced her own musical skills with the guzheng, xíqin and more.
✧ Immortality and soul. There's no need to explain this much, as this complements Qin Shi Huang's search of the "Elixir of life".
✧ Jade is also known and believed to have healing properties, which is passed onto Dàiyù, who besides being the empress is also a very skilled medic in multiple areas

Also, can't remember if I clarified this Is an OC, un-historical accuracy
She possesses various titles, all with its differences and reasons to be.
✧ Qínwáng hòu (秦王后), translates as "Queen of Qin" or "Queen Qin", title she held since her marriage until 221 BC, when the warring states got unified.
✧ Qín Huánghòu (秦皇后), which its direct translation would be "Empress of Qin", which became her oficial title beyond 221 BC until her death in 210 BC.
✧ Qin Zàishēng (秦再生), translates separately as 'Qin' (秦) and 'Renaissance' (再生) which is sometimes considered a synonym for 'Rebirth', so her translated title is "Rebirth/Renaissance of Qin", which symbolizes the changes of the kingdom, now empire, under her and Qin Shi Huang's reigning times.
✧ Qín shì ruǎnyù (秦氏軟玉), translates as 'Qin's nephrite'. Nephrite was understood as another word for jade, which at the time was one of the more, if not the most, important gemstones in the empire and chinese culture. This title emphasized the empress' importance, title, and value inside the empire.

This is all of my OC for now, again, more than obvious that she's shipped/paired with Qin Shi Huang from RoR, doesn't mean I'm calling him mine.
The character of Qin Shi Huang doesn't belong to me.
Again, thanks anyone who came this far reading the info, I'm missing her backstory and many other things, Will post It soon? Dunno'.
are you copying someone? since your oc is awfully similar to someone's oc lorewise
«"Ouch...? Meh, I actually expected this kind of question. I think I know who you are referring to."» - Asheer | Huī

Hi, anon!!! Sorry for having sound rude [If I did] in the first quote of the admin.
Okay, I'll answer your question simply: No. I would never copy anyone, it's something I would never do or wish upon my worst enemy.
However, allow me to please elaborate in my response and the reason why I inform you I haven't copied anyone:
✧ Dàiyù (my OC) was first introduced in mid-ends of February in the social media or Instagram when I first made it after having been around a year or two just an idea I'd work on.

✧ Her first design was established around February and her own first description had her marked as "Empress of Qin". It was a pathetic little description but there I first established the trope I was using.

✧ Sadly, all post about her in Instagram have been taken down as right now I'm working on a revamp of her. However, I've been working on her for a while since various years ago and my mutuals are aware of that.
✧ The similarities between my OC and someone else's weren't intentional, for which I apologize any type of misunderstandings that have unfold.
«"Well, thanks for your attention! I hope I have dismissed your concerns, anon, and if in any case you wanna DM to continue discussing about this or either want to keep yourself as an anon, you're welcome to."» - Asheer | Huī