Shuumatsu No Valkyrie Rp - Tumblr Posts
Qin in a suit omg omg?
Tbh i kinda got lazy with it (i'm losing motivation JDJDOS)

He definitely asks his servants/moon to do his tie LMAO

Aww, shucks. You’re gonna make me blush.
I would flirt with you, but I’d rather seduce you with my awkwardness~
Aw, well ain’t you just cute as a June-bug. Jessie leans down to be face to face with you. Lifting up the brim of her hat some.
Careful now, I may just wanna rope ya later. She winked before leaning back up.
W-Wait! I have a better one! Ahem
Are you religious? ‘Cuz you’re the answer to all of my prayers~

(P.S. I was Ghost Anon. It just didn’t feel right for me to stay an Anon.)
Are you a door?
Because you look a-DOOR-able~
-Ghost Anon 👻
"Bad attempt."

Ohhhh, flirting back I see~
Hey, you’re pretty and I’m cute.
Together we’d be pretty cute~
"We might as well rearrange the alphabet, I really want to so U and I together."

No thanks!

Yo pops, got any advice on how the pick up boys? Since I’m totally not trying to pick up Hermes and Beelzebub
"Hermes and... Beelzebub..? I'm not sure how you can be able to date them much less talk to them."

Is the great and almighty Buddha blushing just from a simple pickup line?
They say nothing lasts forever,
so will you be my nothing~?

"Hm..Quite the charmer, aren't you sweetie?"

Screw it, I’m shooting my shot
Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist. Right?

"If you just wanted a kiss you could've just asked, darling."
Hermes bowed slightly and placed a chaste kiss on Ghost's forehead and cheek before straightening back up and patting down his suit to release any wrinkles made.

Nothing that you should worry your pretty little head over, sweetie

I’m not an electrician, but I can sure light up your day.

"..what the dog doin?"