Hating is my full-time job (along with a small side hustle of rebloging cats and art) I also have a second account for my art @assholeinadifferenthat
128 posts
Damn 😳
I'm glad to see people still making cool creepypasta characters! (Every time I almost fall out of the fandom, I get dragged back in again. Pls send help.)

another creepypasta oc :3 blaire !!!
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More Posts from Assholeinahat
This is so unfortunate. It really sucks that Viv is treating her artists this way.

Throwback to when Viv was pissed that someone who worked on the pilot asked for credit for them and someone else before swiftly deleting her tweet.
Simple answer? Money. It's probably less expensive to recolor a figure and call it a day than it is to make a whole new one. They were probably thinking, "What character can we recolor that make sense? Oh wait, didn't Alastor have a shadow form or something? We should do that!"
Was it a good idea? No, yeah, no. Sorry, no. Is it going to save vivsipop money? Probably. If I'm being completely honest, from a marketing standpoint, it makes sense. Companies do that all the time, but it does show a certain amount of laziness, and the want for money overshadowing the want to truly please the audience. If that makes sense.
Anyway, that's just my opinion on the situation. Still kinda messed up, though.
Another failed merch
Regarding Alastor’s new figurine, I perfectly understand what they were trying to do, it was supposed to be Alastor’s Shadow or something.

But, they don't look alike at all, the shadow doesn't have eyes or teeth and the antlers are supposed to be bigger. If they wanted to make a figurine of it, they should have given it a more malicious expression and a different pose. Otherwise it’d feel like buying the same thing but recolored.
They could have made those neons' red/blue eyes and mouths to reference the pilot and it could glow in the dark.

It just looks odd to do that, especially regarding what happened recently with the blackface.
But why do we even need an Alastor shadow figurine when it’s not even a character, it’s an asset to give more “mystery” to Alastor, most people who watched the show don’t pay attention to it. Why didn't Vaggie, who’s a much more important character, have a figurine?
Hell's society/government is some I have always been curious about. It's (in my opinion) one of the most inconsistent things about the hellverse or whatever it's called.
I accidentally deleted a question someone asked me because of issues with posting my response and I don't remember the user of the person, so I'll just try to summarize what they asked and then answer. I hope they still see this. (TT)
They were talking about my post regarding some of the worldbuilding issues in HH/HB, specifically this point:

And asked if I would count these things being said on the HB Subreddit as a valid explanation for prisons in hell.

They said, that to them it just seemed like something the writers didn't really think through and mentioned, that hell pretty much functions like earth atp, with the approach to punishment being more akin to a "hell on earth" situation.
This was my response:
Thanks for the question! I do think that could be an answer to prisons being in hell, but I generally don't like/count explanations that were given outside of the show, especially when it's not from an official interview or something. I feel like it was really just something they included without thinking much about it. But I'll use this opportunity to rant about something that's a bit different. Hell is just getting closer and closer to earth and I think the biggest problem is that hell as a place and what happens there is never defined really. Atleast not what living in hell means for Hellborn. For Sinners it's supposed to be a place with punishment, but the punishment is more like what you mentioned with the "hell on earth" idea. This is because there is no outside form of punishment, all the harm that Sinners experience is self-inflicted in a way. I assumed the exterminations were a form of punishment, but the show makes it clear that they aren't supposed to happen and only really do, because Adam gets off to it. Im fine with the punishment that Sinners receive, because they did something to end up in hell, but Hellborns? To them, hell is just the place they were born and they didn't to anything specific to end up there. They don't really deserve to be punished. But I would be fine with the fact that the have to endure harm/punishment down there if it was consistent in any way. First off, the sinners just live in one ring of hell, the pride ring. If Hellborns have to endure harm, because they live among sinners and there is no way to differentiate between the two that's alright, but sinner only live in one ring, why not just make a working system in every other ring? And to call hell a "place with no rules" could work, if there weren't very obviously rules to this place still. There's a system with higher-ups, there's prisons and therapy centers, there are rules to who can or can't date someone and who gets access to certain powers/items. But there is seemingly no god who makes all of these rules. Lucifer, the king of hell doesn't care and only seems to hang out in his own ring (as far as HH let's us assume), so who makes these rules and why does anyone follow them/act like they're a big deal. We have no reason to assume that the sins care about anything that presents issues in the show (except for Mammon caring about his money being stolen, but I'll get to that). Mammon only cares about his wealth and Asmodeus and Beelzebub seem like pretty chill people overall. But to get back to the point, we see Moxxie end up in prison in the greed ring after stealing a bunch of money with Chaz. It makes sense for Mammon to want to punish him, which to me, it would make more sense to just kill him. What does Mammon gain by putting him in jail for a bit and then just letting him go? The sins are unbelievably strong (atleast we can assume that, because powerscaling is practically nonexistent in HH/HB), they could kill an Imp in matter of seconds. The idea that prison is more of a punishment is only sustainable if you go at it from the perspective of someone who enjoys the suffering of others. Someone like Adam, who would go out of his way to maybe visit the prisons, or oversee punishments, just to enjoy seeing another person get abused. But who does that in the greed ring? I assumed, with how hell was characterized so far, Demons are more selfish than they are sadistic. I thought the idea was, that everyone is more focused on self-sustainability, rather than directly hurting others (atleast for the Hellborns). And yeah, Mammon abuses Fizzarolli, but it's never something he does because he directly and intentionally wants to hurt him. It's just more of a means to an end for him, something that just so happens to be a byproduct to making Fizzarolli famous. And if Mammon isn't in charge of the prisons, then who is? Other Imps? Another sin that for some reason has influence over what happens in the greed ring? The goetia? Lucifer?
And if it's not about punishment necessarily, but more about the labor they can get out of prisoners that begs the question of why Mammon would need to pay Demons anyways. You cannot tell me that the personification of Greed, who so far has only been characterized by money would pay his workers when he doesn't need to. He's a sin, who would stand up to him anyways? What about just making contracts with demons. Does Angel get money from Valentino, or Husk from Alastor? I don't think so. Or are contracts something only sinners can do, but not some immortal, eldritch beings literally born in hell. And what money even means in a technically "lawless" place is also never explained deeper. So the idea with prisons being more punishment is only really an explanation to a certain degree. I would probably still count it, if it was mentioned in the show or, if hell was generally better established as a setting, but it mostly seems like an excuse for something that wasn't that thought out. Sorry that this answer is so long, I sorta got carried away.