Hazbin Hotel Critique - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Woo! V (not Calling Her By Her Original Name) Redesign, Also Some Thoughts About Her In The Main Series

Woo! V (not calling her by her original name) redesign, also some thoughts about her in the main series and in my rewrite (I’ll post about it at some point).

So I don’t really like her in the main series, she’s fine but her whole personality revolving around Charlie is…weird. It feels codependent and really one-sided? There isn’t much that I can about her as a character because her character is “Charlie’s girlfriend.” I preferred her in the pilot, as much her writing wasn’t perfect. And the reveal of her being an angel meant fucking nothing. The drama between her and Charlie lasted for one episode and then in one episode she was joking about being an angel.

In my rewrite she was a Salvadoran weapons dealers, she died in 2011 at like…25-29. Choose which one you the best. She got send to hell for killing a client out of rage then killing herself out of guilt. Very upbeat I’m aware. She met Charlie while roaming the streets of hell right after an extermination searching for angelic weapons, she and Carmilla were enemies at some point but then just became rivals because V did not have NEARLY as much power as Carmilla (she was in the industry for about…10 years? Give or take a couple years) . V was the main reason she started the hotel, lost sinners who fucked but in the end didn’t deserve eternal damnation. She isn’t FULLY invested in the idea of redemption but she doesn’t quite think it’s impossible. Also she can’t fly very well by the way. She’s trying is basically the story of her life in both the real world and in hell. She’s a moth because they represent change! Also because the idea of her being weirdly short is kinda funny to me. She can pick up Charlie in one hand.

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6 months ago

angel dust: *tells husk abt his experience as a sex worker + the fact that he's being sexually abused by valentino*

husk: you're a loser babyyy‼️‼️ a loser godamn baby you're a fucked up little whiny bitch– 🫵🫵

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6 months ago
"I Agree With A Lot Of Criticism, Except For The Animation Aspect. Granted I'm Not An Artist Myself,

"I agree with a lot of criticism, except for the animation aspect. Granted I'm not an artist myself, but I don't understand how Bee for example, is any more complex than say the aliens from Treasure Planet or most if not all of Don Bluth's work. Then when people say that Lackadaisy's designs are simple. I'm sorry again, maybe it's because I'm not an artist but those designs still look complex to me."

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6 months ago

"Hazbin Hotel will change ADULT ANIMATION!"

I'm just at this rate fucking laughing, Hazbin Hotel is a joke of Adult Animation, the show's competing against OTHERS with far more edgier and fucked up content.

You got South Park, Rick and Morty, BoJack Horseman, Moral Orel, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, Futurama, The Simpsons, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and others that are LEAGUES better than the show.

Especially South Park.

I mean have you seen how they fucking decimated Family Guy?

IMAGINE what would Trey and Matt would do once they find Hazbin Hotel, and mock them!

It would probably cause Viv big mad because she was inspired by South Park.

Yeah, Viv, inspired.

South Park isn't afraid to be controversial.

You're just being SAFE EDGY.

The best I can describe Hazbin is, as Content Farms (ironic) of the Adult Animation, that comes second to the "conservative" adult animations we've seen SaberSpark cover.

I'd predict once the superfans grow up, they'll produce shit in the same fashion as Vivzie. Not a good sign, at all.

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7 months ago

The only time I can consider Angel Dust attractive is when he is in his drag outfits. Like seriously, in his old drag design Angel Dust not only looked actually gorgeous but someone you would want to bang as well but now...nothing about this thin-sticked, pink all over, barely there bust, supposed "spider-boy" is appealing at all. Glitz, Glam, Verosika, and Paimon practically shit on Angel Dust in the Atrractiveness Department.

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9 months ago

”Y’all better normalize having Valentino as a comfort character” nah, how about we normalize putting him through various historical torture methods

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7 months ago

Bro Pinterest is better than Twitter…most people are Stolitz Stans on there….it actually upsets me how THOUSANDS of people love this abusive ship…

More of Pinterest speaking the truth about HB and HH

More Of Pinterest Speaking The Truth About HB And HH
More Of Pinterest Speaking The Truth About HB And HH
More Of Pinterest Speaking The Truth About HB And HH

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7 months ago

Here are some threads after the Just Stop debate of someone questioning Viv on why she doesn’t respond to valid criticism received (rather than just the “bad faith” ones) and call out her passive aggressive antics.

It’s just entertaining at this point 🍿

Here Are Some Threads After The Just Stop Debate Of Someone Questioning Viv On Why She Doesnt Respond
Here Are Some Threads After The Just Stop Debate Of Someone Questioning Viv On Why She Doesnt Respond
Here Are Some Threads After The Just Stop Debate Of Someone Questioning Viv On Why She Doesnt Respond
Here Are Some Threads After The Just Stop Debate Of Someone Questioning Viv On Why She Doesnt Respond
Here Are Some Threads After The Just Stop Debate Of Someone Questioning Viv On Why She Doesnt Respond
Here Are Some Threads After The Just Stop Debate Of Someone Questioning Viv On Why She Doesnt Respond

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6 months ago

So i just went onto tiktok for the first time (didnt have the app)

The amount of things i see about CHILDREN not teens, going to a convention, is fucking insane. I saw teachers or aids talking about elementary schoolers are singing songs from this show. Parents are theming BIRTHDAY PARTIES around this.....😰

To millennial parents who are about my age. I understand growing up the way we did with grandparents who were catholic or christian or just strict sucked. It felt like we had no freedom. So we just went behind our parents backs and watched South Park, Family Guy, or youtubers like Shane Dawson. That doesnt mean that now, when we are adults, should just shrug and let these kids watch this content. Just because you say "eh i watched worse 🤡 and i turned out ok" does NOT mean you should be letting your children watch this. Guided or not, this puts children DIRECTLY in front of adults in an adult space with other adults who may want to hurt your child. As someone who had a friend who had parents like you, please stop. My friends content consumption put all of us in danger when a real irl predator used Shane Dawson to relate to my friend when we were in highschool. He traveled over states with a rape kit. And to minors who may see this post and go "eh not that bad" im going to explain what Rape is in detail. Because im seeing that elementary kids are making Rape jokes now.

TW for adults. Im only doing this because the amount of disrespect i saw from these kids who obviously DO NOT understand the gravity of what they are seeing.

Rape is when someone violently forces you to have sex. What is rape really? It is when a person hurts your private parts and sometimes your insides sometimes to the point of bleeding. It is not fun. It is not sexy. It is very embarrassing. and it is painful FOREVER.

You kids who are watching this. Understand that when adults say you are not mature enough. We are not trying to hurt you. We care so much about you and dont want this to happen to you. Many of us that are angry are angry BECAUSE we were the kids who were watching things when we should not have in middle school. I was darred by my middle school trailer park friends to watch 2 girls 1 cup. I was 12. they were 10. My mom had no idea but one of the boys moms was right there.

My point is we are now all affected by what we saw and the consequences of thinking we were "more mature for our age" . What you kids dont know is that these consequences wont come to get you until you are around 23 and trust me they hit harder than you can ever imagine.

Please be safe. Please keep these kids safe. Please educate these fucking kids on this fucking subject or we are going to have so many victims and so many little rapists. who are going to, you mark my words, start young because rn they think its a joke.

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6 months ago

Listen, you can criticise viv and her shows just don't be an ahole about it. Everyone can state their opinion about something. Not everyone has to like the same thing. What I don't stand for in the critical community is people threatening viv. DO NOT threaten her! She is still a person you have to respect. No matter how bad she is you still have to respect her. For me personally, I hate her but would I go out my way to harass her and accuse her of things? No! SHE IS STILL A PERSON.To fans(or stans at this point),DO NOT harass critics when they are criticising some aspects of the shows. To critics and antis,DO NOT harass fans for liking the shows. Critics have a reason why they don't like viv or some aspects of her shows and fans have their own reason for liking the shows. Also,if you do know, or want to know what viv has done, do not let it change your viewpoint of her shows. Separate the creator from her work. And critics and antis are not the same. Same with fans and stans. That's all.

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6 months ago

Imagine imps with these types of tails

Pin en Creature tails en 2024
08-ago-2024 - Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest.

the variation of each tail depends on which ring an imp is natively born from

Imps from the Envy Ring would likely have fin-like details at the tips of their tails

Wrath tails tend to have pointy spines on them

Maybe Sloth would have poofy bits of fur at the ends

just some ideas for my rewrite tbh

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8 months ago

This would've been amazing and actually focused on the original hazbin hotel premise like we were promised.

Daily Reminder That There Was Already An Actually Interesting Layout For Hazbin Hotel That ACTUALLY Felt
Daily Reminder That There Was Already An Actually Interesting Layout For Hazbin Hotel That ACTUALLY Felt
Daily Reminder That There Was Already An Actually Interesting Layout For Hazbin Hotel That ACTUALLY Felt
Daily Reminder That There Was Already An Actually Interesting Layout For Hazbin Hotel That ACTUALLY Felt
Daily Reminder That There Was Already An Actually Interesting Layout For Hazbin Hotel That ACTUALLY Felt
Daily Reminder That There Was Already An Actually Interesting Layout For Hazbin Hotel That ACTUALLY Felt
Daily Reminder That There Was Already An Actually Interesting Layout For Hazbin Hotel That ACTUALLY Felt
Daily Reminder That There Was Already An Actually Interesting Layout For Hazbin Hotel That ACTUALLY Felt
Daily Reminder That There Was Already An Actually Interesting Layout For Hazbin Hotel That ACTUALLY Felt
Daily Reminder That There Was Already An Actually Interesting Layout For Hazbin Hotel That ACTUALLY Felt

Daily reminder that there was already an actually interesting layout for Hazbin Hotel that ACTUALLY felt like it took place after the pilot but it very likely got scrapped for the bs that we got now-

Like THIS genuinely feels like some thought was put into it, unlike the official 'hey let's have a war with fucking Heaven as a season 1 finale and not put any work into getting to know any of the main characters'.

(And YES, I will be using this scrapped layout as groundwork for Limbo Ave. and possibly another au that's just basically the pilot version of HH continued for this storyline-)

(And DOUBLE YES, despite some of the plots being used in the official release I don't consider or accept it because it's obvious af that they just took the description from the scrapped work and just fucked off with everything else because no one could be bothered to take their time and think of a way to make the new stuff actually FLOW well)

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7 months ago

Someone in the animation industry just called out SpindleHorse for not being an indie studio and of course, stans start crawling out of their holes to defend their 'queen' Viv.

Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,
Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,
Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,
Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,
Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,

These are replies to the person who called SH out.

Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,
Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,
Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,

Here is another person who is sadly currently in a rough patch [probably] calling out SH. They would be calling out A24 because they have A24 in their bio, but they are following two actives SH employees who follows them back.

Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,

I mentioned this in a recent post already, but SpindleHorse is not really an indie studio anymore. They have outsourced animation to other studios, and you also cannot call your studio 'indie' if one of your shows is on a streaming service that is owned by a billion-dollar company. There is nothing indie about that, I think.

Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,
Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,
Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,

Hell, Spindlehorse is not even called an 'indie studio' on its very Wikipedia page. It is more like a private studio/company [that for some reason everything is done via Discord and does not have HR department.] The word 'indie' only shows up once.

Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,
Someone In The Animation Industry Just Called Out SpindleHorse For Not Being An Indie Studio And Of Course,

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7 months ago

I agree. I think Alastor has a lot of wasted potential.

Alastor As A Powerful Demon Is A Little Disappointing.

Alastor as a powerful demon is a little disappointing.

No really . . . he was honestly lame this season. Viv really hyped him up to be this scary, strong, intimidating overlord who's not to be f**ked with under any circumstances only to show him off as a joke, like the rest of these villains.

Alastor is not intimidating at all. If anything he's more predictable. . . Or I guess predictable is not the right word, but it gives off the feeling like an "I've seen it all before" kinda deal. I mean- I would expect little more than this-

Alastor As A Powerful Demon Is A Little Disappointing.

I mean seriously writers?? . . .A giant with tentacles??!! He's not even all that different from his usual appearance?? It doesn't feel original. It's like Viv thought "Yeah, you guys remember when Ursula from The Little Mermaid turned into a giant. Let's do that with Alastor but with less effort." Hell, at least with Ursula, it was scary. Alastor just felt . . . lazy.

And not only that, but his fight with Adam left a sour impression too-

Alastor As A Powerful Demon Is A Little Disappointing.
Alastor As A Powerful Demon Is A Little Disappointing.

Granted he did better than the scene where he turned into a giant out of nowhere, but this whole fight was left with a rather unsatisfying result. Alastor's fight with Adam lasted for like- a minute and now all of a sudden, he wants to melts into ooze and disappear somewhere??

Alastor As A Powerful Demon Is A Little Disappointing.

So you're telling me this so-called "OvErLoRd" got whacked with a guitar ONCE and that was enough for him to bleed and get weak??? He suddenly can't use magic like he's been doing since fighting Adam?? And he just leaves like a sore loser??? I don't care if the guitar was an angelic weapon, it didn't leave that much of an impact. Alastor could've held his own a little bit. It wasn't like he was STABBED to death.

Don't even tell me that it's because his staff was broken that he's suddenly weak, cuz he magically reappears in the final song and is all healed up like nothing happened (cuz pretty much, nothing did happen).

Overall, for an overlord, Alastor is not as strong or intimidating as Viv wants us to think he is. It just looks like he's trying to hard.

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6 months ago

Such a wholesome relationship ♡

angel dust: *tells husk abt his experience as a sex worker + the fact that he's being sexually abused by valentino*

husk: you're a loser babyyy‼️‼️ a loser godamn baby you're a fucked up little whiny bitch– 🫵🫵

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6 months ago

Simple answer? Money. It's probably less expensive to recolor a figure and call it a day than it is to make a whole new one. They were probably thinking, "What character can we recolor that make sense? Oh wait, didn't Alastor have a shadow form or something? We should do that!"

Was it a good idea? No, yeah, no. Sorry, no. Is it going to save vivsipop money? Probably. If I'm being completely honest, from a marketing standpoint, it makes sense. Companies do that all the time, but it does show a certain amount of laziness, and the want for money overshadowing the want to truly please the audience. If that makes sense.

Anyway, that's just my opinion on the situation. Still kinda messed up, though.

Another failed merch

Regarding Alastor’s new figurine, I perfectly understand what they were trying to do, it was supposed to be Alastor’s Shadow or something.

Another Failed Merch
Another Failed Merch

But, they don't look alike at all, the shadow doesn't have eyes or teeth and the antlers are supposed to be bigger. If they wanted to make a figurine of it, they should have given it a more malicious expression and a different pose. Otherwise it’d feel like buying the same thing but recolored.

They could have made those neons' red/blue eyes and mouths to reference the pilot and it could glow in the dark.

Another Failed Merch

It just looks odd to do that, especially regarding what happened recently with the blackface.

But why do we even need an Alastor shadow figurine when it’s not even a character, it’s an asset to give more “mystery” to Alastor, most people who watched the show don’t pay attention to it. Why didn't Vaggie, who’s a much more important character, have a figurine?

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6 months ago

As someone who is mixed, Alastor pisses me off for many reasons. I don't know if curly hair is a dominant trait, but every mixed person I know that has black genes has curly hair, even the whitest ones have curly hair, so why does Alastor have an ugly-ass straight bob?

As I said before, I have many problems with Alastor, but I won't mention them here.

I am unenthused by the lack of POC features on these characters.

Evidence that even hellborns or sinners can have brown skin and coiled hair without having to look like an animal or object (assuming that one of these characters is an imp or half imp)

Evidence That Even Hellborns Or Sinners Can Have Brown Skin And Coiled Hair Without Having To Look Like
Evidence That Even Hellborns Or Sinners Can Have Brown Skin And Coiled Hair Without Having To Look Like

If a background character can look infinitely better than most of the main POC characters, then it's just laziness that they appear to look more like...this rather than actually having black traits

Evidence That Even Hellborns Or Sinners Can Have Brown Skin And Coiled Hair Without Having To Look Like
Evidence That Even Hellborns Or Sinners Can Have Brown Skin And Coiled Hair Without Having To Look Like

Millie I can get she doesn't have brown skin considering she's a pure imp, but if an impish background character can still have brown skin like the one I mentioned above, then so can Millie

Also, since she's supposed to be black-coded, it's really a missed opportunity to not give her curly or coiled hair to actually show her black coding

Alastor is mixed race, yet his skin is so ashy instead of brown. I just don't understand why he can't have brown skin or curly hair as a sinner if one of Carmilla's daughters can have this design as well

And don't even get me started on the angel characters, especially Veggie Tales (I refuse to use her real name), because good lord do their designs lack in actual black coding

Evidence That Even Hellborns Or Sinners Can Have Brown Skin And Coiled Hair Without Having To Look Like
Evidence That Even Hellborns Or Sinners Can Have Brown Skin And Coiled Hair Without Having To Look Like

And I could see that some afro-latina characters or black characters in general could have straightened hair if it fits around a story involving racism and such, but, even if that is the case, they still lack in every other department to represent themselves as WOC

Also, I refuse to think that Sera's hair is made of dreadlocks because they look more like feathers rather than dreads (the closest being maybe a hairstyle similar to Rose Quartz from Steven Universe, but that's it and it doesn't really count as coiled hair tbh)

If you want to make black-coded characters, you gotta at least try to make them appear black-coded to the best of your ability

Give Alastor brown skin and curly hair

Give Millie coils

Let Vegeta (still not saying her name) have brown skin

Give Emily an afro that looks like the sun and Sera actual dreadlocks

Put some effort into your characters if you wanna present them as black!

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6 months ago


Seriously wish fanartist would stop using the voodou symbols.. I know that Vivziepop uses them in her series but a lot of people had told Viv to not use it and that she should replace it with musical notes or even radio symbols.. and you can kinda guess how that turned out.

Seriously Wish Fanartist Would Stop Using The Voodou Symbols.. I Know That Vivziepop Uses Them In Her

And because of Vivzie's carelessness and not being able to take criticism in some cases, a lot of uneducated people are either getting voodou tattoo'd to their bodies or drawing it in their fanart of Alastor while not understanding why that's a bad idea (or refusing to be educated about the topic.)

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6 months ago

These b itches better leave my girl alone 😭😭😭

She ain't perfect, but that's okay she can have character development and therapy!

Because there's absolutely nothing wrong with shipping someone with a rapist 😀

Because There's Absolutely Nothing Wrong With Shipping Someone With A Rapist

(I don't care if it's a crackship no one should be shipping any character with the guy who's only personality trait is LITERALLY being an abusive rapist)

Because There's Absolutely Nothing Wrong With Shipping Someone With A Rapist
Because There's Absolutely Nothing Wrong With Shipping Someone With A Rapist
Because There's Absolutely Nothing Wrong With Shipping Someone With A Rapist
Because There's Absolutely Nothing Wrong With Shipping Someone With A Rapist

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