The freak in your DNI \\ 17 // 🕊️⚰️ \\ Stim + Moodboard maker , Artist (?) // “Don’t like? Don’t look.”
49 posts
Hi!! Ik U Might Be Busy And All Very Sorry But I Just Wanted To Ask How F/Os Work? Havent Been Pro Ship/fic
hi!! Ik u might be busy and all very sorry but I just wanted to ask how F/Os work? Haven’t been pro ship/fic for very long I’m just a baby guys I’m still learning
★ Hello !!! F/O’s, also known as Fictional Others, are fictional characters that someone is dating or that someone has a romantic attachment with. This is the specific definition I use but I’ve seen a few people shift it to there liking throughout the years. There is more than just romantic F/O’s though !!!
Platonic F/O’s are used to describe a character someone considers a friend or has platonic feelings towards. This can also be used for familial F/O’s, a character someone considers a family member or has a familial bond to !!! ( Again, some of these definitions might change depending on who you’re talking to. )
There can be a lot of specific reasons someone has a F/O but for me specifically it’s for comfort. I don’t personally like saying stuff like ; “I love myself”, “I’m the best”, “I look great”, ect. It feels empty and doesn’t really help me when it comes to self esteem. But if I think about a character I love romantically or even a character I could see as my friend / family member saying that to me it changes the whole feeling. It genuinely brings me comfort and motivation.
Though, I know that doesn’t work for some people but it works for me and quite a lot other people from what I’ve seen online. Again, some people treat F/O’s differently than others. If you have any more questions I would genuinely recommend researching more about the topic !!! ( I also need to research more. I might have been in fandom culture for more than half of my life but I’m not ‘all knowing’ in the topic either. ) Thank you for the question and hopefully this makes sense !!! ★

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