Is a humble blog site for my recently posted Inspirational Angelic Heavenly channeled psychic ability. Via Clairaudience and Claircognizance offering inclusive spiritual wisdom, metaphysics, and mystical "Jewels of Truth" topic statements. Copyright © 2005-2024 All Rights Reserved
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Gems Of Opportunity: Penal Correctional Concept: "Penal Indenturement Campus" (PIC)
Gems of Opportunity: Penal Correctional Concept: "Penal Indenturement Campus" (PIC)
Hello All,
Like I stated I've got this month's innovative conceptual design under the wire before the month has technically elapsed. Although this may be a scary topic to broach however it has nothing to do with Halloween. It has more to do with our humanity or in many instances our broken national penal correctional system. The United States of America is often cited as the world's jailor and indeed we deserve the name by incarcerating more than 3 million inmates across the country. There are a convergence of issues some not our fault at least in terms of mental health. Since prisons are utilized as the last line of custody of the mentally ill. Asylums have given way to prisons or prison hospitals at least here in America. There is the racism quotient of the new "Jim Crow" discrimination against Afro-Americans stuck in usually generational poverty. No upwards mobility and a series of bad choices with a society that doesn't understand its minority demographics spells ruin. Next to Afro-Americans it is our native Indigenous populations as native Americans have it like a 3rd world nation within our proper borders. But, I digress forgive me for that rant since lack of fairness is all too common in America's 2nd Gilded Age as it was in the historical first one over a century ago. Today's attempted innovative conceptual design is to reduce the Recidivism Rates of convicts in America of all ethnic and racial backgrounds. Since whether we call it by semantics prisoners are slaves of the State. In many ways they are stripped of their civil rights and treated more like chattel in the worst instances and at best akin to lepers by the rest of society. The criminal class of citizens I'm speaking here is of the Non Violent Offender and not the hardened criminals never to see the light of freedom again. Often by sociological norms we've deemed felons or ex-convicts as outcasts not to be trusted ever again nor given the benefit of the doubt as to redemption. Far too many ex-convicts having little to none upward mobility due to endemic poverty reoffend just to survive financially in our society. I do not condone such behavior, but I try to understand so the reconciliables have a fighting chance to live in our socio-capitalistic society. The "Penal Indenturement Campus" or (PIC) is meant to take convicts that are non-violent near release by 1 to 3 years time as a proposed pilot program. To be resettled in a refurbished low security penal correctional facility converted into a partial collegiate campus of sorts. Separated by gender of inmates in certain sectors and not in others on the campus correctional facility. Where former white and blue collar workers now as inmates are given advance placement into such a (PIC) program nearing their term release. The program inmates that flunk out by poor behavior return to the prison general population opening up a slot for someone else. The refurbished low security facility will have air conditioning and heating indoors. As an example my State of Florida all of it indoor prisons have Zero Air Conditioning where indoor temperatures can reach 110 degrees fahrenheit (In the Summer months). Correctional staff usually wear polyester uniforms with body armor vests for protection. The food is another factor, which I'm recommending food services would be something similar as to what public school district children receive as a public nutritional meal planning. This won't be "Club Med" but it will be decent enough. Whereby locally grown produce that is in season can also be sourced regionally for such a (PIC) campus facility. The barracks or dormitories will be separated by gender including the early phases of recertification of any pertinent job skills that need refreshing. Employers outside the campus will be solicited giving them a Cheaper Labor Force. By as much as 20% cheaper than industry average in hourly and salary Indentured staff. Additional tax rebates, onsite private security detail, coverage of healthcare and workmans compensation offered by the State for the program Inmates, and strict shuttle transportation to and from the Penal Indenturement Campus for the Indentured staff. All Indentured inmates on this program will be wearing monitoring ankle bracelets when at the job site and when at the (PIC) campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Industries of employment will be: construction, landscaping, agriculture, secretarial, IT (Information Technology), manufacturing, hospitality, mechanics (auto, marine, misc), etc... Forbidden industries will be: financial, medical, and pharmaceutical for instance and no retail or management roles. NGO's (Non Governmental Organizations) can also help the State develop such a pilot program and service the pool of inmates within the "Penal Indenturement Campus". Perhaps acting as advocates similar to the "Ad Litem Program" that children receive in terms to quality of life issues and overall progress. Not to coddle the inmates but to keep track like a caseworker as to their needs and progress within the program itself. A third of the wages earned by Indentured Staff Will be Garnished by the State in order to help foot the bill for such a proposal contract for this pilot program. If the pilot program succeeds after its trial phases it can revert to a negotiated contract in order to keep up with costs of increase overall. The remainder of the funding can come from State / Federal sources and perhaps from some of the NGO's lending a hand. All inmates will also be supported to develop a Nest Egg in that 1 to 3 year period of Indentured working off campus. By having a checking / savings and even a 401K retirement account created and managed on their behalf. The rest of the 2/3's wages can be accumulated for any dependents on the outside be it alimony payments or other dependent expenses. There will also be financial literacy curriculum offered to the program inmates in terms of maintaining a household and to grow their 401K retirement account. Upon successful release of their term and graduation from the "Penal Indenturement Campus". Former Indentured Staff will continued being employed for a period of 1 year's time by their previous employer so as to offer income stability. To alleviate parole officers swamped by burgeoning caseloads of ex-convicts and other custodial roles. The campus will continue to be utilized by the ex-convicts in such a (PIC) program as a surrogate to the parole officer role. To keep tabs as to their professional progress or lack thereof in open civil society in coping and other familial needs. The same NGO advocate or caseworker will continue to follow their ward as to their personal holistic requirements in civil society. (ie housing, transportation (work shuttle services continues as needed), spiritual / recreational outlets, including exercise / nutrition aspects of living) Graduated ex-convicts can certainly come and mentor new inmates onto such a "Penal Indenturement Campus" life path. As a form of volunteering by giving back to the correctional community of prisoners. This is a humane way to knock out multiple birds as issues of contention for prisoner success upon release into society. By providing a baseline entry point with employment as a non-issue for the ex-felon. Although regular average wages would increase from the former discounted 20% pay gap when in the (PIC) program. Since the employee is now living outside the campus and costs of personal living naturally increase as well. Unless the State pays the difference as a contractual stipend with the employer as their incentive. To the former program participant during their post release 1 year period with said employer. This is far cheaper in many instances in keeping an ex-felon out of the prison system in terms of re-offending. I hope this is considered as a humane manner of ex-convicts to find poverty relief and upward mobility at least here in America. Instead of becoming career criminals in the turn style archway of the big mega bucks for the corporations that have built the infrastructure of the prison industrial complex to date. This is certainly one of the kinks that doesn't make our American democracy shine as bright as it used to in respects to our global Image. America houses 3 million inmates out of a societal population of 320 million plus, if you count illegal status immigrants. We could double and even triple that number of inmates in the decades to come. However we may no longer have the right to being fully democratic in nature. Imperials on the other hand is truly viable if we continue on this unfair societal megatrends in this our 2nd gilded age. As the American Democratic Experiment of Exceptionalism fades before us and within our lifetime if we become poor stewards to the vulnerable and the needy on a macro scale.
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Atrayo's Oracle Episode 2 Video Podcast
(Running time 17 minutes 17 seconds)
Hello All,
In this 2nd installment of "Atrayo's Oracle" podcast I your host "Ivan Pozo-Illas" delve into partially August's "Gems of Opportunity"conceptual design. Which discusses the generalities in part regarding the European Refugee Crisis I blogged about as a solution. Thereafter I continue to describe the manuscript development of my 2nd Volume of "Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul". With the final segment a reading of excerpts of the book as a peek behind the cover.
Thank you for listening.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 20 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus existence online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Gems of Opportunity: Aviation Safety Concept: "The Laser Ring of Misdirection"
Hello All,
Just yesterday I channeled this conceptual design via clairvoyance from my Angels using my creative Imagineering faculties. Having heard a couple of days ago that on Nov. 11th, 2015 of this year there were 20 incidents across the United States. Of stray laser beam intrusions causing some havoc with airliners at airports in taking off and landing. Be these innocent accidental stray beams from equipment in or outside an airport. From onlookers at the perimeter fence line of an airport watching take off and arrivals of airliners. With the minority of malicious trouble makers for shits & giggles seeing what a laser beam does to the avionics of an airliner. This can also include police and local news helicopters with camera arrays and/or night vision equipment on board. That can easily become blinded when in flight by the pilot HUD (Head Up Display) flight helmet.
My unique conceptual design is to develop a countermeasure technology suite to overcome this dilemma airports and pilots that are in flight, including military drones that are piloted remotely. What I have in mind is a perimeter rail embedded onto the grass in the shape of a ring or crown just within the security fence line of an airport. This rail for lack of a better name has a daisy chain of counter intrusion laser emitters that are of a higher caliber than intruding stray laser beam strikes. These powerful lasers via motion sensors along the rails configuration around the airstrips of an airport or helicopter pad. Will detect a stray laser with its higher power intensity will Interdict Such Lasers by causing them to Misdirect Safely Away. Causing the offensive laser to bend when it's encountered by the stronger laser beam package located with the rail laser emitters. The interdiction laser can also calculate the distance of the originating source of the offensive stray laser beam to its original location. Where security camera's can hopefully zoom into such a locale and use face recognition software to detect the accidental party, hoodlums, or terrorists. The rail ring configuration with its laser emitters are angled at a 90 to 180 degrees away from the airstrips. With an additional curvature housing that blocks the laser emitters being aligned towards the run ways of an airport. These safety measures also help counter act if the system is ever hacked maliciously. Where it couldn't be used against aircraft taking off or landing. The only jeopardy I can envision at this point is if one or more persons breaches the security fence or impersonates grounds keepers. By causing a false flag decoy event to trigger the interdiction lasers. Where nearby the terrorists pull out a mirror array to misdirect the more powerful interdiction laser onto aircraft. If so the beam calculating package will note this local hijacking of its system and be programed within 3 to 5 seconds to shut down. Allowing for security cameras to locate the ground intruders and to dispatch local police and security forces to apprehend them.
This "Laser Ring of Misdirection" airport system could in theory also be utilized against stray drones coming into the airport airspace as well. The rail ring laser emitters could beam at the drone shutdown codes that force it to land safely at a distance. Sorta like hacking the drone automatically by hijacking its signal causing it to land or crash elsewhere. In the process of doing this it can also perform a backward trace to its host pilot signal be it by radio, cellular, or satellite to pinpoint the pilot’s location. In order for again airport security camera's to zoom in onto the person or ground vehicle (car make, model, and license plates). Thus dispatching local police or security detail to arrest the drone intruders. The rail configuration ring could also be loaded with an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) package that it can direct at stray drones. If not the powerful laser emitter can fry the power supply circuits to the drone causing it to crash. Much like swatting a troublesome fly that is in the way. This is but one proposed countermeasure interdiction system for stray and malicious laser beam strikes onto aircraft and foreign drones in the airspace. I hope it gets you the readers thinking since it's only a matter of time until one laser beam mishap or civilian hobbyist drone causes an airliner crash in the airport. Afterwards expect the Federal and State governments going Ape Shit on the entire civilian drone industry let alone stiffer prison terms for accidental offenders. Aside from the malicious actors be they trouble makers up into full blown terrorists on such a soft vulnerable target with mass casualty potential.
============== Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 20 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus existence online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month
Hello All, A very Happy Thanksgiving for those of you here in the States like myself here in sunny Florida. To all others may you still cherish the beauty of what to be thankful for in your everyday lives. Even if that gratitude seems fleeting because of turmoils beyond your present control in living. Hold onto any ray of holy light you can muster those of you now experiencing the Holiday Blues. To cherish loved ones and past memories as if a great epic chapter of your lives has ended. Is to create a disservice to your very spirits I tell you. Be those loved ones living or deceased that relationship in Spirit with God as the ultimate custodian doesn't end. Everything those precious relationships meant to you is still there alive and well where you last left off. Be the parting of ways mutual or not due to mortality that love only grows strong if you permit it by a solemn choice. This is a portion of the Infinite Good News of Heaven in each of us if we but live it out loud. Today's "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statements as always are channeled via clairvoyant automatic writing. Of which I channel the benevolent Angelic Host for the past 20 years time at least in writing. The trio of statements are from the tail end of "Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues, Volume 3" published earlier this year. In the long count series of #1093-1095 on the topics of: God, Guidance, and Life. A caveat with the topic on God's Absolute Total Nature which many of you may find disturbing. I did and sometimes still do myself as it goes against the grain of my former religious upbringing. Where the Abrahamic Faiths may give a pass on this topic especially the Christians with an incomplete explanation in theology at least to my satisfaction. My angelic mystical channeling for topic #1093 will be an elephant pill for many of you to swallow. It would be easier if you just skipped it without truly reflecting the depth of its meaning. However my role is to expand horizons spiritually even if its means to be ahead of my time and deeply against the grain. What follows below is not my personal viewpoint, but of the Angels that are beyond our Earthen religions of this world. ========================== God: 1093) God is totality; he is omnipresent occupying all things as himself. God is the breath of Creation as a whole inclusive truth in the Holy Spirit. In so doing in the sake of being true he is one with all that is across eternity and Infinity. God is fulfilling such a divine capacity as the deity of all. Thus he becomes the God of Life and Death. Of light and darkness or in other words the God of good and evil. Much like any being has the capacity for good and evil within a lifetime. So does God whom we are made in his Image and Likeness as divine beings. Yes, God is Love, but paradoxically he is Fear itself. What many religions prescribe to a devil or devils is an aspect of God(dess) him, her, or itself. Because God encompasses all, he is not devoid anywhere nor is anything devoid of him as a celestial Creator. God is both good and evil as a force of creation and destruction for it is easier to blame a minor devil or demons for such accursedness. This is not to say or surrender all responsibility in terms of seeking benevolence. Those of us who worship in the "Light of Truth" guided by wisdom must continue such an enlightened pathway in life. Of the other children of God dwellers of the shadows will also continue to fester worshipping under the dominion of the darkness.There is no eternal struggle between "Good and Evil" as portrayed in our mortal reality. This is but one illusion of mortality that was accomplished by a pivotal misunderstanding. No one dominion of good or evil can triumph over the other. A balance has been struck through God the Enlightened One in the "Holy Spirit" that is perfect within him that is Immaculate in divine nature. Much as like a person has made peace with his or her own past actions in order to have a constructive future. Christians can understand this best where "Jesus the Christ" attained victory over the Cross in absolute terms through the resurrection.
Goodness is assured for those that seek such a pathway within the holy light. Yet the opposite holds true by free will if one spirit entity chooses to lead a life of wrong doings. Both good and evil are twins of the other within the whole being or essence of God himself. All souls will experience good and evil as reincarnated beings made to witness pain and pleasure in life. It is so the just benevolent person will find love through the graceful light in addition to all things. The evil person will only find darkness in all troubled manners by finding fears made real. God is both Love and Fear in absolute terms. It is only by our cherished free will which destination in this one life we wish to sojourn towards that matters the most for us. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Guidance:
1094) When one is under the duress of not knowing what decision to make than listen to your heart first by being still. Afterwards balance the outcome from listening to your heart with what you know with your mind to be true or may be true. Often times an interesting tidbit that is productive makes itself known to you based on an outcome that is of practicality. Even for those of you who lack the confidence within yourselves by having intimacy within your intuitive being. Then seek out akin to a lifeline of guidance those that you respect and trust in your present life for their wise counsel. Taking note if such a person is capable of giving advice on such and such a topic in truth. Basically one seeks the best source of advice one can secure that can be received and possibly be acted upon in earnest. Be forewarned not to seek the counsel from one or more sources with a weak moral code, or prone to being more wrong in life than right.Praying, meditating, and contemplating are the pathways to help you make an internal decision for guidance. It is by using your innate capacity in conjunction with your prowess for intuition to be harnessed. Seek first the spirit of gratitude in order to prepare yourself to receive the adequate response that you need versus the response that you just want instead. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Life:
1095) Wherever there is a life in all its relational complexity and uniqueness there is an opportunity for communication. Be such an open communication is either verbally spoken or lived by the actions inherent in each of us. Our being is alive in a spiritual union between the soul and the mortal lifetime we are born into at birth. Life is always revealing herself to us as a solemn spiritual sister, but are we interested in paying attention to the sweetest sublime truth? If not, we are left with a mystery at best and at worst a bewildered confusion to wrestle with our willful ignorance. Many have beseeched God the divine one as to why doesn't life come easier to us the living? Easy is often a misunderstood notion best left wanting from the inner child in each of us. Not mature enough to comprehend that life itself is relative in nature. All things and relationships are hard because for the most part they matter to us in seeking a relationship with them. It is with any such an investment of our being entrenched for the better or the worse by our attitudes seeking to accomplish any number of tasks. However one does not necessarily need to make life an insufferable occurrence just to experience what we hold of value. Grace is real for those that are open to such a spiritual phenomenon with their relationship to the divine by any earnest faith. All can be invested into their highest good that make such an opening to occur as a matter of fact. We must know when to listen and when to speak accurately by a mutual understanding of well being. This is including whom to listen to and whom to ignore as a rotten influence by association of your peers.Communication isn't just a crucial ability to accomplish with others it is also a dear tact to conduct with your own heart and mind. If one ignores the necessary development of their own mind and heart in tandem not just physically, but also as spiritual beings. Then it is like walking across a proverbial minefield blindfolded seeking only to reap misunderstanding and misery with every misstep. Pay attention dear ones by listening more often to your heart than speaking more with your mind alone. For if you live your lives with your heart leading the way finding balance with your mind as your anchor. Then you would have found everlasting life not just in your divine spirit but solemnly in your everyday mortal lives. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. ========================
A lifetime may not be long enough to attune ourselves fully to the harmony of the universe. But just to become aware that we can resonate with it. That alone can be like waking up from a dream. ---Br. David Steindl-Rast. I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never by hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. ---John 6:35. We live on the brink of disaster because we do not know how to let life alone. We do not respect the living and fruitful contradictions and paradoxes of which true life is full. ---Thomas Merton. Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength. When you go through hardship and decide not to surrender, that is strength. ---Unknown. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. ---Albert Einstein. The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. ---Eden Phillpotts. Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ---G.K. Chesterton. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 20 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus existence online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.
Atrayo's Oracle Episode 4 Video Podcast
(Running Time 23 minutes 46 seconds) Hello All, Here is episode 4 of the continuing "Atrayo's Oracle" podcast series of spiritual wisdom and conceptual designs of my own making. As clairvoyant material as I have channeled the content via automatic writing with my / our Angelic Host. I've been blogging online for 10 years time with 461 freely available spiritual wisdom statements. With 193 innovative solutions based conceptual designs again also located at my Google Blogger site of the same name of "Atrayo's Oracle". Besides having this content flow out of myself like any devoted channel I'm here tasked by putting it out there in the best way I can do that presently. Although the best way possible may not be satisfactory to my ego. I do what I can hoping this content resonates with those it's intended for in essence spiritually and physically. Today's 4th video podcast episode starts off with two "Jewels of Truth" readings sampled from this blog site. On Heaven and Thanksgiving in segment #1. I continue in segment #2 with random excerpt readings from "Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul, Volume 2". Finishing up with my latest visionary conceptual design of the "Penal Indenturement Campus" (PIC) posted on Oct. 31st. So when you have the chance go ahead and listen for awhile, thank you. ============== Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 20 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus existence online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.
Atrayo's Oracle Episode 3 Video Podcast
(Running time 23 minutes 50 seconds) Hello All, This is my 3rd episode that closes out the discussion for how each of my three volumes of the "Jewels of Truth" series was developed. With a discussion of the type of services I offer via my recent debuted website of "" aside from my spiritual wisdom writings and eclectic solutions based innovative conceptual designs. All of which as channeled content accomplished long hand via clairvoyant automatic writing with the Angelic Host. Finally I offer excerpt readings from "Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues, Volume 3" before I close out the episode. I hope you enjoy the podcast and let me know if you have any questions I can cover in future episodes, thank you. =================== Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 20 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus existence online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.