Gems Of Opportunity - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

Atrayo's Oracle Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary Online!

Hello All, It's a great day for "Atrayo's Oracle" for I am celebrating its 10th anniversary online as a blog site today July 24th, 2015! Who knew I would be writing away with a modest worldwide audience of readers who have been silently enjoying our work. To date I have on this blog site 452 "Jewels of Truth" statements of spiritual wisdom from my/our Angels on this site. With a tandem amount of 191 "Gem of Opportunities" of eclectic conceptual designs as innovative solutions for the next society to come onto the world potentially. Lately I have increased my web presence by doing some light advertising on the side to increase viewership. Since the publication of my 3rd Volume about 3 months ago, namely "Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues", Volume 3. That one volume alone has 224 Topics in length with about 348 pages in size for the paperback version. Written in an easy reference A-Z format just like volumes 1 & 2 of the series. To learn more about my web presence please do visit my profile of: 1) About Me Personal Page There you'll find a synopsis of my presence online via social media websites from my Facebook fan page to my Twitter account. (with everything in between as well.) I have an additional 11 listings online of: ============================== 2) Facebook Personal Page 3) Facebook "Atrayo's Oracle" Fan page 4) Linked In Profile 5) Twitter Personal Account 6) Pinterest Personal Page 7) Tumblr of "Atrayo's Oracle" Blog 8) Blogger (That's here!) of "Atrayo's Oracle" 9) Google+ Personal Page 10) Belief Net Personal Page 11) Belief Net "Atrayo's Oracle" Fan page 12) Temple Illuminatus Personal Page & Blog A big warm Thank You for everyone new and old that has spent time to enjoy this online oasis of "Atrayo's Oracle". For those weary of this world that come to drink of the waters of inspiration and empowerment for our holy spirit within. Kudos also goes out to those that choose to purchase one of my 3 volumes in Kindle, Nook, E-Book, or Paperback of the "Jewels of Truth" series as well. As always your humble servant of the eternal "Good News" of God(dess).

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9 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Humanitarian Concept: "Refugee Resettlement Inclusive Plan" (RRIP)

Hello All, I've saved this most difficult and controversial European refugee crisis conceptual design for the end of this month of August. Like all things of mostly Europe this proposed solution as an innovation is democratic, socialist, and capitalist in deployment. Right now Europe has been caught flat footed attempting a fragmented approach to a humanitarian crisis of historical proportions. This little Dutch boy scenario of plugging leaks along the fence lines in France at the port city of Calais. And, the emerging fence line in Hungary is a band aid solution at best. Romania, will be the next target for this migratory wave of illegal immigrants after Hungary is cordoned off. 

Taking a macro societal perspective these illegal immigrants fleeing war torn parts of the Middle East and Africa. Follows an age old process for our human species going back tens of thousands of years ago. Whenever there was war, famine, or natural disasters our biological ancestors picked up their tribes and moved onward. That's what is happening before our very eye's or news cycle on Tv!

Another point of perspective as a mixed blessed again as a macro viewpoint. Remember analysts and scholars alike stating that Europe has a Declining Birth Rate? Well these refugees represent a replacement value on a societal scale of said shortening birth rate in Europe. Particularly a graying senior population of Europeans much like America's with our own illegal immigrants dilemma. Will be serviced by said populations of eventual new citizens to their host nations. Nations like Japan as homogeneous as they are will have to import labor like the U.A.E. (United Arab Emirates) has to date. Although the U.A.E is notorious by looking the other way or responding with a lackluster governmental attitude. By allowing contractors to treat these imported labourers like a slave force. I hope Japan doesn't follow in such a dismal foot steps as by the poor example of nations like the U.A.E.. 

However I've gotten off on a tangent since right now globally there are two historically prevalent large human scale migrations occurring. The one from the Middle East and Africans into Southern Europe and the second one are nations like Myanmar and Bangladesh pouring into: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and finally Australia. These two migratory exodus are occurring over sea and land with potentially tens of thousands of refugees drowning on rickety boats and ships. The land crossing into Europe may be less treacherous, but nonetheless dangerous because of the untold story of criminal slavers pillaging refugees like livestock! Those that can't pay extortion or for a crossing or are preyed upon by criminal syndicates can easily end up as forced laborers or worse into the sex trade as newly minted slaves! 

Gems Of Opportunity: Humanitarian Concept: "Refugee Resettlement Inclusive Plan" (RRIP)

Not until these refugee homelands know peace will this ever widening diaspora only increase into Europe and in the Oceanic portions of the globe. So taking this on as a challenge I took a stab using my conceptual designs skills and have come up with this potential solution albeit controversial nonetheless. I also channeled as a clairvoyant in partnership with my Angels to find inspiration for potential inclusive solutions. 

This is what follows for the "Refugee Resettlement Inclusive Plan" (RRIP) to be accomplished under 6 Phases of development. Pictured above is the refugee camp of "Za'atri Camp" in the nation of Jordan filled with Syrian war torn citizens. The European Union (EU) is going to have to swallow the bitter pill of human social engineering. By laying the groundwork for a infrastructure system of bureaucracy to have all 28 member States share in this burden. On an even par so the wealthy nations of Great Britain and Germany aren't shouldering all if not most of this burden. Of this humanitarian refugee crisis of historical proportions being experienced right now.

What I mean is each of the 28 (EU) European Union member States must construct a camp / village like the one above in "Za'atri, Jordan". Having NATO engineers find suitable lands in rural regions in each of the 28 member States. The camps may evolve into eventual villages or cities into the distant future so urban planning will have to be established on a macro scale. 

All Refugees will be required to stay a tenure of 10 years time within their host nation within the EU. This prevents nations like Great Britain and Germany from receiving millions upon millions of unwanted refugees bloating their economies and logistical infrastructure. Also these 28 member States of the European Union can resettle processed refugees to satellite ghost town historical villages. That need new blood as in populations into various neglected regions of their host nations. This will provide alternative locations for refugees to settle throughout each host nation of the EU. 

Phase 1:

All refugees processed into the main camp will be quarantined and vaccinated to avoid any outbreaks of tuberculosis, whooping cough, or any untreated old world virus. Once they are given the bill of health they can step out of quarantine to settle into the main camp for a period of 90 days time. If any refugees need follow-up medical care for pre-existing conditions they'll receive it as well. Including the disabled that may need medical equipment to help them in terms of mobility.

Phase 2:

All refugees outside of quarantine will commence a Security Clearance Check. To determine their identities if they are carrying passports and/or to establish their credentials. Any subsequent alerts in regards to the security check will look for past criminal or jihadist histories. Any false alerts will be screened out and for any infiltrators such as I.S. (Islamic State) insurgents will be taken for penal justice processing by the host nation or NATO.

Phase 3:

After the 90 Day detention at the main host nation refugee resettlement camp. Refugees with now established credentials as to their lawful identities will be screened  for career vocational skills if any. Those that have White Collar Backgrounds or in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields will be given priority processing for career resettlement. Priority placement of such a white collar labor pool will be given to European trans-national corporations that may have open vacancies for such a career track. The highly skilled once refugees will be given a contract of service commensurate to their expertise and industry pay scale. Being able to take only their immediate family members with him or her for resettlement anywhere in Europe. Otherwise outside the Host nation if not internationally as the Euro centric trans-national corporation has a job vacancy. The 10 year tenure requirement within a host nation is waived as the corporation takes custody of the once refugee and his / her immediate relatives. 

Phase 4:

For those refugees that lack any sort of white collar career skills as to a vocation. They will be assessed to see if they retain any Blue or Pink (Woman) Collar Skills. If so this classification of refugees and their extended family if any. Will be given resettlement placement into the permanent portion of the camp into an eventual village. Otherwise this is when such refugees can be allowed to relocate to alternate host nation ghost town village regional sites so as to repopulate such locales. Such Blue or Pink collar refugees will be given an annual self-renewing contract of employment. They will draw a salary depending on their expertise and industry of choice if available. If none is available locally during job placement they will have the option to select another village. That is within the host nation that does offer such a trade craft vocation. All refugees will be given career tracks that help service their fellow refugees within the main resettlement camp or elsewhere in regional village locales. 

Phase 5: 

At this phase classification any refugees that lacks any iota of vocational skills. Will be occupied by two required activities which are receiving vocational education into an apprenticeship program of choice if available. The second time sink outlet will be a requirement of enrolling into a Volunteer Corps to help service the refugee local infrastructure complex. This volunteer corps basis will be anywhere from 8 up to 20 hours per week helping fellow refugees resettle. This is aside from the vocational apprenticeship training they will receive overall. Qualified apprentice applicants may be able to pursue internships earning a minimum wage or better depending on the employer.

Children of Refugees:

All minors will be placed into a primary or secondary schools erected at the resettlement main camp. Besides learning their ABC's and 123's they'll be required to learn the language and culture of their host nation. There will be ancillary learning of their homeland language and cultures if offered locally. Mothers with newborns and toddlers may be exempt from schooling until their appropriate age is reached. Although daycare options may be available for mothers in helping to care for their own children and their neighbors children. Any disabled children and adults will be exempt from schooling and/or trade program apprenticeships if certified by a camp physician. Although disabled adults may still be required to contribute on a part time basis to the volunteer corps as able.

Phase 6:

This is for any refugees that have an entrepreneurial interest for a small local business development. Either within the main resettlement camp or nearby a regional village resettlement locale. These screened refugees will be assessed to see if they have expertise in their chosen entrepreneurial profession. (ie local grocers, restaurant, retail space, barber, beautician, etc...) Will be given a 0% interest seed loan from a local community loan program to revitalize the resettlement camp or once ghost town host nation regional village. 

These budding entrepreneurs will also be required to attend a business incubator to learn the In's and outs of running a small business operation. Even if many have had prior experience this will be a refresher course for the host nation local legalities that are pertinent. Over time as these small local business survive and take off they will be required to source new employees from fellow refugees that are from Phases 4 and 5 classification. 

Military Conscription:

For those refugees that seek to circumvent the 10 year holding period within their host nation. As abled body and of sound mind can enlist within the host nations armed military forces. Having to serve a minimum period of 5 years time with an honorable discharge to gain full (EU) European Union Citizenship. This type of loophole also exists within the United States of America for Immigrants to gain American citizenship. Once such a military 5 year period in duration elapses the former veteran of the host nation and his or her immediate family members will gain (EU) citizenship. Being able to relocate elsewhere in Europe if so desired at such a time.

Wage Garnishment:

Since in this proposed solution the (EU) European Union will cover 75% of the expenses of this "Refugee Resettlement Inclusive Plan" (RRIP) bureaucratic Infrastructure. The Host Nations must pick up 15% to 20% of the remainder of the expenses of this refugee infrastructure complex. However 25% of Wages will be Garnished of Phases 3 to 6 Employees that remain within their host nation. This is excluding the Volunteer Corps of Phase 5 and vocational apprenticeship students unless they are earning an internship minimum wage or better. The wage garnishment will help fund portions of the host nation refugee infrastructure bureaucratic complex at large.

Refugee (EU) Lottery Commission:

To help fill in the gap between the host nation costs and refugee wage garnishments. Their will be a Refugee (EU) European Union Lottery Commission put into place. At one or two Euros per lottery ticket only accessible to the refugee populace and not ordinary EU citizens. The revenue for the proceeds will help offset the cost of this refugee bureaucratic infrastructure complex. 

What the Lottery will offer refugees is this the ability to leap frog to another host nation of their choosing if the winner. Let's say a refugee in Hungary as his host nation wins the lottery. He the refugee can take up to 14 extended family relatives with him to the host nation of his choice, in this case that would be Germany. If the refugee doesn't have that many relatives or if the winner is a lone individual. They can elect to receive a prorated structural settlement financial instrument to be paid over the course of 30 years time. Unless they wish to take the prize monies in a lump sum at a hefty discount and after (EU) and the host nation taxes.

(EU) Anti-Corruption Refugee Bureau:

Many of these host nations will fall prey to temptations of corruption of various sorts. Be it crooked politicians either elected or appointed to political office. Contract bidders that are awarded contracts without a bidding process that is transparent. Various forms of bribes and kickbacks in the form of graft. Interdict Criminal syndicates continuing to prey on the refugees to burgeon a human trafficked slave population. Otherwise locally grown refugees that turn to a life of crime forming new Mafia's and cartels locally. 

This (EU) European Union law enforcement branch will work in conjunction with or without the consent of local host nation law enforcement. Just in case the host nation like in parts of Eastern Europe are corrupt to high heaven themselves. Another role for this law enforcement bureau is to track any jihadists that manage to radicalize local refugee populations. In conjunction with INTERPOL and NATO military Intelligence branches to isolate and kill or capture such insurgents run amok. 

Each of the 28 (EU) member States will have such a Anti-Corruption Refugee Bureau on site. Be it in the capitol city of the host nation or close to  the main refugee resettlement camp / village site itself. 

NATO Peacekeepers & International NGO's:

Each of the main refugee resettlement camps into eventual permanent villages and maybe into an eventual city landscape. Will have a deployment of NATO peacekeepers to help the host nation military and national police cope with such a population. Until the NATO peacekeeping mission mandate is over they shall be a presence on site to quell any riots and support local national police agencies. 

Also International NGO's (Non-Governmental Organizations) such as international charities and non-profits will be given access to the refugee population. In order to service their daily needs be it: medical care, to vocational training, children's programs, business incubators, cultural enrichment programs and activities, etc...

Refugee Rights & Responsibilities:

Although many of the refugees had intended to land at their destination of choice. This "Refugee Resettlement Inclusive Plan" will snatch that away at least for a period of 10 years time. (Unless they enroll into a host nation military armed forces for 5 years time instead) Since these are humanitarian refugees from war torn global regions, if not political persecution and economic savage poverty. They will be required to abide with such a refugee complex otherwise they can be deported to a neighboring country to their homeland. Besides any criminal offenses that are of a violent nature the refugee could easily end up in the host nation penal justice system as incarcerated. 

For all the rest of the refugee populace can expect a sort of "Bill of Rights" of fair and humane treatment regardless of circumstance of plight. (ie war, political, economic) This will afford them a due process of (EU) law which the host nation judicial system may be under developed to cope in practice. Besides all refugees will have access to: medical care, local transportation, living stipend allowance (ie food & clothing), access to suitable and humane housing, utilities (ie electricity, trash pick up, sewage disposal, clean drinking water, telephone / Internet, etc..), employment, and certain leisure activities for morale purposes. (ie sports, the arts, higher learning access) Refugees will have access to Regional / National Banking Financial Services. Be it a checking or savings account and have access to financial literacy education. In order to establish retirement accounts from their long-term employers. A civics education can also be offered so as to establish democratic rule of law values to these refugees that usually know very little from former point of origin tyrannical regimes. 


This is a sweeping and very ambitious holistic plan that again is socialistic and capitalistic in nature. Providing a strategic plan to hopefully end large portions of this refugee humanitarian crisis. Otherwise if the (EU) European Union continues to drag its heels and stall the crisis will only get worse and not any better. Expecting local (EU) citizen hate crimes to only increase as a form of bigoted retaliation against the very much unwanted refugees. The Neo Nazi's in Germany are going to vent onto these refugees like never before. 

I hope that this conceptual design is at least an eye opener as to the holistic challenges facing the European Union. Much less the nations in the Oceanic part of the globe facing a similar dilemma. Each attempting to address historical burgeoning humanitarian refugee crisis and usually very poorly and haphazardly at that measure. 

Like I stated at the onset these refugees are the Birth Rate Replacement Value Europe Will Need Within This Generation. So consider this a mixed blessing since Europe is receiving such a populace all at once versus on a gradual basis over time. I doubt that the Hague Court in the Netherlands will be called upon for any human rights abuses by (EU) member States. It seems only 3rd world nations in this contemporary era have received the ire of the Hague Convention and the United Nations. 

Speculation of human rights violations aside the time to act is Now and not soonish. This crisis will only widen and deepen until the solution will become unimaginable for a democratic society. I Hope only through growing pains that Europe shows a united front to upend this plight and bring order to this chaos. God Willing. Amen.

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9 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Civic Environmentalist Concept: "The Walking Green Recycler Program"

Hello All,

The above video is about 2 minutes in length posted in April of this year in my local Florida county of Sarasota. Depicting the classical civic pride of active and concerned citizens for the well being of our great Florida communities. Today's Gems of Opportunity conceptual design isn't so much unique as it is an evolutionary idea. The numerous non-profits in municipalities across America well into Internationally that have clean-up groups. Be they along: coastal areas, rivers, parks, beaches, roadways, and so forth... All with the aim to beautify the natural and man made environments in terms of public health well into optimal health of the land and waterways. My concept for today which I'll call as "The Walking Green Recycler Program". Combines two activities into one and supports it with the aid of technology. The first is obesity reduction by the act of exercising as individuals or in a group. As a walker although technically it can be accomplished by a jogger as well in principle. The second activity is that of collecting trash and recyclable material discarded in urban, suburban, and other scenic locales. This notion dawned on me while I was walking in my suburban neighborhood for exercise one day. What if a non-profit community outreach group of adults and perhaps minors got together. To perform the two aforementioned activities of weight loss ala obesity reduction tracked via "Fit Bit" watch or some other smart phone app. Including whilst exercising wearing a basic clean-up kit to collect discarded trash along one's route. With any whole pieces of trash or nearly whole to use a smart phone app (software application) to snap a photograph linked to a GPS (Global Positioning System) Coordinate. Now you ask why take a snap shot of trash on the ground to be linked to a GPS coordinate marker? Well at the end of such a volunteer participant routine of exercising and collecting discarded trash and recyclables. All pertinent data captured by a specialized app program can be uploaded to a website of the group. That another volunteer will maintain a publicly available database to track trash dispersal patterns. With the amount and certain types of trash typically found in those locales. To the regular person this data will be boring, but to local city or county planners and those who work for the county trash collection department it'll be a Goldmine of Data Points. To be utilized by governmental urban planners, researchers, and analysts alike depending on the areas such a non-profit group canvases in collecting trash and recyclables. Such an activity of obesity reduction especially amongst minors and the trash disposal followed by recyclable material kept off the streets. With the tertiary regularly updated trash dispersal database for a municipality. Would permit such a non-profit community group to locate funding grants from three sources in theory. In the sectors of public health, environmental sustainability, and research grants would become applicable with such an initiative. Of course private donors and fund raising would be part and parcel as additional revenue generation outlets.


Such a "Walking Green Recycler Program" would have an online website component for members. Perhaps styled in a social media community web design with the necessary bells and whistles. That every member will have a personal profile where their uploaded exercise and collected trash / recyclables data points is tracked. Member activity through weight loss and green clean-up of one's local neighborhood or place of exercise is encouraged. Every new member gets a basic clean-up kit consisting of a: neon traffic safety vest, garden landscaping gloves, a utility belt, a belt attachment hoops for one black garbage bag and one white garbage bag, and a program T-Shirt. The black garbage bags are for regular trash and the white one is for recyclable content. New members can be given a crash course of traffic safety and the basics of trash pick-up at a local monthly meet-up in person. Where using their smart phones and the much needed installed program app. How to navigate the app and what types of trash to categorize and snap its picture along their route. Ignoring fragments of trash too minuscule to record with a picture and possibly even to be bothered to collect at all. Members with tenure or seniority in the group from dedicated participation can go up the ladder of collected incentives. By incentives I mean better gear equipment and accessories upgrades. For instance: more elaborate program T-Shirts, embroidered program Polo shirts, program Caps / Hats, leather work gloves, steel water bottles, LED blinkers for a neon safety vest, key chain with an alert whistle, foldable dustpan, complimentary garbage bags with imprinted program logo, hand brush for trash pick up, utility belt attachments, suntan lotion, hand sanitizer, larger size recycle bins, an extra set of covered garbage cans on roller wheels, etc... All members receive a member photo ID card to carry as required. Especially if collecting trash out in public seems suspicious to locals. The member ID card has a website and email address if they want to learn more when its presented to a stranger. Once a month the local chapter of such a group can have a meet-up in person indoors or at an outdoor location. Where after the organizational activities are accomplished the group can go on an outing field trip to a designated clean-up zone. Something perhaps outside their normal vicinity in order to expand the database if a request was put in from the local city or county officials in particular. Afterwards the remaining group can rest up with a meal either out of pocket or out of the budget of the treasury if funds are permitting. In order to keep the group interesting this is where I borrow an idea from the National Scouts organization. All members can earn merit badges either for individual or group outing performed functions together. The merit badges can be worn on a cloth sash if used for formal meetings or informally if velcroed into place onto ones neon green traffic safety vest. An array of merit badges can be earned as a sign of member achievement and dedication to the group itself. This program is meant to foster local community pride in sanitary public spaces. Including to promote equally physical and emotional wellness in maintaining good overall health. By producing an actionable database of trash dispersal for one or more county municipalities to be utilized by government and higher institutions of education. Besides providing better equipment and accessories as incentives for continued program participation. And, merit awards to distinguish the dedicated members as individuals and as a group function contribution in recognition. To being an overall asset to any local community where they can augment existing similar clean up and exercise groups where they happen to reside together.

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9 years ago

Atrayo's Oracle Episode 2 Video Podcast

(Running time 17 minutes 17 seconds)

Hello All,

In this 2nd installment of "Atrayo's Oracle" podcast I your host "Ivan Pozo-Illas" delve into partially August's "Gems of Opportunity"conceptual design. Which discusses the generalities in part regarding the European Refugee Crisis I blogged about as a solution. Thereafter I continue to describe the manuscript development of my 2nd Volume of "Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul". With the final segment a reading of excerpts of the book as a peek behind the cover.

Thank you for listening.


Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 20 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus existence online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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9 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Penal Correctional Concept: "Penal Indenturement Campus" (PIC)

Hello All,


Like I stated I've got this month's innovative conceptual design under the wire before the month has technically elapsed. Although this may be a scary topic to broach however it has nothing to do with Halloween. It has more to do with our humanity or in many instances our broken national penal correctional system. The United States of America is often cited as the world's jailor and indeed we deserve the name by incarcerating more than 3 million inmates across the country. There are a convergence of issues some not our fault at least in terms of mental health. Since prisons are utilized as the last line of custody of the mentally ill. Asylums have given way to prisons or prison hospitals at least here in America. There is the racism quotient of the new "Jim Crow" discrimination against Afro-Americans stuck in usually generational poverty. No upwards mobility and a series of bad choices with a society that doesn't understand its minority demographics spells ruin. Next to Afro-Americans it is our native Indigenous populations as native Americans have it like a 3rd world nation within our proper borders. But, I digress forgive me for that rant since lack of fairness is all too common in America's 2nd Gilded Age as it was in the historical first one over a century ago. Today's attempted innovative conceptual design is to reduce the Recidivism Rates of convicts in America of all ethnic and racial backgrounds. Since whether we call it by semantics prisoners are slaves of the State. In many ways they are stripped of their civil rights and treated more like chattel in the worst instances and at best akin to lepers by the rest of society. The criminal class of citizens I'm speaking here is of the Non Violent Offender and not the hardened criminals never to see the light of freedom again. Often by sociological norms we've deemed felons or ex-convicts as outcasts not to be trusted ever again nor given the benefit of the doubt as to redemption. Far too many ex-convicts having little to none upward mobility due to endemic poverty reoffend just to survive financially in our society. I do not condone such behavior, but I try to understand so the reconciliables have a fighting chance to live in our socio-capitalistic society. The "Penal Indenturement Campus" or (PIC) is meant to take convicts that are non-violent near release by 1 to 3 years time as a proposed pilot program. To be resettled in a refurbished low security penal correctional facility converted into a partial collegiate campus of sorts. Separated by gender of inmates in certain sectors and not in others on the campus correctional facility. Where former white and blue collar workers now as inmates are given advance placement into such a (PIC) program nearing their term release. The program inmates that flunk out by poor behavior return to the prison general population opening up a slot for someone else. The refurbished low security facility will have air conditioning and heating indoors. As an example my State of Florida all of it indoor prisons have Zero Air Conditioning where indoor temperatures can reach 110 degrees fahrenheit (In the Summer months). Correctional staff usually wear polyester uniforms with body armor vests for protection. The food is another factor, which I'm recommending food services would be something similar as to what public school district children receive as a public nutritional meal planning. This won't be "Club Med" but it will be decent enough. Whereby locally grown produce that is in season can also be sourced regionally for such a (PIC) campus facility. The barracks or dormitories will be separated by gender including the early phases of recertification of any pertinent job skills that need refreshing. Employers outside the campus will be solicited giving them a Cheaper Labor Force. By as much as 20% cheaper than industry average in hourly and salary Indentured staff. Additional tax rebates, onsite private security detail, coverage of healthcare and workmans compensation offered by the State for the program Inmates, and strict shuttle transportation to and from the Penal Indenturement Campus for the Indentured staff. All Indentured inmates on this program will be wearing monitoring ankle bracelets when at the job site and when at the (PIC) campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Industries of employment will be: construction, landscaping, agriculture, secretarial, IT (Information Technology), manufacturing, hospitality, mechanics (auto, marine, misc), etc... Forbidden industries will be: financial, medical, and pharmaceutical for instance and no retail or management roles. NGO's (Non Governmental Organizations) can also help the State develop such a pilot program and service the pool of inmates within the "Penal Indenturement Campus". Perhaps acting as advocates similar to the "Ad Litem Program" that children receive in terms to quality of life issues and overall progress. Not to coddle the inmates but to keep track like a caseworker as to their needs and progress within the program itself. A third of the wages earned by Indentured Staff Will be Garnished by the State in order to help foot the bill for such a proposal contract for this pilot program. If the pilot program succeeds after its trial phases it can revert to a negotiated contract in order to keep up with costs of increase overall. The remainder of the funding can come from State / Federal sources and perhaps from some of the NGO's lending a hand. All inmates will also be supported to develop a Nest Egg in that 1 to 3 year period of Indentured working off campus. By having a checking / savings and even a 401K retirement account created and managed on their behalf. The rest of the 2/3's wages can be accumulated for any dependents on the outside be it alimony payments or other dependent expenses. There will also be financial literacy curriculum offered to the program inmates in terms of maintaining a household and to grow their 401K retirement account. Upon successful release of their term and graduation from the "Penal Indenturement Campus". Former Indentured Staff will continued being employed for a period of 1 year's time by their previous employer so as to offer income stability. To alleviate parole officers swamped by burgeoning caseloads of ex-convicts and other custodial roles. The campus will continue to be utilized by the ex-convicts in such a (PIC) program as a surrogate to the parole officer role. To keep tabs as to their professional progress or lack thereof in open civil society in coping and other familial needs. The same NGO advocate or caseworker will continue to follow their ward as to their personal holistic requirements in civil society. (ie housing, transportation (work shuttle services continues as needed), spiritual / recreational outlets, including exercise / nutrition aspects of living) Graduated ex-convicts can certainly come and mentor new inmates onto such a "Penal Indenturement Campus" life path. As a form of volunteering by giving back to the correctional community of prisoners. This is a humane way to knock out multiple birds as issues of contention for prisoner success upon release into society. By providing a baseline entry point with employment as a non-issue for the ex-felon. Although regular average wages would increase from the former discounted 20% pay gap when in the (PIC) program. Since the employee is now living outside the campus and costs of personal living naturally increase as well. Unless the State pays the difference as a contractual stipend with the employer as their incentive. To the former program participant during their post release 1 year period with said employer. This is far cheaper in many instances in keeping an ex-felon out of the prison system in terms of re-offending. I hope this is considered as a humane manner of ex-convicts to find poverty relief and upward mobility at least here in America. Instead of becoming career criminals in the turn style archway of the big mega bucks for the corporations that have built the infrastructure of the prison industrial complex to date. This is certainly one of the kinks that doesn't make our American democracy shine as bright as it used to in respects to our global Image. America houses 3 million inmates out of a societal population of 320 million plus, if you count illegal status immigrants. We could double and even triple that number of inmates in the decades to come. However we may no longer have the right to being fully democratic in nature. Imperials on the other hand is truly viable if we continue on this unfair societal megatrends in this our 2nd gilded age. As the American Democratic Experiment of Exceptionalism fades before us and within our lifetime if we become poor stewards to the vulnerable and the needy on a macro scale. 

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9 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Aviation Safety Concept: "The Laser Ring of Misdirection"

Hello All,


Just yesterday I channeled this conceptual design via clairvoyance from my Angels using my creative Imagineering faculties. Having heard a couple of days ago that on Nov. 11th, 2015 of this year there were 20 incidents across the United States. Of stray laser beam intrusions causing some havoc with airliners at airports in taking off and landing. Be these innocent accidental stray beams from equipment in or outside an airport. From onlookers at the perimeter fence line of an airport watching take off and arrivals of airliners. With the minority of malicious trouble makers for shits & giggles seeing what a laser beam does to the avionics of an airliner. This can also include police and local news helicopters with camera arrays and/or night vision equipment on board. That can easily become blinded when in flight by the pilot HUD (Head Up Display) flight helmet.


My unique conceptual design is to develop a countermeasure technology suite to overcome this dilemma airports and pilots that are in flight, including military drones that are piloted remotely. What I have in mind is a perimeter rail embedded onto the grass in the shape of a ring or crown just within the security fence line of an airport. This rail for lack of a better name has a daisy chain of counter intrusion laser emitters that are of a higher caliber than intruding stray laser beam strikes. These powerful lasers via motion sensors along the rails configuration around the airstrips of an airport or helicopter pad. Will detect a stray laser with its higher power intensity will Interdict Such Lasers by causing them to Misdirect Safely Away. Causing the offensive laser to bend when it's encountered by the stronger laser beam package located with the rail laser emitters. The interdiction laser can also calculate the distance of the originating source of the offensive stray laser beam to its original location. Where security camera's can hopefully zoom into such a locale and use face recognition software to detect the accidental party, hoodlums, or terrorists. The rail ring configuration with its laser emitters are angled at a 90 to 180 degrees away from the airstrips. With an additional curvature housing that blocks the laser emitters being aligned towards the run ways of an airport. These safety measures also help counter act if the system is ever hacked maliciously. Where it couldn't be used against aircraft taking off or landing. The only jeopardy I can envision at this point is if one or more persons breaches the security fence or impersonates grounds keepers. By causing a false flag decoy event to trigger the interdiction lasers. Where nearby the terrorists pull out a mirror array to misdirect the more powerful interdiction laser onto aircraft. If so the beam calculating package will note this local hijacking of its system and be programed within 3 to 5 seconds to shut down. Allowing for security cameras to locate the ground intruders and to dispatch local police and security forces to apprehend them.


This "Laser Ring of Misdirection" airport system could in theory also be utilized against stray drones coming into the airport airspace as well. The rail ring laser emitters could beam at the drone shutdown codes that force it to land safely at a distance. Sorta like hacking the drone automatically by hijacking its signal causing it to land or crash elsewhere. In the process of doing this it can also perform a backward trace to its host pilot signal be it by radio, cellular, or satellite to pinpoint the pilot’s location. In order for again airport security camera's to zoom in onto the person or ground vehicle (car make, model, and license plates). Thus dispatching local police or security detail to arrest the drone intruders. The rail configuration ring could also be loaded with an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) package that it can direct at stray drones. If not the powerful laser emitter can fry the power supply circuits to the drone causing it to crash. Much like swatting a troublesome fly that is in the way. This is but one proposed countermeasure interdiction system for stray and malicious laser beam strikes onto aircraft and foreign drones in the airspace. I hope it gets you the readers thinking since it's only a matter of time until one laser beam mishap or civilian hobbyist drone causes an airliner crash in the airport. Afterwards expect the Federal and State governments going Ape Shit on the entire civilian drone industry let alone stiffer prison terms for accidental offenders. Aside from the malicious actors be they trouble makers up into full blown terrorists on such a soft vulnerable target with mass casualty potential.

                                            ============== Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 20 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus existence online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.  

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9 years ago

Gems of Opportunity Concept: HD Television Digital Community Platform


Hello All, This month's unique conceptual design (at least to my knowledge) :op is borrowing from other community elements gamers have enjoyed for nearly a decade to date. It's for cable TV providers which many are also Internet providers as well. To introduce a value added proposition to its existing installed customer base of subscribed users. By offering an evolution of the "Video On Demand" services to go in the direction of Steam by Valve Software Corporation. Since the days of the old bulletin boards with baud rate modems have televisions been used as monitors. Then came the evolution of "Web Tv" with keyboard accessories and all. Now there could be a High Definition digital community platform for those with existing home entertainment systems. As gamers enjoy their hobby in a community setting, how come TV viewers can not experience this same identical privilege?


What I'm proposing is a multi pronged approach to such a "HD Television Digital Community Platform" for existing cable TV subscribers across the globe. Depending on the provider several of these layers of interactive activity can be offered to enhance the pastime of viewing television at home or on mobile devices elsewhere. First, to provide greater community interaction with one's community base. Many Cable Tv providers taking "Comcast" as an example have an online community web forum message boards through their website. Aside from regular customer service and select promotions the company doesn't directly interact with its own customers. A digital divide exists, perhaps on purpose? No matter if such a lack of interaction has occurred organically or intentionally. With this conceptual design the divide can be smoothed over with this suite of services for existing customers. Such as evolving the web forum message board of today by introducing verbal & video chat connectivity. Current message boards on the web are mostly a reader's marathon of text, some still images, and a token video recording inserted in a user post. What if allowing a user post consist of a verbal recorded message on whatever the topic. Instead of reading text which is sooo late 20th century you actually hear the verbal chat message in the post. Or go the way of smartphones and web cameras online and offer video user recorded message posts on such a "HD TV Digital Community Platform". Second, to offer customer service experiences that aren't glorified IRC (Internet Relay Chat) rooms as a pop-up window at a company website. To offer depth with such a company rep. to customer Internet Age connectivity beyond your toll free phone numbers. Similar to the web forum message board of tomorrow to include one or all 4 layers of: text, voice, video, and data (upload / linking) depending on the customer need of interaction.


Third, following the examples of: Steam by Valve, Xbox by Microsoft, & Playstation by Sony. To include a digital portal community service for television / mobile viewers as an evolution of existing "Video On Demand" offerings. For example these aforementioned PC and Console gamer communities offering unique user global account profiles. With achievement oriented merit like badges (much like the Scouts (ie Boys & Girls) are globally famous for in participation) that are all participation focused. For gamers it's on in game world achievements. For television viewers it can be on passive and interactive attentive viewing of multimedia content. Let's say NCIS by CBS broadcast channel offers a line up of achievement badges for their 3 NCIS franchise crime drama shows. Besides passive viewing of episodic content there can be pop quizzes during a commercial break. To gauge viewer attentiveness as to what is happening in each episode. With achievement oriented badges there can be virtual currency awarded for later redemption purposes. Be it from a real world merchandising catalogue of TV media content goodies. Or other account related virtual items as cosmetic distinguishing preferences for each user. All viewers could attend through their television or mobile device a Community Online Theater much like chat rooms of today. Where special premiere season offerings are showcased for new and returning Tv series. With special promotions associated with (merchandising or higher value) prizes for viewer attendance. Much like Tv shows use social media (ie Twitter) for similar events offering interaction with a Tv shows cast. Unique cross branded mini-games like many cable channels already offer online through their websites. (ie USA Network used to offer for "White Collar") Be they puzzle, arcade, or other lore driven mini genre games can this tier of achievement badges be awarded. Lastly the real world and the digital community platform can intersect to offer a line of volunteering achievement badges. Many corporations notwithstanding "Comcast" as an example take civic pride in supporting local community causes with their employees. Why not combine the leverage of employees and customers to jointly partake in local volunteering or donated proceeds in earning achievement badges. Be it any number of organizations such as: United Way, Red Cross, Feeding America, and so forth. Fourth, with such a HD Television Digital Community Platform comes the leasing of cable Tv equipment which cable Tv providers are famous or infamous for with customers. Such a community platform can offer accessory equipment leases or direct purchases if so desired. For example, keyboards, microphone headsets, Tv web cameras (with a manual shutter filter as a security feature from a hacked web camera voyeur), hand gesture VR (Virtual Reality) motion input controller, voice recognition remote controls, etc.... Cable Tv / Internet providers can go one step further and offer HD (High definition) 4K Ultra Television leases and/or purchases. Which can include sound system hook up's to a home entertainment system. Comcast, which is my Cable Tv & Internet provider has a fleet of technicians. That rivals what "Best Buy, Geek Squad" or a "Rent A Center" service technicians could ever supplant with direct to customer installations. Since the video game consoles (Xbox & Playstation) are already tippy toeing into streaming movies ala "Net Flix", which has classically been the domain of cable Tv providers. Why not offer company name branded television and sound system leases and/or new purchases with promotional rates. Cable Tv providers are always offering new or existing subscriber promotional plans depending on the time of year. Why not go beyond multimedia content and into direct electronic leasing of hardware viewing and listening devices as well? The HD Television Digital Community Platform like I stated in the beginning is a value added proposition to existing installed customer base of subscribers. Why not evolve the scale of interaction of a viewing hobby that was created back in the mid 1940's of the 20th century? Bringing such enthusiasts into the early 21st century with multi-layered interconnectivity of mediums of communication. (ie Voice, Video, & Data) This digital community platform can be developed with today's technological throughput measures of infrastructure. It's not rocket science, although vision is required to ignite the passions of television viewers everywhere. Who is going to be the trailblazer to make the industry follow you instead? Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 20 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus existence online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.

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9 years ago

Gems of Opportunity Concept: "Future Common Practices of VR (Virtual Reality) Technologies In Society"


Hello All, Today's conceptual design is more so an evolution in how the genie of virtual reality has already gladly escaped from the bottle. What I'll espouse may be occurring to some relative minor degrees or may happen in our intermediate future. As the craze of the VR goggles shifts to other technologies such as photography and recorded media. Most likely how these now bulky VR helmets will shrink in hardware size and pack more computing power as the years go by.


For instance many of us have heard of the Green Screen used for introducing special effects (FX) scenes in television, movies, and the Internet. Where actors during rehearsals need to pretend what a fantasy or science-fiction scene looks like or will look like in a Tv show or movie. This is after the artists and digital animators do their thing. Now what if? Say the actors in rehearsals use a VR headset to actually see what the backdrop visuals looks like in a animated 3D fantastic setting. Such an actor's tool may prove invaluable when rehearsing until the final scene is caught on film. Another green screen application can be how meteorological reports are televised in your local news weather station. The weather (wo)man can use the radar images superimposed onto a green screen for television viewers. That's nothing new, now however both the meteorological weather reports can be seen in VR 3D instead of looking at 2D images. A TV viewer can watch recorded weather reports locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally all in VR 3D. Not unlike today's 3D television sets with those 3D glasses. Here with a VR helm one can look and move within side to side and around in live images versus animated media. A weather (wo)man can guide Tv viewers into a previously recorded or Live action image of a Tornado in VR (Virtual Reality) 3D. (Eek, talk about Vertigo!) With motion gestures or a remote control viewers can interact with recorded live action media. Continuing with the local news examples let's say the "BBC World News" reports on the Syrian war front with an embedded journalist. Much like voyeurs we piggyback onto the news cycle segment in a VR 3D recorded news story in all its chaos in Syria. Virtual reality interactions with recorded media can drastically change how we consume television, movies, video games, and the Internet in general. In many ways virtual reality is a bridge technology before we arrive to fully interactive holography. As science fiction has predicted for countless decades already here almost within our virtual touch. (pun intended) :op


Speaking of which 3D cameras and video recorders can augment what's currently offered with digital photography globally. For the past few years now the Nintendo 3DS as a mobile game device. Has in its hardware feature set a capability to record still photographic images in 3D and record 3D videos. Here's a "Link" to the Nintendo 3DS feature set. Photographers and video camera technicians will record in Virtual Reality 3D versus that old 20th century 2D images. Artists will experience a revival as animators and what not when the VR 3D storm comes into full swing. Poster Art especially of vistas in VR 3D can hang in art galleries and in movie theaters showcasing future attractions. Although will we all look like nerds with the current 1st generation of VR helmets walking outside? Heck No! First that will get you run over as road kill! A big no, no. Today's bulky VR goggles and ear muff set will eventually go through several design iterations. Something like a swanky set of sunglasses with a thicker eye frame to handle all the gadgetry inside. One bifocal can offer data VR streaming of media whilst the other is for everyday looking outwards into the mundane world. This isn't even mentioning the return of tech driven 21st century Monocles. These first users will behave like they are intoxicated not with alcohol, but with technological interactions. Much like those of us whom have stumbled into a lamp post. Or almost been run over whilst peering into our smartphones making us as tech zombies.


These futuristic tech VR 3D eye glasses could appear perhaps around the 4th or 5th generation of this tech platform. Many of us here in the States have heard of "Transition Lenses" for gradual light shifting sunglasses. Well a futuristic VR 3D eye glass set will rely in part on a similar tinting mechanism. In order to block out natural light and filter in Internet or other VR imagery for the user / wearer. A microphone swivel boon can also be an accessory much like a customer service rep uses today. For any verbal communications within such VR chat rooms or for regular telephony uses. This takes me to business teleconferencing where instead of a piped in 2D image in a live broadcast set-up by "Cisco" for instance. A virtual reality 3D conference room mock up can be accessed by every participate from anywhere in the world. Where even powerpoint or other computer applications can be run from within such a VR 3D environ for business teleconferencing initiatives. Not to stop there school children in virtual classrooms will actually be in a full 3D VR classroom. Interacting not just with a teacher but with fellow classmates nationally or maybe even exchange students from abroad. No more boring text school books for VR 3D multimedia will be piped into the lesson plan for students. Having kids experience for the first time historical events provided by animators or other previously recorded historical reenactors. Be it of famous battles (ie Gettysburg, Waterloo, etc...) all to interact with an in depth methodology with ones studies. Speaking of interactions how about the real CSI's (Criminal Scientific Investigators) recording a crime scene in VR. To later at the lab piece together in 3D virtual reality all pertinent clues to solve a case for police detectives. A new arsenal for forensic investigators will 3D VR go a long way as a new tool set for research purposes. Not to stop with scientific endeavors researchers be it in microbiology well into telemedicine with actual patients. Can experience something like the science fiction 1966 film of the "Fantastic Voyage". Where scientists are miniaturized inside a patient in order to help treat a brain tumor. In this case it'll be less extraordinary, but still very much captivating in a virtual reality 3D interaction with recorded images. Be it working with a vaccine in a petri dish or using a telescopic image inside a patient for treatment purposes. Maybe that's too gruesome to Imagine. Well how about going on a virtual trip abroad internationally to enjoy the sights. Tourist traps in Europe or elsewhere in Asia can be all the rage depicted in 3D VR modules. For virtual travelers to enjoy in preparation before they actually embark on such a voyage in person. Travel publishers that sell hand guide books can now offer 3D VR trips for tourists to enjoy while they plan their actual future trip. This is of course not to mention the smorgasbord of playful goodies for PC and Video Console gamers. That is certainly to come in game play purposes with ladden feature rich game worlds to be solely experienced online in virtual reality. All in wholesome 3D goodness has to offer gamers this is not to mention certain AR (augmented reality) game elements to boot. As I've covered here this is just the tip of the iceberg of possibilities on how VR (Virtual Reality) 3D will impact our global society to come. Beyond this renewed offering of the VR helms of the likes of "Occulus Rift". Will be a cascading series of technological innovations in viewing interactive media will take us and never let us go. Whether to inspire, shock, or scare us into submission will 3D VR media inform us for better or worse. We are the ones to decide how much of this to personally come to terms in how we visually consume this tech in our lifestyles. That is until holography makes its eventual appearance to repeat this cycle all over again in the world. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 20 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.

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8 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Marketing Event Concept: "Mircosoft Xbox One Don't Fumble The Chance To Make Good With Snoop Dogg"


Hello All,

This is rather an impromptu "Gems of Opportunity" marketing event conceptual design based on the incident back on last January 14th. Where the rap artist known as "Snoop Dogg" gave on his Instagram account an explicit diatribe against Mircosoft's Xbox One video game console online service. The video lasts 16 seconds, but I'm sure his sentiment is echo'ed by tens of thousands of their customers.

(*Note: Explicit F-Bombs are used in this short video clip.)

Mr. Snoop Dogg in disgust at the end of the video briefly states he doesn't want to be forced to go to the competitor video game console and online service of "Sony's Playstation 4". If either Mircosoft or Sony has Discretionary Marketing Budgets for Golden Opportunities this is the time to turn this unfortunate incident into Sweet Lemonade.

Here is an article online from Fortune magazine regarding what happened in depth. " Snoop Dogg Complains to Bill Gates After Xbox Live Outage"

“A message to Xbox One, Microsoft, or whoever the f—,” he said in the video. “Ya’ll f—in’ server is f—in’ whack.

”Snoop was apparently responding to a brief outage on Microsoft’s Xbox Live gaming platform yesterday. He claims that he had an issue playing games online with others and called on everyone at Microsoft to fix the problem.

“Is it that difficult to play somebody online?” Snoop asked.

But he wasn’t done. Snoop, who obviously hasn’t kept up with much of what is happening at Microsoft lately, didn’t direct his diatribe to the Xbox team or even Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. Instead, he called on the company’s co-founder to get him back on the digital gridiron. ---Don Reisinger. (Fortune Magazine) Jan. 14th, 2016.

My marketing event concept is as follows since not a peep has occurred since Snoop's video went viral online over a month ago. Not to kiss up although it can be seen as a publicity stunt of sorts. Is two fold to convert this black eye for "Mircosoft" into a boon as the Summer months are fast approaching.

First, throw a charity football celebrity party in honor of "Snoop Dogg". Inviting his posse of friends and associates to play their video games of football online. Inviting other current famous football athletes that are active and a couple that are now retired. Those NFL athletes can be active in the philanthropic scene as well. Microsoft by sponsoring this celebrity party can select a charity that both "Snoop Dogg" and the NFL can agree upon. Mircosoft can also make a sizable donation for the charity where a fund raiser at the party occurs. Those friends and friends of friends of Snoops posse can be pited against the NFL athletes and others online in football video game matches. This can capitalize on the Esports trend that is sweeping gamers worldwide by inviting spectators to watch. In order to generate charitable dollars as the fund raiser event, with any other potential sponsors placing matching charitable gifts on what is raised overall.

Inviting XBox One developers and Mircosoft CEO "Mr. Satya Nadella" to the event as well. Using their attendance to directly speak to the colorful concerns "Snoop Dogg Voiced Overall". However it doesn't stop there to offer all Xbox One online service customers an apology and a solemn guarantee to do better. Which includes for every major online outage all Xbox One customers receive an incentive of some sort to compensate them for their down time.

Second, to offer "Snoop Dog" a commercial Mircosoft Xbox One spot to spoof the basis of his video diatribe. To make light of in a humorous manner his colorful video and to promote the Xbox One platform overall. Be it any "Madden" video games or other games that may be debuting soon for gamers / customers.

To galvanize this momentum by having a series of Microsft hosted events on to simulcast "Snoop Dogg" gaming online on the Xbox One. With any of the games he did on the commercial spots on television or online media. Which can include offering prizes to the viewers on the Twitch channel and the gamer's he played a round with on the Xbox One online service.

This is how one takes an unsavory incident with another disgruntled celebrity that ties in with another company's demographic of installed customer base. To scale up the incident by flipping it into a Win / Win scenario by creating a positive turnaround. All the while by gaining supportive publicity for the company, supporting an existing charity mission, and keeping the once disgruntled celebrity engaged with their product / service.

Although if Microsoft does Fumble This Opportunity then Sony can seize upon this or a similar marketing event turnaround in their favor for the Win!

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.

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8 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Matchmaking & Games Industry Concept: "A Social and Romantic Matchmaking Genre Role Playing Game"


Hello All,

There are a myriad of video games out in the world that have a subliminal Death Wish for our civilization. In the other spectrum there are lesser known often lewd and pornographic dating video games online. Nothing except perhaps the series of "The Sims" published by "Electronic Arts" of "Mr. Will Wright" game designer fame. Has there stood a near family friendly sort of popular video game for audiences of all ages. 

My conceptual design today is just an early notion into marrying both a social matchmaking features found online. Be it: eHarmony,, Friend Finder, and so forth that are non-pornographic and free of lewd tendencies mostly. With that of a multiplayer or MMO (massively multiplayer online) game world found today that is F2P (Free to Play). Although free to play for adults with a valid credit card much like a dating website. If players were to seek each other out in real life there can be safety features included like in any regular matchmaking dating website service. Such as passing a Real ID background check to see someone doesn't have a criminal history and so forth. 

Instead of interfacing with a matchmaking website in plain 2D (dimensions). One can have a dating or matchmaking video game world in first person, third person, and/or isometric overhead viewpoint. This would be a niche audience and not tailored towards minors such as teenagers. More so for adults seeking a family friendly clean outlook free of the sleazy filth found elsewhere online. 

Like with any dating or matchmaking website its free to enroll as a member. However to get better features one has the option to become a paying member at various membership tiers. In many ways several game publishers with MMO game titles have done similar over the years. With F2P game titles with optional subscriber plans for paying members. Being offered more convenience, greater status, and other pertinent rewards in games.


I would hope such a MMO or multiplayer game title would be more than just finding romantic partners. To venture into social friendships which can include even finding like minded people of a similar spiritual or religious faith in such a setting. A social hub matrix can be part and parcel of the game design elements of the feature rich game world. Bringing people as players together in virtual fictional settings be it with celebrations or other forms of common game play. Not to make such a game world like a "Candy Land" of wishy washy game setting. There can be real world dilemma overtones to entertain as much as to build shared engagement in such an online community setting. I won't go too much into game design particular features just state the general theory behind such a project if one were to be created overall. 

There can be an added social cause layer added to such a game world and to reveal some real world personal character traits of a person. Many know of the Griefer term as a player that causes turmoil to others as a sadist for instance. What if quite the opposite behavior is encouraged in such a game world by revealing in game play the best cooperative traits of a real person. This will take some sort of social engineering and psychology involved to design game play elements that approach such a would be process. 

The reason why to shine a light on a person's truer disposition instead of the traditional alter ego. Is much like crowdfunding for social causes online. What if in such a virtual fictional game world setting for a MMO or multiplayer game title. There are zone wide events that mimic the plights of International, National, or Regional real world charities. This will be part education to the community of players of the struggles facing such social causes in the real world. To portray them in a game world not just to spice up game play for example. But to actually generate a Crowd Sourced Fundraising Drive In-Game. Like in many other MMO's have accomplished from player contributions collectively. 

These real world charities will be vetted by the game developer / publisher and perhaps selected by the community of players themselves. Of course game storyline plots and any unique content must be planned for ahead of time like a pipeline delivery system. Although an auto-generated game content engine would go a long way to remove some of the burden from the developer. For on the fly generated game play events that occur randomly or are tied to choke point quest (mission) based instanced game play. Allow me to list some examples a Tsunami event in the real world can have the game world and community of players up to 90 days later. Have game world content that mimics the environmental catastrophe as it's happening and the after effects in rebuilding. This would make the game a quasi simulator as it draws real world parallels of the dilemma's faced elsewhere for humanitarian issues. Another example can be the war torn plight occurring for the last couple of years in Syria. Having large swaths of humanity displaced because of war and famine has been our ancestors history for tens of thousands of years. To create such a zone or zones in a game world for the "United Nation" charities for war torn refugees be they women and children. Or to help fund the existing burgeoning camps in: Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and now Europe. 

This may be too much reality but heck present day game worlds are excellent at showcasing destroyed civilizations and Diaspora's. Like I mentioned at the top of this concept game publishers have a subliminal death wish for our civilization. Although in their defense they are giving gamers what they want. What if giving us what we need instead feeds our minds and hearts in a greater capacity, wouldn't that be a truly novel idea in a matchmaking game world. By attempting to reveal real world personal character traits of real people in game play. Yes, it might sound naive and can easily be faked, but given the opportunity it can still be harnessed by connecting people together virtually and perhaps in the real world too. 

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.

Tags :
8 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: E-Commerce Industry: Super VR (Virtual Reality) Online Malls & Storefront AR (Augmented Reality) Experiences


Hello All,

Back in late January of this year I posted a previous conceptual design entry regarding virtual reality and it's future applications. Across a wide spectrum of industries from broadcasting news to meteorological reports, including how our bulky VR helms will be streamlined. As in: "Future Common Practices of VR Technologies in Society"

Above is a short 2:29 minutes in length segment from CNBC (PBS) business show of "Nightly Business Report" dated April 14th, 2016. Regarding how the nationalLowes hardware store has 19 locations with a VR simulator for shoppers doing remodels of a home. Seeing that news piece got me thinking about other shopper experiences a few years out regarding virtual and augmented reality interactions. Below is what follows from such a channeling session with my Angels utilizing clairvoyant automatic writing. These are potential realities and nothing quite is set in stone as of yet. What I envisioned was more about how VR goggles will be streamlined in practical applications in a manner to reiterate from my last January posting on the topic. Second, to that something like a virtual reality Super Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota which is over a kilometer in physical bricks & mortar in size. Third, to this I envisioned the gradual future of augmented reality shopping inside retail and other eatery locations. Since science-fiction has always been replete with for over a decade now predicting technology like a societal oracle forecast, but now we're actually on the cusp of it actually happening!


Dare I make a bold prediction, which I'll reserve the right to fall flat on my face like a fool if I get it wrong. Basically the handheld cellular smartphone market will go the way of the Dodo bird. To be replaced with user electronic computerized VR / AR goggles as completely wireless devices. Above is a prototype rendition by an artist of what the future may look like with a futuristic headset. Maybe in the next decade something like that could happen, maybe longer? Like the typical psychic-medium I can suck on specific timelines, but not the actual occurrence per say. What will such a futuristic headset do well it can switch seamlessly between VR and AR (Augmented Reality) interactions with a tinting mechanism to the lens. Otherwise a standby HUD (Heads Up Display) mode that will respond to various forms of input commands. Such as voice recognition down to the voice of its individual owner, motion sensors for eye blinking commands, otherwise hand gestures in its field of view. The hand gestures will be like Indian Mudras which are symbolic religious ceremonial hand gestures in Hindu and Buddhist events. Here in the Western Hemisphere it'll be like a dance floor voguing in hand gestures.


Now picture (pun fully intended) a super mall location in virtual reality 3D for E-Commerce purposes. Let's entice you further it's "Black Friday" or "Cyber Monday" here in the States. With Mr. Jeff Bezo's of goes whole hog and creates a virtual reality Amazon super mall online. It isn't far fetched is it? He has already done so in full 2D as the super department store of the world wide web. If Amazon isn't your thing maybeWalmart gets into the act attempting to compete with Amazon and all others with such a VR footprint online. How I envision such a VR super mall having MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online)Gamification Features resembling a computer online game world. Using the "Mall of America" (2 Immediate Pictures Above) from Minnesota as my example it's a shoppers zone of all big box and small franchise retailers under the capitalistic sun. Such a gamification shoppers zone will be over a kilometer in virtual landscape like a small game world. Consumers can have the option of shopping with the general public in VR. Or can reserve a private instanced version of the zone level all to themselves in peace and quiet shopping. This latter point is especially poignant if it's like my example above of "Black Friday" the day after the American "Thanksgiving Holiday". A VR shopper upon entering a store front like the Gap or the department clothing floor ofAmazon. Moves about browsing the aisles and shelves, perhaps evening sampling outfits with their shopping avatar customized to look like them in real life. All store clerks are automated like a game world NPC (Non-Player Character) to ring up a sale. However either the Store Manager or Assistant Manager is onsite in VR as their real avatar like that of a shopper. Let's say the manager is busy with another customer and no real person is available to help such a consumer with a question or needing further assistance. They can press the Help button and a toll free phone call goes out to a customer service bureau responding to the customer's inquiry with a live attendant. To make the Super VR mall a destination online it can have entertainment outlets in VR. Be it a dating service website that mimics a bar or dance floor. Otherwise a gamer pavilion makes this super VR mall feel more like a "Down Town Disney in Orlando, Florida". A concert hall for avatars of real musicians playing on stage as the main attraction on the weekend. Which the former children's MMO called "Free Realms" by "Sony Online Entertainment" pulled off such a feat for one song a few years back with a semi-known band in a Live session. Let's say there's a "Ford Dealership" at such a VR super mall locale online. After a prior screening as a qualified buyer keeping out wannabe's from test driving the latest VR "Ford RAM Pickup Truck". In a VR obstacle course that resembles more like a video game map design level.You sample the pick up truck by putting it through its paces since it's handling is fully represented in all its glory. The prospective driver can even crash the virtual reality "Ford RAM" pickup truck to see how it handles with its on-board safety features. Whether or not such a qualified buyer purchases the RAM pickup truck from "Ford" as part of a limited time promotion. The "Ford" dealership online can send them via snail mail a merchandising goody bag as a thank you. Either with a full purchase or something less with just a test drive like a T-Shirt thank you gift. For decades cosmetic counters at department stores have done this with a goody bag with a qualified purchase.


Taking this further out into AR (Augmented Reality) let's say a shopper is in a store with their own VR / AR goggles. (since smartphones are yesterday's tech) :oP Wearing the goggles slash swanky pair of tech driven sunglasses a personal digital assistant follows you as a virtual npc pet of sorts. This Npc (Non-Player Character) pet you have customized much like a current generation GPS device today in your vehicle you have customized voice wise. This augmented reality digital assistant looks like an apparition with a floating torso without any legs. Like something out of Disney's "Haunted House" pavilion ride at Walt Disney World theme park. The AI (Artificial Intelligence) of this npc can be formal to downright snarky according to your personal settings. It'll only appear for you due to recognizing its owner's voice and retinal scan as a form of goggle security mechanism. The AR digital assistant helps you out by having a automatically generated shopping list for you. Due to now is the advent of the burgeoning Internet of things in every household and public venue. The digital AR assistant scans your kitchen cabinets knowings what's in stock and what isn't via sensors on packaging. This is all the while you are standing in the bricks and mortar storefront of let's say a Walmart location. Your personal settings can permit which item categories you'll allow to receive adverts and promotions inside a store. Otherwise much like a web browser blocker you can block unwanted consumer item advertisements and cheesy promos you're not interested in from reaching you as a shopper. We've all heard of Amazon Prime which is an annual membership for its premium shoppers. In this near future era all sorts of retailers trying to increase profit margins much like the Airline Industry will offer premium consumer membership tiers at various price points. Those shoppers with the VR / AR goggles will be no different getting preferred customer service with a live person versus a NPC (Non-player Character) artificial intelligence bot. The higher the membership premium tier the better the concierge service the shopper will experience. This can include consistent 10% discounts across the board of all retail items allowing for any other current promos to stack onto the member discounts. There can be other assorted feature sets made available in VR / AR for shoppers as premium store members. Perhaps expedited back orders when an item is out of stock as they're shopping. At a physical store front they go to the front of the checkout line or have a special premium member check out register all for them. Much like theme parks have premium no waiting lines for park attendants willing to splurge on such an option. What about AR experiences at your favorite fast food franchise location or at a fancy restaurant? Children while they are wolfing down their burgers at a McDonald's can have "Ronald McDonald" accompany each child to their table. Keeping them company much like the 20th television did for kids for several decades and even up to today. The 2D Tv set will give way to AR 3D experiences with cartoon or live action characters for kids of all ages. With AR Npc avatars offering their latest promotion like "McDonalds" current all day breakfast or the McPick 2 meal for $5.00 here currently Stateside. So when "Burger King" offers "Star Wars" drinking glasses as souvenirs for customers. They can have a Sith Lord or Jedi accompany them to their table and speak a line or two from the future movie. Talk about fanboys wetting their pants in geekdom when augmented reality offers that to all consumers. :o) Regular casual restaurants can have AR waitresses attend your table taking your order with an Npc bot. Lastly this is what I envision with my Angelic Oracle channeling ability what could be potentially if events transpire via the free will of others. Will all of this happen? Maybe not, but it's the field of potentiality and possibility, but certainly things greater than this will occur in the decades to come, if not sooner than later. I hope you've enjoyed pondering the societal implications of virtual and augmented reality with me here at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site with this "Gems of Opportunity" conceptual design. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.

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8 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Tarot Deck Concepts: "Mixed Theme Tarot Deck & Augmented Reality Tarot Card Deck"


Hello All, I always have a bad habit of leaving the harder blog entry posts to the last days of the month. I guess I hustle under pressure with a self-imposed monthly deadline. Today's "Gems of Opportunity" segment is regarding my own (as far as I Know) unique conceptual designs. Across a wide range of futuristic to novel solution offerings in a spectrum of global industries. Anywhere from retail consumerism, into corporate, non-profit, military, and legislative conceptual designs I've posted freely on this blog site of "Atrayo's Oracle" going back over 10 year's time online. The current tally harkening back to July 2005 to now is 201 (Including This One) conceptual designs although you'll have to hunt and peck for them. Since no index system is available except for the keyword column alongside the lower right hand side of this blog site. (at my Blogger site only) Another self-disclosure as to why I'm such a fountain of so much ingenuity is in part of my psychic claircognizant gift. Claircognizant is a rarer form of clairvoyant knowing with knowledge and wisdom beyond my lifetime. So in effect I'm channeling from the Angels and the Mind of God or what many New Agers call the "Akashic Records". It's a term coined by the famous trance channeler of "Edgar Cayce". Whether you have a spiritual disposition or think I'm coco for coco puffs. This blog site of 10 years stands as a testament of what I've channeled in 200+ conceptual designs for the next society to come. Also, please realize I also have hundreds more concepts in my collection of handwritten notebooks. What you'll see here at "Atrayo's Oracle" is just a sampling of my devotion. Now to the meat of today's conceptual design regarding two Tarot divination product offerings. The 1st iteration I'll dedicate to Lady "Doreen Virtue" which I follow her work as a fellow Angelic psychic-medium. Although she doesn't claim this at all I consider her to being a Priestess, be it of the Angels or the Heavens.


In following Doreen's work with her publisher of "Hay House" a clearinghouse for spiritual and wellness authors. She I suppose with her Angelic guidance shifted the manner of how Tarot card decks are presented compassionately. Away from the "Rider-Waite" tarot deck originally published in the year 1910. Without getting too deep in how the "Rider Waite" tarot card deck changed how the cards were interpreted . I wanted to first slightly explain that to date "Doreen Virtue" has 31 Tarot Card Decks some of which she has co-authored with specialists. (ie Radleigh Valentine) Her tarot card decks come in either 44 or 78 cards a deck each being themed with a spiritual mythology. If not Christian overtones such as the Virgin Mary with a dedicated tarot card deck with her own Christian goddess persona. (ie Mary Queen of Angels) Eventually although not anytime soon Doreen may hit a ceiling with the variations of themed tarot card decks. Unless she starts to venture beyond the mythologies into other present era global religious traditions which may be taboo for some. My personal opinion she is starting to saturate her brand. By serializing so many tarot decks some not too different from the others on offer. In spite of this I offer up this first iteration of the Mixed Theme Tarot Card Deck. Doreen, has often spoken to her followers that own more than one theme deck to mix and match them up. (I personally own 3 of them) For an enhanced reading experience in terms of intuitive divination guidance. That suggested tidbit gave me a flash of inspiration of why not offer a dedicated mixed themed tarot deck? For example Doreen presently has 31 tarot decks at retail offer. Here's a "Link" to all of them at her own website.


  Let's say she takes half a dozen of her more so Christian themed tarot decks of:

Loving Words From Jesus

Mary Queen of Angels

Archangel Gabriel Oracle Cards

Angel Tarot Cards

Saints & Angels Oracle Cards

Archangel Oracle Cards

Where instead of simply using the identical cards from the card decks listed above. Doreen and Hay House introduces new artwork for each card with a different artist for each specific card deck. Much like in the toy action figure world lets say of "Star Wars Han Solo" is shown in different costumes. The name for such a mixed theme Christian tarot card deck can be the "Medley Christian Oracle Cards" or the "Heavenly Host Oracle Cards".

This in a manner can extend the current shelf life of her already themed tarot decks. To recycle the previous work accomplished sorta like trading baseball cards of one deck for that of another lineup of superstar athletes.

I'll send her an email link to this concept blog entry for her own benefit as a Love Offering. Although I suppose it's up for grabs to the general public Intuitives that can pull it off on their own. Since I have no way of knowing if she'll ever see this conceptual design to begin with getting past her gatekeepers.                                                          



This next iteration of a tarot card deck involves using Augmented Reality. Taking the traditional printed media divination card deck in a fancy glossy paper stock with including a QR (Quadratic Residue) bar code. So a smart phone or any other smart QR code reader can showcase an animated figure for each tarot card. The animation can be static or have a predisposed animation loop for an individual card. The software perhaps can read an entire configuration hand reading depending on the number of cards. (ie 1, 3, 5, etc...) Where it'll compute the general divination interpretation of what such an assortment of tarot card meanings can conclude for the person. 

The Tarot Augmented Reality Deck can have more than one theme of tarot card decks available. Maybe for an additional micro-transaction fee it can have DLC (Downloadable Content) packs of several tarot decks. Including taking a page from my initial conceptual design above. By mixing themes of several tarot card decks together for an added richness to a person's divination readings. 

The base of the tarot deck software can offer a suite of features similar as to what other tarot software programs already offer to date. The gimmick here is that it comes in Augmented Reality which will be great for a party offering with a group of friends. 

I hope you'll come away with a curiosity as to the excellent personal divination tool of the tarot. Speaking of augmented reality it doesn't have to be restricted to just the Tarot. It can encompass the Runes, Tea Leaves, Hand Palm AR scans, or any other esoteric form of divination available in the world to date. The spiritual dominion is great and majestic irrespective of your personal faith tradition. As long as you approach any form of divination with humility and respect you'll come away with a generous wonder as to the presence of God(dess) in each of us. 

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.

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8 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Games Industry Concept: "Game Modes Sold Ala Carte at Retail"


Hello All, I just made it by the hair of my chinny chin chin, but here is this month's unique creative conceptual design. Finding opportunity in a constructive manner to promote commerce and goodwill as potential innovative solutions. To date this blog site of "Atrayo's Oracle" has 202 such conceptual designs since 2005 online. As freely available for any Innovator or ambitious Venture Capitalist to sift through the dozens of eclectic industries. (ie commercial business models, inventions. nonprofits, legislation, and military initiatives) These are just the primer in summary abstract form and not necessarily the whole shebang, that would make it too easy.  "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site link.


Today's original (as far as I know) games industry conceptual design solution is to bring full circle how video games were released in the early 2000's. Part nostalgia and part additional revenue streams for game publishers to offer an assortment of game modes ala carte to consumers. What I mean by Ala Carte Game Modes are the: single player campaign missions, multiplayer mode, mini-game modes, and the modders editor toolset (for creating grass roots level designed game maps for whichever game mode).

For those who may not recall what it was like in the early 2000's playing PC games besides the video consoles. When typically a FPS (1st Person Shooter) was released at retail it consisted of a: single player campaign, multiplayer maps, and a modder editor toolset. All of that at the standard price point of $50.00 US. Today when a FPS game title is released at least from EA (Electronic Arts) game publisher it only releases a multiplayer mode. The price point is split between 3 tiers of standard at $59.99, deluxe at $79.99, and collectors $120-140.00 being online download (standard / deluxe only) and as a physical boxed unit. No discounts between a full physical retail unit and completely a game download. I'm surprised why game publishers haven't charged a premium for a physical retail boxed unit to date? Perhaps to dissuade consumers on the environmental costs of selling a boxed unit would be the rationale. In the early 2000's there were game expansions and not DLC's (Downloadable Content). However today's game season pass could be presumed to be a full game expansion. About 6 years ago a DLC pack went for $9.99 US nowadays with hyperinflation its $14.99, and perhaps in another 5 years time they'll cost $19.99. The Season Game Pass is rather a newer retail phenomena utilized by game publishers such as EA which I'll use as my prime example. Season passes for games have been around 2 to 3 years retailing usually at $49.99 US, with an extra included DLC pack sold on the house as free. Back on June 10th, 2010 I made a Prophetic Call that Electronic Arts was going to ditch the modder editor toolset with FPS games. Will DLC Spell The End of the Modder Community? I went on in that short commentary to raise the alarmist flag that EA was pulling a fast one on gamers. This is when "DICE's Battlefield Bad Company 2" was the preeminent FPS game back in 2010. Ever since that time modder editor tools in a FPS game title have gone the way of the dinosaur. (No relation to "Ark: Survival Evolved") :op My conceptual design is to remedy this for a game publisher. With a quasi revival whilst expanding game units sold albeit with altering game modes of the identical game franchise version offered at retail. For example let's say EA on behalf of Disney's "Star Wars Battlefront" game franchise. Will develop a 4th installment of the "Star Wars Battlefront" series. (which it is confirmed they're doing so, however not how I'll explain it in this example) Let's continue to speculate it'll consist of the Star Wars movie saga episode 7 (2015) onwards in science-fiction operatic lore. By doing either a Super Release product cycle offering or a Stair Stepped offering at retail. In the Super Release a game publisher such as EA hired by Disney to release "Star Wars Battlefront 4". With multiple game mode iterations of the identical game ala carte (ie meaning piecemeal). For instance an RPG single player campaign mission arch, FPS multiplayer game mode, MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) Strategy game, an assortment of mini-games for the mobile market, and modder map editor tools for PC gamers. (In any game mode retail iteration would the mod tools work for in PC and mobile platforms. The video console gamers would be omitted due to the manufacturer's saying "No" to such a notion.) All game mode versions sold simultaneously as a version of Shock and Awe for gamers to gobble up in festive joy. A game publisher can task multiple inhouse game studio's to each handle a different game mode product iteration at retail. However all game mode iterations can share unique cross-pollination of game metrics and achievements by player account. What I mean by this is what a player on their own secure registered game account with the game publisher. Does in one game mode let's say the RPG campaign can have an impact in the turn of events in a meta sense within a FPS multiplayer game round. Every player would only see their game achievements mirrored back to them. It isn't necessarily shared with other concurrent players on their respective game client in a multiplayer game mode. (ie FPS, Strategy, etc...) Any in-game currency earned can be pooled also with all purchased game mode iterations a gamer may have unlocked on their account. For the Stair Stepped product cycle offering at retail sounds exactly how it means. Let's say EA releases 1st the "Star Wars Battlefront 4" set in episode 7 of the movie saga. With an RPG single player campaign mission arch Sold One Full Month between subsequent game retail launches. So on month 2 the FPS multiplayer game mode is sold at retail for gamers, whichever platform they use. At month 3 the MOBA Strategy game mode is sold, at month 4 the mini-game assortment is sold for the mobile market, and at month 5 the full (for whichever game platform mode) modder game editor toolset is sold. The Season Passes can each be offered per individual game mode or offer an Ultimate Season Pass for all game modes purchased by the consumer / gamer on their account. By recalling a Season Pass is compromised of 5 or so DLC packs depending on their release schedule. This games industry conceptual offering is meant to offer gamer interest variety per game genre. Perhaps only certain gamers will be interested in only one game mode and not others. Some of said just as much in regards why single player campaign missions have disappeared from the FPS game offering. However in this suggested proposal the single player campaign mission arch would be RPG (Role Playing Game) and not FPS for instance. Inasmuch as a revival is meant to be created in a circular nostalgic game product offering to consumers. So another generation of gamers can sorta rekindle the joyous past time of enjoying multiple versions as in game genre's of the identical game offering. Making marketing budgets by the game publisher stretch that much further especially with a stair stepped game mode release schedule. Short of creating a dedicated MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) game this would be the diversity of game genre's consumers are always demanding from game publishers. Offered ala carte each to their own game mode interest within the game franchise it is presented within. This easily so to speak gives the gamer the consumer choice many have been asking for many years now. Let's hope the suits in the games industry are paying attention and have their curiosity piqued. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Environmental Concept: "Harvesting Unwanted Algae Blooms As A Green Biofuel Source"

Gems Of Opportunity: Environmental Concept: "Harvesting Unwanted Algae Blooms As A Green Biofuel Source"

Hello All,

Recently here in my State of Florida where I reside our Governor Rick Scott has declared a state of emergency in 4 Florida counties. (ie Martin, St. Lucie, Lee, & West Palm Beach) That run east to west of Lake Okeechobee leading to estuaries and beyond to coastal waterways. This has been a chronic problem made worse by the crony politics our Billionaire governor has instituted by gutting our State Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP). Florida is made up of 5 regional water districts. A Tampa Bay Times news editorial sums it up best from Sept. 5th 2014.

Editorial: The Rick Scott record: an environmental disaster

EnforcementIn his first year, Scott forced the state's five regional water management districts to reduce their budgets by $700 million and filled their appointed boards with developers, land use lawyers and others more interested in granting permits than preservation. That triggered cuts to water supply, restoration and other projects, and led to widespread layoffs at the water management districts that turned them into shells of their former selves. The Scott administration undercut enforcement and dampened public input on development as it eliminated the state's growth management agency. DEP offered bonuses to employees to speed up permitting, and its departing regulatory chief boasted this year that the agency cut wait times for permits by two-thirds.

(Back in April 7th, 2014 here at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site. I offered another environmental conceptual design to help alleviate the Lake Okeechobee water overflow dilemma with a sustainable kinetic power generation reservoir system. Ecological Infrastructure Concept: "Reservoir Replenishment Aqueduct System" (RRAS))

We've met I'm sure many people in life perhaps relatives or even friends that don't take responsibility for their mistakes. Maybe adding insult to injury they blame someone else when they are personally at fault. Unfortunately our Florida Governor is such a man blaming the Obama Federal Government Administration for our environmental woes entirely. The Army Corp of Engineers that administrates the overflow discharges from Lake Okeechobee are partly responsible. Since much of this current natural phenomena of algae bloom came from Lake Okeechobee. As it was discharged east to Martin and St.Lucie counties and west towards West Palm Beach and Lee counties. The domino effects to cause to our Florida economy is tourism cancellations and fisheries being impacted negatively.

Gems Of Opportunity: Environmental Concept: "Harvesting Unwanted Algae Blooms As A Green Biofuel Source"

(The above photo is from St. Lucie in the city of Stuart as a result of human aggravated pollutants ending up as runoff into Lake Okeechobee. Photo: Greg Lovett, Associated Press) However Florida isn't alone in this human aggravated phenomena of runoff as sewage, agriculture, and lawn care wastes leaching into our waterways. The State of Ohio in Toledo by Lake Erie and along the coast of Central California up north towards British Columbia have reported algae blooms in the past. This isn't just an American problem even Qingdao, China has had a 7,500 square mile event washing up on coastal beaches. Although these events are occurring with increased frequencies during the wet summer seasons. I'll go as far as to predict that this may in turn become a year round event as a blight to coastal regions where cities congregate. Before we throw up our hands in disgust thinking there's nothing that can be done about it. There's Hope I say! When life hands you lemons you make lemonade. Well this conceptual design from myself is here to inspire others to turn this into a billion dollar plus industry. Although I'm not the first to espouse that algae can be used as a carbon neutral fuel source since its plant based off the seaweed family of plants. Here (Top of Article) is a video (running time 2:33 minutes) how they have scientifically been experimenting with various strains of algae to yield the best nutrient rich crop as a biofuel.

Although what I'm proposing won't happen overnight due to the mile length of bureaucratic red tape with permissions and licensing appropriate technologies. Instead of waiting for that special bumper crop algae strain to farm in particular. Why not begin harvesting these mega tonnes of excess algae blooms showing up world wide? Many municipalities that do harvest it as a clean up effort usually just toss it into a land fill or incinerate the stuff. Here it can be considered as an eventual commodity to end up being financially traded at mercantile exchanges globally as a fuel source. Not unlike the Big Agriculture crops of Corn and Sugar which can be used in the creation of Bio-Ethanol. Heck here in Florida the citrus of orange peels has been found to create ethanol as a gasoline fuel source. Whomever starts this ball rolling like the U.S. Dept of Energy video above stipulates that algae produces oils that can aid or even replace petroleum for any manner of vehicle. Much like aqua culture farming has various kinds of fish ending up on our tables via grocers and restaurants. There can be a day I can envision algae farms producing quality algae blooms on purpose for harvesting! However until that time the next best trade off is to harvest these unwanted human caused algae blooms off our coastal waterways. Since humanity is in no hurry to alter its behavior in terms of flushing our wastes into local waterways and regional outlets into the ocean like our toilet. Workers that do harvest this mechanically I predict will have all manner of respiratory problems, if not given masks or respirators to breath properly. Since the foul stench from algae blooms such as "Red Tide" off the west coast of Florida for extended periods can land one in the hospital. So workers and companies harvesting this stuff from waterways in lakes or coastal regions will need to be insured for this trend under workers compensation. There will also be the issue of drying out the once harvested algae under the natural sun. So it can be later machine processed for the oils the video above spoke about. Whether this is later piled up in mounds waiting for an industrial manufacturing or utility buyer is another matter. Since such storage of raw dried algae can't be near any residential districts since it'll be an air quality matter. I do see that utilities and manufacturers will be the chief buyers of this commodity green biofuel source. To power their turbines for electricity generation and/or into industrial furnaces to help power manufacturers on or off site. Historically "Henry Ford" used seaweed in his Model T vehicles as a stuffing for the seats of his first cars. Going back to use what is on hand naturally is preferable than having to whip it up by some other means. This is a Win / Win scenario if I have ever seen one by hauling away unwanted environmental blight of excess algae blooms. To only have it to be processed as a biofuel source aiding national security. From having to import oil from unstable global regions like dare I say present day Venezuela. If you're following the news Venezuela is experiencing economic depression with food shortages not unlike just before the fall of the former Soviet Union in the early 1990's. Besides the Narco drug war Mexico has been experiencing amongst its criminal cartels is another troubling matter geo-politically. America imports more petroleum from Central (ie Mexico) and South America (ie Venezuela) combined than we do from the Middle East. It's a sobering thought although no oil import disruptions have occurred from Central and South America to date. (Knock on wood) I hope you've come to appreciate the opportunity right under our noses with algae blooms. As you look at the man-made natural disaster of global algae booms only going to get worse due to global warming. Because with global warming places that are wet globally will be seeing century records broken nearly every year in saturation. With the opposite dry places of the Earth receiving record high heat index waves from now on. If a carbon neutral source of biofuel that is readily growing everywhere that you don't want it to grow. Wouldn't private industry have figured out just to grab it and use it to power the world, I guess they lack Imagination and willpower to add 1+1 to equal 2. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Telecommunications Industry Concept: "Holographic Smart Phones of Tomorrow"


Hello All, Our era of the smartphone is reaching its first decade of advancements thanks to the grand daddy of "Steve Jobs of Apple Computers". Right now the tech race for smartphones is part screen size and multi-purpose gadgetry. Not unlike an overly packed swiss army knife bulging at the seams with features. At some future point in the years to come perhaps one or two decades out screen sizes in our gadgets will seem antiquated. A throwback tech feature that started in the ancient mid-20th century with the first black and white television sets.


Now consider the intermediate future of Holography as the next Tech Race for Wearable Electronics. More and more computing power is being squeezed into each serialized version of our smart phones. Not unlike the old tech comparison of our desktop computers having more tech power. Then what NASA used to get astronauts to the moon and back in the Apollo capsule lunar missions. All this compartmentalization in refined circuit miniaturization will give way to our Smart Phones migrating fully onto our wrists. Akin to the Smart Watches now beginning to make their statement as smartphone accessories. They will in the years to come not just be standalone models, but replace smartphones as the preferred wearable tech platform. Eventually Holography will make another leap away from the clunky trade show kiosk onto our laptops. Perhaps as an integrated holoprojector replacing web cameras so a teleconference will have the speaker projected outwards from the peripheral. Instead of appearing on your two dimensional laptop screen as a pop up window. Once that tech gets nailed down further one can hope for the first series of Holophones to appear.


The traditional quarter sized coin or in this case miniature oval battery is what I envision to be the circuitry guts of a Holophone 20 years from now. (perhaps even smaller?) Inserted into the cosmetic frame housing of the traditional watch of today with a wrist band. A Holographic Smart Phone of Tomorrow will have motion and owner recognized voice input commands. No more monitor screens sorting via menu's needing a microscope just to squint like a geezer for it to function. All menu screens and apps are projected 2 to 5 inches above a user's wrist. As the Holophone will be worn like a smartwatch is today giving the nod to "Dick Tracy" 1940's sci-fi comic book hero.

The Holophone will facially and audibly recognize its owner filtering out any other user inputs. A holoprojection slit opening will be in the center of the device with amplification accomplished with a tiny quartz crystal inside. The quartz crystal will be polished like the curvature of a telescopic lense. The holoprojector will also function as a holocamera like our smart phones do today. However no flash mechanism will be required under low light conditions. The holographic software will act like a cinematographer colorist applying the right amount of tinting to all recorded or projected holo images. (ie colorists as we know it in cinema post production during this era will be out of a job due to software automation when miniature holography arrives.) These first series of Holophones will have projected glare difficulty from foreign light particle sources. Interfering with each transmission or playback of holographic images. A simple solution will be to utilize a foldable screen flap contouring the forefront of the Holo Watch Phone. That will curtail significant foreign light particle sources in the projected 2 to 5 inches above a user's wrist. Later on Theta Light Wave Length will make breakthroughs with holography filtering light sources in tandem. (huh? clairvoyantly channeling my Angels here via automatic writing.) At this stage the Internet will be so common having the "Internet of Things" be a decade or more in age. Due to proliferation of access nodes making Wi-Fi antiquated or delegated to 3rd world rural outliers. What we call the Internet today will be yesterday's digital archival data streams stored in some dusty database farm. What replaces the Internet will make throttling data rates selfish and archaic in prohibited fashion for industry and grassroots social engineering functions. This futuristic conceptual design is meant to inspire and it is by far not a complete picture of what I could envision to date. However in 20 years time range this is more likely than not in the schema of possibility. Computing power won't be the excuse just the lack of foresight to galvanize holography for the telecommunication industry new lovechild. This may emerge from a current tech giant such as Google, Apple, Samsung, or someone that is in high school right now not realizing they are the next billionaire in the tech world to come. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Advertising Industry Concept: "Corporate Street Sponsorship"


Hello All, I missed posting this innovative conceptual design last month so I start off this month with it as a lead entry. As always "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site has over 200+ original (as far as I know) conceptual designs as inspirational seeds in summary form. For the general public and fellow designers of which ever eclectic industry to find interest within. My concepts go back 11 years time posted here and these are the tip of the iceberg as the notable ones. Since I have hundreds more written down via clairvoyant automatic writing in scores of notebooks. I consider what I do to be an "Angelic Oracle Imagineer" and this is the Imagineer (no relation to Disney) portion of my dharma.


Today's inspirational seed conceptual design impacts both local municipalities and the corporate advertising industry. In this case, it's a twofer as a hopefully total Win / Win Scenario. Many of us have seen mostly along suburban roadways signs like the one above adopted by the 4-H Club, Rotary Club, United Way, and even Kiwanis. Where such nonprofits on a pro-bono basis take care of the landscaping costs of a roadway in your local community. Helping the local municipality in their budget by making one less expenditure year round. Taking that model from above and giving it a corporate sponsorship twist is what I have in mind. For example, Miami Florida is my hometown although I currently reside further north in Sarasota, Florida. In Miami, there are a couple gentrified commercial pedestrian shopping districts such as "Sunset Place" in South Miami and Coconut Grove. The latter has high-end luxury shops, art galleries, eateries, and a public open-air mall known as "Cocowalk". Keeping those neighborhood's in mind now picture corporate sponsorship of certain limited thoroughfares for traffic and pedestrians. Just like the non-profits listed above in the current model have adopted roadways by providing landscaping services. In this conceptual model, the corporate sponsors will provide one of three services if not all of them at high-end marquee locations.


Take on the landscaping costs at a select roadway at a municipality

Provide liter trash pick-up such as by sidewalks in their allotted spot

Provide public easements as in beautifying landscaping (flowers and seasonal plants) and other street fixtures like a public bench or solar powered LED street light

In return for this by the corporate sponsorship, the municipality allows for discounted advertising at such limited venues. For example, in beautifying a street median with landscaping flowers. The flowering plants can match the colors of the corporate logo or consumer brand when they are in bloom. At select stop sign intersections have a metal sign placard attached underneath a street sign pole stipulating who the corporate sponsor is at that given street or thoroughfare.

The asphalt by the stop sign intersection on the ground can have the company or consumer brand logo painted in neon glow in the dark (environmentally sustainable) ink. The neon colors can include sparkly elements to aid pedestrians walking during low light night conditions especially in those shopping districts. The corporate logo or consumer brand logo can have raised lettering slightly above the ground to act like a speed bump in pedestrian locations. Any easements provided by the corporate sponsor such as public benches or a street light can be shrink warped with a consumer brand image and logo. Finally, sidewalks can have limited size branded mural images painted on by select designated sidewalks along the route allotted to the sponsor by the municipality.


(The above Image is from the Sarasota Florida 2011 Chalk Festival by the artist: Leon Keer of the Netherlands.) Besides gentrified neighborhoods with pedestrian shopping districts, this concept will also benefit street festivals for corporate consumer brands. Such as fast food, clothing apparel, electronic stores, mobile phone providers, discount stores (ie Walmart), grocers, beverage companies (ie soda and beer), even local car dealerships for instance. There are 2 modes of implementation I can envision for a municipality that they can utilize in setting this up. First, by having a Permitting Auction Event once a year by carving the local municipal map into zones. Where the high pedestrian traffic areas are considered premium locations down to less popular segments further away like side streets. The high-end pedestrian locales are automatically considered for all three services listed above without exception. (ie landscaping, trash pick-up, and public easements) Although the corporation gets the full package of advertising goodies as the going discounted rate. (ie metal placard on street sign, advertising on asphalt, public bench, mural branded sidewalk, street light, and flowering plants in corporate logo colors) The second method is what I term the sloppy piece meal fashion where corporations petition one by one for available slots. Negotiating individually versus all at one go for the municipality via an annual permitting auction event. Regardless of which package of services they provide to the local city or county at the time. Additional considerations are as follows in either implementation method be it the auction or first come first served basis. The municipality can choose that when a corporate sponsor selects any spot to beautify, maintain, and provide public easements. They also become responsible for a low-income neighborhood roadway picked by the local county and not the corporate sponsor. The corporate sponsor gets to pick their preferred suburban or luxury neighborhood spot if available. But, they are required to adopt a low-income revitalization location as well in continuation of being a good community steward and partner with the city or county government. There are restrictions for the low-income advertising neighborhoods. For example, such as no alcoholic beverage ads and company or consumer brand logos to help mitigate alcoholism in poverty areas. All street asphalt brand logos and sidewalk murals must be pre-approved by the city on a per submission basis. So as to fit with any criteria as in size, cultural representation (to avoid something in poor taste as discriminatory), color scheme, etc... When a corporate sponsor has more than three locations permitted for the year with advertising. They can be required to offer one or more spots with public health advertisements similar to the "Ad Council" does with television commercial and billboard spots. All advertising (ie corporate brands or public health ads) spots can be designated for year round or be replaced on a seasonal basis adapting to consumer shopping periods. Lastly, a toll-free Tip Hotline can be established maintained by either the corporation or the municipality to receive citizen inquiries, concerns, and complaints. Which is either dealt with by the company if it pertains to an oversight in upkeep at such a designated location. Or followed up by the local government especially if complaints start to stack up by an oversight or other pressing need. This is what I had in mind for such a Win / Win Scenario between corporations and a local city or county municipality location. The consumer brand company gets to provide limited good samaritan services as in landscaping, maintenance, beautification, and public easements. The city or county municipality gets to plug several holes in their local government budget. Besides, obtain additional revenue with the annual permitting fees and advertising rates they stipulate. The common citizen and guest to the city and county receives the benefits for well looked after pedestrian walkways and traffic locations. Aiding public health and safety overall throughout the year maintained by a private and public partnership. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Esoteric New Age Concept: Metaphysical Energy Channeling With Crystals and Gemstones


Hello All, This channeled conceptual design is my first ever one that is Esoteric and New Age in scope. It's out of left field from the more so secular "Gems of Opportunity" I do here at "Atrayo's Oracle". As a conceptual innovator slash futurist as an inspirational muse of sorts. I understand this is more inside baseball for those of spiritual avocations that are into Crystals and Reiki as energy channelers. This is the predominant demographic I'm aiming for as an Angelic Oracle Imagineer that I am. What I'm about to share is actually ancient from our bygone antiquity that has fallen into disuse in our contemporary era. Except for a minority of magicians and psychic healers practicing this in secret. With our, Earth nearing 8 billion human souls plus all the other creatures souls on this world. The time is nigh for this to be used for good in terms of blessing, healing, cleansing aura, prosperity, and prayer / meditating in worship. It's all Hands on Deck for Light Workers as servants of the "Kingdom of God". Aside from that declaration this once Ancient practice of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and of Ancient Egypt can be used for good. As I foresee a return of the Spiritualist movement that originally occurred in our Victorian Era. Much like we're in the Gilded Age 2.0 from the Global Great Recession. Where the original Gilded Age occurred in our Industrial Victorian era likewise. This Spiritualist 2.0 movement will see a resurgence of popular spirituality from many faiths. A 2nd attempt to bridge science and faith as a global thought persuasion. Yes, a lot of charlatans, well-meaning kooks (of which I'll be mistaken for, lol), will give us attempting to bring World Peace spiritually and metaphysically a bad name by the cheats. This may not happen next year but it will happen within my lifetime and I'm in my mid 40's in age. The bohemian hippy artisan New Agers with psychic mediums will be given the honors to kick this off. Technically, some could say the first gyrations of this have started already, who's to say?


Crystals, semi-precious gemstones, and the gemstones themselves have metaphysical properties as the elemental spiritual kingdom. Some indigenous faiths know this instinctively such as the Nordic and Celtic traditions of Northern Europe. Which the Fairy lore is strongest in our current popular culture although Indigenous cultures of the America's and of Asia know this as well. Used by shamans for thousands of years most were very psychic and recognized by their tribal or clan traditions as revered elders. Nowadays in a very liberal blessing this metaphysical modality has reached the global masses. Aside from those abusing it for self-gain or downright committing fraud preying on the innocent. These elemental stone entities have a spiritual resonance when coupled with a devout practitioner which relative gains can be realized. Not unlike that of Holy Water used by Christians that has been deeply blessed by the clergy. When used responsibly the practitioner attunes their soulful dynamo to the stone and begins to channel its properties onto the target or patient. Like all spiritual healing practices, one has to feel their way with the stones to affect a positive change. One can not think their way out of it, but in holding onto the intention for a realized effect.


Crystal or Gemstone practitioners may wear jewelry to augment their spiritual abilities when in service. My channeled conceptual design in a way marries Crystal users with Reiki traditions using Augmented Tools. I don't currently have a better name for them although this will seem something like out of a fantasy cos(tume)play lore event. Basically a metallic open glove configuration in either hand with a clasp around the middle and thumb fingers with a teardrop oval gemstone on the palm that is interchangeable that can be hot swapped. The image above is the closest I can come to courtesy, of the "Stargate Universe" lore . The oval teardrop semi-precious gemstones, crystals, or precious gems can click into place onto the glove assembly for the crystal channeler or Reiki Master. Two of these practitioner gloves would be preferable to just one with both having the identical gemstone type in whatever function is desired metaphysically. No leather or cloth covering of the glove for that would block the flow of the energy channeler with a bare open hand glove assembly. The glove configuration can be of any metallic surface from the cheapest to the most expensive that can be afforded. The metal type is of very little consequence since the bulk of the channeling rests upon the soulful auric spiritual muscle capability of the practitioner. Those that have always yielded better results as healers or what not have better-developed faith and personalized spirit combinations. From the mere pretenders as empty placebos that are full of shit basically as charlatans.


An advanced type of the solid hue gemstone as a teardrop oval pattern. Would be something of an inlaid gemstone mosaic sigil geometric pattern. Where several smaller complementary gemstones here would be more so magical in original traditions here at work. The sigil pattern would be like a super turbo sized effect in the hands of the experienced practitioner that can balance the competing energetic stone frequencies upon the patient or target. For example using the Chakras as the Hindu Vedic tradition co-opted by New Age healers. Let's say a patient has shoulder pains instead of telling them to pop 2 Advil's. A crystal energy healer would use the closest two chakra's to the shoulders which are the heart and throat. Each chakra has a solid color associated with it, for the heart, it is either green or pink. For the throat chakra, it is always blue. The crystal or reiki healer would take their pair of gloves like the one above. By selecting the Turquoise semi-precious gemstone (ie as a blue green colored stone) and focusing the spiritual resonance of this elemental stone like a ray burst from the stone onto the patient's shoulders. Besides the open palm gloves as a tool, there is also the use of the Crown / Tiara (depending on one's gender) and the Scepter akin to the magicians wand. Much like the crystal glove with interchangeable hot swapped gemstones based on desired use. The crown / tiara or scepter can have swappable crystals, semi-precious or precious gemstone slots. The headgear of the crown or tiara is used both by the healer practitioner and the patient him or herself in order to attune empathetically. Another use for the crown / tiara is during meditative or prayer worship in order to turbo supersize the experience from the plain vanilla without these augmented tools. The scepter can also be used for meditations or prayers however my angels tell me it's used chiefly for holistic prosperity consciousness development. The gemstones again are hot-swapped in and out of the slots on the scepter according to what the prosperity intention may be in practice. Like the gloves the metal surface of the scepter or crown / tiara is secondary to the user. Although silver and copper surfaces are good for conducting energy which electricians as a side note prefer. The crown / tiara can have up to 8 slots and no more otherwise the resonance frequencies from each individual gemstone begin to get muddled or cancel each other out in their respective properties metaphysically. Although a crown / tiara with less than 8 slots for crystals, semi-precious or precious gemstones is just fine. The gloves, crown / tiara, and the scepter are meant to augment the delivery of beneficence as a form of devout service to a patient or target result. These are mere tools and in no way can they replace the practitioner since the energy channeler and healer is like a self-generating dynamo battery. The charge comes from the spirit of the person and ultimately the supreme Soul of God in all macro life. The crystals, semi-precious or precious gemstones are like spiritual concentrated regulators or filters that narrow the beam of these metaphysically elemental properties of the Universe. Aside from medical science which I consider as a very blessed gift of God for all life when readily available. The use of Reiki and Crystal energy channelers as healers have their place in the world. Since science has already documented in the lab the benefits of reiki especially in the use inside hospitals for post operation recovery of patients. May this channeled esoteric conceptual design spark the blessed Will of God for those capable to fully pursue the use of these tools with benevolence in the world.  Amen. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Software Industry: "All in One Transit Authority Passenger App"


Hello All, Today's inspirational conceptual design is more so an evolutionary iteration than as completely original one. Since the horse has already left the starters gate within the last couple of years or so. Before starting this concept I did a cursory search online and stumbled upon the "Chicago Transit Authority" (CTA) online which I'll base my examples of in part. Currently, they have user submitted software apps dealing with tracking of buses or what not out in the community as free or at cost app services. Although the "Chicago Transit Authority" has partnered with a software firm called "Ventra" to handle transit passenger payment services via their proprietary app. (Side note: I have two past conceptual designs regarding transit buses here at "Atrayo's Oracle". One back in June 2009 regarding the deployment of Wi-Fi on City Buses. And, the other on a fundraising model of the Charity Bus in Sept. 2012.)


My concept here today will marry both the payment services, transit fleet locator, scheduling info, and other AR (Augmented Reality) features all under the same roof. Right now it seems various features are fragmented for Transit Authority passenger apps. This concept will in part attempt to synthesize many of these bits to be one heck of a byte. (yes, sorry bad pun)


First off, a software or some other tech firm has a golden opportunity here to corner the market nationally. Although my research online wasn't extensive regarding this niche app market for transit systems across the country. A tech firm that brings their own point of sale hardware that also handles digital payment services would be a boon here for instance. Perhaps for the transit fleet of buses/shuttles and trains where appropriate can have payment scanners affixed to bus meters upon entrance by a passenger for example. The passenger can pull out their smartphone with the app activated and transmit wirelessly their valid bus fare or transit pass in effect. The Ventra system by the "Chicago Transit Authority" with their train system has a human conductor validate purchased train tickets. When a passenger presents their digital fare receipt via a smartphone app, which that is still a cumbersome system in this age of automation it's so late 19th century as a Victorian era holdback. So a passenger scanner for trains in terms of fare payment similar as to how we experience transit buses can be the way to go. Currently in the news about the supermarket of tomorrow without check out lines and cashiers for customers being the "Amazon Go" automation model. What if this can be applied to all transit fleets of tomorrow that when a passenger boards a bus, shuttle, taxi cab, or train they are scanned for a valid fare. All done via their smartphones registered with the transit authority app as account holders. Sure a stowaway can sneak onboard and the technical kinks would have to be worked out to minimize that from occurring. That's the hardware portion of this conceptual design then there's a software firm that can create a national app suite cloud platform for its commercial clientele. Whereby local transit authorities would customize such a platform software suite to their own needs. Any customer service is handled by the tech firm dealing only directly with the transit authority and never with the general public as passengers. Such a software suite can also be a yearly subscription basis paid for by the commercial clientele. Since the under the hood IT (Information Technology) can be vast with the eco-system of services rendered much like an operating system. Aside from the payment services platform on a digital transactional basis, there's the GPS (Global Positioning System) of the Transit Fleet Locator. Basically what many of us already have via a "Uber or Lyft" rider app giving a real-time view when one's pick-up is approaching. However, with the Transit Passenger App, it's spruced up to include a 2-minute advance warning for riders to gather their belonging before departure at the bus stop or bus station. The alert can be an audio chime or a flashing icon or vibrating app feature for one's smartphone. It'll be kinda goofy everyone waiting at a bus station when their bus approaches and a cacophony of 2-minute alert chimes go off at once for every rider. Other features of the passenger app will be traffic delay alerts with congestion or an accident elsewhere on their destined route. Besides weather updates of temperature or rain/thunder which here in Florida where I live is frequent in the rainy tropical summer season. Being at a bus stop even if it's partially covered when there's thunder is dicey. Of course, maybe due to legal liability reasons the weather alert app can warn passengers to go indoors because of a lightening storm. How many people will ignore that I wonder? There will also be scheduling with arrival times according to one's stated route or destination inputted into the Transit Passenger App. With recommendations which bus transfers to take and the ability to buy a digital bus transfer or bus pass as an upsale versus buying several one-way fares for that day. Speaking of purchases there can be promotional pricing incentives for riders such as reduced fares during the holiday period. To entice more passengers to get from driving cars especially in high-density parts of the city such as downtowns thus aiding in less traffic congestion. When there's a sporting or cultural event the Transit Authority can partner with the local Chamber of Commerce, local area businesses, and even a sports team owner to offer free or discounted bus fares. Since parking will be a major pain in the ass especially for secure parking garages that may or may not be validated on the house. Now to the juicy part regarding Augmented Reality tied into such an "All in One Transit Authority Passenger App". With either a smartphone for the first generations with subsequent AR Visors not unlike the "Microsoft Hololens" when costs come drastically down. AR Visors with tracked hand gestures by either wearing a motion sensing glove or a widget on one's finger via Bluetooth connectivity. So another person's hand gestures elsewhere won't confuse one's native AR Visor. A HUD (Heads Up Display) in each lens will have near eye data point metrics piped in via Wi-Fi or something better. (maybe 7G networks in a few short years) Getting back to the Transit Authority Passenger App via voice owner pattern recognition as a device lock. So foreign audio sources or other people's voices doesn't screw up one's command audio prompts. An AR Visor user can speak the route via the transit app in plotting one's route for the day. With the aforementioned traffic delay or weather alerts also appearing in real time. AR Visors much like smartphones of today will also be capable of cellular telephony ie phone calls. The Augmented reality app feature will also have a Transit Authority mascot as an avatar popping in and out of the smartphone app. Maybe something like a "Pipboy" from the "Fallout" video game franchise or a motion captured real person in their own voice as a Transit Authority spokesperson. Helping to guide users through menu screens and other features of the app. This "All in One Transit Authority Passenger App" of tomorrow can be just right around the corner maybe in 5 short years? Much like I mentioned at the beginning of this inspirational conceptual design that the horse has already left the gate nationally. For example, my Southwest region of Sarasota, Florida doesn't even have a smartphone app for our "Sarasota County Area Transit" (SCAT) passengers. It'll be years before this tech starts to trickle down county by county away from larger metropolitan cities like New York city, Chicago, and Miami for instance. The tech of the 21st century is literally now starting to arrive in this Renaissance period of the century and we're almost already 20 years into it. Human progress is overloaded in fits and starts and holdouts from the late 19th century like with my train ticket conductor model mentioned at the beginning of the article. Nonetheless, we are arriving (yes another pun, better than the 1st one above. :op ) and it's making all the difference I'm sure with technological convenience with digital payment services. Since fumbling with loose coinage as monetary change when entering a bus is again harkening back to the old horse buggy trolley's of the late 19th century for passengers. Yes, be patient and go play "Minecraft" on your AR Visor of tomorrow folks. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Gems of Opportunity: Infrastructure Concept: Rust Belt Region Retrofitting Closed Mines


Hello All, Today's Inspirational conceptual design is meant to breathe life into the Rust Belt Region of America. To take idle or closed down mining operations be it of coal or any other mineral ore and convert it into usable real estate. Basically, reinvigorate generations of mining families not to give up their way of life entirely. Just to present it in a new light with a twist to reemploy these former miners with upgraded skill sets. What was yesterday's industry can be tomorrow's destination for something else quite different. Ever since President Elect Trump won the presidency, not unlike the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom and the election of President "Rodrigo Duterte" of the Philippines. People want good old fashioned 1950's era leadership without all the bull shit guile we use today with governance. The time for political incorrectness as blunt straight talk is reemerging for better or for worse. The pendulum is swinging back right before our very eyes like it was in America during the 1940's to around the 1960's. Dare I say not unlike how the Russians operate wanting security in governance for their way of life at the cost of some civil liberties. America's Rust Belt wants meat and potatoes without much of the foodie gentrified hoopla known for in the major cities. I may be wrong in my assertions however due to globalization the Rust Belt of America's former glory days of mining and manufacturing looks like an old western Ghost town. Just take a peek at Detriot, Michigan where the old west ghost town is practically a major city across parts of three counties. This concept as a seed of an idea isn't complete but it is good enough to consider for corporations to reinvest in this Trump era of Americana revitalized. It won't help so much the ghost manufacturing sector that is mothballed across the country. It does, however, serve idle or closed down mining operations which technically this model could be exported globally to China, Africa, Russia, Europe, and South America, etc...


I'm basically a clairvoyant writer taking inspiration from the angels via automatic writing. I have an eclectic mix of a cross section of industries with similar inspirational conceptual designs in seed summary form like in this post. Much I like to say for the next bootstrapping hustling society that is to come as the last century echo of the children of the Great Depression. Here it is the children of the Great Recession as the millennials coming of age. Much like we're repeating globally the 2nd Gilded Age which the initial one occurred during the Industrial Victorian era. These sociological shifts historically are repeating themselves globally on a macro basis as meta-trends. Those that don't capitalize from the historical global lessons of our ancestors will suffer just like them. The minority that is astute comes away like shrewd leaders and greatly enriched hopefully at no one's expense. (I know too Idealistic)

Aside from that mini rant on how I envision the things to come here in lays a gold mine opportunity (pardon the pun). Allow me to set this up by having corporations move in like carpet baggers does no good for the local rust belt mining communities. Unless such an unemployed workforce of miners that know the mine backwards and forwards is upgraded in skill sets. This is an installed local base for the corporation coming to invest in the local community. Depending on one of seven utilizations (maybe there's more than 7?) is how these unemployed miners will be retrained. State Legislators can set up block grants with the corporation picking up the rest of the tab to reskill these miners. The heartless thing to do as carpet baggers is to ship in workers from elsewhere across the country or the world.

1) The first utilization is very basic to retrofit by infrastructure of the mine by hardening it to reduce cave in's and whatnot. Which the retrained miner workforce is educated and trained in underground infrastructure hardening as the grunts. Sure the architects can be from somewhere else in the world be it in Geneva or what have you. Just the bulk of the workforce is sourced locally from such miners that for generations know that mine in particular.

Under this model the once idle or closed coal, iron, etc... mine operation is converted to an Underground Landfill or Nuclear Waste Disposal Site. Major Cities like New York City have been paying for over a decade to transport their trash by train and truck to rural communities across the country. Here is an article from July 2005 from NBC News that speaks about to this fact. These idle closed down mines are out of site Prime Real Estate to ship trash from the major cities.

The railcars are part of an armada that performs a nearly constant exodus of waste from the nation’s largest city. Each day, trains and trucks carry 50,000 tons of trash from New York to huge landfills and incinerators in New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and South Carolina. (July 2005)

Otherwise, the Yucca Mountain, Nevada model can be pursued which cost taxpayers $15 Billion US Dollars to construct and by a cheap ass political maneuver by Democratic Senator of Nevada "Henry Reid" mothballed this entire facility like a bridge to nowhere incident for taxpayers. To compound this tragedy by canceling this project the Federal Government is now on the hook for more than the cost of building this facility to transport and store the nuclear waste upwards to over $50 Billion US. The not in my backyard syndrome even in the middle of the desert in Nevada, except for the boondoggle to build it as a local economic stimulus package. Is a nasty swindle and reaks of fraud in my book, so excuse this 2nd rant on my end.

Here is an article from the Washington Examiner from Dec. 15th, 2016 with an excerpt.

Its failure, due to political sabotage, is both dangerous and expensive. The Yucca Mountain repository, in a deserted, uninhabitable section of Nevada, was supposed to begin taking in nuclear waste on New Year's Day 1998, so that the material would not have to be stored in communities across the nation. Nineteen years and countless scientific studies later, Yucca is just a $15 billion hole in the ground, thanks mostly to ferocious opposition from the retiring Senate Democratic leader, Harry Reid.

Every year Yucca Mountain fails to take in nuclear waste, taxpayers incur billions in additional penalties to the utilities whose waste the government is not taking as agreed upon. By one 2013 estimate, taxpayers could be on the hook for $50 billion in damages by 2020, on top of the construction costs already incurred.

I can understand if a local mining community has an affront to having a nuclear waste facility underground, but otherwise, a landfill for municipal garbage is a good alternative. The only downside is to make sure that any methane gas build up over the years is siphoned out safely. So it doesn't cause an explosion, which the methane gas can also generate local tax revenue for the community as an export commodity as a green natural gas biofuel program.

2) With the exception, I made above that this concept won't help the former manufacturing sites. However, it can offer tomorrow's 21st-century manufacturer's alternative real estate as underground. Where any generated waste as a byproduct is stored underground in a secure facility. Depending on the honeycomb size of the mine a multi-tier manufacturing can occur underground. Where any emissions are sequestered and the rest emitted via silos to the surface sorta like an underground smoke stack. The finished goods are brought to the surface via industrial elevators or a conveyer belt system.

3) A Penal Correction High-Security facility can be built underground perhaps prisoners in a futuristic Guantanamo Bay prison like the one in Cuba. As high valued targets, maybe even a notorious black site. Low-risk inmates can be given privileges to exercise topside where the rest of the population never see's the light of day literally.

4) Piggybacking onto the utilization above a high-security covert research facility or other government black site can be erected. Conspiracy theorists perhaps will speculate it as another area designation like Area 51 in Nevada.

5) A temperature controlled Server Farm can be placed underground as a suitable cooling destination as a Data Haven of sorts.

6) Believe it or not, a commercial office park can be erected underground not unlike the manufacturing idea from above. Including warehousing as a distribution center for any number of companies and/or wholesalers. Amazon and Walmart come to mind immediately as candidates.


7) Lastly is the most ambitious of all the ones listed above if you can envision it. To create an underground shopping mall and a tourist destination out of such a hardened infrastructure. For example, the Cornish British peninsula is known historically for its tin mining operations going back thousands of years ago up until the Industrial era at the turn of the last century. There's a mining museum and former mine open to the general public known as the King Edward Mine Museum. Something similar in the Rust Belt region could be developed as a local and regional tourist attraction. However, with greater cajones to have the underground mine rehabbed to include a shopping mall, restaurants, etc... Access to such a facility can have a surface tram go down to the first mine level near the upper ground level. From there elevators can transport shoppers, tourists, employees deeper into the mine. This is assuming there is enough of a ceiling clearance to walk upright within the mine levels. There can be horizontal escalators like the ones at an airport terminal or an amusement park to move people around effortlessly. With of course several silos with climbing ladders to the surface as an air ventilation system and for emergencies or for first responders to use as a last resort. The mine museum can have part timer former miners give tours to the general public. Maybe miners who suffer from Black Lung from decades long coal mining that are still abled bodied to work. Teaching future generations of visitors of the triumphs and tragedies of the mining way of life. Otherwise no matter which utilization listed above all of them will have several emergency stations on each mine level. Stocked with up to date masks with oxygen, first aid supplies, rations, equipment such as helmets and flashlights, etc... It will be up to the local municipality to train former miners to be inspectors of the mine to insure it is structurally sound. Besides to also inspect every quarter of the year this litany of emergency stations underground much like their are inspectors for fire extinguishers. This can augment the tax base revenue from the retrofitted mines to include the inspection permitting process for the up to date emergency equipment. This is the vision I have for the Rust Belt underground region of Americana that can be pursued earnestly. To reanimate local mining towns with their unemployed workforce and bringing in a continuity of a supply chain of logistics. That certainly may grow these old glory days for such townships into tomorrow's small cities with a new lease of life. We owe it to America to at least explore this option responsibly as a possibility to invigorate job creation and to seize such partially developed underground real estate. However, if not in America maybe this inspirational seed conceptual design is for the Russians, Chinese who are today's infrastructure hawks, the Europeans, and maybe even the Africans with Chinese built major Infrastructure. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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