atrayo - Atrayo's Oracle
Atrayo's Oracle

Is a humble blog site for my recently posted Inspirational Angelic Heavenly channeled psychic ability. Via Clairaudience and Claircognizance offering inclusive spiritual wisdom, metaphysics, and mystical "Jewels of Truth" topic statements. Copyright © 2005-2024 All Rights Reserved

499 posts

Channeled Angelic Wisdom Of The Jewels Of Truth Series And Favorite Quotes Of The Month Of September

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series and Favorite Quotes of the Month of September

Channeled Angelic Wisdom Of The Jewels Of Truth Series And Favorite Quotes Of The Month Of September

Hello All,

I always have the bad habit of waiting until the tail end of the month to make a channeled angelic entry here to Atrayo's Oracle. Since I'm also a PC gamer I'm also tied into enjoying the retail release of Amazon's Game Studio of New World come this Sept. 28th. I'll be gaming with my online gamer community of 17 years now that I've been a member of online. They're called "The Older Gamers" one has to be over the age of 25 yrs old to become a member. I'll be the guild leader for the US/EU branch on an East Coast North American server. (shameless gamer plug)

Tonight's trio of Jewels of Truth statements is channeled angelic wisdom, metaphysics, and mysticism. On the topics of a Multi-Dimensional Soul where I channel a historical figure named Josephus the old. Next, there is To Be the I Am which dispels one of the pet peeves I hear often in New Age circles. Where innocently someone remarks we're born into this reality just to learn and grow like this realm is an elementary school for souls. I roll my eyes when I hear this due to my cultivated relationship as an angelic channeler via claircognizance. (claircognizance is the psychic ability to channel knowledge and wisdom beyond one's lifetime.)

Lastly, the final topic is a zinger on two counts! It's titled the Younger Dominions of God. Where not unlike the metaphysical author of Neal Donald Walsch of "Conversations with God" a famous book series. I also channel this statement from God him/her/itself, which I've done on past occasions. This topic blew my mind when it flashed before my mind's eye as an inspiration. Basically, our Creation and the afterlife of heaven and hell are the godly early forms of the Supreme God of all gods Absolute. Meaning these are the terrible two's, tween years, and teenage raging hormone years on a human equalivent scale of God itself.

The Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of Macro Supreme Realities dimensionally speaking. These realms of ours of the endless Infinite hells, Creation (ie our Meta-Universe), and the Majestic Heavens are the stratification of the evolutionary growth of God in a meta sense if compared to maturation. These realms astral or otherwise are the goldilocks years of God(dess) akin to a nursery for all souls, angelic kind, including elder angels.  As the lesser deities of countless faiths or dead religions as mythologies to us in our modernity.

Before I go too deep on the topic allow me to just write down the channeling from the Creator him/her/itself.

Also, a shout out to Tessa Luna Lluvia my original online mentor as an expert psychic-medium. She's kindly listed my books of the Jewels of Truth Series on her website. (bottom 8th row of the book listings)

As always no matter if these topics seem too fringe for your imaginations and spiritual belief systems. Allow them to just kindly expand your horizons of the immense grandeur of God Everlasting. Amen.

Multi-Dimensional Souls

3081) Here are the many fields of splendor possible within the grasp of the human condition by far. Nay beyond humanity itself can this spectrum of countless possibilities co-exist to exemplify all lifeforms in unison as Children of a Living God(dess). What I "Josephus the Old" will explain is that the godly soul of all spiritual beings when incarnated experiences a buffer of contrasts when alive on Earth.

For example, when a person commits wrongdoing as grotesque evils. That reincarnated soul as an individual entity has siphoned poorly from the evils metaphysically from the godless Hells, hereto unknown to humanity. Again another primitive example is a godly pious person of righteousness does good in the world without seeking high praises of whatnots. That individual spiritual entity of God has channeled the God Blessed Heavens robustly and directly upon this Earth. Whether this happens unwittingly or not.

The final example is whether a person is neutral and allows good or evil to flourish without personal involvement regardless of what occurs. Such a soul enters into a form of Limbo upon the world swayed easily without guile or reservation as a direct cause and effect. Akin to a sub-set of Karma upon the earth reality sphere of governing elements metaphysically.

The trio of the fates as conundrums of paradoxical fits and starts are prevailing winds of the afterlife set upon all mortal kind be it human or otherwise as creatures. With direct inputs and outputs upon the world and the meta-universes be they cosmic or of a metaphysical unholy/neutral/holy matrix of experiences as existential realities go.

To this end do not allow the oversimplification of these crude examples to paint only a black, gray, and white picture as a canvas of these meta-realities. There is a relativistic spectrum of contrasts akin to manifold kaleidoscopes of endless pigments of possibilities. As configurations of good, neutrality, and evil encompass universally as archetypes of behavior in all lesser Universes combined!

We have exhausted our range or scope of expressions without first mentioning as all souls are in the One Supreme Loving Image and Likeness of God. Denotes all Souls as a united continuum are multifaceted dimensionally as metaphysical entities before being people with physical bodies with an aura upon your current age or eon of your Earth.

As God(dess) is everything as Omni-Present denotes your souls in God are also everywhere God is forever. No matter you as the lesser children of God realize this in your global religions or not. It makes your magicks work as expressions of divinity constantly. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. (Channeled Source Entity of Josephus the Old.)

To Be the I Am:

3083) Many in New Age spiritual circles inquire from fellow advanced participants and elders what is Life? Most respond with confidence that it is a school for young souls to evolve and grow further. This canned response is only partially true, however, it is incomplete in its scope of a response generically.

Life and Death as contrasting phenomena are far richer than such a one-dimensional interpretation of our spiritual unified reality with God(dess), and the Heavenly Host Infinitely meets at large always and forever. There are actually seven dimensions of spiritual being, if not more overall as archetypes of a universal basis of our united divinity with God(dess).

For Instance, the aforementioned scope of Life as a school is true but as one dimension so as to learn and grow as eternal souls having a human experience. Next in no particular order of grace of any of these roles is to Love like God(dess) and the Angels. Unconditionally in moderation so as to avoid fanaticism or zealotry as obsessive traits of passion and/or of true love.

Next comes to be of Service in moderation not necessarily as a selfless saint or angel that lives to extremes. However, to cultivate humanity or divinity on Earth with mutual compassion and empathy for those in need or of want. To serve in a volunteer capacity versus being employed in commercial industries denotes a deeper form of caring.

To be just as civilized and law-abiding or hospitable in the world. Followed closely with having a noble personality of character as benevolent in the human-divine holy nature like God and the Angels in the endless Heavens.

Next is to create or destroy like God in the universe. If destroy is too strong a negative connotation then let it be to uproot, erase, or recycle like God at the human micro-scale of being alive. As God(dess) is the Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of macro realities en masse by Infinite scales and over the corridor of eternities.

The last two dimensional roles go hand in hand as fellowship or socialization with positive impacts of compassionate norms be it caring for one another as God has cared for each of us. Lastly to worship Inclusively like God(dess) as an unceasing with positive moderation with mutual respect and adoration to positive foreign beliefs and other cultural traditions of God in our shared world. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Channeled Angelic Wisdom Of The Jewels Of Truth Series And Favorite Quotes Of The Month Of September

Younger Dominions of God:

3080) To the one that reads these simple words come away with a wider understanding of what "I am that I am" is as the Constant Creator, God of all Totalities United! What "I am" is not simple but complex beyond human total comprehension. So in childish terms of "I am" is utilized all around for all levels of basic comprehension as my living beautiful souls.

What you call as Creation as a meta-construct of reality as the Universe(s), Galaxies, Solar Systems, etc... This is merely one of my countless younger expressions of my Ultimate Majestic godly nature, fully seeped upon material physicality and so much greater yet still.

What humanity denotes as the afterlife of Hell as the underworld. The neutral reality of metaphysical limbo or purgatory as either a realm of heightened enlightenment or for the uninitiated as numbing detachment as apathy. With the stupendous exalted Heavens are all grade school versions of my adolescent corpus of my total Supreme Creation as the Absolute Self.

The Infinite and timeless Hells, Limbos, Creations, and Heavens are each stratum of my youthful forms of expressions. As the Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of cosmic and ethereal realms of pure totalities of "I am" essence and personified substances. For To Be the I am that I am as the God of all gods plural in a Supreme Fashion has other greater dominions of realism. Each by far beyond the rudimentary tenure of my youth as the Hells, Limbos, Creation(s), and the Heavens can contain forever as my meta corpus.

For example, every dominion where good, neutrality, and evil are located is a moot point having never existed prior. There is no such power struggle of contrasts of differences. A Uni-polar reality versus a multi-polar existence of Principles that tranquility reigns constantly. Only in the realms of my godly youth does contrast stand out in stark terms of the illusion of a good versus evil approach as an eternal useless struggle.

In my youth like environs of ethereal and otherwise physical existence goes. That my younger created lesser children such as humanity and other permutations of my infinity of expressions. Truly mirror my existential struggles of archaic yesterdays as eternities of long ago. I have matured far greater and this creates, sustains, and destroys for another set of challenges and opportunities elsewhere in my Meta-Verse of cosmic and ethereal Superiority as the Apex God of all gods. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. (Channeled Source as God(dess)

You can never run away. Not ever. The only way out is in. ---Junot Diaz.

Nature is not a place to visit, It is home. ---Gary Snyder.

Grace is the ability to redefine the boundaries of possibility. ---Manning Marable.

One of life's most fulfilling moments occurs in the split-second when the familiar is suddenly transformed into the dazzling aura of the profoundly new. ---Edward B. Lindaman.

What you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing: it also depends on what sort of person you are. ---C.S. Lewis.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 26 years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 16 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

  • atrayo
    atrayo liked this · 3 years ago

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3 years ago

Channeled Angelic Prophecy of the Jewels of Truth Series on Chinese Militaristic Hegemony Triggers WW3

Channeled Angelic Prophecy Of The Jewels Of Truth Series On Chinese Militaristic Hegemony Triggers WW3

Hello All,

I'm somewhat nervous about making this entry blog post regarding it's a very very controversial topic. It would come off as China-bashing, which in fact it is more an alarmist entry regarding an East vs. West power struggle that gets out of hand with a conflagration of a World War in its wake. This almost seems like history repeating itself less than a century ago with the Japanese Imperial ambitions of the 1940s spreading across the South Pacific.

I get skittish when I receive such automatic writing missives from the angels as a cautionary form of tough love. As repent all ye who enter here type of phenomena. For my part, I usually bury these statements in my notebook collection of these channeled statements. However, I deemed this one more so detailed with 8 Points of No Return as qualifiers for WW3 with China versus the World triggers itself. I intuit that this is 75% locked in already as ill-fated destiny up to 85% potentiality.

This is my caveat I hope to God I'm awful wrong as having drunk the Kool-Aid as Coco for Coco-Puffs loony toons basket case in this regard. With that stated, I feel more a prophet of doom than an Inspirational spiritual poet as my usual devotion. The statement 3,048 dovetails also upon the commencement of WW4 in 2075 by the European Federation as an Empire, not today's European Union.

Interweaving through all this the angel nameless as they often are without egos speaks about my "Jewels of Truth" series surviving eons (?) from now as a recorded spiritual philosophical angelic discourse with humanity. Talk about a shameless plug in all places and on this apocalyptic topic.

Channeled Angelic Prophecy Of The Jewels Of Truth Series On Chinese Militaristic Hegemony Triggers WW3

Prophecy of WW3 & WW4:

3048) What is to become of what you call the "Jewels of Truth" legacy of our spiritual angelic discourse with you in the centuries and eons following the end of your life on this earth dearest "Ivan the Atrayo". A future global religion as a cross-pollination of spiritual traditions not unlike that of the Persian Bai-Ha religion but one that actually succeeds in becoming truly globalized. A meta-Worship of the Abrahamic Creator God gets pinched transcending its original roots in around 150 years plus. As can be said from wingtip to wingtip of the Imperial Hawk as the standard for a New World Order.

We the angelic heavenly host didn't wish to alarm you dear Navi (Hebrew for Prophet, ie my first name spelled backward "Ivan") with such an infamous statement as you deem alarmist. However, you amongst many others are canaries in the coal mine seeing the writing on the wall as false placating by China is practically a foregone conclusion in world history to come.

With all this said take this as a pinch of salt to add flavor to the human condition as a cautionary tale of woe if ignored en-masse. As you stated in your introduction above, this is our Tough Love for humanity to glean what it may from our stance to date. Humanity can steer around this for the writing on the wall can still be whitewashed over with bravery if mutual reconciliation is so desired between the superpower of China and the rest of the World.

Allow us to start backward as it may with the future disaster of World War 4 in the region of the world that you presently call Ukraine. Mother Russia is no more a threat for China in WW3 made them their conscripts but that comes later in this statement. The peoples of Ukraine are ancestrally pure stalk of Euro-Slavic genetics and the future European Federation as a dystopian version succeeds the European Union after the rampant famines and plagues scorch the earth post WW3. The European Super Continent unites more so akin to the Ancient Roman Empire of yore with democratic tendencies only for its elite castes. Thus the seeds of distrust and acrimony are sowed once more by barbarians at their gates of the empire.

The year is 2075 the European Continent was less so ameliorated by the nuclear holocaust of WW3 than that of the North American continental shelf. In some ways the traces of Chinese culture is stronger upon Europe for the Silk Road 2.0 of the Sino Belt and Road Initiative succeeds culturally and economically by far before the Chinese government uses it as a Trojan Horse. Chinese population centers of its mainland are akin to a lunar landscape post WW3. Thus its peoples migrant en masse onto Asia Minor what is the Middle East today and into the Eastern flanks of Europe. Such Chinese populations will be considered the barbarian mongrels for the dystopian European Federation thus WW4 ignites around the Black Sea of Crimea.

In twelve years what you consider as an alpha or new beginning Ivan. Will be the start of World War 3 with China upon the year 2033 Anno domino. Give or take 6 months after China crosses 8 Points of No Return that the angel of the Lord God sounds the trumpet of perdition on Earth. China for its part ascended to the righteous status of a superpower too quickly and anything that is achieved too soon is lost just as immediately. The greek tragedy of Icarus with the Sun melting the wax bindings of his artificial wings sends the young lad plummeting to his death.

It is a matter of fact that China has every right on God's Earth to succeed and be a proud nation of her ancestral peoples on a united front. However, as they have been victimized by the Japanese during the early 1940s and were the footstool of the British empire of the 19th century. They feel that payback is in order to the world with a chip on their shoulder, thus their Sino exceptionalism soon becomes a recipe for disaster for the rest of the world and her Asian neighbors.

Notwithstanding its currency manipulations as a temporary measure during the early 2000's to cheat its way to the top. This practice was soon discontinued due to not overheating with a meltdown their economies of scale were soon achieved globally. Next to their notorious one-two punch of lured infamy of intellectual property theft as sanctioned statecraft of technological theft transfers. It would allow the Chinese State to supercharge its beautiful minds to leapfrog the West and the grand USA at its own game.

The first ill-fated seal of WW3 was when China annexed and conquered Tibet during its Cultural Revolution of Mao Tse Tung. That set the tone of supremacy in an egotistical guise of reclaiming its lost Imperial Dynasties of centuries before of grandeur. The 2nd seal of WW3 was broken more so recently from what they learned in subjugating the Tibetan peoples. They carried over to their Muslim minority of the Uyghurs accomplishing their cultural genocide upon them as enslaved conscripts. The Western economic sanctions on its textiles from such a provincial region are little more than a slap on the wrist.

What the Chinese learned from the Tibetans and now the Uyghurs they are implementing on Hong Kong like the flap of the wings of a graceful dragon. Soon the 3rd seal of WW3 to be broken is the naval and aerial invasion of the democratic island nation of Taiwan off its mainland. These so-called rebels will soon experience the Chinese boot snapping their collective necks with the revenge of humiliating their might makes right doctrine.

Channeled Angelic Prophecy Of The Jewels Of Truth Series On Chinese Militaristic Hegemony Triggers WW3

The 4th seal of WW3 is already partially cracked open with China claiming its ancestral Imperial Dynastic seaways and now air passage routes in an outright fashion. Building naval airbase atolls out of the ocean a feat of engineering will soon pot mark the South China Seas like satellite landmines to the rest of the world. Naval commerce and air traffic are now harrassed including foreign military air traffic be dammed. Expect so-called enemy fighter pilots of Australia and other South East nations to be shot down outright. With naval cargo and oil freighters to be harassed by premature boarding inspections as so-called checks for illicit goods.

The 5th seal of WW3 to be broken is when Mother Russia is soon out witted by Chinese Hegemony. When the mafia state of the Russian government gets greedy in an oil dispute transfer with the Chinese it soon escalates to sour grapes all around. Leading up to China invading by land its armies seize Russian Southern Oil fields permanently. Thus Putin the Russian Czar's rule comes to an end as his Oligarchs soon replace him with a shill of a weak national leader to appease China. Opening the way in future years that the Russian army is at the beck and call of the Great Dragon of China as its conscripts by any other name.

The 6th seal of WW3 is when China tires of the North Korean Premiers games of Kim Jong-Un they annex North Korea without firing a shot. Installing a viceroy and begin massive industrial mining for the mineral riches of the North Korean Peninsula. Which ironically jump-starts the North Korean economy putting its citizens to work for an eventual rise out of poverty.

The 7th seal of WW3 is the greatly lauded Belt and Road Initiative as the Silk Road 2.0 becomes what it is advertised to do. A boon of Chinese engineering producing Infrastructure projects from China through the Middle East into parts of Europe as Sino goodwill public relations globally. It is a roaring success since similar projects brought Africa out of its schizophrenic famines and poverty up to 20 years ago. That all the foreign aid historically upon Africa could never do.

However, what looks good and feels good with much mutual economic prosperity triggers a fervor for Chinese hegemony abroad. Where southeast Asian nations of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, and Indonesia soon get the negative attention of Chinese interference as Big Brother. Frankly stated the Belt and Road Initiative becomes a proverbial Trojan Horse for the conscripted armies of Russia, North Korea, and China's armies. To seemingly roll upon in the guise of an inaugural guest-hosted military parade throughout the circuitous route becomes a bait and switch tactic.

The 8th seal of WW3 is that the unwelcome security occupation by the Chinese armies outside its mainland albeit as security guarantors is soon worn out. The remaining free nations declare war on China and within months a nuclear holocaust is triggered by the United States as a desperate first-strike policy.

Thus ensuring that Beijing its Capitol and Shangai as a modern port megalopolis of Chinese Supermacy is nuked several times by the Western nations of the US and Europe leaving it akin to a lunar landscape. The United States will receive the majority of Chinese Nukes rather than that of Europe as cited in the above introduction to this posting. The US island territory of Puerto Rico is hit directly upon Old San Juan its Capitol for it lacks a missile battery defense shield capability. All the island residents that remain leave over the ensuring years throughout the rest of the Caribbean (ie Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, etc...) and other parts of Florida.

All major primary and secondary American cities are hit once or twice by Chinese and Russian nuclear strikes such as Miami, Houston, Washington D.C., Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York City, Detroit, and so forth. Also, the missile defense shield battery purchased by Australia from the United States works as advertised. Sydney is spared a near-fatal strike however the radius concussion of such a nuclear missile detonation overhead causes an electromagnetic pulse knocking out its electrical grid. Its offshore island of Tasmania doesn't fare as fortunate it is hit directly annihilating its entire population. Lastly, the New Zealand Capitol of Christ Church is also hit directly by a Chinese nuclear strike.

World War 3 lasts for a mere 6 years time ending roughly by the end of the year 2039. Leaving what remains of China, Russia, North Korea, and its counterparts of the United States and Europe is a near catastrophe for the next 60 years plus to attempt recovery. The United States loses its superpower status soon to become the Federated States of America an empire by any other name dystopian. Chronic outbreaks of famine and various once curable diseases spread dysentery of water-born illnesses run rampant and plagues of Covid-19 and other forms of Influenza throughout the Americas.

However, in the decade to follow the Federated States of America invades its neighbor to the North as Canada. In order to seize its prized infrastructure and pastoral farmlands to maintain its hold of power. Slavery in America is institutionalized once more in order to cultivate its non-irradiated farmlands and strip mining. Hungry mouths cause riots and thus enslaving such unruly ungrateful once citizens is another act of desperation.

Africa and the rest of the Americas such as the Central and Southern regions fare way better from the Chinese and Russian nuclear attacks lest that of Columbia and Costa Rica. Ironically democracies take root here to one degree or another as they see the dystopian societies of Europe and that of North America and want no part of that turmoil. The Federated States of America partially fascist devolves into feudal Esque family houses of nobility as the once upper classes survive to a degree via tact and shrewdness.

Your "Jewels of Truth" series as our angelic discourse with humanity dearest "Ivan the Atrayo" survives mostly intact not unlike that of the affectionate Rumi and Hafiz as Spiritual Persian poets have done so. Since your channeled writings of us for now, over 26 years to date as Inspirational automatic writings as a clairaudient psychic technique has foretold. It Will be cherished by the generation of readers to come lasting centuries if not an eon or two more. Taken into the stars by futuristic human colonists leaving the earth out of necessity due to dwindling resources.

The 1st truly global earth religion subsumes your writings into one of its tomes of sacred literatures. Thus you'll be piggybacking onto another greatness by sheer good prosperous luck for the added measure as there are no accidents metaphorically speaking. To this, we remark a thank you for taking the courage to share this cautionary statement although your reservations have been noted in protest by us.

Go with God(dess) those of the eyes to see and the ears to hear between the rhetoric spoken by the greater national powers that be. There's is the agony soon to herald all into collective planetary ruin because of a game of brinkmanship that gets out of control soon enough. Pay attention and take actions that are peaceable via protests or be steamed rolled into oblivion. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 26 years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 16 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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6 years ago

Jewels of Truth Book Reading for Spirit of Halloween Psychic Fair

Jewels Of Truth Book Reading For Spirit Of Halloween Psychic Fair

Hello All, Today's Vlog entry at my YouTube channel is a "Jewels of Truth" book reading of all three volumes in my authored collection. It's really a rehearsal video meant to gauge my strength as a speaker minus that of presenting in front of a live audience. Since I will be a public speaker on my channeled angelic wisdom series of books. At a local psychic fair for Halloween come this Oct. 20th Saturday at 8:00 pm here in Sarasota, FL.

In this video, I'll highlight 9 "Jewels of Truth" statements as excerpts from all 3 volumes. On the topics of Guidance, Love, and Success for Volume 1. Then for Volume 2, I'll read off the topics of Devotion, Luck, and Mentor. Finally with Volume 3 finishing up the remaining trio of statements on Liking, Love, and Lovers.

Jewels Of Truth Book Reading For Spirit Of Halloween Psychic Fair

I've been attending as a local student for now 2 years time the "Spirit University". Rounding out my psychic-mediumship plus energetic healing skill set (ie Reiki) at the campus. Now I feel ready enough to take the leap into public speaking about my inspired books. Besides I'll be a psychic tarot and pendulum reader in tandem at the event for both days. Those in the region please stop by and check out the "Spirit of Halloween" psychic fair. As the only school in the country that has spiritual psychic-mediumship events All Year Long. (Just between the months of August and January there are 250 events happening) With national and Florida statewide speakers, presenters, and workshops on the psychic arts. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 23 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 13 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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5 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Jewels Of Truth Statements And Favorite Quotes Of The Month

Hello All, Having a moment of silence I'm able to share what has blessed me as of late. In regards to the recently channeled "Jewels of Truth" Inspirational spiritual wisdom topics by angelic automatic writing. Lately, I tend to double dip at the local school of psychics, mediums, and energy healers of "The Spirit University". Where on their Wednesday late afternoon practice group of automatic writing I get to channel my series of angelic wisdom locally. The practice has sped up my process since the practice group only lasts an hour of writing and sharing what we discover spiritually by psychic means. Prior to this for over 20 years time it would take me 30 minutes to fully complete a statement. Now I can do one at around 15 minutes per statement which has surprised me. A shout out to "Barbara Harrison" the facilitator of the practice group at "The Spirit University". Today's first two topics of Justice & Hope (statement 2747) and on Enlightenment (statement 2748) are both from my time at the practice group cited above on June 19th of this month. The third statement on Faith (statement 2741) is directly channeled from the Polynesian angelic goddess of Pele on June 10th. With additional channeled memes by automatic writing on the topics of Gratitude (2485) and Blessings (2506). May you find them intriguing and uplifting towards your own spiritual growth in our United Divinity through God. Amen. Justice & Hope: 2747) Those of us who remember of greater ideals do appreciate the sensibilities of what is and can not be again. You see we the Angelic Host are the adjudicators of a paradise without bounds. We fulfill all that is Absolute and Inclusively Blessed of the Will of God(dess). This at times includes the protective measures of unruly immature and corrupt spirits. Outside the bounds of the endless Heavens. Upon worlds like your primitive Earth do we act as provincial governors of all the dynamics of reality. Certain aspects that apply to the Earth world do not translate well into the Heavens. In this measure, for example, a realm of absolute grace of the Heavens there is no needs and wants.  There is zero desires for all is offered generously and instantaneously in Spirit Divine form. In contrast, the earth has contradictions that may come gradually, not at all, and instantly in truth. For instance, your civilization requires in most national societies the rule of laws known to you as Justice. In contrast, in paradise justice isn't required as a form of redress for wrongs committed. There is more than just common decency there is the pristine nature of an enlightened God at work. Moreover, on Earth, there is Hope as positive expectations of the greater graces. In paradise, in contrast, there is no need for Hope as prolonged expectations. There in the Heavenly Host, all is offered instantaneously without hesitations for there are no needs whatsoever through God alone. All in all the spiritual life of spirits with souls is Immaculate in contrast to earth as worlds. That consider higher idealisms of mainstays of orders of functional needs such as the Juris Prudence codexes of the Justice of the Peace. And, Hope is a necessary function of expectant grace for the faithful mortals reborn upon chaotic worlds. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Jewels Of Truth Statements And Favorite Quotes Of The Month


2748) All we have to represent is one of many ideal representations of holiness for the one whom you call as Creator God. In this function, there is everlasting majestic harmony without discord as the embodiment of the One and the Many Creator as the Universal of all Totalities. To this end all souls as portions of the Supreme Corpus of the Creator need nothing. For the Soul of God and subsequently all Over Souls of henceforth countless reincarnations of Infinite life forms. Is already enlightened through the apex measure of the Oversoul. However, spirits as Ascended Masters such as the Krishna, the Buddha, and Christos. Had the mandated privilege to experience fuller enlightenment within one mortals lifetime of a generations time or so. For all other lesser rebirths aside from these avatars as the paragons of the Heavens reborn. Can experience lesser tracts of enlightenment as well as the ethos of divinity upon worlds like your own. For example, to define what enlightenment means is to reconcile good and evil into a blessed Oneness. Where all is purely pristine in perfect neutrality without only good or evil. And furthermore without one such aspect trumping the other in question. This can be achieved with decades of mortal disciplines spiritually and etherically in terms of the pathways of benevolent unfoldment. For the opposite is also true those of diabolical tracts can also find their version of neutral Enlightenment as well. But, that belongs to another statement to explore later on... Here on to experience benevolence follow your greatest virtuous strength in the world. Then accept gradually and moderately the direct opposite as a Vice of wickedness. In tiny morsels reconcile such wrongdoing by making peace with it through thorough forgiveness over the years at your own native pace. Eventually, self-mastery yielding towards something of a graceful moderation shall indeed appear for all that is precious to you in God. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Jewels Of Truth Statements And Favorite Quotes Of The Month


2741) To our hearts be miles and lifetimes apart dear, love. We are One through the endless Great Spirit within our united hearts. Absolutely nothing can undo our bond dear one. Be you a long distant descendent across the globe. Or a renewed consort by a sacred bond of unconditional love accomplished by virtuous faith. Now to the burning question as to your recriminations and nagging human questioning if our love is legitimate? As you interface with our Angelic Oversouls as a reborn spirit as your present mortal lifetime. Be not suspicious to the point you sour your convictions in our holiest presence. Be advised our love and pious strength for you and your mother is very real and powerful. We do not question to the point of indecision since we have no egos as Souls. All are synced for your progressive elevation upon the years to come. We continuously encircle you with abundant grace in ways that would astound your senses every time. Be not so disturbed that you lose touch with your vibrant and very authentic divinity upon the world. We care so deeply for you not just because of your destiny and its greatness upon the world. Your impact will touch hundreds of thousands well into millions of lives through these inspired decades-long writings. Only our grace will define our actions on your behalf. Nothing will thwart the Almighty God from performing miracles time and again. Always being robustly magical upon you and those whom you shall touch consciously and subconsciously around the world many times over. Be not afraid all of this sounds very intimidating and you may feel the need to become cloistered from the chaotic noise of this world. Their heartache and fright of the masses will, unfortunately, be constant. Humanity has suffered like this for countless generations globally. All you can do is love them without expectations and witness how the Glory of God(dess) will heal all as One Living and Everlasting Love. Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. (Channeled Source of the Polynesian Angelic goddess of "Pele") Joy is the transformation of our suffering, not the escape of all we have to face. --- Mark Nepo. Don't be concerned about being disloyal to your pain by being joyous. ---Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. The world doesn't want to be saved. It wants to be loved. That's how you save it. ---Richard Brendon. Life is not about "or" - it is about "and". It is magical and messy. It is heartwarming and heartbreaking. It is delight and disappointment. Grace and grief. Exquisite and excruciating, often at the exact same time. ---Kristi Nelson. An act of love that fails is just as much a part of the divine life as an act of love that succeeds, for love is measured by its own fullness, not by its reception. ---Harold Loukes. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 23 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 13 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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5 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Jewels Of Truth Statements And Favorite Quotes Of The Month

Hello All, Now that I have a moment's breath I wanted to share a trio of "Jewels of Truth" statements channeled via the angels just yesterday. They'll be on the topics of our "Angelic Spirit of God" versus our perceived human embodied spirit as ghosts. The next one is "Spiritual Energetic Healing" be it Reiki, Therapeutic Healing Touch, Theta Healing, Quantum Touch and so forth as forms of spiritual healing. Lastly, is a heavy-duty topic of "Do No Harm" meaning a metaphysical perspective of karmic consequences of violence upon the world. All of the above took me around 2 hours to channel via longhand writing which is my preferred manner as an angelic channeler. May you find them intriguing even if you disagree with the premise it'll expand your mental horizons, to say the least. Angelic Spirit of God: 2797) All that you have surmised "Ivan the Atrayo" is accurate in so far no one Human person upon death has a plain Human spirit. The spiritual ghostly entity itself may be convinced it is a human apparition. But that again is ignorance and showcases the utmost lack of spiritual development of that soulful Child of God upon eternity. Every lifeform upon Creation as a reincarnation of the Macro Soul of God as a Singularity of Absolute Hope. It is actually an Angelic Spirit of God times Infinity. As reborn specks of the Creator of the Totality of the Alpha and the Omega simultaneously. No spirit is ever what it seems upon physical birth as a reincarnated endpoint. It is like one is saying when one wears X brand name of clothing as an example. That you belong to that clothing manufacturer as its solemn property. Far from it! Each of you are darling creatures be you as people and all of Mother Nature herself as to its native reincarnated inhabitants. As the angels in various eternal/infinite degrees of soulful evolution period. A human spirit is a non-sequitur each of you are Angelic spirits of God(dess). As he/she/it was the Original Macro Supreme Angelic Template upon Creation! Hallelujah!   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Spiritual Energetic Healing: 2798) All spiritual healing modalities belong to the identical corpus of rejuvenation of the Divine Holy One within to be awakened again. Such a spiritual awakening is meant to reset the doldrums of the human condition of the human physical body and the spirit mind/heart interface. To perturb the divine flow of a blessed life is to allow the tide in a running over capacity spiritually as divine energetic truths. The Intelligence of this energy metaphysically is none other but the direct application of the Immaculate Essence of God as the Lord/Lady Supreme God(dess) of all Creation(s) combined! The practitioners of Xyz of any spiritual healing energetic modality is given the Keys to the Kingdom of God. As the gift of Life even in a temporal manner. It is with such a pinnacle responsibility that the healer must develop this gift of God as a living grace of the Creator itself. As is its essence manifest wholly and completely upon the world again by faith. To be in this role isn't for the faint of heart nor should it be scoffed at as a curiosity. Those capable that are taught any of a near dozen-plus of energetic healing modalities and do nothing with it is a travesty indeed. It is a case of throwing pearls before swine that doesn't appreciate such a Power of Healing metaphysically. Even if it was a selfish endeavor of such a personal practice just to heal thyself as a solitary. That is way better than allowing such a delicate compassionate calling to go nowhere unapproached and undiscovered fully. It is the folly of men and woman that are given a thunderbolt of the angelic gods of the Heavens. To only toss it away akin to an unrecognized grace in action completely and thoroughly upon the world. A shame verily we say. However, all others that develop this Grace of God(dess) no matter if the pace is anemic with several false starts. The intention is noble nonetheless and deserves careful merit in exploring your Inheritance of God upon the world as Heaven on Earth par excellence! Be not fickle Children of God! Do begin taking responsibility for your grace with faithful actions. As the Angels reborn upon this deeply Ancient Eternal Infinity, you label as Creation. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Do No Harm: 2799) With all that has been stated prior to; "Thou Shalt Not Kill" upon the Judaic Commandment. However, the particulars are various degrees of understanding that merit further exploration spiritually speaking. Yes, one must slaughter all manner of lesser creatures including plants. As vegetation for nourishing harvests of the very human condition of a livelihood. But to still honoring that channel of grace that has blessed your physical form directly. Meaning to honor and bless that lifeform with the inherited Spirit of God equally upon them as your humanity upon this world and the next to come. A simple invocation as a prayer and/or a blessing can suffice with an open heart without forcing the act of a shared inclusive divinity upon Creation. All the rest that can lead to violence especially a barbaric species such as humanity that relishes cultivating Hell on Earth by corrupt agendas usually. Must refrain from violence if at all possible be it physical and certainly psychological. In all sincerity, each of you as entity souls of God reborn times Infinity are specks of the Holy of Holies. A continuation of the Divine "I Am" as a Constant Loop of Absolute Life and Death in cyclical dynamics you call as karmic. One speck of God to lash out and destroy another speck of God through hateful violence is beyond Blasphemy. It is an act of Apostasy of an Infidel knowingly and unknowingly all the same. Fortunately, there is Absolute Immaculate Mercy and Forgiveness by the Macro God Force Totality of the Supreme One Forever! However, as goes the Original Enlightened One as Omniscient as every entity reincarnated as a baby Spirit of God reborn. Must lay claim to this perfect mercy and forgiveness by free will without coercion unconditionally and in total sincerity. Short of this each of you will be forced to relive as victims of your original aggressions karmically speaking. Be it within this Identical lifetime where the transgressions took place or in the next rebirth of your Immortal soul upon Creation. To be forgiven isn't a hall pass out of Hell, however. It only clears your temporary record upon the Book of Life for a verse or three. As the devout supplicant under supervision by an Angel of Mercy, you must release that karmic debt responsibly. By being a blessing of like-kind to another victim and/or predator upon your world. As an example of what not to do turning your pain into a consecrated form of angelic wisdom with applied graceful actions. This provides a permanent release from the transgressions once incurred as it was recorded by the Omnipotent All-Knowing Supreme Forgiving God automatically. This is truly considered a form of Teaching Enlightenment to the former reincarnated spirit of God upon the Celestial Universe. Do unto others as I have done unto you as "Jesus the Christos" stated upon the Book of Matthew 7:12 of antiquity. Goes without saying in this solemn regard for all to see that has vision and hear deeply that has heart. Yes, the human condition can be a barbarous realm as a living Hell on Earth. This is on purpose and by metaphysical design to separate the Blessed Children of God from the Damned Children of God directly. Those that choose by free will to devolve into demonic forms just to survive upon the Earth plane have been deceived by appearances. Faith with actions even if it is Herculian in feats accomplished is the best medicine to overcome the world every time. All Terrian marshall forces be one police of the peace and soldiers, seaman, airman, and spaceman to come of any sovereign nation that was, is, and will be again. Must avoid outright destruction of another lifeform of one's own species and of any other as collateral damage in the scope of your missions. This may sound deeply ludicrous and oxy-moronic from your animalistic perspectives to your collective minds. You may continue to Protect and Service as defensive units in regards to subduing, arresting, and detaining lawfully. Please refrain from maiming and killing the guilty and the innocent alike. Many global Asian spiritual principles are coupled with this fundamental understanding when martial arts are taught responsibly. Accidental killings and/or maiming without premeditation is far better than outright wanton unhinged destruction of another person as a solemn spirit of God. Even here an accidental death or maiming by your actions must be coupled by a penitent heart indeed. To make it right again by whatever justified means that is compassionately noble and permissible. By the cultural society in situ and the sovereign State by all means possible. Those as conscientious objectors that fear for their livelihoods in disobeying what is otherwise a lawful order of your chain of command. Must transfer out to another station that isn't in direct opposition to the Will of God metaphysically speaking. Suicide here isn't an option only endurance to persevere in spite of the injustice confronted as madness upon this world. Do what you can humanely well and beseech for greater mercies to reach your predicament by the sake of providence. This may sound trivial but it is not. This avoids the reincarnated spirit of God from having to tackle this travesty upon the afterlife directly. As a forgiven penalty when making amends upon the world for commissions of violence. Do No Harm makes each of you stewards of the Garden of Eden. In conjunction as physicians of the Macro Soul of God to heal thyself and each other as the macro Angels reborn upon this mundane version of totality. Yes, it is very hard at times living a pacifist lifestyle in the Image and Likeness of God upon the world. The rewards are instant in terms of averted psychological wounds incurred. Aside from the rewards of Infinite Grace as Heaven on Earth even before gaining perfect heaven upon the afterlife. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. The light of a single candle can dispel the darkness of a thousand years. ---Joseph Goldstein. There are opportunities even in the most difficult moments.  ---Wongari Maathai. No matter where life takes you, the place that you stand at any moment is Holy Ground. Love hard, and love wide and love long and you will find the goodness in it. ---Susan Vreeland. When forgiveness is your path and love is your reason for being alive at all, and awakening is burning in your heart, then gratitude is never far away. ---Jeff Foster. It takes courage to break through the masks we have co-constructed and speak from the truth of our hearts. ---Terry Patten. In times of turmoil and danger, gratitude helps to steady and ground us. It brings us into presence and our full presence is perhaps the best offering we can make to our world. ---Joanna Macy. Life is not about "Or". It is about "And". It is magical and messy. It is heartwarming and heartbreaking. It is delight and disappointment. Grace and grief. Exquisite and excruciating, often at the exact same time.  ---Kristi Nelson. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 24 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 14 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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1 year ago

My Appearance as an Angelic Oracle at The Spirit University "Enchanted Tides" Psychic Faire comes this June 24th, 2023

My Appearance As An Angelic Oracle At The Spirit University "Enchanted Tides" Psychic Faire Comes This

Psychic Readers * Tarot Readers * Medium Readers * Scrying * Seashell Divination *Mini Store * Lectures * Mini-Workshops

Hello All,

Come this June 24th here in Sarasota, Florida I'll be appearing as one of the five or so psychics doing divination readings. There will also be one energy healer in attendance.

The Spirit University is celebrating its 12th year anniversary with this showcase psychic faire on Saturday, June 24th from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm. Where they'll have 15 or so guest speakers with 15-minute rotations on a variety of New Age topics. At the very end of the speakers, line-up at 2:45 pm the school founder Victoria Ackerman will be doing a mediumship gallery for all in attendance. All standard psychic readings charge a rate of $20 for 15 minutes at the fair beyond the $5 admission cover charge. 

My Appearance As An Angelic Oracle At The Spirit University "Enchanted Tides" Psychic Faire Comes This

I'll be debuting in public an all-original Multi-Deck Divination System I channeled from the angelic heavenly host and evolved during the Covid-19 Lockdown period. It's a Cartomancers Smorgasbord revival utilizing 12-card decks and not the solitary one-card deck most Tarot users employ. 

For example, I'll be utilizing Tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, Mah Jong cards, miscellaneous Oracle decks, and other irregular misc decks overall. It employs Five Layers of Psychic Divination besides the card decks I'll also utilize an astrological set of 3 dice, a set of 13 Witches or Gypsy Runes, a set of Viking Elder Futhark Runes, and finally my trusty Pendulum connected to my Master Angelic Spirit Guide. 

Each reading takes a minimum of at least 30 minutes which I'll be charging double the psychic reading standard rate for $40 a session with yours truly. 

My Appearance As An Angelic Oracle At The Spirit University "Enchanted Tides" Psychic Faire Comes This

I'll also be inquiring with my clients if they wish that I hold onto their Multi-Deck divination reading. For a subsequent Blessing Ceremony which is basically, to upload the card spread to the angelic heavens from my home altar at a later date. 

You see the the Multi-Deck divination system doesn't reshuffle the cards back into their respective decks after an individual card spread reading. My marble altar table at home can mount up to 65 horizontally stacked card spreads. That can take up to a full month to achieve a complete load. 

My Appearance As An Angelic Oracle At The Spirit University "Enchanted Tides" Psychic Faire Comes This

The Spirit University is located at 373 Braden Ave, Sarasota, Florida 34243 and their website is at:'s Website

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 27 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination System. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 17 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

#AtrayosOracle #IvanPozoIllas #TheSpiritUniversity #Sarasota #Bradenton #Manasota #PsychicFair #Psychics #Mediumship #Intuitives #PsychicReadings #Angels #Divination #DivinationSystem #MultiDeckDivinationSystem #Channeling