Angelic Host - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago


"Jewels of Truth" angelic mystical statement 2,385 on the topic of the Afterlife. That Heaven, Limbo, and Hell as the whole embodiment of God the Creator.

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8 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statement 2,399: All of Science & Magic Is One Phenomenon As The Essence of God United


Hello All, As usual when I have a channeling session by clairvoyant automatic writing, and I feel by intuition that it's a spiritual teaching moment I share publically my findings as a psychic-medium. Even if the subject matter feels at least to me as controversial like how I wrote about "Genderless Souls" on Jan. 8th 2015 citing Galatians 3:28 as scripture. I dived into the deep end of the metaphysical pool in "Jewels of Truth" statement 1,893. Today my angelic wisdom statement 2,399 is semi-controversial at least in my opinion in how science and magic are considered a united phenomenon. To begin with, pre-historic humanity before there was the institutional invention of religion. Early man worshiped mother nature as a form of animism much like how cave paintings are depicted in Europe. As early man as hominoids evolved its expressions of worship excelled into what we call the expressive arts today. Before the advent of science, there was the arts evolving with primitive peoples across the globe. Eventually, these arts coupled with animism in worshipping mother nature like indigenous cultures around the globe still do today. The magical spiritual arts began to appear as spellcraft with blessings and curses took form. Eventually, early forms of astronomical star gazing took shape like the Ojibwe or Mayan cultures depicting their pantheon upon the heavens. Astronomy and mathematics were the early sciences developed by indigenous cultures globally where early science and the magical arts co-existed in harmony for thousands of years. Not until Christendom did all other spiritual or religious traditions be deemed as pagan and evil by a broad stroke. A centralized political power grab if there was one in history across Europe reaching through the colonials into the Old and New World alike. Today in our secular era we have come very far in most respects and in others, we're just as primitive as our early ancestors. This "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement attempts to offer the remembrance of an ancient bridge that predates humanity itself.


Science & Magic: 2399) All of science and the magical arts stem from the exact identical foundation. Since science and magic are two sides of the very same coin of life itself as the sheer essence of God come alive for us combined. The scientific realm is predominantly objective through intellectualism and the magical arts are predominantly subjective through emotions such as intuition itself. Intuition by far is the springboard into all the divine realms for humanity as a spiritual faculty to lead one back to God(dess) by whichever capacity s/he/it is worshiped. A verifiable bridge to the divine realms is also a worn pathway towards the magical arts in question. The sciences as a philosophical treatise to experience our reality isn't based on emotion but on near pure thought. A nuts and bolts dogma of mechanized outlook fully intellectual in scope and progress. Both the sciences and magic are alike as a verifiable paradox in a circular expression of the essence of all realities combined. Not unlike the contrast of knowledge as plain evolving facts and wisdom of deep abiding truths to govern one's worldly character. Science and magic are cut from the same cloth historically like knowledge and wisdom in total essence. What humanity has proclaimed in demonizing mostly the magical spiritual arts in this age of secularism has belittled much of its exact twin of the metaphysical dominion. As science is predominantly physical in nature and the magic spiritual arts metaphysical in its perspective by its very nature. Both are similar akin to matter and antimatter as a case in point which one or the other is deemed not to share the exact spatial arena is the view of humans. Lest a catastrophic collapse of reality would take hold akin to the so-called "Big Bang" creation event. Actually both science and magic metaphysically share the essence of the Creator God flowing from the identical pool of macro life independent of good and evil steeped upon neutrality. Science and Magic is a living conundrum of philosophy where one exists and the other isn't far behind by association. To deny the presence of one and not the other as a viable outlet creates a diminished feedback loop as to its cumulative effects. To accept both equally has a maximum impact in yield to something far greater than the sum of one or the other plainly on its own. When the minds and hearts of humanity returns to the station of their ancestors in knowing this spiritual truth. Then engineering marvels coupled with science and the magical spiritual arts will appear once more upon the world. Amen.    ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Jewels of Truth Series on Divinity


Hello All,

Today I wanted to start off with an experiment in my posting which has been predominantly full blog posts. I'll attempt to take some tact in what I've been doing on my Facebook Intuitive spiritual visionary fan page of "Atrayo's Oracle" for the last couple of years. Where I've been posting my own spiritual wisdom memes I've authored currently over 130+ which you can find on my "Pinterest Jewels of Truth" folder.

The one showcased above is from my 1st series as one of my older spiritual memes. Currently, I'm by the 6th series in sharing them publicly via my Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, & Instagram pages. With the exception of today with this posting doing a spin of attempting something new in presentation as a clairvoyant angelic oracle writer. Currently, on "Niume” there is only a small sampling of my cross posts from my main blog site of "Atrayo's Oracle". Which has been online for 11+ years with over 500+ free spiritual wisdom statements and over 200+ inspired clairvoyant conceptual designs as an angelic channeler as innovations for the society to come.

I'll be presenting shorter blog posts here at Niume, Tumblr, Blogger, Linkedin, and Temple Illuminatus as part of my social media outlet locations. With what I term as the social media Assorted series currently unnumbered but generally close to 400 in count loosely. Here in you'll get them presented by what I call the short and the long flavors as my postings from Facebook and Twitter (Instagram) pages.


1) What we bring to the world is beyond measure when the divine speaks through us by fortunate deeds that leave's all dumbfounded. Amen.

2) All divinity requires one to remember the core presence of God the Creator within their utmost spark of the heavens within. Not only to recall what is of pure grace but to enact the righteous favor of goodwill in what would otherwise be disregarded. This brings us to the place of inner silence beyond the status the world wishes to place us upon in spite of ourselves.

Here we beseech the holiest nature within to express our spiritual perfect nature of a benevolent Lord God within us. To nurture, guide, and protect us as we attempt to do so by a like example for all others in need of like terms. As the world is flawed by conditions and people it is our perfect divinity only through God that returns us to our original angelic form when we consent to the Will of God each time. Amen.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Jewels of Truth Series on Hope


Hello All,

Much like I mentioned on the topic of Divinity in continuation of cross posting my angelic clairvoyant writing as spiritual wisdom. These will be a smattering from the assorted series of my social media posts on Facebook and Twitter. I've been channeling the angels by what is called automatic writing for 21 years time as a faith-filled spiritual calling as a psychic-medium. My blog site here at Tumblr has a sampling of my main blog site of "Atrayo's Oracle" of 11 years time online.

May you find the content informative and inspiring, thank you for reading.



475B) All Hope isn't created equal based beyond desire well into conviction reveals the prowess of such a divine being with faith in God.

474B) The pivotal lifeblood of a sincere Hope must always be united with an active faith in the divine within the world. For to hope one is activating the enlightened grace of God within one's heart and soul. For well-wishers, this leads to an empty state of aimless desire that usually more often than not goes always unfulfilled. To be more one must temper or discipline their hope so it rings true to one's heart of hearts.

Beyond recriminations steps to cultivate one's sacred truth creates a beautiful curvature as an archway towards the bridge of fulfillment in the world. Blessing by blessing the building blocks of authentic hope grow to reveal the majesty of God through the angels in your common midst. To be faithful one needs hope as their vanguard to break new ground for eventual success. Amen.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statement 2,397: Every Soul Is The One Soul of God Upon Creation


Hello All, I Hope your St. Valentine's Day was a blessed day for all lovers and between all other assorted loved ones. Regardless if you celebrate this holiday or not globally the endless Spirit of God has always been conveyed via Absolute Love unto all who acknowledge him or not. The love is like a carrier signal as the volume of our sacred lives upon this Earth. How we utilize this essence of God is our gift back to our Creator as one precious remembrance of his gift of life for totality. Today I'll continue with the format it seems of posting every 3 days or so here at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site. Of one long hand and three social media assorted series of angelically channeled spiritual wisdom statements, I call the "Jewels of Truth" series. I'll attempt each following day after these blog posts to replicate the post as a vlog (video blog) entry on my Youtube channel for those who prefer listening instead. All 4 "Jewels of Truth" angelic wisdom statements today will be on the same topic of the Soul of God, including the spiritual meme picture. I'll list their numerical sequence below instead of repeating it here for those that follow my count of new and old channeled content. Thank you for being a reader and may you each be blessed by whichever holy faith tradition you follow in the world. Namaste. Soul of God: 2397) We have come far in our understanding of self in terms of a shared divinity upon this world. When life presents us with the notion of totality we often shrink at its immense grandeur it seems to portray. In light of this fascination please look past the illusion of appearances of this spatial infinity by mere size. Come to understand all divinity is constant and unfixed in its pristine scope as a dimensional state of continual stasis. Such a constant state when presented to mortal creatures is missed outright as having no material substance as visually void. The physical mortal senses are diminished in stature as flawed by its very nature. Furthermore, as unconscious awareness is often the only hint that more exists beyond the veil of duality that beckons the development of the intuitive faculty in each of you. Here is the belief that you suspect you are each less than upon totality as a piece, fragment, or aspect easily overwhelmed by the whole majesty of Creation. A metaphysical paradox is present what can easily be dismissed is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. For Metaphysically, in fact, you are God as totality itself. Viewing separation as you, I, we, us, and them or any other syntax pronoun is completely meaningless. All reincarnations are of God itself upon totality becoming energetic flesh to experience this physical mundane dimension of all Creations united as One. Human separateness as individualized life is a non-sequitur it doesn't compute at that supreme pinnacle stage of almighty godhood as the Creator. This is why "Jesus the Christ" stated in (John 10:30); "I and the Father are One." We collectively are the father / mother God of totality itself experiencing all through the Earth and Stars as all of its entity inhabitants universally on a macro scale of divine being. To pick apart this metaphysical constant as a construct leaves one stuck on which historical personality you were, are, and will be this is the game of the ego-centric mind. Such inane discussions become immediately useless and should be dismissed out of hand as the dog chasing its tail. All Souls is a misnomer there is only one Soul and that belongs to God the Almighty Lord of Hosts as God of all gods plural. Your soul and my soul is human syntax belittling the Immense grandeur that metaphysically we share constantly in oneness in the singular Holy Spirit of God. Do not get stuck on such divisions as a myopic human enterprise as a philosophy of thought form. That is a primitive vestige much like believing the world is flat versus round. We are Angel and God simultaneously in a plural macro meta sense spiritually with every other entity is like this constantly as well. To deny this universally shared collective unity leaves little room for the Awakening of the One Soul of God in you. Amen.                                                                                   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


481B) We are as we are because the endless beauty of God shines through our everlasting souls. We are the meta majesty of God as Infinity reborn. 482B) All souls have a majestic presence within them abiding before the physical presence of this universe ever became an inkling within the Mind of God. The Creator and Sustainer of all that is good in such an everlasting beauty and powerful in the Enlightened ways speaks to all who listen deeply by faith. No one is cast aside because of moral failings as people or any other creatures in the great beyond of our shared cosmos. For to dispose of people like humanity continues to do would be a celestial crime. For every entity soul and spirit of God has the spark of the divine within as the essence of the angels as the minor gods in their metaphysical bosom. No soul in heaven is a peon or a beggar all are kings and queens of paradise for God is their supreme maker. Amen.                                                                                       ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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7 years ago


Jewels of Truth angelic channeled spiritual wisdom statements on Desire 2,409 and Hope 2,332; 483B; 484B in the series. The statement on Desire discusses how there are no desires in heaven whatsoever. With the statement on Hope how to avoid hurting another's chances with sincerity so as to not injure your own hope temporarily.

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7 years ago


Today's "Jewels of Truth" angelic channeled inclusive compassionate spiritual wisdom statements are in the long hand series of Divinity 1,140; Living 1,141; and Souls 1,142. With two additional social media assorted B series on the Absolute nature of God as 485B and 486B. Lastly, a spiritual picture meme also on the Absolute as 2,328 for good measure having 6 statements in all.

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7 years ago


Jewels of Truth series on spiritual wisdom with one long hand statement #2,380 on the topic of the "Pure of Heart". With the rest of the entries sourced from my assorted social media posts #487B and #488B on "Gratitude", and #489B and #490B on "Wisdom", including two more spiritual wisdom memes also on the preceding topics #2,344 on Gratitude and #2,350 on Wisdom.

Jewels of Truth website:

Atrayo’s Oracle blog entry:

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7 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements: All Worship Is Sublime When God Is First Always Before The Will of Men


Hello All,

Following my last posting of seven "Jewels of Truth" angelically channeled wisdom as a clairvoyant automatic writer. I'm experimenting trying to find the right balance in sharing these posts with the right number of statements and a subsequent video blog (vlog) as a follow-up. So today akin to a catch-up digest from my Facebook and Twitter spiritual wisdom posts from the last couple of days. With a full long hand post as the cherry on top, I'll be offering ten statements in all, although to be mindful six of them are one liner memes. 

Here comes the vertigo bit where I list the numeral series and topics I've ascribed to each statement to have a running count for my purposes. Starting off with the singular long hand statement on Worship 2374. The Presence of God 2337 and 495B; Love 491B and 492B; Well-Being Vol.2, 493B, and 494B; and lastly on Miracles Vol. 3 and 496B. *Where stipulated each volume are excerpts from my three books of this "Jewels of Truth" angelic wisdom series. 

Also, a heads up the topic for Worship is bold in its tone and not by any chance flowery or poetic as the angel came through my writings. Just a forewarning which my intent isn't to be offensive in startling anyone with these inclusive angelic channelings. 


2374) All who practice a solemn benevolent faith of a living trust upon the divine will be capable to withstand the world as a united front. The worship of God as the apex Creator of totality be he known as Lord God, Lady Goddess, and even Lord Brahman it is all identical in Heaven as a sublime Oneness. The God of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims of the Abrahamic family of souls is exactly the same metaphysical loving family as the parental custodian upon the entirety of Creation. We admit that each culture upon the world skews by their nativist society the Creator in its own humanistic Image and Likeness as mortals. Versus that of perceiving God, Goddess, Brahman, Vishnu, Shiva, and so forth upon the world in its own pristine Almighty majestic godly nature alone.  

This is why the human barbarism as an animal nature thrives to separate akin to property all souls. By slaughtering its own species collectively for alleged superior favoritism as a flawed assertion subliminally with every faith tradition. This actually never ever promotes the inclusive Will of God it just promotes otherwise the illusion of separation into a rationale of discord. More to do with animalistic egos as a truly popular power struggle within the species than to revere the Heavens in God's Glory alone. The oxymoronic nature of humanity publicly showcases its lack of spiritual maturity collectively instead of fully personifying the majestic Supreme compassionate Will of God. As an Enlightened state of Being pure of heart and of sound mind united spiritually beyond the construct of religiosity. 

Thank God(dess) that the Most High beholder of all the good, neutrality, and evil through the prism of enlightenment known as Grace. That we experience a miraculous mercy through an unconditional Absolute Love metaphysically and physically here on this Earth right here and now. That besides our erroneous ways by human nature we can know our Creator beyond semantics of all languages, beyond exclusive rhetoric, dogma and strict dysfunctional egotistical interpretations as flawed assertions of theology. That God has so loved us as his little ones metaphysically as reincarnated lesser creatures that we are even remotely aware of its splendid Omnipresence. 

All who worship God in a sincere unbridled faith tradition will never be punished by God. For God's enlightenment known as Grace will shelter us freely without remorse and without retribution. All others that abuse the Perfect Spirit of God upon the world may deceive countless in the short towards middle term. However, from their onwards of the middle towards the longest while will experience an unsustainable collapse by karma for all lies will become disinfected and washed away like a house of cards. Everything that is true is instantly eternal in holy nature without the flawed ego in its pretenses but as the ineffable fashion of truth and beauty reflecting the captivating Will of God. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Well Being:

Vol. 2:


493B) Our lives are precious forays into the unknown day by day we experience what may be mundane well into the surreal as the moment dictates. We are each a jumble of emotions and traits as to our personalities and character of being true to ourselves and each other. Our constant demeanor is an expression of our usual well being and at times our knee-jerk responses whether deservedly so or not unto loved ones and strangers alike.

We each have a divine spark that needs kindling to flame into a fire of truth and beauty. Some pray and meditate to cultivate this sacred flame of creative life. Others rightly so are self-less producing kindness and compassion where ever we encounter them in life. Many are a combination of both and yet still more that I've missed in articulating such inner beauty shining true. We can be angels by claiming our inheritance from God in this day and moment. Or we can forget all about our divinity and live in scarcity as maladjusted people in the world. The choice is yours and mine and I choose grace. Amen.                                                                                                  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

494B) To be alive with presence is to enact a dignified response to whatever the world throws at us irrespective of our outlook. 

Presence of God:


495B) All favor of the Will of God is to offer the sanctifying good pleasure of Heaven on Earth and across all of Creation simultaneously. As a united embrace of our delightful Father God for all his infinitely expressed children in his unifying Holy Spirit. When a miracle is wrought upon anywhere upon Creation God is there in his omniscient Glory for all to see and to benefit together.

It is the good pleasure of God to give us the entire Kingdom of God without reservations as stated in (Luke 12:32). Our gift back to God is to be grateful and to re-gift this grace to each other without turmoil. That will be the miracle of the good life for each of us who can recall the majesty of God in our common midst. Amen.                                                   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


491B) All Love is truly the life-affirming benevolent essence of God in us all collectively. No matter how this love comes to be expressed whether conditionally and unconditionally closer in purity to the heavens within each of our souls. We require love in some capacity to exist fully in this earthen reality we call the world. No matter how fleeting it may appear and disappear from our awareness it is metaphysically constantly there as the Omnipresence of God.

Now how we utilize such a powerful grace is our gift back to God consciously and certainly unconsciously in how deeply we love people, creatures, and the world our spiritual sister in God(dess). To withhold true love denies us our grace for a time in the world like withholding a blessing to another. As each time it is genuinely exchanged the beauty of God shines deeper still in each of us and the abiding joy of our marvelous love by and for God come into the world as Heaven on Earth. Amen.                                          ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

492B) All Love is the presence of God shining through the giver and receiver of Love constantly as a united Grace known as Heaven on Earth. 



496B) All Miracles are the substance of God shining brilliantly in the world as a whole equalizer of a living grace for all as One.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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7 years ago


Today I'll share another batch of 7 "Jewels of Truth" inclusive channeled angelic wisdom statements. On the topics of  the Afterlife 2,431; Fairies 2,419 (Meme), 501B, 502B; and Violence 2,410 (Meme), 503B, 504B to finish off this set. The one on Violence as 503B gets somewhat controversial towards the end as it cites American drone strike inflicting civilian casualties abroad, which unfortunately is nothing new.

Jewels of Truth website:

Atrayo’s Oracle blog entry:

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7 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month


Hello All, Today's monthly entry comes with a twist I won't be sharing "Jewels of Truth" angelically channeled wisdom statements in the lineup of 1,143-1,145. I'll be instead pulling 3 monthly statements from my more recent material channeled by automatic writing just days ago. They are on Faith 2,434; Souls 2,436; and finally on Theology 2,437 all from the long hand series. So put on your reading glasses folks. Of course, I'll also be sharing several of my favorite quotations from various notable figures for their own insightful wisdom from across the ages. With that said allow me to get started right away and cut this introduction short. Faith: 2434) We each have a supreme personalized self-validating echo chamber of our very mind, heart, and spiritual nature within our being. As each of us as native divine creators as the pristine Children of God, we can fashion almost any idea as thought and emotional phenomena as a form of existence. We can see this reality as we dare to please ourselves or by the simple happenstance of occurrences. We can also choose to allow tyrants to impose their views upon us as a living fractured environment. Nonetheless, there commences an involuntary shift as a power struggle in most cases grasping to stay in perceived illusionary control. To define our reality with objectives by what we each describe as optimal as a subliminal faith. Be such a faith from secular or plainly spiritual in holy nature governed by countless principles we have so aptly given names through terminology. This affords us a momentary respite to ease tensions and can at times set ourselves up to succumb to uneasy assumptions that we each face alone and universally together in life. Many of which are deeply connected to higher ideals that help us catapult away from our dissatisfaction with the world. In a way, we use faith as a slingshot to remove ourselves from this petty domain to reach the realm of the sublime instantaneously. So as to experience a self-determined meaning as an expression of personal self-mastery. What inadvertently goes wrong is when we fall into a place of complacency seeking to dominate others from our new found perch of righteousness. Whether we utilize soft or hard power to influence others to our way of thinking to the point it becomes pushy. What was an authentic attempt at self-mastery becomes now an awful form of coercion by means of manipulative ideology through trampling on others foreign ideals. Taken to an extreme it can lead to persecution well into threats and/or physical harm just to maintain control over others viewpoints akin to property. This is never the Holy Will of God but the willful manipulation of once stewards of a faith tradition now become predators in its worst light. The divine perfection will never ever for no absolute reason succumb to mental anguish as a means of coercion or physical violence as a dreadful means of torture. That is the tact of devilish deceivers in your midst ravenous for power over the innocent as falling souls. Always filled with an unshakable conviction of doing right blinded by rigid dogma to the point of betraying and warping an otherwise religious grace of God. Corraling the pious into a false sense of security only to witness an upheaval of what was demented by authoritative figures wanting submission more than compassion in their ways. In the beginning, as it will be at the conclusion of all endings that God has no favorite religions, spiritual traditions, and secular philosophies including atheism. God is Absolute, God is Absolute I tell you again in all warmth of the Mysterious Enlightened Righteousness of God as all living paradoxes combined. There is never a need to smash another child of God to pieces dissuading them from their reality and faith tradition earnestly I tell you. For we are constantly absolute as living emanations as Souls through God's own singular totality of Infinite Holy Being. All is fine always through God alone given an understanding cosmically of an inclusive wise compassion for all souls. As we each cohabit our divine bliss as a varied faith tradition it is all God's presence as in the beginning and the end absolutely forever. Amen.                  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Souls: 2436) All souls are of the presence of God expressed infinitely everywhere upon this or any other Creation and the Afterlife combined. We only exist because God chose us to be again through him alone and none other. To understand this deeply by a metaphysical stance is to realize that we are the lesser reflection of God mirrored across the entirety of Creation(s). As we are the meta Image and Likeness of God wholly indicative of his Supreme Divine Nature. Denotes that we are far more than our humanity merely suggests here on this Earth right here and now in our epoch. All of us came to have abundant good and full lives as best as we each can determine it in an unfair world. To know all souls are angelic in holy nature as baby minor gods and goddesses. Gives many pause of considering the immense grandeur of God's majesty in us all as a direct holy reflection of his greatness alone. We stand here in the Holiest Spirit somber and filled with humility knowing that our humanity pales in stark comparison. As people, we are vulnerable due to any number of a litany of accidents and maladies that can befall us. However, still, we triumph by our very own individualized grace in us all by the Will of God. The Will of God has been interpreted across the eons for good and evil twisted purposes. Devils in the guise of men and women proclaiming to be rescuers having committed atrocities in the Name of God. Be they real zealots and plainly common deceivers seeking personal dominion of their own slice of the world. As barbarians subverting the world they have inadvertently altered what was meant to be an Eden having become Hell on Earth instead. Nonetheless, the Will of God persists as it is eternal it is purely perfect beyond poisoning as a limitless expression of the Enlightened Divine Essence reborn. We as authentic infinite children of God have a continual choice each to our inherent beautiful bliss in the world by serving others with a mutual dignity. Or we can forfeit the Angels compassionate whispers as we deny our divinity in the world by choosing ignorance and the world above God(dess). The Enlightenment of God is our birthright to claim our slice of Heaven on Earth to share it freely as living benevolence. Our souls and spirits are already enlightened many times over because of the Omnipresence of God infinitely within us on a macro scale. We can accept this divine gift by developing our present day humanity or we can cast ourselves away from Eden all over again. Amen.                                                                     ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Theology: 2437) To understand genuinely the divine nature of all that is holy and supreme through God takes a vocational discipline. Whether recognized by the world through religious clergy as dogmatic institutional stewards. Or by other far more ancient liturgical practices considered on the fringe of society or as culturally indigenous to the world. Be one called psychic, oracle, shaman, sage, healer, priest(ess), and witch these are all spiritual practitioners of a devout profound engaging old world communion with God(dess). All are equally touched by God the Most High or by any other of his infinite namesakes explained and experienced in foreign manners of all sorts through benevolence. Just simply try to understand their dominion is benevolence when common sense reveals their maturity of character. For all manner of pious souls get oppressed and persecuted no matter their sincere proclamation of worshipping God. You will know the good by their conduct, teachings, and many blessings as good natured upon the most vulnerable in society as a whole. Be wary of those that espouse one thing and do another for they are cheats and deceivers rotting to the marrow of their bones. Having spoiled the sacred innocence of countless others filled with an integrity of purpose. In terms of theological and metaphysical teachings of the afterlife, there will always be omissions and plain contradictions given the exploration of faith in the world. Be still when these occur as each witness is sincere in what they have preached. Listen deeply with your eyes closed and your minds and hearts open to feel for your own personal sacred truths by the aid of the Angels within you deeply. As with Creation and the Afterlife is an ongoing discourse by God with a variety of paradoxes appearing simultaneously. Where contradictions reveal the hidden ineffable truisms in plain sight that only the truly devoted will glean as the paramount beatitudes of the heavenly host. Otherwise, the norm will persist until current theological-philosophical influences are challenged and dismissed as incomplete in their assertions. It may be in earnest that was once claimed as truth was only a partial truth laid claim to as a spectrum of understanding the holy of holies. All the rest stands to witness that the constant nature of God is Infinite. Those that deny one thing over another have entered into a Faustian bargain by adhering to a false dichotomy through innocent ignorance and not usually with malice. Well-wishers may declare that hell doesn't exist and that evil is a throwback response of a primitive self-serving biological evolution.  At one spectrum of infinity, this is selective in viewpoint as both true and false simultaneously a partial truth. As God is our parental witness we can choose to create, sustain, and destroy any reality we occupy. Besides living in a worldly bubble called the Earth. As we each have our own reality fashioned by our perceived fates and the unconditional love of heaven guiding our footsteps. We intersect with all others akin to a shared dream of our very own making that at times may only be experienced and hardly understood. Some dream landscapes are truer than others and it is all good to God's diversity of Divine Being. Amen.            ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true. ---E.Y. Harburg. The louder our world today is, the deeper God seems to remain in silence. Silence is the language of eternity; noise passes.  ---Gerturd Von Le Fort. Meditate. Live Purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds, Shine.  ---Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha). Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain, but at the peak, we all gaze at the single bright moon.  ---Inkyu, Zen Monk Poet 1394-1481 AD. Can you see the holiness in those things you take for granted - a paved road or a washing machine? If you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul. ---Rabbi Harold Kushner. Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. ---E.F. Schumacher. When we know ourselves to be connected to all others, acting compassionately is simply the natural thing to do. ---Rachel Naomi Remen. Every farmer who plants a seed takes a risk. We work through faith that the good deeds we do are to put down roots. The roots are invisible, but they sustain plants that may not give fruit for awhile. How lovely is this planting the seeds of love.   ---Omid Safi. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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7 years ago


The "Jewels of Truth" angelic channeled spiritual wisdom statements are on Faith 2,434; Souls 2,436; and finally on Theology 2,437 all from the long hand series. With an additional 8 quotations from other notable authors from across the ages. Jewels of Truth: Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry:

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7 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements: How the Divine Sanctuary Is Located In The World


Hello All, A Happy Easter to all Christians today! As Jesus the Christ reminds many on this day of his miraculous feat of resurrection over the world itself by means of the cross. We must also by example lift ourselves off of our crosses that we bear in the world. Be they figuratively or literally in other cases in how we approach our troubles. By seeking ways that heal the situation involved versus just maintaining a dysfunctional status quo. I may have been born Roman-Catholic making it as far as my 1st communion as a teenager. Although now having been exposed to the unconditional love of God in my life with an informal spiritual practice since 1986. I have evolved into adhering wherever God has loved absolutely upon benevolence in the world that is simply my faith. So I adore and respect all religions, spiritual traditions, and secular philosophies that advocate goodwill equally.  As Gandhi once stated that "God has no Religion". And, so I worship God with a cosmopolitan all inclusive compassionate stance towards spirituality coupled with the angelic frame of reference I have as an oracle. Those that dismiss others that believe in all faiths stating they believe in nothing. Often forget that life is a living paradox and the opposite of nothing is absolutely everything. As God is the whole living paradox of Creation as nothing and everything simultaneously absolutely forever. Amen. Today's "Jewels of Truth" angelically channeled spiritual wisdom statements are on the topics of Gateways 2439 (Longhand); Love of God 2412 (Meme), 505B (Assorted); Love 506B (Assorted); Oracle 507B (Assorted); Souls 2409 (Meme), 508B and 509B (Assorted); Royalty 2409 (Meme), 510B (Assorted), and finally on Angels 511B (Assorted). Noting that the topics of Souls and Royalty are both excerpts from the identical overall statement 2,409 as two separate memes. With today's entry offering 11 statements across 7 topics altogether for your reflection spiritually. May you be as enriched in whichever faith tradition you practice as I have in channeling them by all of our angels in heaven.

Gateways: 2439) To reach heaven on Earth love truly by the examples of countless spiritual and religious giants before our present era in time. To love with the pure magical innocence of a child with joy and a minor streak of mischievous playfulness. Opens up such a portal for heaven to reach your heart and cleanse you of the fears of this world. Not to forget the painful lessons incurred but to heal them holistically with character building forgiveness. Heaven is discovered by a remarkable glee that exceeds mere joy. A constant tidal wave of wonder that all float in the direction of the flow of good fortune. More than plain luck but as an awakened divinity that crystallizes the impossible as common every moment occurrences. When you yield deeply to the holy illumination with humility all shimmers with a renewed glow in unison of exaltation. Simplicity is the grand master connecting comprehension elegantly beyond dumbfounded complexity. To step into this realm of paradise as a mortal only occurs if such an archway is discovered on any number of life-giving worlds such as the Earth. Although feeling as intuition is undeniable as a sensor to gauge euphoria and goodwill if one is near such a heavenly portal of a gateway vortex. The opposite is also plainly true if a hellish gateway is discovered with a despicable foreboding that creates vileness as hatred in your common midst. Only the idiotic, the brave, and the fallen usually dare to proceed to such condemned portals of what is often deemed to being a metaphysical underworld. By any other means those that seek miraculous healing attempt such a journey to find holier ground. Such as Fatima, Portugal for an angelic intercession of the Holy Mother Mary of the angelic choir of cherubs by God's grace. There are many other idyllic enlightened realms on this Earth akin to limbos of pure being where pilgrims of higher dedication soon find by destiny. As Heaven and Limbo on Earth are found by any number of spiritual moderate pathways of faith. Not at the extreme fringes of good and evil which anything that is limitless outside of moderation in the world soon finds zealotry as fanatical on the horizon. Which have led many of the good intentioned astray seeking unconditional good without balance or without moderation soon creates an uneasy quandary of chaos. Only moderation with a contrarian unconditional practice unites the paradox of the world as a complete detached circle of pure blessed life. This is the fabled eye of the needle in order to find the salvation of the holiest ones by faith in the Holy Spirit of God. No matter if the presence is heart to heart or mind to mind it all is governed by the spirit within as the doorway of faith in the divine. Amen.                                                                                          ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Love of God:


505B) The Life essence of the divine is God him / her / itself in all its exalted glory. Many come to understand that the powerhouse of our very souls is the engine of Creation itself. The golden film of heaven embodied as everything imaginable and quite unknown as the mysterious in all its grandeur. The essence that first sparked countless Universes beyond our local one out amongst the stars. Has also sparked countless unimaginable realities that cup our understanding of this reality into place.

Many are the vessels of the divine nature of God to reach into our lives. Be they triumphs well into the chasm of tragedies that we are given a choice to climb out of the pit of despair. Our mind's, heart's, and spirits are but unique avenues for the Will of God to reunite himself with his equal facets of himself to abide in its remarkable glory. As we recall these sublime truths our lives feel the empowering grace holding our lives in place. Ever all so gently with the smile of God as the warmth of our very souls expanding all throughout the world. Amen.                                                                            ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


506B) Be the expression of a truer love in the world and so the fulfillment of the refined graces of the Angels expands to impact those in deepest need. 


507B) I often find that both science fiction and history itself as two excellent forms of being a bonafide Oracle. Meaning predicting in a generalized to a specific manner what is to come upon us all. Not necessarily the whole context of what is being displayed but just slivers of it as slices of our reality of this our human condition. A catalyst to remembering what is and what could be again, since we are the ancient souls of God reborn from across eternity. Amen.                                                                                                   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.



508B) As we are perceived many souls we are actually the singular Soul of God echoed continuously throughout paradise and everywhere else in between. A soul is merely a repository of the delightful presence of God in totality as a vehicle to experience the multiplicity of life in its audacious variety. No matter if it is experienced as real or fantasy it is all with the intended purpose to evolve beyond goodness, benign neutrality, and evil into what is a singular pristine Enlightenment of Divine Being.

The route is up to the spirit for each entity to explore by trial and error what is best for them individually and collectively as a species of amazing possibilities. Our Soul of God we all share equally is simply playing a role upon the performance of our reincarnations. Humanity adds the drama at its own discretion, however, the heavens adds the redemptive qualities in order to overcome the world. Amen.                                                                            ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 

509B) We are each sharing equally the One Supreme Soul of God there is no such thing as separated isolated spiritual entities. 



510B) We are all the Angelic children of God reborn some are affectionately referred to as Earth Angels and certainly, all innocent newborns are given such a remarkable honor in truth. God sees us as his darlings no matter if we are newborns to elderly centinels in the world we are the babes of paradise given a renewed lease on mortal life. As we are the macro representation of the One Soul of God(dess) makes us collectively as his infinite brood his marvelous Omni-Presence through all Creation(s) as One family metaphysically.

For God doesn't create subpar anything and so we are all collectively as spirits we are human, creature, or the Earth itself as the Kings and Queens of the afterlife. No matter if we venture from Heaven, Limbo, and the tortured ones from Hell. All living entities are the Omnipresence of God reborn to please the union of his Supreme authority and purpose of maturing through his / hers / its creations. We herald far and wide some native to this world in rebirths and others as visitors fulfilling the Grandiose Will of God's Mighty Benevolence Everlasting. As the Kings and Queens of Paradise, we are the spiritual minor baby gods and goddesses of ancient yesterdays, modernity, and countless tomorrows come full circle once more. Amen.                              ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Angels:

511B) We the Infinite Children of God as heirs of totality only through God in faith we are the Angels reborn as godly beings in Image and Likeness. Amen. 

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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7 years ago


Today I'll start off with a long hand series spiritual wisdom statement on The Body of God as 2,446. With no particular order of the spiritual memes of Hope 2,404, Metaphysics 2,403, Remembrance 2,383, and Karma 2,414. Additionally, the assorted social media entries are on the topics of Hope  512B, 513B; Metaphysics 514B, Heaven 515B, Awakening 516B, Awaken 517B, Karma 518B, and Understanding 519B.

Jewels of Truth Website. 

Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry.

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7 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements: The Wondrous Total Majesty That God Persists Absolutely


Hello All, Today is another digest version as followed by the format of my last entry here at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site. With another 13 "Jewels of Truth" channeled angelic wisdom statements across various topics of spiritual interest. Starting with a long hand statement on the Holy Trinity of God with a Hindu twist for good measure. When I channel from the angels I try to be all inclusive to other sacred faiths in the world co-opting their terminology of spiritual phenomena and associated divine deities. Albeit personally as a person I have only predominant exposure to Christianity with the limited cross-pollination of the other two Abrahamic faiths. Besides forays into the Eastern faiths of Hinduism and Buddhism. I suspect as I explore the other holy religions of this world I will begin channeling mystical wisdom from those angels as spiritual elder teachers as well. Aside from this fascinating exploration of our holistic divinity that is native to each of us according to how we choose to develop our God given soulful gifts. I have for many years have been channeling via clairvoyant automatic writing what can be deemed a blended philosophy from Heaven. Not necessarily Bahaism, but in a similar light of a Supreme cross-pollination of all religions, benevolent spiritual traditions, and humanistic cultural secular philosophies like it was a potluck soup of God. Although religions are man-made often inspired by the blessed Will of God and spiritual traditions as a personalized path creating a like kind cosmic view of the divine. This has felt over these 21 years of automatic writing I've accomplished personally like I'm serving up an enriched flavor to all existing faiths with a harmonious humility as inclusive compassionate divine nature. At times I feel as an unapologetic truth-teller that although in real life personally, I'm hermetic in nature that these writings as heavenly blessings do not shy away from controversy shining forth higher ideals of grace into a subverted world. To coin a phrase from the original movie of the Blues Brothers; "We're on a mission from God!" The line-up for today's entry is as follows the Trinity of God 2,457 as the aforementioned longhand series. With Mindful as a meme (no numeral) and social media assorted series 520B and 521B. Persecution with meme 2,378 and social media entries of 522B and 523B. On Power as meme 485B and social media entries 524B and 525B. Lastly on God as meme 2,409 with social media entries of 526B and 527B rounding up all 13 statements. Trinity of God:

2457) Often what we call as the Holy Light also co-exists with two other dominions as the simultaneous presence of God known as the Sublime Twilight and finally the Unholy Darkness. For all of this metaphysically encompasses the totality of the Omni-Presence of God in the afterlife. In many ways, the best metaphor to co-opt is the ancient faith of the Hindu's in how they lovingly adore God itself. As the three faces of God as Brahma (Holy Light), Vishnu (Sublime Twilight), and Shiva (Unholy Darkness). One must also understand that the darkness is described as unholy in this inference to a spiritual teaching that the absence of light isn't evil on its own basis. For Shiva as the other two infinite eternal aspects of God constantly is the apex Prime Enlightened Being. Although Shiva is often referred as the Great Destroyer such a destruction isn't directly evil or unholy. Still, the absolute nature of God has no half-baked loopholes with swiss cheese exceptions as to its original form. That is more the folly of humanity flawed as it is and it isn't at the identical sequence of equality in a unified moment. Right now Creation is providing us mortals as the reborn angelic minor gods with contrast. This is the blending of twin dominions of the Holy and the Unholy giving us all equally a Sublime reality not unlike of Limbo however here we reside as mortal creatures in the lobby of Vishnu the Great Sustainer of all Creations. What God collectively represents we swim upon as souls in these ancient waters of the metaphysical and as the reborn new faces of this Universe. The merit of each of us as divine beings gives us distilled choices of which dominion of God's own pristine truth we may worship in life. Be it fully the benevolence, the benign, and the malicious for these are the creeds of our spiritual inheritance from God the Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer. Those in the world that refuse to choose which dominion by forfeit will have the opposite choice thrust upon them given what they truly are divinely in truth. Much like creating unease to motivate a soul to act in their best interests albeit circumstances are less than ideal in the world. To ultimately do the right thing for their highest good in truth to which configuration of God they exhibit the most in the world. As the world has Light, Twilight, and Darkness the appearance of its structure doesn't change in the least. In many ways it heralds the sagas of antiquity repeated constantly for each generation of humanity bold enough to claim as its own identity. There is Absolute Peace and there is Absolute Chaos simultaneously upon this Creation. Although in the sublime enlightened afterlife there is no such contradiction it is all its own respective singular dominion. Expressed uniquely without a beginning and without an end for this is all possibilities happening on a constant basis. The afterlife is constant as the Trinity of God by the embodiment of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva. Which purely only knows eternalized harmony as its native ineffable pristine enlightened disposition. Without a paradoxical equal as a form of contrast, it is all Supremely Almighty United as itself. Having no war between the light, twilight, and darkness and only peace it is only itself in complete wellness as total health metaphysically speaking. The struggles of mortality cease when our bodies return to the Earth and our Spirit realizes its truest form as God itself experiencing contrast. Everything else is temporary in spite of the challenges encountered in the world as a purposely designed illusion from the vantage point of the heavens. A gentle but awkward catapult that all lives must journey together and apart seeking to be ultimately well again with Love and truthful beauty as God itself. Amen.                                                        ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Mindful:


521B) To carry on with a mindful heart gently steers your soul to be in alignment with God. The rest is overflowing grace shining true and bright.

520B) Come home to the place of gentle whispers of the heart of God(dess). A tranquility that transforms the weary traveler into a person of vigor to carry on with joy and dignity in all beautiful things worth pursuing. Do not waste your time in bitter worry that only poisons the well of future prosperity metaphysically. Always look within in a sincerely focused mindfulness that captivates your mind into your amazing divinity right here and now.

There is never a need to hurry within eternity for everything that needs doing is done with balance and harmony in being true. The rest is superfluous causing unwanted distractions in being a misleading trail of dysfunction. All action is secondary to a genuine need to surmount one's difficulties so as to grow beautifully in life. To grow isn't always to learn it is also to create by true love in a playful manner of self-expression with sacred undertones. To Be Is Always. So all is as it should be for the best as you realize your greatest potential is God in a personal relationship with you throughout a lifetime. Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.



523B) Not once does the Will of God promote hatred for that is the will of Fearful people yearning to tear down what is alive in God's Holy beauty. 

522B) In the world there are many blessed faiths based on pure love lived in the creed of benevolence with and for God in us. Whether God is called God or some other sacred holy name. God distinguishes not between a Christian and a Jew it is all solemnly One to him in the beloved adoration of his children no matter their form. Be we in pure spirit as ghosts in heaven or incarnated across the majesty of his Creation.

We are more than one faith in God we are a family of loosely connected divinities as a beautiful heavenly collective known as abundant grace. For Grace is the pure and perfect Enlightenment of God beyond the confines of mortality into the superb truth that defies all explanations. Often cited as the Peace that bypasses all understanding of this world and the next. Even the almighty Angels are baffled by the sheer audacity of God's grandiose nature.

How can we as mortals presume to be superior in degrading all other sanctified beloved faiths in the holy Will of God that worship our Creator combined in Heaven? Persecution of the righteousness no matter their worldly faith sinks the good name of God in them and in us equally as One. Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.



525B) All power seems to happen often without reason or rhyme and so it flows through the Soul of God in us and for us always.

524B) All power consumes it's host readily I say and when power is without limits then lo the transformation shall be complete instantly. It is better for a man to excel without seeking power for his own sake. Then to lust for power at the behest of the ego only to find it wanting once it is secured at a high cost.

Always seek God when one yearns for power and herein lays a forgotten truth that God's power perfects one's being purely under the auspices of the Holy Spirit. Seek not the fickle power of the world but seek the everlasting power of God often spoken as Grace in Action. This purifies the resolve of all supplicants seeking improvement over themselves and the world they find as lacking in so many ways. Power is grown organically when the aim is righteousness as a living form of just service no matter who shall be its recipients. Amen.     ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.



   527B) To express the beauty of God which is soul deep in each of us is to remember that Heaven is on Earth now and forever with love. Amen.

526B) With every soul there is an inherent likeness of the Creator in each of us remarkably so in the infinite perfect beauty of God(dess) in us all collectively. Much like with our humanity our ancestor's facets of long ago life is showcased for only the graces of the Angels would declare as such.

Each entity to its own wondrous illumination of God's traits in our communal shared Soul of God across the entirety of all Creation(s). The facets of our Creator are shown across many fronts simultaneously from the simplest expression to the most intricate complexity is the Image of God shining through all of Mother Nature. Come to reflect on such exquisite graces God has given totality abundantly so and ponder what lays beneath the surface of our humanity well into our endless combined divinity as Heaven on Earth. Amen.                                  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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7 years ago

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog Part 1: For May 18th, 2017 On The Trinity of God

Today's channeled angelic wisdom reading of the "Jewels of Truth" series is statement 2,457 on the topic of the Trinity of God with a Hindu twist. Jewels of Truth Website: Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry:

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7 years ago

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog Part 2: For May 18th, 2017 On Mindful, Persecution, Power, & God

In part 2 of "Atrayo's Oracle" Vlog from my blog posting on May 18th, 2017 on the 5 channeled angelic wisdom statements on the topics of Mindful, Persecution, Power, and on God. With 12 "Jewels of Truth," statements read in all. Jewels of Truth Website: Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry:

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7 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements: What Is Truly Good Becomes Victorious In the Blessed Sight of God

Jewels Of Truth Statements: What Is Truly Good Becomes Victorious In The Blessed Sight Of God

Hello All, Although, I haven't written in about a week's time due to being caught up with things and what have you, beyond my control. I'm here for another recent channeled angelic wisdom statement of the "Jewels of Truth" series in the longhand format. On the topic of the eternal blessed Good News as statement 2,471 as literally my most recent to date. Continuing with three of my own uniquely channeled memes on the Highest Heart 2,393; Apocalypses 2,383; and the Soul of God 2,397. Followed by the shorthand format of statements on Flow 535B; Hell 537B; and Soul of God 539B from my Twitter @Atrayo posts. With lastly my Facebook "Atrayo's Oracle" fan page posts on Righteousness 534B; Hell 536B; and the Soul of God 538B. A total of 10 statements across 7 topics overall for your spiritual eclectic interests and upliftment. Namaste. Good News:

2471) Here starts the good news for one and all always forever without a beginning or an eventual end. This is the constant upliftment of God known more than just salvation but of victory over the world itself! This victory is sweet and sublime based on a truthful beautiful gesture to all the living on the Earth. And, of all other souls of the endless heavens metaphorically in the cosmos, including equally the holy children of God(dess) literally as the dimensions without end that are heavenly in the Holy Spirit. What was lost tragically in the world was never lost in Heaven that remembers all constantly for each of you in particular. From the pure dreams of children of all ages to the triumphs of your ancestor's tens of thousands of eons ago. The Saga's that have been forgotten, remembered and forgotten again across mortal histories are here always at the ready to be received by the pure of heart. Even if it has been recounted as entertainment as tales from several fictional realities it is and has always been real to God for he is Absolute! To recall even a fragment of heaven brings the whole sanctified Spirit of God instantly into the mix. Not unlike a contagion of grace that spreads fully and swiftly not to destroy but to inspire, empower and love absolutely as God himself. All religions as memes of renown even travel in like kind as bio-centric patterns of evolutionary growth much akin to cell like viral structures across the generations. What works in one scale of life mimics itself very well in several other fronts of being alive. This heralds a rebirth of human consciousness that the epoch of spiritual maturity is nearly at hand. Much flux as chaos will be encountered although chaos for its own sake is neutral on a similar scale as to order itself. For all order and chaos can have benevolent, neutral, and malevolent dynamical consequential overtones occurring irrelevant of the original intentions that set them into motion. The perfect pure heavens as the living essence of God uses the whole sacred paradox of divine order and divine chaos to ensure positive change forever. This reveals a snippet of the Great Mystery of the contrasting Will of God here and everywhere for any soul ready to hear the eternal Good News herein. Amen.                          ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Highest Heart:

Jewels Of Truth Statements: What Is Truly Good Becomes Victorious In The Blessed Sight Of God

Flow: 535B) To go with the Flow in life is to follow the gentle whispers of grace in the world. To obey a higher ideal as the blessed Will of God. Amen. Righteousness: 534B) Always truly live from the heart first thus all that is of goodness shall follow when your heart is anchored in God's holiest beauty on Earth. No one should fear being wrong when the core essence of God is obeyed with a conviction of standing firm in your best center of your sacred truth with compassion for all including yourself. Please be mindful that life is a cascade daisy chain of often chaotic events that have sublime hidden meanings like a metaphysical puzzle discerning the mystery of God's highest good as divine law. All lives have meaning when the divine is deeply listened to in the world. No one and no other species on Earth is forfeit when God is in totality metaphysically. Our importance is to excel with each other cooperatively and never in direct odds for abundance always creates more than enough to share. To echo the Will of God isn't to attack wrongdoers to the point of violence it is to forgive at times like the saints and prophets by their native examples. No matter how unreasonable this sounds to say even the attempt to forgive is pure in time for God is great in such a capacity of understanding. Live from your best blissful ideal even if it feels foolish at first and watch how reality ever so slightly begins to conform to such a grace in reality. Amen.     ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Apocalypses: 

Jewels Of Truth Statements: What Is Truly Good Becomes Victorious In The Blessed Sight Of God


537B) To destroy without hindsight is the will of jackals without regard for life in the worship of a dying hell on Earth. Only Peace Overcomes. 

536B) To be divine is never a license to undo the best of what all others have wrought on Earth with a heartfelt conviction. To create and recreate in like kind is a precious thing of consecrated goodwill. However, to destroy without aim or without dignity leads to the downfall of more than grace but the spiritual entity as a living soul. Yes, the forgiveness of God is Absolute but only for those with a courage to claim it by means of repentance.

Although often the will of humanity has conditional forgiveness as to its perceived limits as a society. This is unlike what the angels espouse by the holiest nature of compassion that can be envisioned by the saints. Mankind in war and the slaughter of battle be it in the boardroom down into the trenches of literal hell on Earth. When scruples are nowhere to be found then devolution of the species may seem the only viable mechanism for survival. The cost is always punitive and desperate with the road to peace unimaginable by victims and victors alike until the Will of God is finally heeded. An ounce of prevention in the Holy Spirit is greater than a pound of flesh in a cultivated Perdition on Earth. Amen.                             ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Soul of God:

Jewels Of Truth Statements: What Is Truly Good Becomes Victorious In The Blessed Sight Of God

539B) To Be One With God is to recall we are One metaphysically with each other in a divinity that is unlike any other in the singular Soul of God.

538B) Every Soul is united with the pristine inception to all that is absolute in divine holy nature known plainly as God the Lord of Hosts. What we call the soul in this instance is beyond the confines to any one person on Earth and out amongst the stars of Creation. Herein we are singular metaphysically without equal and without favoritism to any one spiritual entity as God in an open welcoming meta sense of divinity.

To understand this fully is to picture a carousel with varied mounts and sleighs of all sorts beautifully represented as the infinity of life. Although the horses and carriages have drastically different guises of form they all in a circular fashion spin as one forward movement gracefully. This too in metaphor represents the Soul of God in each of us binding us together physically and certainly metaphysically like a sea of the Holy Spirit of God(dess). All of this is a fancier way to stipulate that no matter our differences on Earth we are One Family in Heaven forever now and constantly always. Amen.                                                                    ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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7 years ago

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog On Genderless Souls In Regards To LGBTQ+ Souls

A Controversial Mystical "Jewels of Truth" metaphysical inclusive compassionate spiritual wisdom statement as channeled material from the Angelic Host. As statement 1,893 on the topic of Genderless Souls in the Immaculate Image and Likeness of God. Jewels of Truth Website: Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry. 

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7 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements: The Kingdom of God Is At Hand As Us

Jewels Of Truth Statements: The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand As Us

Hello All, The season of Summer is now in full swing and the month-long observance of Ramadan for Muslims the world over is in blessed effect. Fasting from dawn to sunset in regards to honor how the Arch Angel Gabriel as the voice of God gave Muhammed the first words of the sacred holy Quran. Where piety of good deeds and being true in character is celebrated for all concerned regardless of one's role on Earth. In Christianity, this almost feels like the Advent calendar how the Resurrection will be observed at the culmination of Easter Sunday. Today's first "Jewels of Truth" channeled angelic wisdom statement in the longhand format will be on the topic of the Kingdom of God 2,463. With subsequent channeled spiritual wisdom memes of Heaven 2,383, Truth 2,407, and Divinity 2,393. Followed by the social media shorthand format from Facebook on Heaven 540B, Truth 542B, and Stewards 544B. Lastly with the Twitter one-liner spiritual posts of Precious 541B, Truth 543B, and Life 545B. That will be 10 statements in all across 7 topics of inspiration and empowerment in your sacred spiritual or religious tradition in the world. Namaste. Kingdom of God:

2463) Every generation before us upon the world has lamented strongly why God has forsaken the righteous allowing Devils to walk the Earth stamping out goodwill for all. We the Angels deeply understand this legitimate lamentation but there is a larger and wider metaphysical symphony of God at work. Often as it has been cited as the Great Mystery by the Indigenous tribes of North America. This is not to say one can predict the patterns of God, but a contrast between good, neutrality, and evil is a great indicator. In what has flourished in certain periods of world history as to the motivations of the divine in the world. Think of each movement of actions and reactions as pendulum shifts having the right to exist fully. There is nothing pure beyond 100% in this reality where each stage of life and death co-mingle having a beginning, a middle, and an end. This is why certain periods in human collective history flourishes with justice and injustice. What is a power struggle on Earth and the like kind primitive worlds elsewhere upon Creation is paradoxically not the case in the afterlife. A total unconditional Enlightenment of God is the only figurehead of this majestic truth we call Life itself in all its splendor and perils of woe. When religions such as Christianity state that they await the arrival of the Kingdom of God like a thief in the night. (1 Thessalonians 5:2) Have literally missed the Ark of the Covenant of God on Earth by a perpetual divine hierarchy. That the Kingdom of God is also the Queendom of Goddess as the identical everlasting Glory of Glories as our Immaculate Creator. God has never ever left Creation as a meta whole embodiment as an absentee Creator. We in a strictly metaphysical sense are the whole meta culmination of God in a macro expression of universal inclusive proportions to a supremely colossal scale of divine being. God is Constant as it is in Heaven, Limbo, and Hell as a spaceless and timeless phenomenon eternally forever. The Kingdom of God is the first and last Utopian Civilization in Heaven and the first and last dystopia in Hell. Akin to what the Christian Greeks surmised as the Alpha and the Omega as the beginning and endings of all things in a circular motion to existence. No one is exempt from such an everlasting Glory of God that sincerely welcomes it in their heart in life. We all benefit collectively when this is celebrated and cherished as the living Grace of God(dess). Amen.                                        ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Heaven:

Jewels Of Truth Statements: The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand As Us

540B) All is refined upon our souls as God as the Great Equalizer balances all karmic debts with a mercy known as absolute forgiveness. Life in this duality of the world jeopardizes our sacred truth by thrusting wrong doing in our direction to illicit reactions as to our self-worth. Many falter even the Saints have stumbled profusely in anguish only to realize that only through a unity of benevolence can a quality of life be achieved. No soul is in a vacuum from its peer spiritual relatives upon the afterlife be this in heaven, limbo, or hell. Those that choose grace as their mantra by a mutual love known as divine bliss have asked, sought, and knocked upon the pearly gates of paradise. Only to realize that heaven has never left their side on the Earth or elsewhere upon Creation. Our multi-dimensional souls exist everywhere God has loved in sublime truth and so do we metaphysically by extension. We are the victors of paradise because this is our inheritance and birthright as the embodiment of God(dess) in us forever more. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


Jewels Of Truth Statements: The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand As Us

543B) To take the truth to its fullest expression one must moderate their behavior in order to gauge their chances of success so as to overcome. 

542B) Not always does the truth vindicate us in our human undertakings especially when we have wronged another person. Nonetheless, we must strive collectively for that golden ideal of a better world led by an elegant truth that removes obstacles in the world. To engage in half-truths short circuits our chances in reaching for peace of our highest good in the world. Creating more heartache than it is worth for eventually, half-truths will become whole lies of our undoing.

Instead, pursue a just truth with hopefully laced with compassion that restores sensibilities in ourselves and the one's we wish to influence with convictions. Compassion with the unconditional truth in moderation makes us angelic in the world by our conduct. We become role models to all others whether they seek us out or not. We sleep better at night that we gave life our best and have nothing to be ashamed of by our attempts to do right. Truth paves the way for justice and success to take hold where lies and half-truths cause a seismic downfall in time. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


Jewels Of Truth Statements: The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand As Us


541B) Always rekindle what is Precious to God in Life and thus you shall be a triumph of good cheer upon the world a promise of plenty for all.


545B) Life is not over by a long shot for both the gracious and the wicked we each worship God in our own flawed Image of humanity. Be Divine instead with unconditional Love and Forgiveness for All as One. 


544B) Every once in awhile we witness the Glory of God in it's most pristine innocent beauty as mother nature herself. How we feel insignificant upon such majesty of such audacious beauty that leaves us dumbfounded and love struck by the grandeur of it all. This is when we could offer up a silent prayer of thanksgiving to God and the Angels for guiding us to such a remarkable feat of nature to behold. Something that has taken often tens of thousands of years and is still a gradual work in progress in its subtle movements in terms of eco-systems.

Often we are given the label by our capitalistic free market economies the world over as consumers making us sound like a legion of locusts. Rather we are guardians of this Earth and each other in the best possible holy light of God in all of us as One. I always choose the latter rather than the former for one sings in my heart instead of beguiling my lower sense of self-worth. Whether we pick up our mantle of greatness handed to all life forms out of absolute love or we reject the omnipresence of God in us. We have a role to play here on Earth and I hope we do so as stewards rather than unconscious consumers. Amen.                      ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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